Can We Pray for You?

This is the post to place your comments on…
and there are people, literally, around the world who will be praying for you.  
Please leave your prayer requests in the comment section.
If you have a personal concern, you are always welcome just to put “personal”.  
We know that our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God is moving on your behalf…even when it doesn’t look like it.  
He is 100% faithful.
Do you know what 100% means?
See what I mean?
100% is pretty serious stuff.
Don’t ya’ love that?
So go ahead and post your requests in the comments.
We will be talking to Him about it all.  

168 thoughts on “Can We Pray for You?

  1. I have two prayer requests that I'd love for you to pray for me…

    1. For a family member to understand and experience the love of God in Jesus and to live for Him.

    2. For Him to give His unmistakeable peace in my heart regarding something that He's been showing me.

    Many thanks 🙂 I will pray and fast for every one who comments in here.

  2. My son is in 4th grade and was diagnosed with ADHD several years ago. God has been so faithful to bring us the right resources at the right times over the last few years. Unfortunately I think his neurotransmitters are off kilter again and his behavior has been challenging to say the least. He is not really hyperactive, more distracted and not able to focus. His impulsivity has gotten so bad he just acts before he thinks and has been suspended from school twice already this year. We have done so much already and come so far and it feels like we have gone backwards. Please pray that we find the cause of his regression and that we can correct it quickly and get him back on track at school. He has gone back to saying he hates school and feels like everyone is against him. It just breaks a mom's heart to see him hurting so much and not sure what to do to help. God will deliver us through this as he has in the past, I just keep praying because I know HE is in control.

  3. My prayer requests:

    1. Lord, please heal my mother's broken heart.

    2. Lord, please either provide wisdom and resources in the care of my three younger children or swiftly guide their behaviors and heal their hearts. Specifically, provide self control for my son (please, please please!)and mended hearts for the twins.

    3. Lord, if it is your will, please bring a strong, loving Christian man to be the love of my life and the leader of our home. This journey as a single parent is such a gift but you know that my heart desires a loving husband.

    Summary: My Mom's heart, healing in my children, a husband.

  4. the timing of this day is so perfect…we really need prayer…we are adopting a sweet boy from Uganda…were matched with another child last week (in addition to our boy)…found out over the weekend, she died… thankful that she is in the arms of our sweet King yet mourning our loss…

    to say we are heartbroken is huge understatement.. now we are in the midst of grieving and praying for our son to be home even more fervently…really praying for a court date sooner rather than later…praying about what to do next…so hard.. so hard. .

  5. We live overseas and haven't been back home in almost three years. Due to the size of our family (7), coming home for the summer will cost $10,000 just for flights. For that reason, we haven't seriously ever looked into going. However, this summer my oldest daughter is old enough to go to summer camp…the camp where I met the Lord, the camp where I met my husband, the camp that saved me from an otherwise difficult childhood. I really want her to be able to go and she wants to go to. For the first time, she is really trying to pray about something. I want her to see how faithfulness in prayer can yield results.

  6. My husband and I are in the process of domestic adoption. Our homestudy is complete & we are just waiting for a woman to choose us to raise her baby. We are excited to adopt!

    Please pray for God's perfect timing and the right match for our family.

    Thank you for praying and for your uplifting blog.

  7. God is working and moving.

    Please pray that my husband and I will be granted approval to adopt an older child with special needs. We found her on Reece's Rainbow and are having some trouble with our adoption agency, and are currently in the process of switching agencies.


  8. Linny! Thank you so much for these prayer/fasting days! They yield so much fruit! i so appreciate the opportunity to pray for everyone! i have several mountains in front of me that i know the Lord will move mightily: 1)my father was seriously (beyond recovery) injured & is being kept artificially alive. Pray the Lord will use this to bring my 2 brothers to the Lord and that he will go home to the Lord and not suffer. 2)Our finances/home/job. My husband was laid off 3 years ago (!) as a homebuilding superintendent – that industry died in CA and he has done everything to find work. We are on the brink of bankruptcy/foreclosure (oh the faithful stories of the Lord sustaining these 3 yrs!) but we signed w/lawyers yesterday and i don't have a peace about going forward w/the bankruptcy or the lawyers (Deliverance by man is in vain. Thru God we will do valiantly." Ps. 108:12b) 3)my bleeding ulcer has painfully flared over all this which affects other organs as well. 4)i work 2 days a week & the Dr. i work for wants me full time…helps financially but i homeschool my youngest, who is autistic. He is my priority.So much is going on, but i don't know anyone who is faithfully serving the Lord who isn't being brought through major testings! So we rejoice and when these testings come upon us, it is our moment when we can look at our circumstances, feel our feelings of despair and then choose to say, "I don't understand, but I believe and I will wait, and I will rest, as an act of my will, because You are the Lord of Hosts and You are my Father." "For this our light & transitory burden of suffering is achieving for us a weight of glory" 2 Cor. 4:17
    Thank you all for praying…we are high and lifted up! He is faithful! love you Linny! <3

  9. Please pray for a single mom of three from China to know what to do about an untenable job situation and the financial setbacks of that situation. Something must change, and soon. Please pray that God provides a way out of this job, other than becoming unemployed and on the streets.

    Thank you so very much.

  10. I had never fasted prior to following this blog,and have seen numerous miracles occur since I started. However, it seems as though for every area of our lives that a miracle occurs, things get worse in another area. I'm confused and at a loss. I don't even know specifically what to pray for, this seems so strange. Please pray for us to be healed of this disconnect.

  11. I would like to take this opportunity the give a praise report. Our Ethiopian adoption was final yesterday after nearly two years caught in the process. Praise the Lord!

    On one of the previous prayer, fasting days I had posted about our adoptions. The love and encouragment that I recieved from that one prayer request was overwhelming. God has moved mountains and battled the enemy on our behalf. We have recieved VICTORY through Jesus! I am at a loss for words but please know that linking arms with other believers across the world through this blog has saved and changed lives. GLORY TO THE KING!

    Request: we will be traveling soon. Our traveling expenses aren't fully funded. Please pray for the rest of the funds needed to complete thisand bring our two precious chilkdren home. Also for a quick embassy date. BLESSINGS!

  12. I'm in tears already reading these requests. i fasted yesterday on my own, but I will hang in there for half the day with you all and of course pray all day. Tuesday just seems to be a better day to fast for me. but I'm sure Jesus will count it in with everyone today.
    i can't even begin to explain how fasting along with prayers has brought me closer to Jesus and really opened my eyes to how He is moving in my life.
    If you have never fasted please give it a try. it's not easy and the only way I can make it through the day is to cling to Jesus. But the feeling is unbelievable.

    and now on to my request. my husband and I feel we really know what God is calling us to do. We both want to adopt a child with Down syndrome, we do not qualify. I've looked into it. we would not even be considered. We need a miracle to ever be considered. So in a nutshell we need to get financially at least slightly above water, because right now we are so far under we have disappeared.
    our mortgage is due today and we are 720.00 dollars short. we have already had great issues with our mortgage and have finally reduced our payment by half and are in the process of being accepted into this program that will keep our payments reasonable , but if we mess up like it looks like is about to happen we could definitely loose our home. To say i am scared is an understatement. Please pray that the missing portion of our mortgage is somehow put in to our hands in the next day or so.

    thank you Linny! For doing this again!

    praying for you all!

  13. Thank you for this opportunity, Linny. I'll be praying for every request over the next few days (nap time is only so long.)
    My request is this. 3 1/2 weeks ago, we took in a 16 yr. old girl who lost her mother to suicide. Things have been going rather well. She is very independent, though, and doesn't completely get the concept of family (making her own plans to spend Christmas with her boyfriend's family, etc.)
    Please just pray for these two things: that she completes the grieving process (she's shown no signs of grieving since she's been with us, so we don't know where she is at in this process,) and that we can all bond as a family and convey to her in a loving way without scaring her away (she is here of her own free will and we don't yet have guardianship) that we don't just want to be a place to stay but a family.

