Memorial Box Monday – God Hears Our Prayers

  Have you been reading the comments??!  Almighty God has been moving…and this Memorial Box Monday I thought I would  highlight some of the answers from last week’s day of prayer and fasting – total faith booster!!  
Janet wrote this:
Dear Sweet Blog Friend, I asked that blog friends pray for Haven House of Monntrose Colorado. We were looking at a building.An aricle appeared in the Daily Sentinel and a group traveling trough Grand Junction Co. stopped at a coffee shop picked up a paper read the article and called to say: We have several shelters up, We want to come to Montrose and mentor you! Yippee Jesus!!
Suzanne wrote this:
Prayer was answered for us, we have not had any harrassment from my x-husband’s current wife. We have had two days of peace, two day sof no harrassment at my work place. Praise God!
Me and Jesus  wrote this:
so I posted yesterday about praying for my daughters healing.
Today I visited the neurologist and the GI. I am very excited to see the doors that God has opened. The damage to her brain is severe, very extensive. But God opened the specialists hearts/minds to allow me to do some alternative treatments. Its a miracle that they agreed without hesitating and agreed to help me where they can!! Praising God for his goodness!!
Scott and Becky wrote this:
Yeah!!! Loving that God works in so many ways. Within 5 minutes of me posting my prayer request yesterday, my daughter told me her head didn’t hurt anymore. In fact the only time she complained of a headache since is when she didn’t want to do something (in typical two year old fashion). Then today not only was her iv started on the first attempt, she had a great day at transfusion. I could feel your prayers surrounding me today. Thank you, thank you,thank you.
Eve wrote this:
I also got a strong sign today that God is at work in our lives and busy answering our prayers!!
Mandie wrote this:
God is doing his work in our lives. Had some hopeful news today and a wonderful blessing from a stranger. And to top it all off I was able to share the power of corporate prayer with my husband. I told him about the day of prayer and fasting and the private matter I had asked for prayer. He was without words, he just couldn’t believe it but now he BELIEVES in it.
Gary and Michelle wrote this:
Oh Linny, I have such exciting news. The LORD is AWESOME. Today I had my interview at the American Embassy and despite the fact we didn’t meet all their requirements – THEY GRANTED MY VISA. Within 2 weeks our family will be reunited in Missouri after a 4 month separation.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. The LORD just doesn’t move mountains – but the American government as well 🙂

Leah wrote this:
I posted a prayer for our church’s adoption ministry/church leadership and God did a miracle Thursday!! For the second week in a row the weekly Pastor’s email left out the information about our next adoption event. The County HSA is coming to do an orientation for our church for foster care and adoption during the Sunday School Hour, and I was so frustrated that we have not been able to promote it (keeps getting edited incorrectly for bulletin or forgotten all together). I want to show our County that we want to help and partner with them to care for orphans and was sad that we just can’t get the word out. So I called the pastor(to at least make sure it was put correctly in this week’s bulletin) and he felt so badly about it that he said he and his wife would come to the presentation themselves!!!!!! He is the pastor that we pray for earnestly to adopt and I know God has been working on their hearts in this area. They definitely would not have just decided to come, but now they will hear about orphans in the foster care system first hand. Thank you for your prayers!!! Yipee God!!!!

and lastly, Shannon shared a story of how the Lord ministered to her and her sweet Georgia after we prayed.   {To read it, click on her name.} 

Maybe you also saw God move a mountain after you posted a prayer last week….we would LOVE to hear about it!!   He is sooooo faithful.
The Lord obviously loves, loves, loves when we pray together….
This Memorial Box Monday I want to put a copy of all these in my box….to remind me of the power of corporate prayer…..I had been praying for Gary and Michelle’s situation for a long time now and in God’s perfect timing He has answered and they will be reunited shortly!!
I know I have said it over and over and over…but when times get tough {and they do for everyone} we have to remember what He has done.  We have to remember the mountains He has moved, the miracles He has done, the things He has provided, and the surprises He alone has orchestrated!

And for you who are able, print out the prayer requests from last week and continue to pray. Check off the ones you know have been answered – it will boost your faith!!  

If you have a Memorial Box story, or answer to prayer, please link below.
We would love to celebrate with you!!

13 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – God Hears Our Prayers

  1. so I think I may have mis-linked…I posted what we are praying will be one of these sweet stories that I have been reading on your blog…If I have posted in the wrong place please just disregard. My prayers seem so selfish with the stories that are shared…but my pain and grief are just as painful because they are happening to me. Going through the other prayer requests and hope to touch on each before bed. 🙂

  2. Hi Linny, I just want to share with you and the others how AWSOME our God is.As I posted before I was diagnosed with MS back in the summer and have been waiting for months to find out about getting help with my meds. I got a phone call today from a nice woman at walgreens specialty pharmacy ths to make shipping arangments for my first 90 day supply of Copaxone! It will be arriving on Wedensday!!

