Our Holy Ground – Part 1

The other day I wrote a post entitled “Our Holy Ground”.
If you have not read it, out of kindness, respect and love for those involved in this story, 
would you please do so before going any further?
You can find it here:  Our Holy Ground
{Thank you so much.}
We would also ask that you read each part in it’s entirety.  
It is long, so if time is short for you today, please just come back and read it later 
because Our God is a God of great detail.  

To merely skim and miss out on the details 
is to miss out on  
very intricate miracles from the hand of God.  


Our only prayer in telling this very personal, very sobering, very somber and very, very, very intimate story is that each and every single person who reads it {or hears of it} would encounter the powerful love of Almighty God for each of us.  Our GOD is not some out-of-the-way God who sits unconcerned about His people.  

Absolutely not! 

Almighty God is always actively involved in our lives.  God will move people, situations and circumstances to provide precisely what is needed.  
He never slumbers and He never sleeps! 
He is never, ever on vacation.
He is always in the details. 
And He is exacting.


Our Holy Ground
Part 1  

Have you ever heard the song by Alabama:  

‘Angels Among Us?’
It’s Karl’s favorite song.  

In fact, just a few days before the accident, Karl and Autumn were sitting at our kitchen island talking, again, about that song.  
They both love it.  

It’s a song about God’s ministering angels moving on our behalf when circumstances are dark.  Those ministering angels role in our lives are put forth by God, also known as the miracles of God.  

And yes, miracles still really do happen today…
{but only by the hand of God} 
If you are a skeptic or doubter, 
please read the following 
account of just some of the miracles 
that were orchestrated only by Almighty God 
on behalf of Karl Hujus {and all who love him} 
on the day of July 17th, 2011. 
And as the song 
Angels Among Us 
{now added to my playlist at the
very bottom of this blog page}
God’s ministering angels do, 
in fact, 
have all different faces.

The morning of July 17th Karl and Autumn talked.  The weather looked a bit cloudy near our home so they were trying to decide whether Karl should ride his motorcycle to pick her up for church or bring the car.  Autumn asked me what I thought.  I looked at the sky and wondered myself.  {Such regrets for all of us.  Such regrets.  Dw said, if only we had said, “skip the bike, bring the car, we will give you gas money.”}  
I asked Stuart {our neurologist friend who had come for an overnight visit from Phoenix} what he thought of the sky as I was leaving with all the kids for church.  He glanced toward it, shaking his head and said he didn’t think it was going to rain.  
Autumn talked to Karl again and it was decided he would bring the bike to pick her up.  He called her at 9am and said he was on his way.  It takes him exactly one hour to get to our home.
I had gone on ahead to first service.  Stuart and Autumn sat on the porch waiting for Karl to arrive.  Stuart loves our Autumn {he loves all our kids, but she is very dear to him}.  Stuart is also her neurologist who oversees the care for the tumor in her brain.  Stuart and Autumn sat on the porch visiting waiting for 
Karl to arrive.  

Sitting in church I didn’t notice that Autumn 
texted me at 10:32am and said,

 “I’m worried.  Karl still isn’t here and 
he said he was leaving at 9.”  

If I had seen that text come in I would have wanted to throw up.

I know Karl.  

I know how much he loves and cares for Autumn –
he would never not show up for her!

 Something had to be terribly wrong.
Stuart decided he would head over to church.  He pulled out of the driveway at just about 10:34am, after making Autumn promise that she would only wait until 10:45am and then come on to church.
And on Hwy. 160, about 20 minutes from our home, somewhere around 9:40 am, an 87 year old man was traveling East with his 82 year old wife.  The couple stopped to turn left across Hwy. 160 
onto a small dirt road.  
Accounts say that the 87 year old man
 did not have his left blinker on.  
Karl was cruising West toward our home to pick up his beloved Autumn to ride to church together.  Karl grew up riding motorbikes and had been riding a motorcycle since high school.  
As he was heading West toward our home, he most likely barely noticed the car positioned heading East.  After all, they were on the opposite side of the road and there was no blinker.  