  14. Thank you for this opportunity to gather together and pray for each other. We have recently submitted a Letter of Intent to adopt a little girl that has a blood disorder and a facial hemangioma and are praying for China's approval to be granted quickly. Please also pray that the necessary funding would be provided to meet all the expenses to bring this precious girl home. We will be moving in the next 6 weeks (military) and need to have all our USCIS paperwork complete along with our dossier. Basically in the next 6 weeks we need to raise $5,000. I know God can provide. I am never surprised when he provides for others, but I often struggle with knowing He would provide for me also.

  15. We are parents to 7 children and are in the process of adopting #8. Our dossier is going in the mail today. I have two prayer request.

    1. Finances for our adoption. We took out a small interest free loan but only have $1,000 left. We will need another $7,000 ASAP to pay for adoption fees then travel cost.

    2. We really need a new home. Our home is small and not handicap accessible. We have one child in a wheelchair and one child that is visually impaired. There is an opportunity we would like prayer about.

    Thanks for raising our family up.

  16. I am a "hemi" mom. I am a parent whose child had to have half her brain disconnected to stop seizure activity of the most devastating kind. Unfortunately there are many children in the hospital that have just undergone the same procedure, and a few others who may have to have it done a second time because of a missed connection or affected tissue left behind. This is a grueling hospital time for so many of them. Please pray for strength as these families move forward with their children's care, and that the children live seizure free lives.

  17. For God to bring a buyer to the second home which my husband foolishly and against biblical advice bought by mortgaging our home beyond its current value. We are a single income family and have carried the burden for this house now for 3 years and it is not selling. He feels no guilt and is not repentent.

  18. Thank you Linny! My prayer is that my church will become passionate for the orphan. There are a few in our church who are, and have or are in the process of adopting, we also have some older ladies who were adopted. But our leadership does not have a passion. It's kinda, yea we need to be involved but then they aren't involved- so I just pray that God will break their hearts for God's precious children!

    I guess that is one reason why I love your blog – you and DW have such a heart for the orphan! God uses you to encourage me and many others. thank you!
    Truly Blessed,

  19. I love to read and pray for everyone and then hear how God has answered.

    My request is for God to open my boyfriend's heart to children especially adoption. We live together and I love him dearly but he has past issues with marriage and children. I have always wanted to adopt and/or have my own children.

    Thank you.

  20. Thank you again Linny for doing this!

    1. I know I am to be home w/our children. The behavior changes with them when I am at work in unbelievable, and I need to be home. I really believe God is making this happen, but I still don't know how. Please pray for my kiddos when I am at work…leaving every morning is very hard.

    2. I also know we are to adopt again..from Ethiopia. Again not sure how this will play out so please pray that God shows us the way.

    3. Pray for my father and sister with different health issues.

    4. Pray for my kids health. Recently had a scare with our son, and our daughter is a little sick right now too.

    5. Pray for the widow, the least of these, the lonely…

    God bless you all I will be praying.

  21. Please pray that my friend Angie gets Travel Approval so she can go to China to adopt her beautiful daughter who turns three on December 23rd. She and her husband have been waiting for a long long time and they have had many delays. The wait has been very hard!

  22. Please pray for a bloggyfamily in Uganda they are in an area where there is a disease that might very likely be Ebola, pray for a hedge of protection arround their family,
    they are at

    Also i would like you to pray for my husband that he would stand up as the spiritual leader of our family and be come the man His Loving Father wants Him to be…

    and then there is the 13th of Dec.
    we will have a meeting with someone in the adoptionworld in germany, she has to give us permission to start theadoption of a little boy from Reece's Rainbow
    who is 4 yrs old,
    here in germany they only do adoptions of children at least 1,5 yrs younger than the youngest bio child…but we feel so strongly for this little guy.
    Thank you and br blessed!

  23. I feel that this a very selfish request. ..but I'm really struggling with it. Our first baby is due on Saturday. God has been SO FAITHFUL through this surprise pregnancy; I've enjoyed everything about it and we are so excited to meet our son. But the past two weeks, mostly the past week have been terribly hard. I almost feel like I'm going into a depression thinking that he will never ever REALLY come. It's just getting emotionally difficult, and I don't want to pray that he'll come out now (because what if he's not ready) – I just need prayer that my emotions will settle and that I can find peace and patience in God. Thank you, Sweet Friends.

  24. Yep – PRAY FOR MY LOST BOYS. – The Lord is opening the doors. I can't say more but PRAY HARD!! God is moving and I am holding on to his coattails. WE adopted a little guy from a village out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of an Eastern European country. He was the first boy out of this wretched place. WE found out about him through Reece's Rainbow. Our hearts were broken by all that we saw. We have been on our knees praying for two other boys BRADY AND HEATH who can be adopted from there. That leaves 130+ more boys without hope. But God is moving. I can't say more…. God is moving and all we can do is stay on our knees and pray. My heart is filled this morning in awe of a God who cares about Lost Boys out in the middle of nowhere.

  25. Pray for my boyfriends job. Also for my brother and his fiance to find their way to God. And for me to do well in school this semester and on the GMAT on thursday.

  26. Please pray that I am strong enough to let God have control of the one thing I can't seem to give him control of.

    Pray that we can get through the battles we are fighting right now because they are getting in the way of way too much.

    Pray that God would help us figure out our insurance situation because there is a very little cutie pie we want to bring home!!!

  27. First for my friend's niece, Malia, who is battling incurable Wilms (kidney cancer) that has also spread to her lungs. Unless God performs a miracle and heals her here on earth, she will be healed fully – and very soon – in heaven. Please pray for her to be free of pain and that she will breathe easy as she travels this last bit of her journey here. Also for her family – her mom, dad and two little sisters and her extended family as they help her and have to say good bye for now – that their faith would be sustained and strengthened and that they will feel the Lord's presence, peace and comfort surrounding them in each moment.

    Second, for my two kids who are battling bacterial pneumonia. I am so thankful that this illness is treatable, and that we have access to medicine and amazing medical treatment.

    Thank you for praying, friends.

  28. Hi Linny,
    We would appreciate some prayers today. My husband and I are in Eastern Europe adopting a little angel we found through Reese's Rainbow. We have five children at home whom we miss very much. Please pray that we get a court date soon over here in EE and that we can all be together as a family soon. Thank you so much.

  29. Please pray that I can have peace of mind in the face of financial burdens. Many decisions to make but I need to remember that God is in control.

    Thank you for the opportunity to pray for others and to have others pray for me.

  30. First, I would like to praise the Lord for his wonderful treasure He has entrusted to us to raise as we leave China on friday to bring Sophia home.

    We could use prayer for strength and direction for the struggles we have been having this year. It has been a hard year financially and emotionally.

  31. We have a heart for orphans. We have tried to adopt through international adoption but were denied because of pregnancies that occurred along the way. We know we are so blessed but my heart continues to break for the orphan. My hands are currently tied. We would like the opportunity to have more pregnancies but our arms are open wide for those that need us. Please continue to pray that God would move on behalf of the orphan and bring them home. I will be praying for all of you as well. -On a side note isn't in amazing that our name we have for our adopted treassure if it is a girl is Hannah (one who continued to hope & believe even when all hope was lost)

  32. I have been lurking on here for quite some time and thought it was time to post.

    My husband and I could use some direction right now, we're struggling with knowing where God is leading.

    I'm not one for change and I like it even less when I don't have a lot of time to prepare. I think I am learning some patience.

    Please just pray that we will know where God is leading.

  33. Please pray for my son Andrew who was in a car wreck 2 years ago and has been left with a disablity, thats been hard for him to come to terms with. Pray he can find peace and a new direction for his life. Its been a tough road for him.

  34. I have been a "lurker" for quite some time on your blog and am always touched by your intense prayer battle for those you don't even know. So, I would like to request prayer for our adoption. My husband and I are supposed to review a little girl's file today from Korea with a "moderate" special need-HYDROCEPHALY. We started out only seeking "mild" SN, but the Lord keeps telling me to go "deeper" with Him. Please pray for His guidance and that we would release our selfish desires. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
    (I'm going right now to post friend status!!)

