July 22, 2011 Noon Update on Karl Hujus

Vicki, Bob, Autumn & Ryan have been taking 
turns being in with Karl this morning.
Karl had a good night last night.
Good news:
The “chest guy” said that last night his lungs 
sounded the best they have sounded since the accident.
 Yesterday when I was in with Bob kneeling and praying over Karl, 
we were watching the machines and they were showing that he was taking some breaths 
on his own – 
that red on the machine line was beautiful!
Today the doctors started doing some sort of trial where they took Karl off the breathing machine {without really taking him off it, maybe just kind of turning down the functions} to see how he would do breathing on his own.  
They gave a teeny-tiny bit of air during the testing, that’s all. 
Karl did really well and the doctors were very pleased!  
Karl was taking about 30 breaths a minute on his own during the testing. 
Here are the current prayer needs:
{1}  Karl must open his eyes voluntarily. 
{2}  The fluid draining from the brain would remain clear.
{3}  The infection in his lungs would be gone!
You guys are amazing!  
Our thankfulness for your continual prayers 
cannot be expressed adequately in words. 
Reading your comments that say things like, “I woke up in the night and Karl was first on my mind so I laid there praying for him….”
“My Bible study and I joined fasting and praying for Karl.”
I, personally, have been overwhelmed by the 
outpouring of love from all you bloggy friends.  
You guys are the best!

44 thoughts on “July 22, 2011 Noon Update on Karl Hujus

  1. What I so love is the prompting of the Holy Spirit at all hours of the day and night, to pray for Karl and for Ruby Grace. It is such a blessing to be part of the miracle(s).

    AND…Happy 18th Birthday, Mama Emma…watch out world, here she comes!! 🙂

    Nancy in CT

  2. Yippee Jesus! So exciting to hear the good news today! All through the night last night I kept waking up and praying for Karl. Father put him on my heart and I was glad to be awake praying for him! 🙂 We are keeping those prayers going in Alabama!! 🙂

  3. Texas continues to pray for Karl and all involved. Giving praise to our God for today's report.

    Special birthday wishes to Miss Emma. I know my God will bless you exceedingly abundantly above anything we can even imagine in this new year.

    Love and prayers to each of you.

  4. Thank you for updating on Karl. I have known the Hujus family for years and he is definitely prayed for by the Arrington family here in Texas. We know God will do wonderful things in and through Karl!

  5. So glad we can be a part of the praying community for Karl and all of you…speaking of, tell your sweet Emma Happy 18th Birthday! You must be so proud of the wonderful young woman she is with such a giving heart for the orphans.

  6. Praising God for His faithfulness and for the positive reports on Karl! I know that the prayers and wonderful progress he is showing, help to sustain all of you and your precious Autumn. Please give her a big ol' squeeze for me and let her know she is thought of and in our prayers through this difficult time, as well.

    I love seeing where all of the prayers are coming from. It just blesses me to witness the faithfulness of fellow Christians from all corners of the World! What a beautiful extension of God's love, for sure! I can't wait to see Karl pull out of this and watch what God continues to do in his body right now, and what He will do THROUGH him as he recovers… what a testimony that will be! Continued prayers for full and complete healing, in Jesus' precious name… AMEN! <><

    Love & Hugs,

  7. still praying from Ohio for those precious eyes to open!

    As an ICU nurse, I am so encouraged by the report of Karl doing so well on his spontaneous breathing trial. Praise the Lord.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to update us on Karl. I wake up in the night and think "I have to pray for Karl" and I do. God is working his miracle here. I also wanted to tell you about a boy in my town who was hit by a car about 4 months ago. The neurosurgeon took part of his skull out the night of the accident to allow for brain swelling. He left the operating room and told his mother that there was no hope. Two months later, that boy walked into the neurosurgeon's office which shocked the doctor. The doctor looked at him and said "can you speak?" and the boy's reponse was "of course". God's miracle at work. We all continue to pray for Karl, his family, and your family. Leesa

  9. Wow-there are a lot of us from Ohio praying! Cool!

    Trusting our God Almighty for mighty things!

