If You’d Been Here…

 Last night we hosted our Girlfriend’s Christmas party 
{women’s ministry at the church we pastor}…
and since many of you would have come 
{if you’d been closer}, 
I wanted you to kind of feel what it was like….
Graham and a bunch of his friends helped with the cars.  We live in a kind of rural area, so two of his friends stood at the end of our lane and waved flashlights so ladies knew where to turn…
Then as cars came down our long lane, three other young men, gave them a ticket and valet parked their car in the front pasture.   I regret that I didn’t get a picture of the boys:  Gabe, David, Dylan, Nate, Ben and Graham.  They worked hard and nearly froze, but did it joyfully.  
Dwight treated them to dinner at Serious Texas while the party was going on….
and then Gabe, Ben and Graham helped get the cars out
 when it was time to leave.  We have the privilege of having
 such sweet young guys around!   
Love those boys!
Dw and Graham had rigged Christmas music 
up outside the house, so walking up,
 here’s what it was like with beautiful, 
familiar Christmas music playing! 
 When I came outside to greet the ladies, 
I couldn’t believe how pretty the house looked
 {and I live here – haha}.  
Emma and her friend Savannah had worked so hard 
making all the luminaries that lined the lane and walkway.  

 From the front porch looking out..

I asked Emma to take some pictures so you could see the rooms…
Liberty was a huge help as we got ready…

 A sleigh full of bears rode through the party!
Some Christmas Geese flew in for a visit as well…

 Emma and Autumn, being silly sisters…

 And ladies started arriving….

      Eventually there were 80 ladies here!

 We played “musical ornaments”, passing the ornaments people had brought all around….
 And then there was this one lady {you know who you are} who hid the ornament she had been passed and refused to give it up….the measures some will go to to get what they want – haha!!
We sang Christmas carols together….
and then I shared something God had laid on my heart…
 Some had already left, but we tried to get a group picture…
I love the ladies {and the friends they brought} 
so very thankful for the privilege of pastoring at the River.  

 Three sweet goofy friends of mine, 
playing with my camera…
so I found a bunch of pictures they had taken..

 Kim, my sweet neighbor across the road, who decided to take my camera 
and take pictures of herself…I’ll spare you the one of her fillings.  
 Rowdy girlfriend!
And here’s my Girlfriend’s ministry team. 
They make it possible. Leah {far right} just joined my team…
the others have been part for the past four years. 
Left to Right
Carie {kind of tucked behind}, Jill {her husband is our worship pastor}, 
Sarah, Irma and Leah
I couldn’t do Women’s Ministry without these precious friends….
I am so blessed by their sweet friendship 
as we minister to the ladies together…
{they always have my back!}
Love you guys soooo much!!

18 thoughts on “If You’d Been Here…

  1. Wow looks like it was an amazing party. Thankyou for taking photos outside as feels like we entered the party too.( I wanted you too but didn't ask because thought you would be so busy!) The decorations outside and in look stunning, mad e me imagine all the chatter and laughter. Thank you for sharing.

  2. What a beautiful party! Wish that I lived closer and could have joined all of you. But I love seeing your pictures and all of the pretty decorating. Looks like you had a great time! What a blessing for the ladies of your church to have a Christmas get together.

  3. You are a Blessing to each of those ladies! They are lucky to have you! A fun time was had by all! The lady that hid the ornament – shows that we may be One in Christ – but sometimes the devil takes over! LOL

  4. Wow! Your sidewalk looks AMAZING! Must have hired some sort of professional to lay that, eh? 😀 just kidding! The house looks SO beautiful and the decorations outside are so welcoming for Christmas! Miss you guys!!

  5. That sidewalk is the best part of the home! Our builder was so-so, but that guy who laid the sidewalk – he and his family? Whoooaa. They are stinkin' amazing…and we are so thankful for his craftsmanship and diligence in doing it…and we love them so much and miss them always!! 😉

  6. Wow Linny, it looks like you had a GREAT time!
    We like the last picture the best because your're in it! Sophia says that she likes your hair…"It really looks nice". 🙂 Glad that you're growing out the color! Grey is da bomb! 😉

    Love you,

  7. Hi Linny, your home would be perfect on a Christmas card; it has such a cozy and welcoming look! What a blessing for the womens ministry of your church to come together for a Christmas fellowship. Thanks for sharing the party with us. 🙂

  8. Christmas parties with sweet sisters in Christ are so fun. Looking forward to the ornament exchange we have next week at church. Lots of fun and food and passing the ornament right and left, according to a story! Fun and laughter! No ornament hiding either==hahaha! Hugs and thanks for sharing!

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