Memorial Box Monday – The Check

This week’s Memorial Box {Monday} story is one of my favorites.  It struck me as I was preparing to type this, that so many of the Crazy Love Prayer Challenge requests were financial.  This story will pump you up and remind you that God does indeed provide for His kids!
First though, I have to tell you the whole story.  For many years I prayed for a prayer partner.  I am so passionate about prayer.  I am convinced that God not only loves when we pray, but He also loves when we agree together in prayer with a partner.  
So many years ago I began to ask the Lord for a prayer partner.  I asked the Lord that she be someone that would come to me and ask me first.  I didn’t want to pursue a prayer partner and make them feel like they “had to” accept the offer {cause I was the pastor’s wife – sigh!!}.  I wanted someone who loved prayer as much as I do, believed in the power of prayer and she would have to ask me first. 
For years I prayed that prayer. 
I was pretty dumbfounded.  But my prayer remained firm.  
Then, a few years back I was mentoring a small group of young women at a coffee shop early, early one morning each week.  One of the young women was named Chelsea.  She was such a delight.  She passionately loved Christ.  She prayed with passion.  And then one day she asked me if I would consider being her prayer partner.  I was elated!  Finally, finally, finally, my prayers were answered.
That was just about 5 years ago.  And so once a week Chelsea and I meet to pray together.  We meet at a local coffee shop at 6:15am.  In almost 5 years we’ve both overslept and missed our time together only once.  We love each other and we love praying together.  
We have prayed through some tough seasons in each others life.  We have cried together on so many occasions….we have fasted together…..we have stood in faith together….we have texted in the middle of the night when needs were great….and most importantly – I know that I can tell Chels anything and with this girl? – Yup mums the word!!  Someone could shove matches under her finger nails and light them and she would not budge!  Loyal.

Anyway, recently Chelsea and her husband and two kids {her youngest recently adopted *oh sweet joy*}  have had to move out of state {Lord willing temporarily} for her husband to have work.  Our hearts have really struggled as we wondered what this would mean to our prayer partnership….and then Chelsea had an idea…what about Skyping?  So the plan is to meet in our closets {in our two different states!!} via Skype and pray together – once a week!   

Hey – where there is a will – there is a way!!
The day Chelsea was moving she came by to pick up her baby girl {that we had been caring for} and I asked her for a quick picture.  Hardly dressed for the occasion – but I just wanted you to see my sweet friend…

Anyway, on with this amazing story….
Chelsea’s husband is a contractor.  Work has been slow.  Actually almost a standstill.  
Chelsea and her husband were needing to sell their home.  Badly.  But they had to finish remodeling it to get it finished and ready to sell.  So one day we were meeting to pray and Chelsea was talking about needing to finish the house to sell it.   They needed the resources to finish the remodel….and there was no money in sight.  And of course, with the remodel not done, then they couldn’t put it on the market and then it wouldn’t sell.
Like so many of you, the situation was desperate!!  Hugely desperate!
So while Chelsea was telling me this request, I said to Chelsea, 
“How much exactly do you need to finish?” 
Without pausing she said, “$10,000.00”
Ten thousand?

Ten thousand.

And they needed it right away!
God’s word says we must ask in faith specifically. 
So we finished sharing our requests and bowed our heads to pray.  We prayed with fervor.  We prayed with expectancy.  We prayed with passion.  And we prayed for $10,000. exactly.
After our prayer time we headed our separate ways.  
Within about 2 hours, Chelsea’s number came up on my cell. 
This was highly unusual…we had just parted ways….
I couldn’t imagine what was up as I answered my phone…
And on the other end it was her….yelping with joy…
And here’s what she squealed…
“Linn!! You are not gonna’ believe this!! 
Guess what?  
The mailman came by not long after I got home from prayer…..
he handed us an envelope…
and inside the envelope?  Linn!! 
You aren not gonna’ believe this!
I opened it up and guess what?  There was a check inside!
It was from the IRS…
They said we overpaid them and guess how much it was for?

Inside was a check for $10.000.00.


Exactly what we had prayed for just hours before.  
Not weeks.  Not months.  
Chelsea and Pete were able to finish their home and shortly thereafter, the  Lord allowed them to sell it!  
I still gasp as I think about this….$10,000?  Only a couple of hours after we prayed!!

They had no idea that the IRS had done the math and yet it was true!

Only our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, 
Gasp-giving God could orchestrate all this…
And the amazing thing is that He has a miracle for you.  He does.
And if you don’t have a prayer partner, ask God to provide one.  And then get together and pray….and watch what He does!!
What about you?  What has God done for you? Please do share your Memorial Box story with us.  
Post your permalink below…The stories people post are total faith builders to all who read. 

