Do You Have Any Prayer Requests?

My mom has not been feeling well for awhile.  They have done all kinds of tests.  They have found some things very wrong.  
This morning in the shower I felt an urgency to call and check on her.  I hurried and called.  She said that she was feeling awful.  I said, “Mom I think you need to come stay at our home for awhile.”  She said, “I was thinking the same thing.”  
Dw picked her up and brought her out to our home.  She has an appointment with a surgeon next week, but we can’t wait that long.  So I am taking her to the ER now.  
My mom has always been strong and courageous and has helped me in a zillion ways a million times.  It is so hard for me to see her like this, and so totally out of her character.  
Anyway, I did not plan to have a prayer time this week, but here I am sharing two prayer requests, so if you also have prayer requests, please post your request.  I will pray for you as well.  
Abi called this AM and we skyped for awhile.  Ryan comes back to the states tomorrow.  Abi and Finn have a VISA appointment for next Monday.  There are a few documents yet to show up.  Would you please pray that all these documents show up by Friday, please?
Okay, off to the ER….will update twitter on the sidebar with whatever the hospital says.  
Your prayers are deeply appreciated.

99 thoughts on “Do You Have Any Prayer Requests?

  1. Hi Linny today is my day of fasting and prayer, will be praying for your mom and the doucments that need to show up for Mr. Finn.

    I have 3 requests
    1. Reconciliation with my son, his 18th birthday is next week, we've had no contact for 14 months now

    2. For our adoption and my husband's cold feet in moving forward, we're paperchasing right now and he wants to hold off for a year.

    3. For our give~away we have going on right now that will benefit now only our adoption fund but the Young's also over at


  2. wednesday is my fasting day too! though it is almost over, i will stand with you in praying for your mother and your sweet grandbaby's speedy homecoming.

    here we continue to pray for jane. a corner of my heart that is still in denial begs the Father to bring her back to me. with all of my heart though, i pray that He hems her in, and that as she whispers to Him (i know she does) He holds her so close she can feel the warmth.

    loving you, sister.

  3. Am praying for you're requests Linny, and really hope everything is okay with your mom.

    I'd like to ask ya'll to pray for my husband and I. As I've said before, we've been trying to have a baby for a year and a half. Three weeks ago I had a miscarriage. We had just started trying something new and I found out after the miscarriage that I had actually gotten the wrong stuff. So now we are starting all over again and our hopes are very high. Just please pray that if it is God's will for us to have a baby that it would happen. Thank you so much for your prayers and the opportunity to pray for others.


  4. Prayer request: Our home visits start on Mon, Nov. 8.

    Also, my husband's work is changing their pay system which translates everyone getting reduced pay. This is HORRIBLE timing for us- as we are in the middle of the adoption process.

    Praying for your mom today in a special way. Blessings to you and your family.


  5. I have two requests.
    1. We are still praying about a little boy in China with a severe heart problem. My husband is still dragging his feet because of finances. I still feel God is calling us to step out in faith and adopt this little boy.
    Please pray that God would make His will know, that I would trust His timing, and that my husband would be willing to step out in faith.
    2. brother and sister (11th & 9th grade) in our youth group lost their mom on Fri (suicide.) They have virtually no other family members. We have volunteered to take them in. Please pray that God would comfort these kids and His will would be done in their housing/family situation.
    Thank you soooo much!!! I will be praying for all the requests posted over the next few days.

  6. Praying for your Mama, Linny!
    Please keep us in the know about what is going on with her!
    Also praying for Abi and Finn and the paperwork!
    If you would continue to pray for my oldest daughter, i would be SO grateful. She is open to changing schools. Just scared about it.
    Love you!

  7. Praying for your requests.

    I continue to pray that God will work miracles in my marriage and the lives/marriages of our adult children.

    Bless you!!
    ♥ ♥ ♥ you!