Suddenly ~ the couple turned left 
directly in front of Karl’s path!

Speculation seems that Karl instantly hit his back brake and tried to put the bike on it’s side to avoid head-on impact.  Most likely Karl intended to roll away from the bike, but going 55 miles an hour and hitting a basically still car just 20 feet in front of you, doesn’t leave for a gentle roll.  
It is said that Karl was thrown over the elderly couple’s car and tossed about until he landed 55 feet away.  He was wearing a helmet, but upon impact it was thrown from his head.  He was also wearing cowboy boots, particularly for his sweet girlfriend who found his being a cowboy quite an attractive thing.  His cowboy boots and socks were also thrown off at impact.
Instantly the miracles of GOD began as 
ministering angels arrived within seconds 
on the scene:
The first three people 
who arrived and served as 
Angels Among Us 
to help our precious Karl 

{An Emergency Room nurse}
Liz was, by God’s divine appointment on her way 
to Durango
 to work the ONLY 
Emergency Room nursing shift 
she had the entire month of July.  
{Did you catch that?  The only shift for the entire month!!}

Within seconds Liz

was joined by 

{a former EMT

Denise was on her way to work in Pagosa Springs.  She had been detained at home for 40 extra minutes and had wondered why she was late {because she is NEVER late for work} but after working on Karl at the accident scene, she knew that being detained that morning had been part of a much bigger plan by God for her…

the miracle plan to help save the precious life of a 
very treasured young man…

Literally seconds after the accident Denise 
{and her daughter who was also in the car with her} 
came upon the scene.  
Denise threw her car into park and sprinted to Karl…
together Liz and Denise began working, 
with very few words between them, they became a team… 

Denise wrote me a letter a few days after the accident.  It said, that although Karl was unconscious he grabbed her hand tightly for a few seconds….long enough for her to know that he was fighting…
and instantly Liz and Denise were joined by 

{an Anesthesiologist from out-of-state}

Mike, was by God’s divine appointment, traveling with his wife
and another couple on Hwy. 160 West toward Durango 
from the resort 
they were staying at in Pagosa Springs…

and as only Almighty God 
could and would orchestrate

Mike, the Anesthesiologist, 

was much needed that morning as Karl’s airway was compromised and this Anesthesiologist was just the skilled man that God would use to establish Karl’s airway.  

The other day I received an email from Mike’s wife.  She said that they have been praying and praying for Karl since the accident.  In fact their entire church was praying and
 had wanted to know how Karl was.  

Mike’s wife told me that they had been in our area vacationing when they came upon Karl and the accident.  They had not wanted to go to Durango that morning, but had finally decided to!  Yes, Mike and his wife are believers and clearly knew that it was only God who had moved events beginning with even when they had scheduled their vacation…
“for such a time as this” 

and as only God Almighty, 
the maker of Heaven and Earth 
could have set in motion months before!

Not even the most skilled professional ‘planner’ could have arranged an Emergency Room nurse, a former EMT and an Anesthesiologist to converge within seconds of each other on a TWO lane highway in rural Colorado at 9:40am on a Sunday morning!   


God’s plans defy all odds. 
God’s plans supersede all logic. 
God’s miracles mystify all human reasoning.
God’s plans trump every single human plan.
Every single time.

And what exactly would be the odds of 
an ER nurse, 
a former EMT 
and an out-of-state Anesthesiologist
 teaming together on that Holy Ground on a
TWO lane highway in rural Colorado 
within seconds of each other? 

Any one of the three could have been just one minute farther along in their journey and completed missed the accident behind them.

But no, God would move the events in each of these three skilled and trained and willing professionals lives to place them at the scene of Karl’s Holy Ground at just the exact moment needed
by the Master of the Universe –
Almighty God!

