Jubilee Promise

It’s been a while since I updated on little Miss Jubilee Promise.   
Today was kind of a pivotal time for Miss Jubilee, so I think today would be a good day to update on just one aspect of our treasure – since so many of you have asked.

Living in a relatively remote area medically, we do not have the perk of having many specialists in close proximity.  Our local health department though, feels our pain {haha} and has doctors fly in to treat kids with special needs, about twice a year.
So this afternoon Dw and I took Jubilee to the Genetics Clinic that was in our city for the afternoon.  We have waited six months for them to come.  Actually we found out while at the appointment today that this particular doctor is scheduling appointments at his office in Denver for November {ummmm, didn’t we just have November?}
We had heard from medical professionals that this doctor we were blessed to see was very, very, very good.  He can basically look at a kid and tell you what genetically is going on.  I find that fascinating – and we were expectant.  With little Jubilee, there are many pieces that just don’t quite fit together, so we knew that Jubilee’s situation was not likely to be a textbook diagnosis.  
The little girls went to a friend’s birthday party last week.  

Well the doctor turned out to be such a pleasure! Oh.My.  I’m guessing maybe about 70 years old.  Sweet.  Kindhearted.  Gentle.  Humorous.  Easy-going.  Seriously, what a blessing.  So, so, so tender with Jubilee.  
And so he looked and examined and asked questions and talked and looked some more.
And then he said, “I think she most likely has such-n-such…but I can’t remember if you can have microencephaly with it.  Let me look at the book.”  So his assistant ran and got a huge textbook and the kind ol’ doc looked and said, “Hmmm, it can have microencephaly associated with it…Okay, so it does look like she most likely has this, but we will have to do tests to confirm.”
He told me to go home and read up on it on the internet.

Can you believe that a doctor would actually tell you to go research it??


I already peeked for a minute and saw,
“Less than 200 people in the entire world have this syndrome.”  


Less than 200 people in the entire world?
Like less than 200 in all of planet Earth?
Well I guess that means that we were right all along…

In our hearts…

Jubilee Promise is definitely, 

without a doubt, 

 one in a million!
{more tests in the days ahead to confirm his thoughts}

21 thoughts on “Jubilee Promise

  1. Sweet, beautiful girl! Hugs to you all. Such a blessing when God sends just the right doctors into our lives. He truly meets our every need (and then some!).

  2. she has the most precious smile. can't wait to hear more and how we can be specifically praying for little miss jubilee. adorable pictures of the girls!

  3. Sounds like it was a good appointment. She is totally one in a million just look at that sweet smile that was not there before her forever family. I will pray that the questions you have are answered and you can learn what God has in store for sweet Jubilee Promise!!!!!

  4. Sounds like a marvelous doctor! Our little Laura has microcephaly…nothing we were prepared for…but what a sweet, happy blessing she is! Laura's story was just published, and I'll be blogging the book review on March 31st!

  5. Such a precious and beautiful girl! Thankful for the blessing of a wise doctor and a divine appointment. Love you sistah chickie and all your littles!

  6. She is totally beautiful. Our daughter has Sotos syndrome and there are less than 60 in all of Canada…and she is the oldest (diagnosis) as well. She is 25 years old. This sometimes is difficult because there are no others to look to and see how they are progressing…but we have been a wealth of info to the younger families whose children have this syndrome.

    God carries us in the palm of his hand every day as we learn new things about her…she changes a lot as she gets older.

    Anyway, will be praying for all the tests and for sweet Jubilee.


  7. I am amazed at God. . that this doctor would know of the condition that only 200 people have. . .and be able to tell that your daughter may have it??!! Only God. . . I wil close this comment with a prayer for your Jubilee.

  8. We also have a beautiful daughter from the Philippines (8 years old) with microcephaly, and, like Angie, we weren't expecting that diagnosis. But she is our joy and our treasure and I wouldn't change anything about her. Yes, our girls are one in a million! Thanks for the post.

  9. Oh my gracious, she is an absolute doll!! Both of the girls are adorable in their matching dresses at the party. What a joy!! Thanks for updating us. I was wondering how she was doing. Have a fantastic trip to Uganda. I'll be praying!

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