  8. Praying for you Mom! Please update us as soon as you know something!

    I have a prayer request. Please pray about some things I need to make a decision about…but have been delaying. Pray I make the best decisions for me and my family!

    Thank you!!!
    Donna in Georgia

  9. Praying for your mom.
    We are trying to find a house to buy. It is supposed to be a buyers market but we didn't get approved for very much money. We tried to put an offer on a house we loved but the seller was had been avoiding her realtor for months and never responded to our offer. We trust this is God's will, but we need to find a place to buy within our budget (that isn't a dump).

  10. This is the first time I've ever commented but have been a reader for at least a couple of years. I will be praying for your Mom and family. I am also requesting prayer for some friends in my church and community. A wife, son and daughter lost their 49 year old husband and father yesterday in a tractor-train accident.

  11. I hope and pray your mom gets better. Let's hope they find out what is wrong and fix it and then she will be fine.

    Since Mom died a few weeks ago I have been scared about where will I be living. I have disability, and that is really about all. It isn't enough to stay in the house so we are going to have to sell it soon (once we get it cleaned up) and I am afraid I will be homeless. i want to live with my older brother but I don't think he wants his sick sister living with him. I don't think the younger does either. I am living in limbo with major fear. I am trying really hard to trust God because he will find a way, I am just really scared right now. I miss Mom so much. I took care of her for 5 years.

  12. Praying for your Mom! Also for safe travel for Ryan and visa appt. Please pray, I have been walking twice last week and have episodes where I seem to wake up and wonder how I got there! So not like me!!!

  13. Can't give details, but pray for protection from an unfounded verbal/character attack on my husband. He is due to graduate in just over a month and this attack could jeopardize his graduation.

    I am not working (living on student loans right now). That money will run out if he doesn't graduate and pass his certification exam on time.

    In the women's bible study at church, we are studying the chapters in the book on spiritual warfare this week.

    We've seen repeated and intense spiritual warfare as we come to the end of the very long process of getting him/us through school.

    Praying for your mom,


  14. Linny, I'm a lurker and don't leave posts but I wanted to say I am at the same place you are with your mom. It's so hard to see our strong mothers need so much help…
    Also could you please keep my friends daughter in your prayers(her name is Faithy)…she is in custody of her father who is abusive and she has been with him for 7 years now despite much effort to get her back in her mothers custody… she needs to be safe and God needs to win out over this legal system that seems to have failed her. thank you…

  15. Just prayed for your prayer requests! My prayer request is that our LOA will arrive very soon so that we can move on to the next step to bring our girl home!

  16. I am praying for your mom! I am also going to be praying for you for peace. Our Heavenly Father has your mother right in the palm of His hand. Peace.

    Our prayer request is as it has been: funds for our travel for our son's adoption. We anticipate travel approval any day. We need $6K more. Yeah! Can't wait to see what He does with that!

  17. Praying all goes well with your mother.

    Please pray for me as I have developed pneumonia. My kids and I lost my husband a year ago sunday to H1N1/pneumonia and I just hate to see the worry that this puts them and our friends through.

  18. praying right now for your momma!

    Ours would be that we just got the call last Thursday that we were matched with a birth momma YEA!!!! She's only 21 and was raped (why she's pregnant) please pray for her during this time … I really honor her courage to carry through with this pregnancy. She hasn't told her parents that she's giving the baby up for adoption and doesn't plan to until she signs over her rights. The decision is still in her hands until 48hrs after birth … please pray for God to bring this little miracle home to us. We've had so many closed doors throughout the last 3 years … this part of the waiting is the hardest! She's due in 2-3 weeks!

  19. Praying for your Mom, Finn, and the other requests listed here.

    We got a surprising call yesterday–Latvia wants us to come this month for our five we are adopting! The Lord has already worked out so many things for this to happen!

    We really need to find a big van–and quickly! Would appreciate your prayers for this, as well as a thousand small details to work out.