Liz, working the only shift she had the entire month.
Denise, late for work by 40 minutes 
{when she is never, ever, ever late}.
Mike, vacationing from out of state, not really wanting to go to Durango that morning, but finally deciding to go anyway.

All three no doubt thinking that they are going about their ‘normal’ lives until Almighty God interrupts their plans…. and all three seize the opportunity to willingly minister with the medical skills that they have been trained to use….

How’s that for the miracle of God with Angels Among Us? 

No doubt Liz, Denise and Mike could also be known as 
Good Samaritans.  

Remember the parable of the Good Samaritan?  {It’s found in Luke 10:25-37} The man lying in the road, broken, beaten, near dead?  And as that needy man lay there, two very religious people passed by.  But each had their own agenda and plan and no doubt had ‘something else they were heading to do’…Neither chose to help {shame on them!}.   The bottom line was that the two religious people just really, truly didn’t care.  They didn’t know the man in the road and so why would they have to bother?  

However, putting their personal plans aside:
 Liz, Denise and Mike chose to be
 Almighty God’s hands and feet, 
sacrificing their personal time to minister to a man 
loved by all who know him. 
Their caring actions are a true testament to the type of people
 Liz, Denise and Mike are:  
Selfless, sacrificial and others focused.

And all who deeply love Karl Hujus will forever and eternally be grateful for Liz, Denise and Mike who chose to physically demonstrate their love for God and their compassion for fellow mankind by by sacrificially caring for a seemingly unknown stranger riding a motorcycle on that sunny Sunday morning, at 9:40am,
July 17, 2011 
in rural Colorado.  


In the letter from Denise {the former EMT} she mentioned had been searching for information about the status of Karl and found our Place Called Simplicity.  When Denise saw our family picture on the header, she was shocked to realize that our paths had crossed once before – the day Graham, Emma and I flew into our little airport here with our precious new treasures Elizabeth Mercy and Elijah Mueller from Uganda.  
She had been at the airport that day also.  
{Isn’t that even kind of crazy?}

Anyway, in the email, Denise said that after Karl left on MedFlight she continued with her daughter on to Pagosa Springs, both she and her daughter were praying and crying the entire way.  Upon arriving in Pagosa Springs she started making phone calls to prayer chains that she knew would pray for Karl. 

Yes, Denise too, knows the Lord and the power of prayer!

Did you catch that?  
Each person:  Liz, Denise and Mike all know Jesus Christ personally {Liz’s relationship with Christ will be shared in Part 2} and all believe strongly in the power of Prayer.  All heading in different directions suddenly converging seconds apart from each other on a two lane highway in rural Colorado at 9:40 am on a Sunday…


The God we refer to in our home as:

Our Miracle-working, 
Gasp-giving God. 

Yes, Him. 

and ONLY Him.

All praise to His HOLY name!!

Is it any surprise that 
the miracles had only begun that morning?

Each step of the way, on this Holy Ground, God’s active presence 
and divine provision has been palpable. 

Please stay tuned for 
Our Holy Ground – Part 2
and please, please, please keep praying 
for complete healing for Karl…

~*~Standing Together Till Karl is Healed~*~

68 thoughts on “Our Holy Ground – Part 1

  1. Ah, Linny! Such a powerful testimony to the love our Heavenly Father has for each one of us! Will continue to pray for sweet Karl, as well as you and your family (including Ruby and Sarah!!)
    Wish I could just come and "hold up your arms" like Aaron did for Moses….I am glad there are many around you who DO…but I sure would love to be there, as well, and love on all of you! 🙂

    Hugs and love from Nancy in CT

  2. I don't have words to express how blessed I have been by your blog, your life & your love of God. You remind me that my God is a caring, loving, awe-inspiring God with each post you write. Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life. I will continue to keep Karl in my prayers, as well as Autumn and all Karl's loved ones!