    Bless each of you as you are daily in the fight for Karl's life and healing. God is always good. All the time.

  10. My husband and I will continue to pray. Each night before we go to bed, Paul says, "let's get on-line and see what the update is on Karl so we'll know how to pray."

    Our prayers go out to Vicki, Bob, his brothers, Autumn, and your whole gang holding down the fort at home.

  11. So glad to hear the progress Karl has been making. I remember after my husband's accident when he started to breath over the machine…it was so encouraging. Keep breathing Karl and may your body rest and heal. I have said and will continue to say many prayers for Karl. Thank you for the continued update…hugs to you all!

  12. Praying Psalm 118:7 over Karl and Baby Ruby,

    Lifting you all up in prayer as often as you come to mind, i must say that is throughout the day and night…

    Much love to you all from Germany.


  13. I think that if we are all great bloggy friends and prayer warriors it is because we have had ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING TEACHERS. I would not be where I am without you teaching me and reminding me who God really is. Thank you. It is such an honor and a privilege to join you in prayer each and every time.

  14. Praying all the time here in Mo. I just had my hair done and I ask my stylist to pray for Karl.Wonderful to hear the good news. We will all just keep pon praying.

  15. My name is Ellen from Pagosa Springs. We have made a prayer quilt for Karl and we are praying over it and tie the knots this Sunday at Church. Linda Muirhead gave me Vicki's sister's phone number and I will call her to see if by chance she may be able to bring it too the hospital. Also we will leave some untied so the family may pray and tie the quilt also. Praise God for all the prayers.

  16. Prayers for those eyes to open!-

    Psalm 121

    1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
    2 My help comes from the LORD,the Maker of heaven and earth.
    3 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
    4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
    5 The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
    6 the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
    7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life;
    8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

  17. Wonderful news! Praise the Lord! I will be away for 3 weeks tomorrow and I will continue to pray for Karl and everyone involved with him. Also for Ruby Grace. Happy Birthday Emma!

  18. Had some time alone in the car today, and was praying for your families. So much loss and need and heartache…I have been praying that God would hide you in the palm of his hand from any more schemes of the evil one, and asking God to bring beauty and healing and peace.

  19. Still praying, praying, praying in Denver for Karl, Autumn, and all involved. Also praying for Ruby Grace and your jump roping girlie. Lord, thank you for these miracles!

  20. Our family is still praying for Karl. My husband and I are away for the weekend but I have to text the kids about this update. They wil be happy to hear the good news.

  21. I am praying for Karl every day. I wanted to encourage you that my Dad suffered a traumatic brain injury 8 years ago and the doctors had so little hope. God's plan for my Dad was so much bigger than the doctors could have hoped. My Dad has amazed us. What a big God we serve!!!

  22. Praising our Heavenly Father for some positive updates. My prayers continue for Karl, his parents, Autumn – and each one of you. Praying for precious Ruby Grace as well. I truly have Karl and Ruby Grace on my mind every waking minute, and a prayer on my lips all of the time. When I wake up during the night, I am praying. Dear Heavenly Father – thanking you in advance for answered prayers. In Missouri – Praying Without Ceasing. xoxoxo

  23. With Much Love and Prayers Unceasing…for Karl, for Ruby Grace, for your birthday girl, Em, who is so on a mission…

    Did I say "Love" ? And TX-sized (((HUGS ))) , to boot!

    And while I am praying, I am PRAISING GOD for tender mercies…He shows them in every circumstance, doesn't He, Linny?

    XO (if only it could be in person),

  24. I am still praying everytime you all come to mind which is a lot. Will be praying for precious Ruby as well. I got on my computer this morning to check out things for our absolutely HUGE rummage sale we are having today to raise funds for our next adoption, and once the interanet was up I was directed to check on you guys first! God is good and he is with you through all of this.
    Love you guys!

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