  20. Praying for you and your mom.
    My prayer request
    1. My husband feels God calling him to do something but hes not sure what it is.
    2. We need funds to adopt.
    Thanks so much.

  21. Hi Linny,
    I will be praying for your mom. I enjoy reading Abi's blog with her letters to her sweet Finn. I've been checking everyday to see if she'd written anything! Will be praying that everything falls in to place with the paperwork and that it goes smoothly.

    Please pray for me and my chronic headache. I have had a chronic daily headache for over 2 years now- from the time I wake in the morning until I go to bed at night. It is very frustrating and Doctors aren't able to figure it out. I struggle to be the wife and mother that my family deserves with the chronic pain that I deal with.
    Please also pray for our financial situation. We are struggling tremendously and it is so very hard.


  22. Lifting your mom up in prayer and for the doctors treating her. Also praying for the documents to come by Friday….

    Can use prayers for my husband Joel as he is very ill right now from treating the Malaria like parasite, Babesia~ tick infected…along with Lyme. Unable to work right now.

    Thank you..

  23. My prayer request is for my son. He is already on an antibiotic and the nurse at his school called and said he has a temp of 101.5. I picked him up and he can't go 30 seconds without coughing. We have a doctor's appointment in a little while. He has special needs and so I don't know how he feels because he is non verbal.

  24. Prayers being sent for your mom and family.

    I have a 2 prayer requests. One is for health, I have had a few issues and am still not able to talk about it; but most important for my 21 year old daughter. She is a beautiful, hard working "perfectionist", at this young age has her own business. She is overwhelmed and turning to the wrong people for help. This is making things very hard for her and I am sooo worried about her mental state. Please pray that she opens her eyes and that her heart heals after she does.
    Thank you

  25. continued prayers for my pastor's wife, michelle. she is healing from her masectomy but is now facing many, many weeks of chemo and then radiation. pray that her family stays strong and comforted while they watch her go through this. also, prayers please for us. unsure of what is in store for my husband's job and with a baby due soon, i'd really like to have insurance. one more… found out my daughter (who will be 2 in december) needs some dental work that not only will require her to be put under anesthetic, but will cost at least $1300. that would be about $1300 more than we have… so, please pray that God will provide in the way of jobs, direction and also covering the cost of dental work. thank you. and thanks linny for posting the prayer requests this week!
    thinking of you and your mom as you figure out what all is going on with her. praying tha the doctor's are wise and that her care is superb!!

  26. Praying for both your Mom and the documents need for Finn. Also for traveling mercies for all three of them.

    My prayer request is for our adoption. God miraculously provided the funding for our Ugandan adoption. Now we are waiting on immigration approval. We are trying to be patient, but there is one thing that could cause a little glitch and we are a little anxious.

    Thanks for the prayers.

  27. Hey Sweet Friend,

    I've called and e-mailed about our tentative plans to meet tomorrow. After checking your blog I realized what you've been doing. Don't think about our getting together. We can do that another time. Please know I've been praying for your mom and will continue. Finn and family are also receiving prayers.

    Bless you, Linny.

  28. I am sorry to hear about your mom and will pray for her and also for what you asked for Abi and Finn.

    Yes please, I would love prayers, could you pray that I will be able to hear our Lord what He wants me to do in this specific situation? I am trying to focus on Him by reading psalms.

    Thank you 🙂

  29. Absolutely praying for your mom and Abi!!! It's terrible when your mom is not well. I do know that.

    my prayer request and I'm taking this from a beautiful post you wrote about a dear friend who needed $10,000.
    $10,000 by Christmas would definitely help us. that's my request. i'm asking for exactly what we need, or at least what will carry us over for a minute or two.

  30. All my prayers are for you and your family. Asking for healing, for documents to show up sooner then planned for travling mercies. Praying most of all for God blessings to rain upon all of you and all of those who are in need of some annointed blessings.