  3. Oh, Linny, I am so thankful for your willingness to share so much of God's miracles in your life, and in the lives of those around you. I always know that when I 'visit' you, I am going to be blessed immensely. The way God intervened on that Holy Day….a miracle….thank you for showing us how God orchestrates everything for His greater plans…..I, of for one, need reminders often, I am ashamed to say. Oh, Karl, we are all praying for you and sweet Autumn, and the day when you can look back at her and say I love you too……The devotion Autumn has for Karl – what a blessing!!! Love to all!!! xoxo

  4. Wow, wow WOW!! I have been praying for Karl so often and I am sad beyond words that he and all of y'all have had to suffer. But this story blows me away and I am a believer. God will receive so much glory from this! Thank you, Linny, and your family and Karl's family for sharing your precious and intimate story.
    It is like that hymn, "To God be the glory, great things He has done …"
    I am going through some major changes and have been struggling, but this builds my faith and encourages me greatly! Thank you again!

  5. Linny, So incredibly powerful and such a testimony to a mighty God invovled in every detail of our lives. A good reminder when the flesh makes us fret over little things. Can't wait to read the continuing story of Karl's healing and restoration.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing this holy ground that God so intricately worked on Karl's behalf. Amazing. Truly, truly amazing. God is so big, so good, so right-on-time.

  7. I am at a los for words after reading this. I am amazed too how God put your blog in my path to strengthen my realtionship with Him. Praying always for your entire family.


  8. Just trying not to cry because I know and needed to be reminded about God's plans…similar things when we had our daughter, who was 2 1/2 at the time in the ICU….This part of what you wrote hit deep with me too
    God's plans defy all odds.
    God's plans supersede all logic.
    God's miracles mystify all human reasoning.
    God's plans trump every single human plan.
    Every single time.

    Still praying and rejoicing in the steps Karl is taking in healing.

  9. That is an amazing start to the story. I have been praying for Karl all along and will continue to pray for his complete healing. Thank you for sharing this and helping to strengthen the faith of all who read it.

  10. Wow! Goose Bumps! Definitely an awe-inspiring testament to God's divine intervention into our lives. Without His guiding hands, Liz, Denise, and Mike would not have been at the right place at the right time…God has big plans for Karl and for Autumn! Looking forward to reading the entire series of posts. Praying daily for Karl and Autumn and each family member.
    We have so much to thank Him for!!!

  11. Praying for Karl! Praise and Honor go to God our Father for loving us so much that HE would put together a team of rescuers at the exact moment one was needed!
    Only a living caring God could do that! Thanks for sharing this remarkable story. Only GOD can heal a traumatic brain injury and I believe he is doing just that! Praise to the Lord our Redeemer and our Healer!

  12. Thank you, Linny, for sharing from your heart. What an awesome testimony of God's goodness. Standing with you all in faith for Karl's complete healing and restoration: spirit, soul, and body. Love, Susan

  13. WOW! what an amazing testimony! Thank you so much for sharing this intimate story with us all. We appreciate it! We really do serve an awe inspiring God!

  14. Linny, I had read that story from before but it still gives me goosebumps just seeing how God sent his angels that day and how he is still using his power and healing everyday in Carl's life.I am continuing to pray and it will be so neat to hear the testimony Karl has to give some day.

  15. Our God is an amazing God. He truly knows every intricate detail of our lives and He is involved in those details. Praise God for loving and watching over Karl!
    Thank you Linny for sharing this. I pray that God would use this story for His glory.

  16. Linny,
    Although I didn't sign up on the prayer vigil spreadsheet, I have been praying for Karl whenever I think about him (i.e., everytime I see a motorcycle or read the updates) since the accident and will continue to pray. His accident really struck me because my best friend's dad died in Albuquerque after 2 weeks in a coma from a motorcycle accident. We wanted him to wake up and get better like Karl is (praise God), but it went the other way. In spite of that, we saw many miracles in the hospital, and we know God's hand was on our situation as it is on yours. I can't go into details about what we believe God had in mind, but we definitely saw God's hand and miracles through the entire process. So when I heard about Karl, I felt extra-burdened to pray, and I'm so glad to hear he is responding and that you are getting a chance to minister to other people in the hospital too!

