
 God in His graciousness has given me many wonderful friends.
Not long after we moved to Colorado, one of the treasures He brought me, was my sweet friend Carie.
I’ve mentioned her before lots of times.  When the fire happened, I don’t know how I would have made it through the aftermath without her.  Always faithful.  
She’s one of the most funnest people I know, not to mention one of the most caring, thoughtful and giving women I have ever met.
She gives unselfishly over and over and over and over.
Well a few years back life got pretty ugly for my sweet friend.
I will never forget a cold winter day driving with her and sitting for hours in a cold desolate parking lot, wiping her tears and praying with her.  Sometimes husbands can make the most horrible choices.
So began a journey of pain, heartache and grief.
Somewhere in there I said to my sweet friend,
“Someday God will bring you a Godly man 
and I will wear PINK in your wedding.”  
It became a source of hope.
And when I knew that things were especially painful, 
I would text her one word:
or I’d put it on her Facebook wall:
She would laugh her head off and say, “You’re awful!”
One day there was a wonderful man {who also attends our church} whose life took a very ugly unexpected turn.  And while he was going through his divorce, Dw and I thought, 
“Hmmmm….what if??”  
And my sweet friend Carie, had no idea what
 had been going on in this man’s life.
One day the timing was finally right….
Carie and Clayton started dating.
The joy in both of their lives has been contagious!  Their kids had become great friends long before they had even started dating.
And time passed and one day Carie came screaming into our home – 
“He proposed!  He proposed! He proposed!”  
We jumped {literally} all around, hugging 
and hugging and crying and crying!!
That day she asked me to be her matron of honor.
I was tickled beyond words.  What a joyous honor!
{But doggone it, pink is not the color on the racks this year.  
At least I was able to carry a little P.I.N.K. bouquet. 
And Dw did wear his pink shirt to do the wedding.}  
This past Saturday Clayton and Carie were married on our front porch with family and the closest of friends watching.

Faithful God.
God of Hope.
{Even healer of broken dreams.}
Behold, He makes all things NEW.

“Weeping may last through the night, 
but joy comes with the morning.”
Psalms 30:5


Carie and Clayton

30 thoughts on “P.I.N.K.

  1. So beautiful indeed! And I love the thread of the simple word P.I.N.K. through it all–never mind if it was not the color of the year. You look great!!
    Such a treasure you are to each other. What a beautiful day for all!
    Congratulations to the newly married couple!
    And Yay God!

  2. Love.love.love.love the photos!! I've been waiting for days for someone to post pics on FB or a blog…..so thank you Linn for the wonderful pictures! Everyone looked awesome! Abundant blessings to the newlyweds!!

  3. What a beautiful story. Might I say, your gray hair is very stunning(in a positive way)and definitely is a crown of glory. You are beautiful!

  4. weeping tears of joy for carie! Abba Father, you really are a gasp giving, awe inspiring, amazing God! HOw thankful i am that Carie and the whole family can feel HIs embracing love! that is one of the most inspiring stories i have heard in a long time. much love!
    PS you look like sisters in the pic!how awesome is that?!

  5. chills! ONLY God can bring such beauty from ashes! Love the hair Linny…what a beautiful color, really!! It's hot!
    And what a lovely bride! Thanks for sharing…Glory to God!

  6. yay!!! Praising God with you for His awesome faithfulness in your friend's lives. I love to hear stories like this… what Hope it gives:)

  7. oh, so beautiful. He is good and faithful and SUCH a redeemer!

    and what a precious gift of a friend!! you both are beautiful.

    [i love that her husband's name is clayton; you don't hear that much. our clayton was named after my husband's grandfather, but i've rarely heard any others.]

  8. Oh, this post brought a smile and a couple of happy tears.

    I have one of those former husbands who made horrible choices. HORRIBLE.

    I am thankful that my journey of pain, heartache and grief was "short" compared to some and yet, I sit here (in my bed) alone, hoping and wondering if/when God will bring me that man – the love of my life – to whom I can be a helpmate, lover, friend and … he can embrace being a Daddy to my (4) children.

    Thank you for this post. For Pink. For C & C: May your road be as straight as possible and your love grow deeper with each passing year. And may your kids see the example of Christ's love for His bride through your lives.

  9. such encouragement for me … going through horrible divorce & pain I have never imagined. thank you for sharing. I am trusting the Lord for a day of p.i.n.k. 🙂

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