  35. Two prayers today, if you don't mind. The first is for my nephew, born this morning! May he have an easy transisition to the world, find peace with his family, life long good health, and most importantly an amazing relationship with God.

    The second is for our domestic adoption. We continue to wait, not so patiently at times. I pray that I have the patience to wait for what God promised me during previous prayer time. I also want to add prayers for our next child's birth family (whoever they may be). That they feel peace with the decisions ahead.

  36. I'm honored to fast & pray today for all these requests.

    My prayer requests:
    1-For God to have His way in my marriage and in the lives of our adult children
    2-For the Lord to work in the hearts of 3 relatives so that they might surrender to Him and live each day for Him
    3-For my 6 grandchildren to come to know Jesus (ages: infant to elementary school)

    Thank you!!

  37. Linny,

    I am a lurker, yes I am! Today, though, prayer is what I need! We recently followed God and reinstated our foster care license with a different agency, a Christian one this go-round. Within days we have received a baby girl- 4 days old! Well, she's now 13 days and oh-so-precious! Love this girl. We are praying to adopt her. Circumstances will likely lend themselves to adoption. We are covering this girl in prayer. God must have a special plan for her life.

    Ofcourse, you know how God has a great sense of humor in his plan. He wouldn't just send us a sweeet girl and leave it at that. I have been out of work for over a year due to our youngest son being diagnosed with a potentially blinging illness. We spent the last year at Emory having surgeries. God saw us through. We have literally been living paycheck to paycheck since due to my lack of job, and his medical expenses. We have LOADS of family coming in tomorrow to stay with us. I have been keeping children in our home to help fill in the gaps. I depend on that money for gas and groceries each week. Well guess what happens when everyone in town gets the stomach bug? No kids come! So, I have loads of company coming tomorrow for a 5 day stay and we need food, gas in the cars to get everyone picked up, and TOILET PAPER!!! Seems so trivial, but it is weighing on this Mama's heart and mind. Please pray for this for me.

    In the praise department our sweet church has rallied around this sweet new little girl and are giving us a baby shower on Sunday afternoon. Our family coming will get to be here for this and I am tickled so much about it! God is our provider and we know He is blessing the efforts of our friends!

  38. We have been waiting for a couple of weeks to find out if my husband would receive a job transfer that would take us HOME. This transfer would mean the world to us and would devastate us if it falls through. Please pray that my husband would receive the transfer, that our house would sell and that we could move home to be with family and friends who are like family. 🙂 I'll come back later tonight and pray through all of the requests.

  39. We are currently waiting for our TA to bring our daughter (8 yrs. old) home from China. My prayer request concerns the timing of our travel and the details of the trip.
    1. We are thrilled to no end and ready to go! And yet, in the midst of all our joy, we are grieving the loss of my dad who passed away 3 months ago….wanting to spend Christmas with my mom (who lives 1 state away and whose birthday is Christmas Eve), and yet wanting to be in China as soon as possible. Also, we need to work out the details of who will care for my 2 youngest while we are gone to China.
    2. And there’s one more that’s personal. A seed He has planted in my heart and I am waiting to see what fruit He brings forth in His time. Oh, how I hope it is what I think it is.
    Thank you for praying simply for continued trust in the One who cares about each and every detail of our lives, who knows all our joys and sorrows, and who works all things out for our good and His glory. Please pray that He would work out these details in a way that makes His name great and that all may see and worship!

  40. My brother is involved in a relationship that has resulted in a unexpected pregnancy. The woman is planning to have an abortion…possibly this weekend. My brother's hands are tied….he cannot convince her otherwise nor can he make the decision for her. His heart is breaking for the potential loss of his child. My heart is breaking for him, her and the baby. Please pray for God, who is mighty above all, to move the mountains and change her heart. Pray for the life of this little baby to be saved. Pray that God will be glorified and exalted regardless of the outcome. Thanks.

  41. PRAISING GOD for some financial issues that have been improved, however still much needed to be improved but will continue to praise him for what we have gotten!

    My dad is going in for a scope today to see if his Bladder Cancer is still "gone" or if it has returned

    My 10 year old son was diagnosed on Nov. 1st with Type 1 Diabetes. We are all struggling with this and need peace, healing would be great, and comfort with this. Its a 24 hour a day battle, he has low numbers that are very concerning and I know God has a plan and purpose for him to have this but I would love for my little boy to be healed from this.

    Friends baby who is seeing an oncologist today…

    Me struggling with depression from various issues. Needing peace, healing and security.

    Need for finances to be cleared up so we can start looking at adoption or sponsoring a child.


  42. First of all a praise report, Linny…All my post cancer tests came back negative first time around! yahoo!
    Second~ Prayers for Joel and my continual healing from Lyme Disease and its buddies(co-infections)
    Third~ Surrendering to God's direction for us in this season of our lives. Where do you want us, Lord?
    Thank you! Keeping you and yours in prayer.

  43. Last week I was telling someone I don't see very often about my year. My grandparents have both had health problems, my dad had surgery, and my uncle was killed in a car accident. The thing about it is that even through all of that I can say I have had a great year. I would however like prayer that my family would be blessed with a healthy future.

    Also, I would like prayer that my husband would begin to pursue me. The call to adopt stirs ever stronger inside of me and I know I am not doing this alone. I recently had a God encounter that brought some revelation in this area so prayer would be greatly appreciated.

  44. Same prayer..bonding with my newly adopted daughter… I just feel numb and "emotionless" toward her..I often don't even see her as my daughter. This is NOT what I want for her or us!

    Also, we have a BIG decision to make this week..prayer for peace and discernment for my husband and I would be sooo appreciated!:) And please know that we are praying for ALL OF YOU!! I get so excited when I see the Lord moving!!!

  45. ok…I've been reading your blog for awhile now.
    Prayer Requests:
    My husband and I leave for Ethiopia on 12-4 and return on 12-10. We are adopting a 4 year old little boy. This will be our first visit and my first time ever out of the country.

    Please also pray for the money to come in to help pay for our 2nd trip (Ethiopia now requires 2 trips). So far, money has come in as it was due for each step in the adoption process, but the cash has run out. Our agency said we'd probably travel the 2nd time in 4-6 weeks.

    Thanks so much!

  46. My family covets your prayers. I've been in Uganda now for 14 weeks adopting a precious daughter, Mercy. She is 18 months old. Due to some discrepencies with her medical report the embassy will not issue her a visa. We have people working for us here and in the US trying to solve this problem and get us home. But we keep hitting roadblocks. My family needs to be reunited soon, so we need a miracle. Thanks!

  47. Please pray that I would be able to finish this semester of college well, without any migraines!

    Also, Satan has been wreaking havoc on my life lately. Please pray that God would give me a time of rest from that.

  48. I would ask that you would pray for a very important vote coming up in Ukraine. The vote could halt all international adoptions including those for special needs children who desperately need out. Please pray that the doors continue to remain open for these children to get the help they need.
    Please pray for our adoption finances. We are looking to adopt a little one with Down Syndrome though Reece's Rainbow. Our church has not been supportive at all and I'm having a hard time raising any funds. We have a craft fair scheduled for this weekend and I am praying that the Lord will work His mighty way though it. I am praying that we will be able to get this child home in the spring.
    Please also pray for the 100 new children Andrea had to list on Reece's Rainbow yesterday. These children are all from one part of Russia and it's a very expensive place to adopt from. The rules are stacked so high in this place that only God will be able to come up with 100 families that meet the requirements.


  49. my husband just got a new job, which is a blessing, but we just found out that he will not get his first paycheck until the last day of the month. which means we have $0 to use on bills, groceries, gas, and most of all, Christmas for our kids. He continues to bless us but sometimes it's hard to see just how that's gonna happen when we've been given this news.

  50. Hi Linny
    thank you for this opportunity for all of us to join together and storm the gates of heaven. I'll be joining in today in fasting and praying for these requests. Here are mine:

    1. Reconcilliation with my son. He's not spoken to me or his brother in almost 15 months. Strength for me to continue to go to his basketball games even in the midst of this rejection.