  31. Praying for good news about your mom, Linny.
    I have a couple of requests:
    My mother has been undergoing Chemo off and on for the past couple of years for Ovarian cancer. Last week the doctor told her to have a colonoscopy done because something showed up there on the last cat scan. I take her in tomorrow-please pray that the cancer has not spread to her colon. She is a widow and lives alone.
    The other is for our adoption. This will be our 4th & My husband is very reluctant but agreeing to paperchase. Our 4 older sons aren't happy about it.
    Karen H.

  32. Praying for your mom. Trusting the Lord for wisdom and decisive plans of action from the doctors.

    Could you please pray for my Dad? He had an emergency triple bypass on Friday and the dr. said it was "a miracle" he hadn't dropped over from a major heart attack before that. He's home now, but we really need to pray that he take the guidelines from the dr. seriously to allow his body to heal well. He's a "bull" of a man, a real outdoorsman who has been fighting through the pain and shortness of breath from the blockages since JUNE. He's GOT to take it easy and heal – he has 4 kids, 4 kid-in-law, 15 grandkids and a church who all need him.

    And the second prayer is that we'd like to make it 16 grandkids. We have agreement btw. us to proceed with another SN adoption (wooohooo! big answer to last prayer request I submitted), but we have to have a plan, financially, and a timeline. We're praying over that together. It is SWEET to be in unity that another daughter is out there waiting for us to be her parents!

  33. Praying for your sweet mom! I know it is so hard to see a parent in that state. Also praying that everything needed for the visa shows up pronto!

    We need prayer for a bump in our adoption journey. The agency that did our foster to adopt homestudy isn't sending an original copy to our domestic adoption agency. We are willing to pay them and they aren't sure if they can do it. It is the only thing holding up our adoption process. Trusting God but would love the extra prayers.

  34. Hi Linny! I am praying for you and your mom. If you wouldn't mind would you please be praying for our insurance to cover a high calorie formula for my son. He is still diagnosed failure to thrive. Has been for the last nine months and he really needs this formula. Thank you so much. God Bless, Leigha

  35. Praying!!

    My request are:
    1. For a friend Lisa, she lost her husband Gess last night to Cystic Fibrosis
    2.My husband to be healthy (He has CF and is trying to get sick)
    3.For me to get approved for health insurance

    and last but not least my family needs prayers for our finanical situation. I ask that God will send along a job for me to do from home so that I can be with my husband while hes sick.

    Know that i will be praying for all!!



    Prayer request: My 10 year old son was admitting to Cincinnati Childrens' hospital on Monday night and has been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. this is a HUGE request that everyone pray for him. PLEASE. I know in the grand scheme of things this is a treatable disease and I should be THANKFUL its not something worse..and I AM I just do not want my baby boy to be sick. Please pray that the test in 3 weeks comes back that all is NORMAL! I know OUR GOD and move mountains and make that work! THANK YOU

  37. I will be praying for your momma. I will also pray for Abi & Fin. Thanks for sharing your requests.

    Our most urgent request is that God would grant us with a court date for our adoption. We have been waiting and waiting, and it gets harder and harder.

  38. I am praying for your mom – and I will give up all snacking tomorrow as a mini-fast for her (I would fast if I could).

    Please pray for my husband and I. I am so desperately wanting to adopt a little girl with down syndrome in eastern europe. And he is just not on board – at all. My heart is breaking and I am quesitoning everything I've known for the past seven years. I need a miracle…

  39. praying for your mom. I don't know what I'd do without my mom and my grandma(who's now 80)

    I do have a request.
    a friend and coworker is 41. she is pregnant with her FIRST baby!! 4 months along. she had an ultrasound yesterday and it's a BOY but her cervix is small and more of a concern is that there is a cyst on baby boy's brain. she has another ultrasound tomorrow and we are praying for positive news. as it is she may end up on bed rest for the cervix.


  40. Joining you in prayer for your requests.

    We are moving and have had a delay on getting to close on our new house. Please pray that we get a firm date on when we can close and that it is sooner rather than later as my husband has already started his new position. Thank you. We pray for God to be in charge of this.

