May 1st – Really?

May 1st.
And please Martha – my sweet friend – do not tell me about your balmy Greenville weather.  
It will surely cause us to stumble! 
We are ready to be done with the snow. 
For goodness sake, it’s MAY!!
We spent the afternoon after church today hanging out with our dear friends and watch it snow from their beautiful home.  Of course, they had a gorgeous fire going in their fireplace.  
A cherry orchard in front of their home….
The creek one must cross to get to their home….

Beautiful pictures, but not so good probably for the blossoms, right?

On our road….
The cows are even wondering where the grass went??
Just down the road from our home….we love, love, love our deer friends too!

And now we have a fire going too.  
Bring the sunshine and bring the warmth!!
After all, September usually brings snow to the mountains and that is only FOUR months away.
Oh me.

24 thoughts on “May 1st – Really?

  1. I'll trade homes with you for a week!!! My kids went swimming in the ocean last week! And in our pool too. I so miss the snow – but I never had to live with it for months on end.

    A mom in FL

  2. Linny… the beautiful pink tree… is that a myrtle tree??

    I didn't know that it started to snow in Colorado in September, oh my! I do hope you will have a beautiful sunny warm spring with flowers and birds and colour around!

  3. Sorry you aren't enjoying warmer weather. We've had so much rain here, I think I'd rather have snow than rain. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!! Here's to hoping for warmer weather and sunshine for us both!

  4. I'm with ya on the snow! (Yuck for now…) From the looks of those beautiful photos, it seems as though you had a "peace-filled Sunday." I pray HE overwhelms you in HIS glory.

    lotsa love, prayers and hugs,

  5. Boy it sure looks pretty though… Had my husband look at your video of Jubilee and your photos from the boys in Uganda…I still am hoping he one day could take a trip with you all… our hearts were so touched for those kiddos and are so thankful Jubilee is a part of your family!

  6. O my! Those are beautiful pics! Although I would rather not have snow in May! Indiana isn't much better. We have had rain almost every single day in April. Makes my husband, a farmer, very antsy!! I <3 to hear the news of Jubilee:) Sooooo sweet! A miracle of God sized proportions!

  7. Beautiful photos! And I won't tell you that it's supposed to be 88 degrees today and the kids are having friends over for a swim playdate this afternoon. 🙂 I love the snow, but not in May. Hope spring finds you soon.

  8. Oooh! Sorry about the snow, but your pictures are really beautiful! I'd wish you some weather from here, but we've had rain every day this month and apparently a huge dam near our state capitol is leaking. Feels like we need to build an ark!

  9. Linny! I love your pictures of the snow – everything seems so peaceful! And for those of us who have not been around snow in 5 years, it would be wonderful! But will pray on your behalf that soon the snow subsides, the flowers bloom, and you have a few months of warm weather before the snow returns!

  10. We woke up to snow in Ogilivie, MN at our camper yesterday. Yes, it's pretty, but enough already! My husband is spending the night at the camper because tomorrow morning's low is supposed to be 28 and we turned the water on this weekend. I would just like to be able to pack away the winter clothes for a couple of months.

  11. I totally understand. I live in the Pacific Northwest and we have just experienced the coldest April in over a 100 years. Crazy! I am in desperate need of some sunshine and warmth as well. Bring on spring!!

  12. Brrr… I got chills just looking at the photos. 😉
    Spring took it's sweet time arriving around our home, but the blooms are finally blooming and green stuff is poking cautiously from the ground. The weather man predicted snow for us yesterday, but thankfully it never arrived!
    The good news though is that your hot chocolate drinking season has been extended! Yay!
    Stay warm!

  13. OK, dear heart, I won't tell you we basked in 80+ degree weather and took the most gorgeous photos of the iris and roses blooming. I won't tell you I walked outside barefoot in my capris and actually got HOT! I also won't tell you that I wish you were here because we could go to my nephews house and swim outside in their pool because they opened it this weekend! BUT I will tell you that your photos are gorgeous and I LOVE SNOW! I definitely think a whole lot of our bloggie friends should move to SC where spring/summer/fall weather lasts about 9 months and we only have 4" or so of snow about once or so each winter. Y'all come on! We are sure friendly and I'll pour you a glass of sweet iced tea with lots of lemon and we'll rock on the front porch!

  14. Beautiful and Wonderful – we fruitlessly searched and searched for a tiny flake of snow this year – our dd really wants to see what its like. You have so much -you are RICH!

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