  3. Linny…these are incredible! Such an encouragement to me right now! There is even more that God did than when I emailed you…it is my MBM!!!!!
    Big Hugs!

  4. Good Morning. Thanks for the followup. God is soo amazing. I need to be reminded of it. (Guess that's why you keep encouraging the whol Memorial Box, huh?!) I wanted to share what has happened over the past week in our fam. I asked for prayer for wisdom on staffing my medical office. Since then my beautiful new daughter-in-law has expressed interest in being cross-trained so that she can help fill the gaps. It's good for her (and their finances) and great for me to have someone who will fit in and be reliable.
    Also, after 10 weeks of waiting for fingerprints now required by the state for our homestudy–the FBI finally debited our acct for payment. So maybe, that is progress on getting them done and moving forward with our homestudy!! WooHoo I also finally had the nerve to discuss with my husband that I feel like we need to increase from 2 to 3 the number of children on our CIS app (maybe that is the real reason for the delays, hmmm)
    Anyhoo, thanks for the privilege of praying along side other believers and blessings to your family,

  5. Wow – what a faith builder these answered prayers are!! I really needed to see these today….thanks for sharing!

    Praising God and rejoicing in His Power!!

  6. What an uplifting post! I loved hearing the stories of people that God has used so that others might see His Great Goodness! I loved the post that Shannon did. I cryed! Then I proceeded to tell my dad the story and he cryed too! WHEW!
    I did pray for many on the list last week. Honestly I didnt get through the whole list but read the prayers of many and prayed. There is something so special, somewhat of an honor really to pray for other believers. I remember feeling a little overwhelmed at ALL of the prayers honestly thinking "this could take all day long." But it was a priveledge to be a part of it. I hope that you will continue to do the day of prayer. I think that we should be praying for each other. Supporting and loving on one another and helping to carry one anothers burdens.
    I did not leave a prayer here last week, but did pray on my own that the Lord would lead one of my older girls and her husband back to church. I was thankful when Saturday night I read on her facebook that she was going to be attending church with her son on Sunday. Makes me cry even now when I write this because as simple a request as that was He heard me and I know that He loves me and for that I am thankful! Thank you Linny for being the person that you are for being an example of who God intends for us all to be. You really are such a blessing!

  7. Dear Sweet Blog Friend, What an honor to see my answered Prayer post on your blog!! I do need to tell you that the Lord is doing wonderful things! We are looking at a possible move in date of Dec.1st that Haven House of Montrose may open. Also we did not go with the mentor who offered but we are using as our model Joshua Station Which is a shelter in Denver. God Is Moving for the homeless and I Praise Him!!!

  8. I don't have my own blog, so I don't think I can do that linky thing, but I wanted to give an update. I asked for prayer for a job for my husband. He had a phone interview on Friday, has another scheduled for tomorrow, and an in-person interview on Thursday! And we also received news that God may unexpectedly be opening a door for us to return to the mission field (a door He closed a few years ago) next year! Thank you for praying.

  9. I know this isn't the prayer request post, but Im having a really really hard time right now.
    I've read your blog for 2 years now, and never commented. I am a blogger but I want to stay "anonymous". I dont want people I know to know this stuff. I need help.

    I am in desperate need of a job. I have 2 little ones at school and I need help with that (getting a job).

    Second, but most importantly I am having relationship issues sooo bad right now. My long term boyfriend and father of my children has an porn issue. He won't stop. I have caught him a few times and when we talk about it, he gets mad and embarrased. Then acts like he'll stop. which he does for a while. then he does it again. Online, ordering pay per view when Im not home, etc. It's hurting me a lot. I have prayed and prayed and prayed and I hear nothing. I feel alone, hurt and trapped. We have other issues of course, but this is bad. especially when i have proof (like cable bills!)and he flat out lies to me about it. I dont know what to do. Please please PLEASE pray for us? him? me? I feel so stupid asking strangers to pray for me, but I feel like God can't hear me. (even though I know thats not true)
    I am angry that i have put up with it for so long, and frustrated that i dont know what to do. I am hurt that he continues. I feel lost.
    I'm sorry that this is here in this post. I'm just so upset right now. I dont have the energy to do this anymore. My heart is hurting so bad.

    Thank you for reading this,

  10. Just wanted to share that we have an answer to farm and today we received PRE-APPROVAL from China to adopt 3 year old KeXue. Our 6 & 8 year olds (also from China) pray each night for KeXue to come home quickly. I love to hear their prayers for their little sister they don't even know yet!! Now we get busy on paperchasing and pray that CCAA won't change their mind after they receive our dossier. (There is a reason they might) But PRAISE God that He has granted us His favor to proceed! I'm SOOO EXCITED. Any name suggestions?
    Karen H.

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