Mimi’s Joy

This living 1,000 miles away from my grandbaby 
is so very not-fun 99.9% of the time,  
The other day Abigail texted me this video:

{and Mimi was the happiest Mimi on the entire 
North American continent, no doubt!}
And yes, sweet friends, I am the only lady in the world he is referring to… 
{Abi and Ryan asked each of the four grandparents to come up with what we wanted their kids to call us.   I chose “Mimi”, so yup, that’s me.  How fun is that?} 
Oh my, does it ever feel good.
I am going to see Finn in a few weeks and
can I just say…
Finn-Finn will not forget Mimi’s visit.
No, he will not.
And I will be sure to take plenty of pictures.  

10 thoughts on “Mimi’s Joy

  1. too precious for words linny!Finn just shines! its so painful to be so far from the little ones, i surely know, but the time spent together is all the more treasured when it does come! still praying for your Ruby Grace every single hour. much love in Him, Lynn Marie

  2. Oh my goodness – I could just eat him up !!! You are one lucky Mimi – Finn is too adorable for words. I loved seeing him in the video and hearing his precious little voice. Thank you for sharing such love with us. I'm so happy you will get to "spoil" him very soon – and YES…….he will never forget you being there. My prayers continue for your little Ruby Grace, and all of the other prayer requests. My Love to you xoxoxo

  3. What a beautiful boy!!! I laugh because in the past two weeks we have purchased a stroller, car seat, diapers and a diaper bag!! I thought the next time my husband and I purchased those things it would be for OUR grandbabies!! But, they are for our first two adopted treasures!! We go and pick up the first from Bulg*ria Saturday and we should have our baby boy home in about a month! Oh my what an amazing thing God has done!! Your blog has been a tremendous encouragement to us and I will never forget the first time I read it! It was the week after the fire and as I came to "know" your sweet family, your life and your passions resonated so deeply inside me that I knew we would travel a similar road! Thank you for all you mentor who you may never meet this side of heaven!!! Excited to watch you bring home your sweet Ruby!!!

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