    2. For the Lord to break my husband's heart for the orphan. He has stopped our adoption process, says it is happening too fast, not sure he's ready. We've already completed our homestudy visits and are right in the middle of the paperchase.

    3. My sis does foster care. About 6 weeks ago she did respite weekend for a 3 & 4 year old brother/sister. I fell in love with them that weekend! They are now in her care full time. 6th home these two littles have been in. It looks like they will be released for adoption. I took care of them one night/day last week and fell even more in love with them. I'm spending the weekend with my sis this weekend and will be able to spend for time with these littles. Will you pray that if these are our children my husband's heart will soften. He did say they were "cute kids" and asked if anyone was lined up to adopt them. That is a small step in the right direction :).

    Blessings to you all who are praying and fasting.


  51. My great aunt who is like a grandma to me has been meeting with some cult members as a "Bible study." I'm very concerned that she is beginning to be led astray! She is a believer, but not very strong:S
    Thank you.

  52. Dear Linny – Without reading your post yesterday, I had decided that Thursday was going to be a fasting & prayer day for me. Then, I get on here to read about today. At first, I thought maybe I should change it to today, but the Lord is saying for me to do it both days. I'm excited and encouraged and teary-eyed (quite honestly).

    We are so so blessed with how the Lord has been providing financially for our adoption of Kaleb as it is on total faith in ways I can't even share on here. But the weight of fundraising is just that…a weight right now. I'm needing to find that balance between "working hard" to raise the funds and "letting go" when I know the Lord is really the One doing it. Quite a tricky balance. Soon our focus will need to change for our daughter's wedding in March with all of those expenses. I don't want to emotionally miss out at this special time with financial concerns.

    The other request weighing heavy is the church my husband Pastors and I am the Worship Leader. Though we have been told by leadership in the church that we are doing everything correctly and that it's "not us", there is such complacency for relationships with the Lord, attendance, etc. It's discouraging to say the least in a small church (50 people). So…revival to ignite and fan to full flame!!

    SORRY SO LONG, but I have to share a huge PRAISE that occurred just last week from a previous prayer & fasting with you back months ago as I asked for prayer for one of our sons. He's a Sr in college in N'ville in Recording Industry. I asked for prayer that the Lord would draw him back to the Lord and put the right people in his life at this crucial time. Tim just received an internship with a guy he really respects and is so excited about. Then, he tells me that this guy enjoys doing "faith-based" sound work and did all the sound for "Fireproof"! Only GOD!!

  53. Please pray that we are able to sell our home. Getting it ready to put on the market has been more expensive and time consuming than expected. Also prayers in regards to the decision to adopt and the who, what, where, and whens.


    Lisa the Lurker

  54. I have a praise. Last night, I discovered that one of 2 little girls that had captured my heart on Reece's Rainbow's HIV+ list has a family! She had disappeared from the listing a while ago with no information about where she went, but now I found that it is because she was adopted by a family in her country! Such an answer to prayer for my heart.

    Prayer requests:
    -My relationship with my brother does not exist, for fairly valid reasons, but still. He is getting married next week and I will gain a sister-in-law and a niece through the marriage. He hurt me deeply when we were younger and I am realizing that the time has come to deal with it all. This is incredibly hard and scary. I need wisdom, strength, and the right words.

    – I leave for 3 months in Uganda on Jan 9. There is so much left to do, money to finish raising, & satan is trying to make me afraid.

    – I would so love a good mentor.

  55. Please pray for my family. We have been having financial problems for quite a while now. It is really weighing heavy on my husband. And at the same time we really want to adopt again.
    Thank you.


    I wrote my prayer request in the post, above, but in a nutshell: one of our precious girls from Reece's Rainbow has been transferred to a Russian mental institution and my fervent prayer is for to be adopted and for her safety and well-being in the interim. Please, please, please pray that it is ONLY an interim wait in that horrible place. She just seems precious and I can't abide the thought of that spark being snuffed out, of her never hearing about Jesus and coming to know Him.

    Thank you, Linny, for doing this. I hope you don't mind my sharing the link. Elizabeth is one of the girls that folks donated toward on Miracle Monday if they donated to the Older Girls.


  57. I have a couple of prayer requests today that I could really use your help with today.

    1) I have a HUGE test today and I don't feel ready for it. It could possibly be the biggest test of the semester. I know God already knows the outcome of this test I just pray for the strength to turn it over to him and stop worrying about it, and peace and courage to go into it relaxed and focused.

    2) This one is a biggie that I'm really struggling with right now. My 12 yr old nephew has made accusations that his step father has been abusing him sexually. This ia the 2nd time he has made this accusation the first time he just said it was his dad,his mom assumed he was talking about his bio father but he passed a lie detector test and e investigation was dropped. Now over a year later he is saying it again. All the signs are there that he is being abused in some way but his mom refuses to believe it, and even threatened him until he told everyone he was lying and it never happened. I believe him and I feel helpless to do anything to help him. Please pray that the truth will come out, no matter what it is. If he's being sexually abused or if there is something else so horrific going on in that house that he's willing to go to such extremes to get away from it.

  58. Please pray that we hear something, anything, from our social worker. We recently found out it could be another 4 months before they even come do the homestudy. We were so hoping to have kids before Christmas…

  59. Please pray for full deliverance from alcohol addiction for my husband and wisdom for me to know what I need to do to protect myself and my kids. Thank you!

  60. I am asking for prayer for the following…I updated my homestudy over a year ago and have been waiting to find the right sibling group of children to adopt. A few months ago I once again started the process of updating my homestudy. Today I found out that the agency that I am working with is closing the office near me. The next one is several hundred miles away and my wonderful social worker is being laid off. She has been incredible in believing in me, finding a group of children for me to adopt almost four years ago and I was so comfortable with her. I am praying for a "kind" social worker[I have met a lot who weren't]and someone that will be willing to locate a sibling group of children in the age bracket that I am looking for. My age and the fact that I am single seems to be a problem. This is God's dream and it is so much larger than I am…!

  61. Prayer for the adoption of our daughter, Esther in Uganda to come home to her forever family quickly.

    Prayer for our financial situation. Praying that we get out of debt.

    Prayer for my 3 yr. old who will need surgery on his thumb in the next couple of weeks.

    I love this time of prayer and fasting together. Thanks Linny for pulling us together.

  62. My husband and I have been married for 11 years, and we are praying for children. We've been praying very specifically for twins….a boy and a girl. My age and some physical issues are making the process uncertain, so I'd appreciate all the prayers I can get:).

  63. I have 2 requests that I would be grateful if you would pray over. The first one is that my son wants to go to Oregon to help a friend who has been left stranded there. And while I am thrilled that he wants to help someone who is in need the pass/roads between here and there are very dangerous at this time. He does not have a good reliable car and has a history of accidents on good roads. So you can say that I am very worried about this choice. I have offered to buy his friend a bus ticket home, but he does not want to ride the bus. I hope that you will pray that my son will use wisdom, that if the roads are bad he will just tell his friend it is to dangerous for him to try and that he will have to take the bus. The second is that we have been trying to adopt and God has began closing doors in the program we are in. I believe that I have seen the child he is asking us to bring home. A beautiful little one with Down's, but my husband is not willing at this time. I pray that he will be given an open mind and a willingness to seek God and his will. Right now he is closed minded because he had an uncle with Down's and other medical issues that made him COMPLETELY dependant his whole life. He was never able to walk, talk, or anything else. So because of this experience my husband is just not open at all to adopting a child with Down's. He is worried because there is not very much info on the child and that she could be like his uncle was(which the info that we have seen says that she is very high functioning). I just need prayer for an open mind. For him to at least consider bringing her home and that he will search God's word and for his will here.
    Thank You for joining me in prayer.

  64. Three requests:

    My husband to get a new job that doesn't require 90% travel and high stress.

    Our precious daughter Hope, the teasing to stop and for her to develop her old sense of pride in China once again.

    My health to continue to be stable and not have a relapse.
    Thank you!!