  17. Hi Linny ~ Thank You, for sharing the Sacred Ground that is Karls and all who love him. This post made me cry. The fact that his socks and cowboy boots were pulled off in the accident speaks clearly of the trauma that his body and brain endured! Poor Karl. I, too have been in the presence of Angels, in the form of medical professionals. Oh, and that song is one of my favorite, too! My favorite Scripture is this one:

    Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
    Hebrews 13:2

    I am continuing to pray for the complete healing of Karl and for all of you who love him so much. I have come to love him, as well. Hugs ~ Jo

  18. Thank you for sharing. This story has left me crying and speechless at the miracles that God has orchestrated on Karl's behalf, and for those around him. This incident not only will change the lives of those living through it first hand but those who read about it. I honestly believe his accident is meant for those who were on the fence about believing in GOD and if He truly does intervene in our lives. WOW!

    We are continuing to pray for Karl.

    Tamara Michel (Menifee, Ca)

  19. I have chill bumps the size of golf balls! I love to see how our Almighty God works on our behalf – in every detail and just the moment we need Him most. So awesome! Can't wait for part 2.

  20. Tears are streaming down my face-
    How AMAZING our GOD is-HALLELUJAH!! He is in every detail!!Thank you Lord that your people were faithful and obedient on such a day at the right time.Let us all yield in this way to God's direction for us.

  21. "Please stay tuned for Part 2" . . . how could we not! I'm on the edge of my seat to hear what else God did. I had to stop reading and praise God because the moment felt so holy. I am so moved by God's provision. Continuing in prayer for all of you!

  22. Had to stop reading so many times because the tears were too heavy to continue! Hardly words…just tears, and worship and adoration to the one and only God! I've been praying for Karl daily! Thank you for sharing this!

  23. Absolute praise…absolute awe…absolute God! So thankful and excited to read more of the story and watch as Karl progresses to full healing! Praying unceasingly! So moved by the story and the events and the details and the huge love of our God! <3

  24. If God went through all that, then you can be assured that He has a plan for Karl! There are no coincidences when God is in control! I look at all that as great encouragement! He is a fighter and God is with him! Still praying!

  25. I can NOT stop the tears….just thinking about how much our ALMIGHT God loves us…and all of the people whose faith continues to grow as you share your HOLY Ground.

    If we would all SIMPLY take the time to see how God orchestrates every minute of our lives for HIS glory.

  26. WOW!! Tears just streaming as I read this. Absolutely amazing our God is!! I have been following Karl's story all along and hadn't known of these 3 angels. God is in control and was in control that day with those 3 people that were instrumental in saving his life. Thanks for sharing LInny and we keep praying for Karl.

  27. Oh, Linny….I am sitting here sobbing to read about the miracles God has brought together on that road that morning. Praising Jesus and knowing that this time on your Holy Ground…will touch more people than you can every imagine..bring people to Christ and strengthen the faith of believers. Selfishly, today I needed to hear this story, too. I needed to hear about our miracle making God who PLANS our life every step of the way and sends angels to be with us. Keeping Karl and all in prayer.
    Thank you Jesus!!!

  28. Oh Linny – I am at a loss for words. Thank you for taking time to write, and for sharing Karl's most powerful story. I stand in awe of God's almighty love. Only God, only God…..could have orchestrated things the way He did. Together we stand – until Karl is completely healed, and home. Praying in Missouri….xoxoxo

  29. Wow! I'd heard about Liz being there, my mom works with her, but how amazing for the other two to be there as well at that moment, and all believers! Knowing Pagosa and those roads, I should be amazed that anyone would be seconds behind… But God! This is the God we trust!

