Wednesday Morning for Karl Hujus

Vicki came out smiling a few minutes ago.
The news:
Karl’s doctors {even the greatest skeptic of them} are all agreeing:
Karl is right on GOAL again today!
Vicki, Bob, Autumn all are seeing even
 more response then yesterday.
I was overcome with weeping at the news.
The power of thousands of people around the world humbly joining together in prayer, with one common goal {Karl’s healing}, before the throne of ALMIGHTY GOD on behalf of one precious person –
He hears. 
He moves.
He sustains.
He preserves.
He answers.
All because He loves…
Jehovah Rapha – He is Healer!!
Please check back in a little bit….
I have a most important question for you

32 thoughts on “Wednesday Morning for Karl Hujus

  1. Praise God for another day of meeting the GOAL! Continuing to uphold Karl in prayer, continuing to keep his name written on my hand so that I will remember. Continuing to pray for you and your energy and peace as you love on Karl's family and Autumn and all the little ones who look to you for mommy care without knowing your burdens.

  2. Praising God…Praising Him from Whom all blessings flow…tears of joy…heart so full!!! Thank you for this awesome update!!! Will not stop praying!!! Love to all! God is so Awesome!!! Faithful!!! Loving!!! Healer!!! <3

    "Test Me in this…and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it! Malachi 3:10

    May He pour out so much healing that Karl's entire floor of patients and beyond are healed! <3 That's our God!

  3. Continuing to pray… that Karl has peace… that God heals every hurt… that improvements continue… that His will be done… that God be glorified!

  4. Oh Linny!!!!!! Tears are just flowing!!!! Praising God for this progress… Thanks you Jesus!!!!!! We are celebrating with you and continuing to pray everyone through this.

    love to you!


  5. Dearest Linny – Praise our Heavenly Father……….we give HIM all of the glory. Thank you to the One who gave us life, and rejoicing for prayers answered. Still praying in Missouri……xoxoxo

  6. God is good. . all the time. . .will continue to pray. . and I am like addicted . . keep checking your blog. . .thanks for the updates. . Lord. . do a big miracle!! for your glory!! Let that skeptical dr see who you are.

  7. Still praying fervantly! Funny story- this morning, my 2 year old came downstairs with marker all over his arm and hand. I asked him why he did that – he knows we color on paper…..he said I need to pway for Karl today, and it was gone, so I had to put it back on…….and then the big kids did the same thing.
    Praise God for another goal met – thank you Father!!!!!!
    Love to all,


  8. Praising God with you!!! I was up in the middle of the night with the little one (a particularly fussy night, we were up again an again and it game me the perfect opportunity to pray for Karl throughout the night) We will continue to pray!

  9. Praise God!!! I woke in the night and automatically my thoughts went to prayed quickly before falling back to sleep…God has Karl on the minds of many many people….He loves his child.

  10. Yay for the good news! Continuing to pray for Karl's healing, for his family, y'all and very much for Autumn. I really can't imagine what she must be going through and my heart goes out to her. Thanks for the update!

  11. I'm sure this news must be encouraging, although the doctors are right… this is a marathon, not a sprint.
    Praying God will sustain you through all of this… praying for His healing touch and your ability to remain strong as so many are depending on you both at the hospital and at home. Take care of yourself, too, Linny!
    xxoo from Tennessee

  12. That's such great news. I've been praying and crying right along with you and am now rejoicing in this bit of good news. We're all with you guys through this…

  13. that's wonderful news, praise the Lord!! πŸ™‚

    I was singing this early this morning when praying for His grace upon Karl:

    The answer is in You,
    The answer is in You,
    I praise praise praise You
    I thank thank thank You

    Praying for continued restoration in Jesus (Yeshua)'s name.

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