  65. We have committed to adopting 2 children from Belize even though we do not have the money. My husband is a pastor and we are going through some big leadership transitions which puts things a little up in the air for us in the church right now.

    So basically, we need a few big miracles…

    we need the Lord to bust up the opposition in the church that is holding it back from reaching our county.

    We also need a financial miracle to pay for our home study fees and our dossier preparation fees.

    Thanks for your prayers and for your sweet blog that keeps me encouraged in ministry and growing our family through adoption.


  66. Please pray for our Pastor's wife. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer again after only 1 year of remission. They have 3 young children.

    Also, we are having a hard time getting a mortgage. We are meeting with our "last chance" today at 3:30 eastern time. Please pray for God's favor.

  67. I have been overjoyed for the last couple of days, since our prayer has been answered positively! Against the odds, my sister Susan's recent PET scan showed a clearing of her lymphoma, and now she may progress to the next step of treatment. She needs continued prayers for her and her family as she undergoes more intensive treatment and a stem cell transplant for the next 6 weeks.

    We are so thankful and overjoyed that God is still in the business of miracles!

    Prayers being said for all!

  68. I am quitting my job on the first of the year to start my own business at home. I have not put my notice in yet (my last day will on Jan 14th) And so it is very stressful, as my heart has moved on to my new employment. I have a large amount of responsibility at my current job. I am trying to keep my eyes focused on the fact the end is near. I work in a highly stressful medical office that lacks vision and direction. Please pray that I can stay focused on the job at hand and just give the stress to God. I don't want to wish my days away, however it is what i seem to be secretly hoping for in my heart.

  69. We would very much appreciate some extra prayers at this time. We are starting the process to adopt a little boy from China with all limbs affected with arthrogryposis. But we also feel very impressed to bring home another little girl, at the same time, with basically the same special need. We do not quality for China's income guideline of $10,000 per family member, but we feel so impressed about these 2 children. Please pray that our agency will feel this is God's will, and will work with us. And please pray very hard that China will give us approval, even though we don't financially qualify. Thank you so much! Becky

  70. Linny, my request is for my niece and he husband. Two years ago neither knew Christ. My niece was pregnant and they got a fatal diagnosis for their son Mason. Through the pregnancy, birth and death of Mason, my niece came to know Christ, her husband became angry at God and turned to drugs and alcohol to fill the void and numb the pain.

    I have been mentoring my niece for the last 18 months or so. She is growing into a beautiful woman of God who studies the Word and listens to His voice. Her husband left her 6 months ago, but God has been moving in her heart to pursue her husband. Two weeks ago he attended a marriage conference with her and says he wants to change.

    The long and the short of it is that my niece has given him a deadline of this Friday to get into or make arrangements to get into a 1 year treatment program.

    Please pray that he chooses life. He could be used in an awesome way if he would give in to God and let God clean out the junk. And pray for healing in his life, not just of the alcohol and drugs but of all the spiritual/demonic influence that keeps him from full commitment to the God who loves him.

  71. Please pray that my son, Matthew, will return to the Lord and his family. He has not spoken to us in over 3 years.
    Please pray that Jeremy will be accepting of us adopting again.
    Please pray that Nick will follow the Lord and also find a job.
    Also pray that my hearing will return in my left ear. I have an infection that has caused me a lot of trouble.
    I will be praying for the other needs on this list throughout the day.

  72. I am asking prayer for some friends who have an infant son, Thomas, who is receiving a Berlin heart (mechanical) today. This is after two failed heart surgeries. He is waiting for a heart transplant. Pray for his parents, big sis, twin brother, and medical staff. Thomas' mom and dad are Christ followers and one of the funniest couples with huge hearts.

  73. First Thank you Linny for doing this! I will be praying over these requests all day, funny thing is we have prayer service only once a month at church and tonight's the night! How cool is Our God?!

    I don't normally ask for prayer for myself but I am feeling attacked by Satan.

    Please pray that I will not doubt God's plan for us for adoption, He has made it clear yet all the waiting to begin plays a toll on my heart, I feel like He is whispering Two sweet ones together from China, trying to wrap my head around that when we haven't even begun the first one and He is adding a second?!

    Pray for our finaces! We are really struggling. Not even sure about Christmas this year.

    Pray for my Mom who recently moved in with us after open heart surgery. The dynamic in the house as well.

    Pray for my husband, who may very well possibly be getting a job in North Dakota (while we stay here, there are no family accomadations where he will be going) Really praying for God to show us whether this is what He wants for us. The financial part would be a huge blessing! (Maybe LOTS of little ones added to the family through this blessing) But the distance would be hard on me personally.

    Father we always want what You want for us because Your ways are always better and higher than we can ever begin to hope for or imagine! I lift up each person today posting a request and those who just can't seem to. You know their hearts and their needs. Please provide for them in a way that there is NO doubt that the only way it could have happened is through YOUR blessing, grace, and love! Thank you for being a GREAT BIG GOD! Who cannot be put in a box, who created each of us to serve You only! I love you my sweet Jesus!!!!

    Love and blessings to you all! I'll be praying 😉

  74. Thank you for this privilege to pray and be prayed for.

    We are in the process of reunifying our youngest foster daughter 1 year old with her family. We also have adopted her 2 half brothers. Please pray that the process is God's will and will be as good as it can be.

    Also pray for my older kids who have been adopted through foster care during this transition time. It brings up a lot of feelings that are healthy to discuss but still hard.

  75. 1. I would really love to hear how our son is doing in Korea….we haven't heard anything since July and they aren't supposed to release him officially until the end of the month, but my heart would like to hear about my sweet boy.

    2. And I just want to know Jesus more and more and continue to learn how to die to myself

    thanks for this, Linny,
    fasting and praying with everyone!

  76. Thanks Linny!
    Prayer needed for my daughter and her kids and their situation.
    Prayer for my health issues.
    Prayer for the consideration of adoption (a dream that goes back to my teens).
    Am I too old? 52 (husband 53)
    Prayer if it is God’s will He will show me.
    If so, prayer He will put the desire on my husband’s heart.
    Prayer I will be patient and listen and hear and accept and know the direction I should take in my life!
    Signed………former lurker. 🙂

  77. This summer my husband returned from a year-long deployment to Afghanistan. We are just starting out in our marriage and he has been gone more then he has been home. We are having so many problems right now and I'm angry and hurt. Please pray for the restoration of our marriage as well as patience and fortitude for me. I know this will be a long process but I trust God that He will restore what the locusts have eaten.

  78. Thanks for the prayers. I need help moving forward after my mom's death this past october. Finances are a big worry as I need a job to help keep my from being homeless. It has been difficult since my mom passed away. I was her caretaker for 4 years and now I am alone and am feeling it at times. I don't know what God wants me to do, I really don't. I know I have to go on but I miss her so much. She was my life for so long. I need a job by February so that I won't lose the house and so that I will be able to pay the house bills. Thanks!

  79. Please pray for my family- we have been in the process of becoming a foster family for infants over the past couple of years. We are probably a few weeks away from being opened. We would appreciate prayers for the final mountains (a police check, final home renovations needing to be completed) to be moved. We would love to have a baby with us Christmas morning. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you Linny for your blog.

  80. Thank you so much for this!!!!
    Prayers please for the adoption of our two from China…
    -our little girl had parents come for her last year, that then did not finalize the adoption…so we are praying for healing for her little heart and for a God-Attachment with us;
    -the money needed to bring home two and for 3 of us to travel to China;
    Thank you again so much!!!

  81. Linny,
    Thank you! First, let me tell you that my last prayer request (that our dossier would be submitted) was answered. We are actually here in Ukraine and have met our daughter for the first time today. My prayer request is that we will receive a quick court date that will allow us to travel home before the end of the year.
    PS – I'm pretty sure that you get some credit for this adoption in the first place! 🙂

  82. Please pray for our baby girl in Uganda. We've been stuck with some hold-ups in our state, and haven't been able to bring her home yet. And poor thing has the chicken pox right now 🙁

    We got good news Monday, but still have a few more steps to go… We don't think we'll have her home for Christmas, so we're praying our finances perk up a bit, so that we can travel as a family to Uganda and be with her!