25 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – The Check

  1. praying specifically. knowing that God can move mountains. full expectation. love it. i too often "prequalify" my prayers.
    thank you for the reminder to pray without ceasing and with full expectation that God. will. move.

    thank you for your sweet encouraging words.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement to keep praying… I've been praying for a mentor for a while now. And thank you for the reminder to pray specifically. I always seem to forget that.

  3. How awesome! Right now, I have just lost my mom and together we could afford to stay in our house, but without her, I need some help. this certainly gives me even more hope that God indeed does provide. I have put my faith in him that he will lead me into the right direction and I will be okay. I mean, He has Mom with him too, so I could I not? Thanks for the post.

  4. JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's GREAT I LOVE IT… He is still in the Miracle working believe by faith and not by sight… Powerful GOD! he will always provide for His children.

    ONE LOVE>>>

  5. What a fantastic story. Yah know, since we found we needed $30,000 for our adoption, I have been an avid mail-box-checker! I am expecting miracles (that have happened and are yet to come). But chances are, I won't find one in the mail box.

    Guess what?!? We got $10,000 this weekend! That is 1/3 of our adoption costs raised!! I am ABSOLUTELY blown away by people's generosity!!! It is such a blessing from God, especially as the funds are only a small indication of the heart behind them.

    Now we are so excited to be stepping out of the church and seeking funds in our local community. What a blessing to be able to bring this to town with the blessing already given by the church.

    What fantastic community God has provided us with!!

  6. Thanks so much sweet blog friend that the Lord surely does care for his kids! What a powerful story! Sometimes I think God says do this post for Janet! But I know that others need to hear too! Bible says that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and word of their testimony! Thanks Again for the reminder! Blessings! Janet

  7. Thanks so much sweet blog friend that the Lord surely does care for his kids! What a powerful story! Sometimes I think God says do this post for Janet! But I know that others need to hear too! Bible says that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and word of their testimony! Thanks Again for the reminder! Blessings! Janet

  8. As someone who has seen God provide crazy big amounts of money for her adoptions and who, frankly, sees a crazy big need right now, this is a beautiful, tear-producing, faith-building story! I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love these stories and appreciate you for providing the place for us to share them.

  9. Another beautiful story of God's amazing provision!

    I'm rejoicing with you that your first grandchild will soon be home! Praying that things will move smoothly with the adoption. It's so wonderful that Finn is already recognizing Abi as his mama. Can't wait to see pics (I'm a sucker for dimples)!

    You haven't shared lately how you are feeling but I continue to pray for God's healing hand in your life.

    Much Love,

  10. Linny, I love this story! So amazing! My girlfriends and I are reading "The Power of a Positive Mom" by Karol Ladd and the chapter I just finished reading tonight was about prayer and specifically about having a prayer partner. So neat! Thanks, as always, for sharing!

  11. Love that God even works via the IRS. I got an extension this year and just filed recently and the IRS sent me $3000 more than I expected. I called them to make sure it wasn't a mistake on their part and no – it was a mistake on my part. My first thought was thank you God.

  12. Linny,
    Thanks for keeping this open until today. I couldn't write on Monday. God provided time to me through you. I love sharing MBM with other believers. We are strengthened by our testimonies!

  13. I am so glad I came across your blog. We have been called to adopt a child from Ethiopia. I know that this is Gods plan and He will work out the details but sometimes I struggle with feelings of doubt and wondering, "God! How are you really going to do this?!" We live on one income and I honestly dont know how it is going to happen. Reading this has refreshed my heart and made me realize how big God is!!! Thank you SOO much : )

  14. Wow, what a great story. I prayed and prayed for a Christian friend for years, one that I could pray with, cry and laugh with. God finally sent me one and I love her dearly. Then God called them to Ireland for her husband's work. I was devasted. She's been gone for 2 years and I still cry. With a 5 hour time difference it is so hard to talk and Skype. We did so good the first year. Now she just had her 4th child and is homeschooling. It is so hard. I wish she could come back now, but they still have a few years there.

  15. Such a wonderful story Linny! Thank you for sharing!! WE are days away from having to take back our home in NM that we were owner financing and this story is a wonderful reminder that God does/will provide for our every need!

    Am enjoying Memorial Box Monday even though I haven't gotten around to participate yet!

    As a little Memorial Box reminder- we went down to NM this weekend and picked up 16 of the nicest clothes racks for the clothing pantry we are starting!! Bill said when he saw them"do you think God wants to show Aguilar how much He loves them even in really nice clothing racks!!" (This town is one of the poorest in Colorado)

    bee blessed

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