Memorial Box Monday – The Pumpkins

It’s Memorial Box Monday again!  I am so tickled that so many of you love Memorial Box Monday as much as I do.  God’s provision, His grace, His mercy, His power, His protection, His supernatural involvement in our lives is what it’s all about!  Recording, remembering, memorializing all the things Almighty God does for us – so that we {the forgetful people that we are!} are reminded for the rest of our lives!
This Memorial Box Monday is simple.  It happened yesterday.  It is not a spectacular event in the scheme of life, but really, it’s my world.  
Everyday life with a large family.
On to the story…
I love to bake.  In my younger days I would bake just about everyday.  Bread.  Rolls.  Muffins.  Pies.  You name it.  When the family was smaller there was no way we could eat it all.  So we gave lots away.  Our widowed neighbor was the {happy} recipient of lots of it.
Well over the years I have narrowed down what I make to the things we love most.
Cinnamon rolls.
Bran muffins {my completely own recipe – and yes, our colon thanks us!}
Pumpkin anything.
Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin bars, pumpkin cookies.
We LOVE pumpkin.
But have ya’ noticed how stinkin’ expensive pumpkin is?
And at least in our neck of the woods, pumpkin was non-existent in the stores last year.  You couldn’t buy a can anywhere.    
So last year I began to pray that the Lord would provide pumpkin. 
Lots of it.
Comin’ out our ears amounts!!
So we planted our garden and prayed.  We have not had much success with our pumpkins in the past.  But still I would water the garden and pray over the pumpkin plants. 
And yesterday here’s what the kids ‘harvested’ from our garden!
How fun is that?
We “growed” them all by our lonesomes.
And we were so tickled.
And we were so thankful that God heard our prayers and grew those pumpkins!
But in my book,  that was a good start.
So a couple of years ago a man put a pumpkin patch in not far from our home.  He opened it to the public.  
Well while I was praying for pumpkins I was praying that the owner of the patch would allow us to come get his pumpkins when he was done with the patch.  I didn’t pray that they would be free {I felt like he was worthy of pay for the work he had done.}  I just wanted a bunch of pumpkins at a reduced rate.
When Dw and the kids were “harvesting” the pumpkins from our garden I mentioned that maybe he could go inquire of the owner of the patch if we could buy some of his “leftovers”.  Dw said he would.  He, Liberty and Isaiah drove over the patch.  There was a sign.
“Take what you want but leave a reasonable donation.”
The owner was there.
Dw started talking to him and the guy said, “Take a bunch – just leave a donation.”  Dw explained that we are large family and that I bake the pumpkins, scrape the shell, mash and then freeze the pumpkins for my muffins. 
So about 1/2 hour later Dw and Liberty and Isaiah pulled in.
They were so excited.
Here’s what they had!
That would be:
36 pumpkins
The man was happy and we were tickled!
Now that might sound like, “Big deal.”  
But to me it was!!  
My God had supplied above and beyond all I could think or ask.
He loves me that much.
We will have pumpkin all winter!!
We just had a staff meeting and Kelly said, that she heard that there is going to be a pumpkin shortage this year.  Not at my house!!  How faithful of God.
What about you?  How has God shown up for you?  Little ways?  Big ways?  It’s all HIS faithfulness…and if it matters to me, it matters to Him.  If it matters to you, it matters to Him.
Please share your stories…
and if you want to use the badge above – it gives us a thrill!!

18 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – The Pumpkins

  1. Yay! And yum! haha. I got hungry just reading your post! If you find you have too much baked pumpkin-y goodness… you just let me know & I'll gladly take it off your hands. 😉

    So excited you did a MBM this week! I'm about to write mine up. 😀

  2. I love this post! Hurray for God providing pumpkins! Oh, and can I come eat at your house… 😉 LOL!

    I just wrote a post about pumpkins too, a bit about hope. But this one is super fun!

  3. yum yum!! I hope you roast all those seeds too!! and I had to giggle at the pumpkin shortage comment! our local grocery store had about 24 HUGE boxes LOADED full of pumpkins!! I was thinking, wow it must have been an amazing pumpkin season!! they are usually 4-5 dollars each and they were on for 2.50 because of the amount they had!

  4. I love your pumpkins! God grew us a pumpkin last year. We lived in that house 4 years at the time and NEVER tried to grow a pumpkin. Then one day we saw the vines start growing out back. We thought it was cool but didn't pay much attention to it. Then one day I thought, I'm just gonna walk down there and look at it because the vine was huge.
    You can imagine my surprise when I saw the biggest most perfect pumpkin hiding behind this huge leaf. We didn't have to buy a pumpkin that year!
    It was so amazing because this came at a time when things were so unstable in our lives. I don't know the significance of a pumpkin, but I do know what that meant to us. It was a reminder that God was still very present in our lives.

  5. Wonderful photos of pumpkins…I love their color and taste….beautiful story of how God provides.
    I seem to be having trouble pulling up the link that was here before so will try again later….some glich I am sure..
    God bless.

  6. Can you post your recipe for Pumpkin muffins? I also love to cook with pumpkin and I bought 3 pumpkins this year for my family of 3 to cook up. I make pies, cookies and bread, but haven't found a muffin recipe yet. Please do post a muffin recipe. This year I might make pumpkin soup. It is so good and the recipe comes from a friend in Australia.
    I am selling homemade pumpkin bread this weekend to raise money for our ADOPTION. Please pray that we sell out and get orders so we can pay for our adoption without taking a loan.

  7. How fun! There has actually been a pumpkin shortage for the last several years- that's why it was hard to find in your market.

    Do you freeze it or can it or both?

    Toss the seeds in the back of your garden and compost. I bet you will have pumpkins out your ears next year!

  8. I too would love to know how you cook the pumpkin. My kiddos planted pumkin with my mom and I would love to freeze it and then make pumpkin bread, muffins and cookies later.

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