    Please also pray for the rest of the Uganda families that are all hoping to get in for courtdates before the Christmas break! Everyone's been waiting a very long time! I can feel God stirring up great things for this Christmas! 🙂

    Thanks! Praying for the requests and wishes of all those that are posting here today!


  83. Would you please pray for Mali, West Africa, and for the precious people who reside there? This is a country that is only 1% Christian. I am moving there to minister to these sweet people in less than 2 months. Would you pray that their hearts are opened for them to receive the Gospel? Wouldn't you want someone to pray for you?

  84. Another request from a blog friend via email:

    I have 3 adopted children that I am protecting in that my husband walked away from our marriage and them. We are scheduled to go back to court Jan over financial and visitation issues. I have prayed and fasted often for him and this situation. I heard from him right before Thanksgiving and he wants to meet to maybe settle before court. I pray this is the breakthrough…..I can't trust him, but I so want to stop this battle he is creating. Please pray for my discernment and that Jesus could do a miracle so we can move on and these kids can not be drug into his lifestyle he is in. I am blessed by your blog and my kids and I pray for your requests at our family devotions nightly. We stopped everything the other day and prayed for DW when he had the accident. God bless you and I will pray for all requests as well as your recent ones.

  85. I posted a request earlier about my Ugandan adoption. Now I have an updated request, if you don't mind. I got word the the attorney helping us in DC is trying to make some very important contacts this afternoon. Pray for her to be able to meet/talk with the right people and for them to be sympathetic to our case. And pray for this mama's heart that longs to be on two continents at once. Thanks!

  86. I posted earlier, but just received a call from our daughter's fiance that he has a HUGE job interview on Friday which would be such an answer to prayer as they are getting married in March! Pray the Lord's perfect will and supply. Thank you all!

  87. HUGE prayers needed for my six year old who is battling rage, anger, and fits which we think are related to trying to find the "right" ADHD med for his little body. He is not himself and as a single mama to two others as well it's hard. Praying! Thanks!

  88. Please pray for some very dear friends who went in Saturday to deliver twin baby girls. One baby made it and the other one died. They are trying to grieve Therese while they celebrate the life of Pearl.

  89. Thank you for doing this again. I will join in praying for others, and I give you my prayer requests. Some of them are repeats, some are new.
    1. Physical healing for my MIL with chronic/long term health issues.
    2. Physical healing for SIL recovering from auto accident. God is good! It has been 3 months since the accident. She is in a rehab facilty and she walked for the first time two days ago! Praying for total restoration.
    3. My sister that had a double masectomy last week. Prayers for physical healing and to be cancer-free.
    4. Financial provision.
    5. Adoption. Praying that God will move in our family. Grant me a RHW (reluctant husband waiver). Open doors to adopt older girl/younger boy from China.
    Thank you for your prayers.

  90. My prayer request is for my health. I have an auto-immune disease and my meds for controlling it are giving me worrisome test results. Please pray for my healing. Also for God to show us the path to our next child. Thank you.

  91. Please pray for our sweet little girl in Thailand. We have been in the process of adopting her for 30 months, now. We were originally told that we'd likely have her home a year and a half ago. Needless to say, we've experienced many, many delays. We've been there, spent three weeks with her. She continues to wait for us. We've celebrated her 3 birthdays without her. We're heading into our 3rd Christmas season without her. The wait is long. The wait is painful. Please pray for our Lily.

  92. Also, I have a financial need of around $1600 to purchase a plane ticket to move to Mali, West Africa in January. I am running out of time, and need to purchase a ticket ASAP as the sooner the cheaper. Could you pray that this money would appear and that God will provide very quickly? I have raised enough money for that ticket and beyond, but I must pay for this out of pocket and then get reimbursed with it. It's a confusing situation, but please pray that it gets resolved soon.

  93. I sat at Del Taco today while my kids ate lunch I used my phone to scroll through these requests and pray over each one. A couple of times my phone vibrated with incoming texts, I ignored them. Another text came about the time I got to my own request about my niece. I don't know if it was curiosity getting to me or the prompting of the Holy Spirit, but I felt I needed to check. The message was from my niece.

    She was with her husband who was on a phone interview at that moment with a treatment facility, and she was asking for prayer that he would be accepted!

    A few minutes later she texted again; he was accepted! They do not currently have space but he is to call back weekly until they do, they expect it will be a 3-4 week wait. How cool is that?

    I'm praising a Miracle-Working, Mountain-Moving, Awe-Inspiring, Gasp-Giving God!!

    Now, dear bloggy friends of Linny, would you please pray for a spot to open for this young man this week?

  94. Please pray Gods perfect will for the Siblings of our newly adopted children. There is a possibility of them coming home to us.

    Church Leadership will have Open hearts regarding Adoption Ministry.

    Permanent job offer for my husband. He is currently doing a short term contract, but we are believing God for a Corporate offer! With Good pay and Benefits!

  95. Two things:

    1. My mom, Sheri. She's a single mom, and a high school English teacher. She is absolutely miserable at her job, because the principals are trying to get her to resign because they're mad that she's been out so much the past few years because of both her health and mine. She barely makes enough month-to-month when she's there every day and lately her paychecks have been cut because she's had heart problems, and so she has to borrow money from her mom and that makes her feel absolutely pathetic. I'm so worried about her because she's so depressed and I don't know how to help her.

    2. My health. Something is constantly wrong with me. In the past year alone, I've had six brain surgeries, staph meningitis, staph pneumonia, pleurisy, three foot surgeries, MRSA in my foot, and gotten diagnosed with severe migraines. My entire life has been this hectic, and I'm 18. I feel like I'm breaking from all the stress and pressure of dealing with my crappy health and a full-time college load, and right now I think I'm getting pneumonia like I usually do every winter. I also feel bad that I'm adding to my mom's stress level. I'm just so tired of being sick…and so, SO frustrated.

  96. I will be saying so long for now to a friend I met when He was Homeless. To say I am heartbroken because Montrose Colorado has no shelter that could meet his needs is correct! But because of John3:16 and my friend Miss. Cindy leading him to The Lord He has a mansion in heaven! Yippee Jesus!! Please Pray for a shelter that serves vets, singles, and family! Janet

  97. thx again linny for doing this post. i love it. here are my requests: michelle (my pastor's wife) is undergoing chemo and then radiation for breast cancer (pray for her fast healing and for my pastor-don. pray for his strength to be renewed as he watches his wife go thru this tough time). 2nd request: my aunt sandy, whose cancer has returned, causing double vision b/c of the location of the tumor. (radiation treatments the next 2 weeks). 3rd request: cousin's new baby will be having surgery on a hematoma on his skull(just before his 3 month birthday-pray for his parents to have strength and courage to walk this through and to trust in our Lord to hold them). 4th request: due to some things happening at my hubby's job, we may have the "opportunity" to move out of this area and restart small and simple. just the way that feels right to me… pray that we have clear open doors to where He wants us to be.
    thank you so much to anyone praying. i can only imagine that we sound like music to God's ears when He hears us all lifting each other up 🙂

  98. -For the coming week, please pray that God will see me through my interviews and assessments, and help me to successfully gain internships.

    -Please pray for my friend who lost her mother, that God will see her through this difficult time.

    -Please pray for my family, that God will continue to provide for our every need.

    -Please pray for the less fortunate around the world, that they will have a great Christmas season, and that God will use us to help those who we can.

  99. I have 3 requests. For myself, I am very much under a financial mountain that I can't seem to get out from underneath. It has been a very difficult 2 years with that. Also, I am undergoing a spinal block procedure for severe back pain Friday- I pray that it is successful and that I can avoid the vertebral fusion surgery the doctor talked about for many more years.

    The other is for my best friend and her family. Her brother passed away suddenly 1 month ago. They found Thanksgiving very difficult, his birthday is next week and I suspect Christmas will be very difficult. I pray they find some peach this season.