  41. Praying for you sweet mom Linny, and for discernment for the doctors.

    Our prayer request is that our social worker would call very soon to set up our homestudy for the adoption. We feel like we have been waiting for ever. We are weary of waiting for our kids to come home.

  42. Mine is a praise and a prayer request rolled into one. My friend L whose husband is being depl*yed for 6 months. Pray for him. And pray for her as she left today to move back across country to be near family while he is gone.

    My praise is this: that God has allowed me, someone who is painfully shy, to love and befriend this precious lady as if I had never been hurt before.

    God is so good.

  43. I am, and will continue to pray for your mom.

    I left a comment on one of your posts about a week or 2 ago asking for prayer for help in finding a job and for my relationship issues my long term live in boyfriend (and father of my children) and I are having. I don't know if anyone did pray for me, as I didn't comment on the correct post.

    I have found a job and started it last week. (yay!)

    As for my bf and I. Not so good. He has (what I think) is a sick addiction to adult porn. and he lies to me about it, and about the STUPIDEST things.

    A few close friends who know what's going on tell me that I should just leave, since we are not married. Well, I feel like I AM married to him. We've been together for 7 years and have 2 children together. I know without a shadow of a doubt we COULD be doing well. But I don't know what to do.
    I don't know if I am suppose to leave him. But what I DO know is I deserve to be treated better (ie respect) and so do our kids.

    Gosh… I don't even know what I'm asking for prayer… Basically I need him to fess up and stop lying so we can get through this… I really don't know what to do…

  44. Will be praying for your mom, I know what it feels like when one's mother is not well. God answered my prayers when I prayed for my mother I am sure He will be doing the same for you.

    I also want everyone tp please pray for 3 sweet little girls all in the ages 2-3, Lois, Ella and Emily, all battling Leukemia. They really need our prayers of healing answered. I hope with more of us praying that is exactly what will happen.


  45. I'm praying for your mom, and for the beautiful Q family.

    I'd love prayers my 15 year old. I adopted him when he was seven. He is having lots of anger issues right now, unmotivated in school, etc. I think they are related to grief over his bio mom. Please pray for wisdom and patience and a gentle spirit for me.

  46. I will be praying for your mom, a safe journey for Ryan, and all the paperwork for Finn to be able to come home.

    I have to first say that I have had this prayer in my heart the last few days, and had wondered if it would be something I would pray for with all of you. I don't usually like to pray for something for myself, but when I checked your blog this morning I smiled. God showed me just what to do. I love it when he makes things so clear.

    We are being considered for a domestic adoption situation. I am praying that the potential birth mom chooses us. I pray that this is our next child.

  47. Praying for your mum and for Finn's documents.

    My prayer request is for financial security for my family, for success in my school work, and for God to keep doing wondrous things in all of our lives.

  48. I will be praying for your mom and for Abi/Finn.

    Please pray for my son. He is experiencing some health issues and he is very fearful. To add to that, he is saved but the last two years, he has become very distant from the LORD. He is very intellectual, so he has many questions regarding faith – faith is very hard for him to understand. Please pray for God to continue to pursue to him.

  49. Thankful we can pray for one another. We leave for our Rwanda mission trip in 2 weeks and some of us are sick. Praying for good health now and throughout trip.

  50. Praying for your mom, Abi, Ryan and Finn.
    My prayers request are: healing for my foster daughter suffering with anorexia, abandonment and attachment issues; a major acct. for my husband to help us financially, direction and opportunity on adopting more children, a job for my daughter.
    I am praying for you all.

  51. I'm a loyal reader but have never commented. Praying for adoption documents, your mom, safe travel for Ryan and peace for Abi and Finn.

    I need prayers for a financial miracle by tomorrow. I know God works on His own time frame, but sometimes the world has other time frames. We could lose our house and my two 7 year olds adopted from China don't need the upset in their lives right now. Please pray for special favor.


