
Hey it’s Abi, Mom called from Africa saying she couldn’t get on the internet today and wanted me to log on and tell you guys all what’s going on since she knows you will pray. Dad went to the emergency room this afternoon in excruciating pain and some tests confirmed that three of the six veins in his leg have blood clots and are blocked. I talked to him a few minutes ago and he said one docter said it could be very serious and another said that they take care of things like this regularly.

All that to say, pray please. 🙂

Ab for Mom

82 thoughts on “Dad

  1. Linny – You know the enemy hates what you are doing! GOD IS SOOOOO MUCH BIGGER! Lifting Dw up to the great healer! Peace to you Sweet Friend as you keep focused on Him!

  2. Lord Jesus
    We lift up to you your faithful servant DW. He is in neeed of swift and complete healing for blood clots in his leg. Lord, you know that Linny is in Africa and cannot be there for him or the family at this time. We know that the enemy is once again attacking this wonderful faithful family. In your name we ask that all these attacks stop. In your name we ask that Dw be healed fully and quickly. In your name we pray for peace of mind for Linny and that loving caring people will reach out to help with the children. In Jesus name we give thanks that you are Jehovah Jehri….

  3. Praying for a complete and miraculous healing for Dwight.
    Praying for wisdom for the doctors.
    Praying for peace and encouragement for Linn and Emma.
    Praying for comfort and peaceful hearts for the little ones at home.
    Praying that the Lord's glory will be made known, and that Satan will be defeated!!!

  4. Sending up Prayers to our Father G*d, The Healer! Oh, how I wish I lived near your family! I'd be there around the clock to help out with the littles! But, I know that He will Provide everything you need. Hugs to Linny & Emma…Hugs to DW…Hugs to The Littles and to You, Abi! Love to you ALL!

  5. Satan is trying so hard to stop your parents from doing their great work! Praying for your family and especially for your Dad at this time. Thank you for posting and updating all of us!

  6. Praying for complete healing! Lord please protect and heal DW! Give the doctors wisdom and guide their hands as they treat this problem, in Jesus name, AMEN!

  7. satan is trying his hardest to stop glory to our Heavenly Father. He doesn't like it, doesn't want it. Cool thing is that no matter what, God wins…warriors are praying (and loving you guys) from around the world. Seriously…praying hard…

  8. OK, seriously, I know this isn't funny. Really I do. But I can't help but laugh. Can't you have a boring life for once? Seriously Pastor Dwight, no need to keep falling apart on us. : )

    Praying for you!

  9. Yes, praying in agreement with others that posted above, dear lord bind satan from attacking this family, remove all fear and bless dw with healing. In your precious name. Amen

  10. Ummm, Satan has to be really crazy not think we notice that every single time you guys do something for the orphans, he puts one of you in the hospital. Ugh. Praying for healing and protection.

  11. Bless His heart! We are praying for him and for the Go team, Satan is trying to distract and we will NOT have it. Praying thanks for keep us posted!

  12. Thank you, Abi, for sharing this news of your Dad and giving us the opportunity to lift up your father and all of your family in prayer.

    Praying for complete healing, peace and comfort.

    With Much Love,

  13. Praying IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, BLESSED SON OF GOD, that satan be rebuked and bound from this family. Father, Jehovah Rophe, I pray for Dwight that you would quickly and completely heal from these bloodclots. I pray that no damage will be done in his body and that all pain will cease. Give Linny peace beyond what we humanly understand as she ministers to the little ones in Uganda. Give Abi, Graham and Liberty patience and peace as they keep the little ones at home. Above all, heal Dwight and we'll remember to give you all praise, honor and glory just because you are God. Amen! and Amen!

  14. In the almighty, matchless, healing name of JESUS, I pray for Dw's complete healing and speedy recovery. Father I trust You to restore proper blood flow and circulation throughout Dw's body without damage and without delay. It is You, Father, who thwarts the plans of the enemy and You said in Your Word that You will cause our enemies who rise up against us to be defeated before our eyes. I believe this circumstance is defeated and I give You praise for Your amazing healing power and grace. Father, the Saunders family runs after You with reckless abandon and I know there's still much work to be done. Heavenly Father, please give Linny and Emma peace, strength and comfort their hearts as they minister Your Word and love on the people You've placed before them. Give Abi, Autumn, Graham, and Liberty peace, wisdom and grace as they care for their younger brothers and sisters. Keep them strong as a family and bring healing to Dw's body. God I thank You for Your love and the privilege of prayer. May we rejoice in Your good works! In the name of Jesus, amen!

  15. Prayers are being sent your way. I feel so blessed to have found your blog. What beautiful things you are doing for God's children. I can't tell you in words how touched I am by your family and your journey. What an example you are to so many! I appreciate you opening your lives to us. What Christlike people you! I hope that you will heal soon & that your families journey to Uganda will be a safe one. Thanks for helping me remember what is important in life.
    God bless you all,

  16. Lifting your family up in prayer as you do the will of our Father. May Satan be bound and God triumph over everything your do in His name. His name will be honored and glorified as you serve His people. Praying for a mighty healing for DW in the days ahead.

  17. Zechariah 3:2 THE LORD REBUKE YOU SATAN!! I pray that the Lord himself rebukes satan off of this situation!!! Praying for DW's healing and for the team to be able to focus completly on JESUS and on these children!!

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