  100. My husband is deployed to Afghanistan right now. This is tour #6 for him and he has been in the Army for 26 years. Lord willing his safe return, this is his last deployment. Being an Army wife is one of the toughest jobs I've ever had. He is on a 12-15 month tour….that seems like a lifetime. I would so covet your prayers, especially during this holiday season that is proving to be difficult for both of us.

    My main prayer request would be for his safe return. But please pray as God would lead.


  101. Please pray, that I find a job that provides financial security, and that the job God wants me in and to apply to jumps out at me. and that my aunt who is undergoing chemo for breast cancer is strengthened,comforted and healed, and my grandmother who had her last radiation treatment for breast cancer is completely healed. I apologize for the laundry list, and thank you in advance for praying with and for me. Thank you also, to Linny for providing an arena for this great blessing.

  102. I would love some prayers for my husband's direction in jobs and for our financial situation as well as our desire to adopt a beautiful 9 year old SN's little girl in China, who seems unreachable to us right now! SO many barriers!! Thank you and bless you!!!

  103. I am asking for prayer that the Lord sheds his love, compassion and mercy and it is in His plans for me to pass my medical licensing exam that I re- took two weeks ago after having failed it the first time. I also ask for prayer that my friends/classmates who failed and had to re-take also pass the exam. And that if we did not pass the exam that God sheds his peace on our hearts as we continue to persevere to do His will for our lives. I pray that I may see the face of Christ in each of my patients' faces and that I may share God's love with them.

    On behalf of everyone who feels compelled to pray for me, thank you so very much, I covet your prayers and I will be praying for others' requests. God bless you. Thank you Linny for orchestrating this day of prayer!

  104. Please pray for my daughter, Makayla. She is 11 and had knee surgery last week. The recovery has been rough so far. She is having a lot of pain and swelling. Please pray for complete healing and comfort during the recovery process. Thank you all and God bless.

  105. Please pray for us to reach our financial goal for our adoption of two beautiful little girls. We are in the final stages and know God will provide, but the human part of me is coming out a little bit, and satan is trying to plant that little seed of doubt.

  106. Prayers for financial peace.

    Prayers that the substitute teaching job I currently have will become permanent.

    Prayers for the young mother/teacher whose place I would be taking at the school. She is experiencing some personal problems that may prohibit her from coming back to work. Please pray for her and her family!

  107. Hi Linny!
    Thank you so much for doing this. If you wouldn't mind praying for my little one to gain weight. For my husbands new job. And for me to trust God with EVERYTHING. It's funny how I became a mom and then tried to watch over my son and not really letting God in to do it. Thank you so much!!! 🙂

  108. We would sincerly appreciate some prayers for our family! Our financial burdens are only getting bigger and bigger (my husbands been out of work for 8 months now with no prospects in sight) its so hard to hold on to the hope…

  109. Please pray for our teen son Jonathan with Asperger Syndrome (high functioning Autism). He has the unseen disability. He looks normal and has normal looking behavior at times, yet he also has odd Asperger behavior. He is VERY stubborn and also hard to communicate with. We have felt condemned and rejected many times by believers for being a Christian homeschooling family with a son who is rude, stubborn, and has hermit like behavior. We're tired, sad, and out of ideas to help him…

  110. Please pray for our teen son Jonathan with Asperger Syndrome (high functioning Autism). He has the unseen disability. He looks normal and has normal looking behavior at times, yet he also has odd Asperger behavior. He is VERY stubborn and also hard to communicate with. We have felt condemned and rejected many times by believers for being a Christian homeschooling family with a son who is rude, stubborn, and has hermit like behavior. We're tired, sad, and out of ideas to help him…

  111. My request is that my husband would start to really feel God's love for this child we are adopting, to know without a doubt that she is ours, and we are hers. That God would put a fire in him for her, a yearning to bring her home.

  112. I am fasting and praying for everyone and feeling Gods presence in my life.

    Please pray for a little girl called Lois who is fighting Leukemia. I don't have much news of her right now but God knows how she is doing please let us pray for her healing she needs remission. Also prayers for little Ella who is on her last round of chemotherapy…praying for a successful round and remission for this sweet little girl.

    Prayers for my own little girl who is 2 and half and has Down Syndrome, she is suddenly refusing to go to the toilet and won't even sit on it, something seems to have traumatised her. Children with DS very often have severe constipation but she has never had a problem and we are now needing to medicate her daily even then she will not sit on the potty, starts crying and screaming. She was always very regular and now we have 4 days or more between going. I know this may not be major but it's still worrying for us and terribly upsetting for her. This is a sudden development with her and no idea why

    Thank you

  113. I've been reading all the posts and sending up prayers.

    My prayers requests are:

    1. Healing for my precious daughter (age 11) who was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer last year. She is doing great and we are going back to have scans in January. Please pray that her scans are good! Also please pray that my scans are good too…the type of cancer is caused by a genetic mutation and I tested positive for the mutation earlier this year, now I have to monitered. I'm having an MRI at the same time she is having a CT. Also we have to travel to another state because they are the only dic that know anything about this type of mutation and the cancer associated with it.

    2. In the midst of all this I DO want more children! (we have 6) I had a miscarrage about a month before my daughters diagnoses last year. Please pray that my husband changes his mind and says yes to more children either by birth or adoption. He thinks that with all that has happened we should stop where are are and be thankful and I AM but I still would like at least one more…

    3. The medical costs have been hard on us, please pray for some help. A raise for my husband or a god bonus would help us so much!

    Thank you!

  114. We are looking at the China Special Needs list for our second child.

    Pray we find the child who we will be a blessing to – and who will be a blessing to our family as well.

    We will need a waiver to adopt – so God's will be done!

  115. My husband returned in Oct from yet another hospitalization for depression. Now he is once again off his meds and started drinking again. I know that God has a plan and He's faithful its just hard to see at times. We really need God to move in our family and take care of us; to show Mike love and that drinking is not the answer.

  116. God's guidance for specialist doctors seeing our daughter in January and trying to determine what might be causing her unusual symptoms related to legumes and muscle weakness.

  117. Could you please pray that I settle into this 'calm ' that God has given me in the past couple of weeks. He has been working overtime nside of me the past few months and I know I am in a better place for it! But, I'm questioning the feeling inside of me-is it really real? can I really let go of the things he has worked so hard in me to get me to finally let go of it all and only look to him for answers and guidance? can I do this without my therapist that He orchestrated my meeting her 8 months ago (she is on a plane to Alaska today 12/2/10 for good-I'm incredibly sad over this and I am worried/not trusting of myself to stay on the path I am on). I like this feeling of calm but my anxiety is knocking on its door!
    Thank you

  118. Please pray for a dear friend diagnosed with bladder cancer and for my son who is auditioning for an opera studio on December 7th. God is faithful and answers prayer. Thank you.

  119. My mom has breast cancer. She was supposed to begin radiation therapy 2 weeks ago, but her incision from her partial mastectomy was not healed well enough. She will go on December 6 to see if they are healed well enough to begin radiation. Please pray that they are.

    Thank you!

  120. We need $1,650.00 before the 13th so beautiful 16 yr Liza, orphaned in Latvia, can share our family this Christmas. We are in process of adopting 2 from Congo, and still owe our agency $10,000. Please beg God to move hearts to provide for Liza's hosting this Christmas!!

  121. For some reason, my prayer request never got posted yesterday 🙁

    I'll repost again today. I am in desperate need of physical healing. I have had chronic fatigue syndrome for over 10 years in addition to GI and endocrine issues. I have tried so many things and have almost exhausted my options. I literally don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm falling apart.

    My 2 young kids need a functioning mom. My husband and I long to have more children, but that can never happen if things don't change.

    I'd appreciate any prayers and am so thankful for this group that is lifting one another before the Throne.

  122. Please pray that the property we have for sale will be sold. We have had a lot of interest but nothing promising. We are waiting on our LOA from China to bring home a 13 yo daughter and 6 yo son and need this to sell to have the travel funding.

    Thank you so much!


  123. Oh, how I would love to know others are praying.

    We weren't looking to adopt again, but he found us. We don't have the money, but God said, "I am in this." We don't even meet all of the requirements for China anymore, but so many signs came our way.