  52. My future sister in law's parent's best friend is dying from Cancer. The family is going through so much. My sister in law's baby shower is this weekend and she is just not in the mood to celebrate. I want to ask that you pray for Jim..I think it is pancreatic cancer that he has. I believe that God can do a miracle but my flesh keeps saying it's too late. One of his sons has not accepted Christ and is really suffering right now. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you so much!

  53. Sending up prayers for your Mom and for Finn's adoption process.

    Please pray for our adoption process. A few mountains are trying to move in, but I know HE has a plan.


  54. Praying for your mom and new grandbaby~

    Please pray that we get our TA and travel SOON to snuggle on our baby girl; also, for a friend (38) who's doing 2nd chemo round for colon cancer…healing!!!

  55. Praying…especially that all things would go through very quickly for Abi and Finn. So excited for your family!

    Prayer requests:
    -That the mortgage would go through for one of our newer rental properties – it's been a year and lots of spiritual warfare is tied up this. Felt God pressing us into prayer about the mortgage situation from the beginning

    -For my ability to hear God clearly…I feel He's preparing me for something, but I don't know exactly what or when

  56. I am saying prayers for your mother, Linny.

    I also request that prayers be said for my sister, Susan, who is battling lymphoma. She needs to be around for her 2 babies, ages 3 and 1!

    Blessings to you,


  57. Hello Linny,

    I will pray for your sweet mom.

    I would really appreciate your prayers for me this weekend. My son is getting married. My nerves get my tummy in an uproar and I do not want to be preoccupied with my tummy on a weekend like this. I would love for you to pray that I will just be overwhelmed with peace and a calm tummy. I want this to be a joyous weekend and for God to be glorified.

    Thank you!!

  58. Hi Linny,

    Praying for your sweet family tonight.

    I'm stepping out on a limb here because these are things we haven't even shared with family as of yet because it's all so new but my husband and I want to adopt from Uganda, both a daughter and a son. Timing is in question but we know a daughter is first because of what God has said. I don't want my approach to everyone with the news that we are expecting to be with my hand out, so I believe that beginning in January, we are going to be living on my husband's paycheck alone so that my paycheck will be reserved for the adoption process that we need to begin. I believe the money WILL be there as we need it because God is Jehovah Jirah, who sees and provides. Considering that even at this time, with my pay in the equation, things are paycheck to paycheck, it looks like we are in for a miraculous year! I would so appreciate agreement for that.

    This is precious to me. Thank you for praying with us. It's a relief to share our heart and know that someone else has been there and is rooting for us as we bring our children home.

  59. Hi Linny,
    I am praying for your mom and your family. I am also praying for Abi and Ryan. I did send you a message on facebook. I am in need of prayers.

    1. For my marriage. That God may enter our marriage and restore our love and commitment to each other after being separated for 4 months.

    2. That we may find a church home. That my relationship with God be deepened and my husband get to know the Lord. My faith has really been tested over the past several months and I am working on coming back to God.

    3. That I may find employment soon. I have had 2 different interviews this week and am hoping to get either job.

  60. Oh Linny, I hate to even ask…it seems so trivial…but we are getting ready to update our homestudy and we need a little "moolah" to come in…$500 to be exact… Anticipating adopting again and can't wait to see the Lord provide:)! I'll be praying for your Mom and her health…the 16th seems SO FAR AWAY!!!

  61. I hope it's not too late for my prayer request. Please pray that USCIS locates our HS soon (it's sorta mia) and that we receive our approval very soon. (We are adopting a soon to be 14 year old girl in China). Thank you so much. And I will be praying for your Mom. Love, Kim

  62. Adding to above (about the adoption) that if it's God's will for us to adopt a Waiting Child or to be open to more medical and special needs that He will move BOTH of our hearts in that direction. Thank you.

