Karl, Ruby Grace and a Road Trip

Yesterday I spent a good portion of the day working on Our Holy Ground Part 2.  
So many very powerful emotions!
I hope to publish it in the next day or two.
Karl had his trach removed yesterday.  I thought it was a surgery, but Autumn said they all watched as they popped it out, covered it with a bandage and said it would be healed in about a day!
Whoooa, isn’t that amazing?
The Rehab is beginning.  From what we understand, the progress for a patient with a Traumatic Brain Injury {TBI} healing is an up and down kind of thing.  Some days really good.  Some days not-so-good.  Your specific prayers for continued healing and daily progress would be greatly appreciated.
I forgot to see what the status of the blood clot is.  
Will check on that for tonight’s report!
We heard from the orphanage director that Ruby is sick.  She said that much of the orphanage is sick.  You know how it is when a couple of your kids are sick?  Who can imagine what it is like when much of an orphanage is sick?  Please pray with us that Ruby, specifically, would be healed and that all the other kids would be too.  For strength for the workers who daily care for little sick treasures.  
We are concerned that she would lose weight while sick!  She can’t do that!!  Next week she goes back to CURE Hospital to see if she has gained enough weight to go ahead with her surgery.
In the meantime, our paperwork is all at Immigration and we are just waiting for our fingerprinting appointment.  We are prayerful that we will be able to then get a Medical Emergency Visa for Ruby.  
So much for pray for!!  I guess that’s why He says, 
“Pray without ceasing!”  
On a separate note, I am closing the laptop as I push “publish” on this post and Emma, Liberty, Jubilee and Elizabeth are all jumping in the car with me and we are doing a road trip to see Karl.  
We are excited.  
So should you see us girls cruisin’ by you…
please do wave!

21 thoughts on “Karl, Ruby Grace and a Road Trip

  1. Glad to hear that the trach is removed. I am sure that helps Karl feel better all around.He is on my mind so much and I pray for his healing and for Ruby Grace ( Love that name!) and all the other children in the orphage and your trip.

  2. When I read your line "so much to pray for," one thing rose up in my spirit! "I AM who I AM!"
    He spoke to Moses through a burning bush, lead the children of Isreal out of captivity providing every need, enabled David to kill Goliath, empowered a young virgin to give birth to our messiah, filled Jesus body with LIFE after a brutal death!! THIS is the almighty God who we seeks for Karl's healing, Ruby's healing and strength for everyone who is seeking God for these two precious lives!! "I AM who I AM!

  3. Praying for your precious family!!!! Praying for Karl, Ruby Grace, and Sarah. We have a special treasure that will be anxious to visit Sarah when she gets home to her family. We are praying for a chance to come and visit…Sarah is the one who walked our Esther out to meet me (her mom) for the first time. She is a good and supportive friend!

    Love, Jenay

  4. Continued prayers for each of these. Remembering that God is good and he is always good! Also, He is who He says He is and can Do the things He says He can do!

  5. Praying for little Ruby Grace. I can't wait for you to get her HOME!! So glad to hear about all of Karl's progress! I hope you and the girls have a great visit with him!! 🙂

  6. Prayers upon prayers, for Karl, Ruby Grace and the children at the orphanage, and for safe travels for your crew. Yes – praying without ceasing…..xoxoxo

  7. Praying for your sweet little treasure ti get better soon (as well as all the other treasures in her orphange). Praying for all you girls to travel safely. Also praying for continued improvement for Karl. Praying both of your girls will be in your arms soon!!

  8. Praying for your sweet treasure Ruby Grace and all the children at the orphanage. Also for a safe trip for y'all. Continued healing for Karl! Amazed at the healing power of The Lord! Janet

  9. Waving from MT! Is Karl at Craig hospital, by chance? Just curious, as my uncle spent quite a bit of time there after a car accident that resulted in a serious brain injury. Prayers for him and Miss Ruby Grace!

  10. Someday you will have a beautiful little something in your memory box to remind you of the MIRACLE of Ruby Grace. Someday you will be able to look back and say "remember when" praying with you while you wait!

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