    I've finished Radical and If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat. My DH, who has always said our home was full, said, "I'm getting out of the boat."

    We submitted our paperwork for Pre-Approval for China yesterday. Please pray we find favor, like Esther found favor with the King.

    And, pray that God will miraculously send the fund we need.

    And, if you want to sneak a peak out the little emperor, check out our blog!


  124. Hey!

    I am not sure if anyone will still read this but I thought it was worth a try.

    I am in Uganda right now, have been since September actually. I love this country so much. Since being here God has put some amazing people in mine and my sisters life. Right now we are in need of some major miracles. We know God will come through if it is his will but we are running out of time (December 20). He has already moved some mountains for us but we have a lot more that need to be moved. It is giving me a head ache. God has big plans, That is for sure. {Sorry to be so vaque}

    Also, my family is in the process of adopting from Bulgaria and we need to have our paper work in by January 17th, 2011 or stuff could go very wrong with getting our child home. Again, we need another miracle.

    One last prayer request. There is a little girl that needs a family in Europe. It hurts me to see that she is STILL waiting for a family. Please pray that she will get a family soon and that if need be, mountains will be moved to get her into a family. She needs one so bad.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this!


  125. please pray for our adoption from ethiopia – it seems the longer we wait – the longer the expected wait gets. please pray it goes quickly without delay – but in God's timing.

    also please pray for the finances for our adoption. we know God is faithful but are keeping it in prayer.

    also please pray for the complete healing of my fear of planes/heights/small spaces. the flight to ethiopia will certainly push my limits of that.

  126. Please pray for:
    *my belief to be ever strengthened
    *my children to follow God
    *peace for my husband's anguish/anger
    *clarity & support & understanding in the pull I feel toward adoption
    *my parents' health

  127. as the 153 comment not sure anyone will even see this but here goes…

    Please be in prayer for our son Jeremiah. He has been givin a prognosis of "NONE" for survival from the Neurologist upon seeing Jeremiah's cat scan. Jeremiah has on top of that severe spastic quad cerebral palsy, hypertonia, microcephaly, severe reflux, blindness and a few other things goin on. I love this little guy more than I can even express and most of the time I am ok with everything and just hold on to faith and say GOD IS ABLE and want to prove the docs wrong, but then I have the days I am so down about it I can barely function. An online friend with a baby girl whose brain loss is similar to Jeremiah's lost her baby a few days ago and it really has hit me soo hard. I am so prayin for her and I can't imagine what she does each day, so much of our days revolve around our special angels. Please pray for her too. for Gabby's family. Gabby was the baby girl that earned her angel wings. Please pray for Jeremiah to battle these illnesses that keep coming upon him and for him to be healed, for brain regrowth of dead brain tissue, and for me his mom to be all I need to be. I have been very down lately and not really sure why but I am having a hard time. Please pray that we can have an amazing Christmas and pray we can get some good deals and get as much equipment and things to do therapy for Jeremiah on a daily basis at home in addition to his therapy sessions he goes to. I am sorry I have so babbled on.

    God bless anyone who has read this and prays.

  128. Please pray for little Oskar K – a little boy in russia who's life so far has been a nightmare that I cannot imagine. Please help him find relief, hope, family, love. Please pray for me to hear God's voice if he means for me to do something, so that I hear Him.

    Please soften my husband's heart and prepare and provide the right time for me to pose the adoption question.

    Please pray for me to be patient and attentive to what God wants. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, but I know it's more than this.

  129. I have 2 … one for me and one for a student of mine.

    1. We were finally matched with a birth mother …. and the day that she had her baby she changed her mind about her adoption plan and our adoption fell through. We were DEVASTATED. It's been a hard hard hard past few weeks. Please pray that we get matched SOOOON and that God takes away the pain.

    2. I teach 1st grade. One of my students/neighbor of ours mom who is only 27 was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. They are in a financially in really really bad situation. And the doctors are only giving her a year to live. Please pray for a miracle for this sweet little family.

  130. Praying for all these requests by condensing and writing them down. 🙂 Please pray for healing of my womb. I very much want to adopt but am sensing the Lord wants me to ask for healing. I think sometimes I'm not very good at asking. Thank you.

  131. We have gotten some new information on a situation which we are in the middle. We are waiting for further clarification on some of the information. It requires a decision that will have a lifetime impact on at least one and as many as seven people. Please pray for peace about the decision – whatever it is.

  132. Not sure if it is too late to join, but know God hears my prayers …

    Please pray our church falls in love with the orphan and supports the plans being made for an orphan ministry.

    Please also pray for the two specific girls met on a mission trip to South America in October, may the hurdles be overcome so they can be adopted by myself and another family in SC.

    Not my will, but his. Bless you.

  133. Thank you for praying! Please pray that:

    1. our adopted daughter will come to accept and love her adopted younger brother
    2. our new adoption of a special needs seven-year-old girl would be approved by China, and the financing would come in at the time when it's needed
    3. I would raise my children to know, love, and follow Christ, and that He would live in me to be that leader

    Thank you so very much for praying!

  134. Our family and our children's pastor's family are in the process of adopting two previous little boys from Uganda. Our friends have a tentative court date, but we are still waiting. It is also looking like we may be gone for Christmas. Between the two families, we have six children that will be left home without their parents for Christmas.

    Please pray that we hear something soon on our court date, and pray for peace for all of us while we are separated during Christmas.

  135. There is a family at the school where I work who really needs prayer. The mom just found out that she could die very soon. A condition she has had for a while has become much worse and is progressing rapidly. According to the doctors her condition will kill her and the only treatment avaliable to halt the disease will kill her. The family has three kids ages 3,5, and 6. The two older ones are high functioning autistic. Please pray for God to spare her life, and if GOd feels that it is her time then please let it be after Christmas.

  136. A family's 15 month old daughter had 3rd degree burns from scalding hot water about a week ago and had skin grafts, please pray that the healing will be quick and complete without any infections, for relief for the girl and and for the family to have peace and come to faith in Jesus. Thank you.

  137. I'm late… I just saw this wonderful post and wanted to join in!

    There are several people in my family who don't know Jesus. Please pray that they will come to know the Lord.

    Please also pray that everything goes smoothly regarding a job offer that my husband received – and that he will get to start in his new position soon. It's a good company, but we haven't heard anything from them in awhile.

    Thank you all!

  138. I'm sorry… I have one more, very important prayer request:

    My friend and her husband adopted their daughter a couple of years ago. Their daughter had a very rough life before she came to them. She is beginning her teenage years and has recently been suicidal – her mom had to rush her to the ER yesterday. Everyone is back home now, but please pray for their daughter and for the whole family.

    Thank you!

  139. We are less than 3 months from bringing our 13 year old daughter home from China and we still need about $15,000. Praying for a miricle, for favor with Grantors. My husband Brad recently had unexpected surgery so he will be out of work for 2 1/2 months, we are a one income family. But God is bigger that our circumstances! He will provide! Thank you for Praying…Terry

  140. I would ask you to pray for my son Will. He is six years old and was born with Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect. My three requests are:

    1. Please pray for healing of his heart. He had heart surgery as an infant to repair an AV canal, but he still has a leaky mitral valve. It has remained unchanged for nearly 6 years, which is a miracle!! Please pray for another miracle in that the valve would heal itself and no further surgery would be required!

    2. Please pray for Will to learn to eat. He has severe sensory defensiveness and oral motor delays. Pray for his chewing and swallowing skills to improve. Pray that he would be willing to try new foods and for him to like them! Pray that he would feed himself so that we don't have to continue to force feed him. And pray that he would eat a normal, balanced diet and use all the nutrients for growth and development.

    3. Pray for his overall growth, development and behavior. He is smart and funny but doesn't always show it! Pray for his gross and fine motor skills, and his speech and cognition to improve. And pray for his behavior – that he would learn to be self-controlled and cooperative and have appropriate social skills.

    I know I am late to this post, but thank you for doing this. Please lift up these concerns and pass it on to others who will pray for him. Thanks so much!!

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