I’m Gonna’ Do it

Let’s play a little game.  Ya’ wanna?
I have wanted to do something for many, many years.  I thought I would give you some clues, and the fun will be to see what people guess.  Game?
This thing that I have wanted to do is:
 It’s kind of a big deal {to me and lots of others, no doubt!}  
If I were to announce this at a table of women of all ages, there would definitely be a myriad of opinions on it.
It is not offensive in any way.  
When I first asked Dw if I could do it {many years ago} he said “NO!”  haha
There are several different possible ways to do it.
It will be a big change for me. 
I have strong reasons for wanting to do it.  
You bloggy friends will get to watch it unfold, sort of.
Some of you have already done it. 
Some of you would never consider it.
Some of you will never have to consider it.
Come on guess!!
I will tell you today or tomorrow.  
Off to begin the process.   

68 thoughts on “I’m Gonna’ Do it

  1. Color your hair was the first thing that came to mind for me too! I do it and have done it for a lllooooonnnngggg time!!! My natural color is gray!

  2. I'm thinking you are coloring your hair/highlighting it.
    I was SOOOO against ever coloring my hair when I was um … 20… but now as the grays start popping up … hmmm … I'm rethinking that not sure if I want gray just yet! I highlighted my hair a few times in the last 2 years–LOVED it EACH time! But had a hard time justifying it … but it did look really nice … Hope if this IS it, that it turns out fabulous!

  3. The clue that makes me go hmmm is the one about how some of us will never have to consider it…makes me think it is something medical, like having a hysterectomy … I hope it is something more fun though.

  4. I'm thinking you are going blonde! Why else color your hair? Just kidding. I think it definitely involves hair color, and going from brunette to blonde would be a big change, one that DW might have a hard time with.

    If that isn't right then my second guess is a nose job. Not that I think you need one, you don't, but I am thinking that new boobs is still a bit of a controversial topic, so I go with the nose. Lot's of women have done that.

  5. I don't think it's hair coloring. But I do it regularly and highly recommend it to everyone. If I could only have a hair color or hair cut I would hands down pick color!

    I honestly have no idea what this might be but can't wait to pop on tomorrow to find out!

  6. I'm thinking it's going to your natural color….saying no more to coloring your hair….hmmmm…..am I right? 🙂 Can't wait to see it! You'll look beautiful!

  7. Not sure but looking forward to finding out! 🙂 Locks of Love? Hmmm – some of you will never have to consider it has me a bit stumped. Good luck and can't wait to hear more.

  8. why is everyone suggesting a physical change? did i miss something?

    I am thinking it has something to do with your blog… Maybe redesign it? Maybe add a new feature? Maybe a web chat with all of us?

    But if I have a vote I say a cross-country road trip with the kids and stopping in to visit one of us in every state. 🙂

  9. Linny— I love surprises…. I can't wait…
    On the other hand a retreat is such a GREAT idea. Linny pick a common city and let's do it! Come on- can you imagine a girls prayer weekend….. wow…

  10. I'm thinking retreat also…maybe you were thinking to invite your bloggy friends to YOUR home for a retreat! It's the only thing I think of that DW would say NO to!

  11. VOTE?????????? (snort) *snicker* BBBWWWWHHHHHAAAAAAAAhhhhhaaaaa….

    Remember November!!!!!!!

    (I thought that DW was a little more progressive than that. He just said {NO}????)…. ROFL

  12. With the hint of some of you would never have to…I don't think it is tatoo, my first thought. Then I thought, breast enhancement, and that nah…she wouldn't do that.

    So I guess it must be either the hair coloring or not hair coloring…lol

    Just can't imagine… but it is fun to guess.

    Join a gym?

  13. I have not looked at the comments yet, but as soon as I read your post, my first thought was you are getting a TATTOO!!! You go girl! I love mine~

  14. First! I think your hair is beautiful. I also think I read that you have colored it before…so that wouldn't be too exciting. I love the idea of the tatoo, but that seems like a quick thing. If we are all following along with you, it seems that it would have to be something that take some time. My best guess is "write a book." That sounds like something that would just fit. AND, I can see how your hubby didn't want you to do it before because you are a crazy busy momma. It would be fun if it was a 'juicy' romance novel. giggle.

  15. I immediately thought "she is going to shave her head!" I've always thought how freeing that would be and how beautiful some people are that have no hair. But the tattoo guesses have me second guessing myself.

    I'll stick with "shaving your head".

  16. Can't wait to find out. I'm with you whatever it is, but don't let it be shaving your head (I don't think it is, but some do, so just in case I have to put in my 2 cents worth – LOL!)

    I lost my hair during chemo a few years ago and it is miserable! Your head is always either cold or hot and sweaty. I was never comfortable and when the stubble grows in that is terrible too. Just saying!

    Anything else – go for it!

  17. My first guess was the tattoo idea. But my final answer is get a part-time job outside the home? It's hard to imagine how you could pull it off, but it seems to fit all of your clues…?

  18. Hmmm, you're going to start a YouTube channel to chronicle the daily life of a Mom of Many? 🙂

    Okay, okay, if it's not venturing into the world of reality TV, my guess would be organizing a women's retreat, writing a book or staring a home-based business or nonprofit organization.

    Whatever it is I hope it's fun and makes you happy! Can't wait to find out….

  19. For the record: this is just killing me. Everything you do has such purpose in it. If it is a tatoo it has to be related to the orphan. I just can't even imagine what it is but I am just beside myself with curiosity.


  20. Ok, as enticing as wildhair, cosmetic surgery and thrillseeking is, I think the guesses of start a business, start an organization for the orphan or go back to school are more on the right track. Best of Luck – can't wait to see how it all turns out.

  21. As I was reading, my initial thought was something to do with your hair.

    But I like the tattoo idea that so many other people have mentioned. I LOVE all of my tattoos. =)

    The thing that's confusing me is where you said "Some of us will never have to consider it" Hmmm… You've got me super curious. =)

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