  30. Linny, I am a skimmer when I read, but I saw that you wrote for us NOT to skim…so I didn't. I read EVERY WORD. And I'm so glad I did. Oh my. AMAZING. ONLY GOD.
    Continuing to pray for Karl!

  31. Hi Linney,
    My name is Joyce Little and my daughter Katelynn Little graduated with Karl in 2007 in Pagosa Springs. We lived there for 28 years. As soon as Katelynn got word of Karl's accident and found your blog for information, we have followed Karl's miraculous healing process since. I immediately placed Karl on our church prayer chain here in Grand Junction, where we live now, as well as calling our home church in Pagosa (Community United Methodist) & activated the prayer chain there. I also asked the Women of Faith community to pray for Karl as well as asking many of my Christian neighbors and friends to also pray for Karl's healing; and I have participated in the prayer vigil as well as keeping Karl in my daily prayer & devotional time. As you can guess, I am a STRONG believer in the power of prayer and know that God always hears our prayers and answers them. I have a nursing background as well as serving 12 years as an EMT in Pagosa Springs. I have read your blog postings each day to stay connected to Karl's healing progress & have had goose bumps, tears of joy, emotions of every kind, as well as shouting praises and thank yous to God. Katleynn remembers Karl SO well & speaks so highly of him as one of the nicest young men you could ever meet!
    With all of this said, I was SO moved by Our Holy Ground Part 1 as a TRENDOUS witness to the POWER of GOD and His miracles, that I would like to ask if you would grant me permission to share at least this Part 1 with my church family who have been praying for Karl from the beginning. We're members of Redlands United Methodist Church in Grand Junction, and since Karl's name has been on our prayer list since the accident, I thought this might be a HUGE witness to our believers of not only the power of prayer, but the witness of God's miracles in life. If you grant me permission, I will then approach our pastor for permission to share this in church during our Christian witness time during our service. I will also uderstand if you feel that is too personal…too much Your Holy Ground. You can email me at:
    We will continue to follow your blog postings and rejoice with you and all of Karl's family and friends and pray..pray..pray continuously for his healing.
    Joyce Little

  32. Wow! What a powerful testimony! There is such comfort in knowing that God loves us all this much! It is so hard to believe sometimes! We are still praying for Karl! He is a very "lucky" young man! He has an amazing support team! God bless you all! Much love, prayer and hugs from Indiana:)

  33. WOW… AMAZING! And just read through the comments and see how God is continuing to work in those tiny details!

    I so wish we'd had more time to talk – I kept feeling like God was moving in such a big way through all the events that seemed so improbable (and painful).

    Our God is the master multi-tasker! There is nothing too difficult for Him. So thankful for His everlasting goodness!

  34. I sit here crying! Not because I know Karl personally and want him well– but because God is SO GOOD! God loves Karl so much that He wants him well. Still praying-

  35. I love how God orchestrated those 3 to be there at the exact time they were needed. Never have believed in coincidence just God working behind the scenes. Thank you for sharing.

    Still praying for Karl in Illinois.


  36. Love your heart!!!!! I understand the Holy Ground, it truly is. Thank you for sharing this tender, holy experience with us. We are praying for you all. L

  37. Oh my goodness, Linny. I sat shaking my head in amazement through this entire post. I want to comment, but I am completely speechless. Speechless. Astounded. Amazing God. I pray all these things will be a blessing to your sweet Autumn's heart. Much love to you all.

  38. Some might believe that no blessing was involved in the accident Karl suffered, but I know that God gave us our free agency upon this earth to live with our choices and sometimes suffer due to those choice and the choices of others, such as the man who didn't turn from the proper lane or use his turn signal.

    God truly blessed Karl through the miracle of these three medical professionals at the scene when Karl needed them most. It is indeed miraculous!

    God is with us, providing miracles and revelation as much as ever. He will always be with us and I thank you for sharing this incredible testimony.

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