  63. I would love for prayer in a decision to bring a beautiful, precious little one home. Mountains would have to be moved but we are in prayer either the mountains be moved or that this precious one finds a family very soon. 🙂

    Funny how at the worst possible moments God puts things like this on your heart.

  64. Linn,
    I am having trouble again with severe dizziness. It is vertigo but on the severe end. I had it for 4 years and then it went away for about 6 months. It has now returned. Please pray that I can find a doctor who can help. If you know anyone who has this and can share helpful hints I would so appreciate it. It affects my daily life.

    God Bless,
    Newark, Ohio

  65. I've been praying for your Mom today. Thank you again for calling sisters together to pray!
    Our house is still on the market. We need a miracle.
    We also have a very specific financial need that would need to be met in 2 weeks.
    The stage is set for our Abba to do some big things!

  66. Linny, praying for your mom and continue to pray for you as well. My request is again for our adoption. We have had to start our homestudy over with a new agency since the last one had still not given us an answer as to whether they would approve us. They were concerned about the # of kids-we have 7, and our Gideon is physically handicapped. Our new daughter has Down Syndrome. I think they were just against large families. Anyway we started with them in June. We decided to get a new agency for homestudy. Please pray they see that Our little girl is meant to be with us and we get approval quickly-we have all the paperwork done so just need our visits on Wed and Sat next week. Pray for the Lord's favor on this. We need to get our girl home. God Bless, Mom to many wonderful kids.

  67. Please pray for my marriage and my husband. He is running from Jesus. His heart is very hard. I am asking Jesus for a miracle. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort my son through this and that his heart will stay very tender for Jesus.

    Thank you for being available always to take our cares to Jesus on our behalf.

  68. My request is the same it has been for months and months and months. To get rid of this depression from dealing with my divorce, my severed relationship with my family. The last one is what I have been working on specifically for 7 months now. I've been meeting with a psychologist weekly since Mar 31st of this year. My last session with her is the 24th of this month. This has me in a tail spin because she is moving to another state and she thinks I should find a new doc and continue. I really really do not want to do that. Walking in her door was one of the hardest things I have done and I dont want to start over with someone new. I need prayers for strength to continue, courage to call another doc if that is what I am to do, more courage to begin talking. It took at least 5 months to begin to fully trust this doc to talk openly. Abandonment is another issues I have tackled these 7 months and now she is leaving too. Its just very hard for me to accept and deal with in a healthy way.

  69. please pray for our adoption from Uganda. we are waiting on some additional medical papers on the children in the orphange before we can be matched. we are praying that those papers would come soon and most importantly for God's perfect timing.

  70. Hi, Linny and all other prayer warriors,

    I just ran across this posting tonight. I just went through and prayed for all the prayer requests.

    God Bless,

  71. Linny, please pray for the family of a 16 yr. old girl we know who committed suicide this morning. She was being bullied. Her parents had an appt. with the HS principal at 8 am this morning, and Cassidy committed suicide at about 6:30 am. Her Mom found her hanging in the garage. This family is devastated and needs lots of prayer.
    Thank you Linny!

  72. Please pray for my husband, Jerry's job situation. There is a lot of details that are too many to share here. He just need to know if the lord wants him to stay where he is at or go to a new job he has been offered. Please ask God to make it clear to him.
    I am praying for your Mom and Abigail and Finn.


  73. So glad to hear that they have figured out what is going on with your Mom. It is such a relief to at least know what the issue is. I will still be praying for her.

    As we are in the midst of an adoption, there is ALWAYS something to pray for. Our future daughter, Berkeley, in eastern Europe, for her Strabismus (cross eye). She is 7 and if it is not patched, she could lose sight in her one eye very soon.

    For James and I to be able to find time off work and coordinate our next in-depth home study with our adoption agency (requires at least 4 week days off). Seems simple, but not when 4 different people need to be there without any other conflicts!

    Lots of love to you Linny and to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. It is amazing how many of you have become closer than family in this process.

