Liberty Anna

We are taking a moment from Africa stories to honor one of our many treasures….
Our girl is 12 today!
Someday I will write and tell the story of Liberty
 coming home to us because it is, indeed, 
a Memorial Box Monday story – 
we are so humbled and honored that the Lord would allow us the
 privilege of having Liberty as our daughter and we are
forever grateful for Liberty’s birth mom, 
Cheryl – she is such a blessing to us!
Liberty is the answer to years of praying for another little one..
and even praying specifically for a bi-racial baby….
how good of God to grant us the desires of our heart.
Liberty is tender-hearted and kind to all.  She loves Jesus and wants to please Him!  She is looked up to by all her little siblings – and sets such a good example with her gentle, thankful and loving attitude.  Her giggle is contagious…and she laughs easily.  
A heart for the orphans she was telling Daddy and I at lunch today that her dream is to one day be a missionary to Uganda, working alongside Emma in service to the orphans.  
{Two sisters who are close buddies.}

 Lunch downtown today with just mom and dad

I cannot believe that the God of the universe would move mountains hours away from us to allow Liberty to come home to us.  When her birth family was looking for a home for Liberty they contacted a well known adoption agency.  They left a message and the agency never called them back!!  
No doubt, the Lord was orchestrating events for us!!
We rejoice in this precious treasure 
Would ask you to join us in wishing her 
an extra special birthday today??

82 thoughts on “Liberty Anna

  1. Happy Birthday you beautiful sweet girl. So precious to your family and to the Lord. Greetings all the way from Australia. There is no distance to our God.

  2. happy, happy birthday Liberty! My son turns 10 today – your Mama is doing a better job of blogging about your special day Miss Liberty than I am! Hope you had a wonderful day – you have the most beautiful smile!!

  3. Happy Birthday Liberty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have an AWESOME day!!!!

    Lots of love from Canada,

    You are so SO pretty!!!! And I love your glasses!!!

  4. Dear Sweet Liberty
    Happy Birthday to a very special young lady! You are a precious gift to your family and to so many others. Today, on YOUR day, we are wishing you the best birthday ever!
    Hugs and prayers to a faithful prayer warrior and loving child of God!

  5. Happy Birthday, Liberty! What a blessing you are to your family and what a beautiful gift you are to so many people. No doubt that your wonderful, caring personality will take you far in life.

    Have a terrific day!

    All the best,
    Nicole A., now in LA

  6. Happy Birthday Liberty!!! You are a beatuiful girl outside and in!! May God bless you one day with a whole bunch of babies to love in Uganda!

  7. Happy Birthday, Liberty! You are a beautiful young lady. I can't wait to hear the story of how you became a treasure to this special family!

  8. Liberty
    Happy Happy Birthday to a beautiful girl on the outside and inside. Jesus shines through your smile and personality that we have heard about from your Mom. Blessings on this special day. love, Ellen Wylie and family

  9. Happy, HAPPY birthday, sweet Liberty. You are beautiful inside and out. Can't wait to see how our awesome God is going to use you in His kingdom. May He bless you with all the desires of your heart as you focus on Him.

  10. Happy Birthday Liberty !! I pray God will bless you with more than you know what to do with. You are a beautiful young lady. You have a beautiful smile !

  11. Happy birthday to you, Liberty!I hope you had a wonderful day! You're such a beautiful young lady whose heart of gold shines through!
    Keep shining on!
    Many blessings to you and your family,

  12. I would love to hear the story of how He brought Liberty into your family! She's a middle child and a very Special one at that! My heart has always been drawn to her Sweet Sweet Spirit.
    Liberty, I hope that your 12th Birthday was a day that you'll remember forever. You are Precious!
    Love from Minnesota ~ jo

  13. Dear Liberty Anna,

    Today you are celebrated!
    Many blessings to you!
    You are beautiful!
    Your heart is beautiful!

    (I'm happy for you because you share the birthday of our youngest daughter. She's turning ten and is our first adopted daughter. She is still in Peru, but will be coming home soon! Happy birthday to both of you!)

    Sincerely, Rhonda in Arizona

  14. Happy Birthday Liberty! I love your glasses they look a lot like my 4 year old Elena's…she just got them about a month ago…too cute you are. Keep on listening to the Lord and his plans for you!

  15. Happy Birthday, Liberty. I always think that she must be a very special child because she is right in the middle of the older kids and the younger and seems to do such a great job right there!

  16. Happy Birthday Liberty!

    It's been such a pleasure to watch you growing up through your mum's blog, you're such a credit to her. Hope you have a lovely day.

    P.S. You're my favourite 🙂

  17. Sorry to be so late with B-day wishes! Blogger was not working for awhile! Liberty Anna I am so very glad that God placed you in your family for such a time as this! Blessings! Janet

  18. Blogger was down for a day or so. So just now able to come wish Liberty a Happy Bday!!! You were created for a purpose. . .for this generation and time. . .I can't wait to read on your momma's blog all that God has in store for you!!
    Birthday wishes from NC.

  19. Oh Liberty…your smile is so beautiful and contagious! I couldn't help but smile through this whole happy birthday post!

    I hope your day was extra special…just like you!

    Happy Birthday!!

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