  74. message for grandma shelley… i am originally from ND. just heard about the suicide last night. i agree, please pray for this family, pray for the bullies-for their hearts to change and their eyes to open, pray about this growing epidemic in our country. it is so sad.

  75. Please pray for my husband who is struggling with alcoholism. Also pray for wisdom for me in deciding what I need to do in responding to his alcoholism (for the safety and sanity of me and my two kids). Thank you and God Bless You!

  76. Agreeing with you that everything will be okay with your mom! God is good!!!

    As far as my prayer request, my husband and I are facing some financial issues that we need God to move on. I know that He's my supplier and I am thanking Him NOW for giving us wisdom to know how to pay what needs to be paid and providing the funds to do so!

    Thank you for taking the time to pray for us!

  77. I have just been let go from my job. As well my grieving my 3 year old (foster) sisters death is at its extreme right now.. I hurt and I'm mad. I am so not the me I know I am.

  78. Hi Linny. I hope it's not too late for a prayer request. I will certainly pray for your sweet momma. My Dad had that same surgery years ago. He recovered well. My prayer request is that my hubby gets an interview for a specific job and that he gets a job offer quickly. We need this job (hubby has been out of work and been helping his Dad's business to survive for little or no pay) and we need this job for another beautiful reason. There is a precious child waiting for us and we feel like she is the one He has chosen for us but we cannot bring her home without a "paying" job. Please pray that if this is God's will, He break down all those barriers and beats the clock to bring her home to us!!! Above all else, however, we pray that His will be done! Thank you so much!!!

  79. Okay, I do have a deep burden. I'm in need of a friend or group of friends who are on fire for Christ and serving Him (not those who go to church and curse and talk down about others)…true Christians who really want to please the Lord and walk in all His ways. I need these friends to be there for me as I truly don't feel close to anyone right now. I am praying for a friend or friends who not only are on fire for God but also who will listen to me, care about me, share with me, laugh with me, cry with me, have fun, love to talk about the things God is doing in their lives, doing Bible studies together, etc. I'm drawing closer to God, and I really don't want friends who are going to pull me away from Him. I need friends who are dedicated to living for Jesus in the truest sense. I feel such a loneliness.

  80. Thank you for praying for us!

    God has impressed upon our hearts that He has some big plans for us. He will somehow use us for the orphans. Please pray that our hearts and our minds will be in the right place when it is time. That we will hear Him and answer His call. That we will desire to serve HIM in the way that HE determines.

    Please pray for our little guy in China- for his health, for his heart and for God's perfect timing. Please pray that if he is to be with us that God will pave the way. (The Lord was very clear to me- that he is our son) But we have moved forward with others as his referral was not ready. We are planning to go back for him right away- his referral should be all ready to go at that time- but only God controls the timing of all of this. Please pray for MSP- that somehow their burdens can be lifted and the load lightened as they serve HIM.

    Thank you!! I covet your prayers! I am praying for you and your family!!

  81. My prayer request is for our sweet five year old son who recently had his syndactyl fingers separated and infection has set in. We are trying fervently to get his graft to heal up. He has been home five months and has a heart for Jesus and a smile always on his face!

    We have been praying for a protective covering over our family and our house. The enemy hates adoption and we have had one incident after another since bringing home our amazing little guy.

    Bless you Linny… I am also a mom who adopted at 50 but with a mere 6 kids:)

  82. I just checked in for the first time in a week, so saw that your mom is having surgery. Praying for her tonight. I have been praying for Abi and Finn. I hope I get to see them this week!

    Please pray with us as we seek to know where God wants Redeemer House Orphanage to relocate in Jinja. I'm hoping He says the really big (but expensive) house, so that we can take in lots more kids!!! – but we really want His will. We are especially praying tomorrow, on Orphan Sunday. Thanks for praying with us!

  83. Please pray for my extended and immediate family, as we are having our share of trials, one after another. Thank you.

    Prayers being said for your intentions, and the others on this list.

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