Our Holy Ground

Just three weeks ago today,
{on July 17th, 2011}
a horrific accident occurred, 
forever changing Karl Hujus’ world.

In the midst of the rather seemingly ordinary event of riding his motorcycle to pick up our Autumn for church, one single left-hand turn would produce a series of events that would have a profound impact on history. 

And what began as a rather seemingly ordinary day, would prove to be one of the most extraordinary days that any of us had ever witnessed as each miracle upon miracle of God’s hand of mercy, 
grace and provision became clearly visible.  
But I have to be honest.
As overwhelmingly thankful each of us are 
for the extraordinary miracles, 
the story of Karl’s accident is to each of us, very, very, sacred.
It is not a story that can be told lightly.
Karl’s tragic accident and the aftermath of that accident has provoked such powerful emotions for all involved that we will never make light of any aspect of it.
In fact, we have a friend who was a survivor of a 
horrific plane crash in which many were killed many years ago.
About a year ago Dw asked her husband something 
about the plane crash.
In response to the question, her husband got very emotional and said, “We do not talk about it often,
 it is a place that we refer to as Holy Ground.” 
We now understand much better 
what our friend meant when he said that.

The fragile balance between life and death cannot ever be taken with flippancy.  As those who have experienced the sudden and unexpected death of someone they love know the raw pain that holds no words….so, too, those who have waited and prayed and agonized the near sudden and almost unexpected death of someone they love will from that moment forward never, ever be the same.   

Karl’s accident is a Holy Ground to all of us who know Karl.
It is a true miracle that he is alive today,
 three weeks later.
A Traumatic Brain Injury {also referred to as TBI} is something that will never be completely understood by most, unless you have seen it up close with someone you personally love.
All this being said, as most know, I find writing to be almost a therapy for me.  It is often my way of expressing deep emotions and in turn,
 it also helps me process a situation.
But being completely vulnerable, much of me would like to keep Karl’s story all our own.  As I said, it is, indeed, our Holy Ground.
Yet after much prayer, 
I know that Karl’s story must be told.
Because if it were to remain private, the world would miss out on knowing the true God-sized miracles that unfolded on the morning of July 17th, 2011 here in rural Colorado.  
This was no ordinary morning.
Truly, in the spirit realm, angelic forces were orchestrating events that even the most skilled professionals, if given the chance to attempt to duplicate, would find it absolutely impossible. 

 Only God Himself was masterminding the events that took place to save our precious Karl’s life.

Tomorrow I will begin a small series to confirm to each of you, my sweet bloggy friends, that our God is not a sleepy, not-paying-attention-to-details, too-busy-for-you kind of God.
He is Almighty.

He is powerful.

He moves.
He can orchestrate anything He desires


What HE orchestrates, He does with precision and extreme detail 


He does it well.

He is on His throne constantly 
moving on our behalf.
Please be in prayer as I finish preparing Part 1 and share it tomorrow.
Please pray that Karl’s miraculous story 
would point anyone who would hear of it or 
read it to the only true and living God, who reigns supreme.
~*~To God be the Glory, Great Things HE Has Done~*~

15 thoughts on “Our Holy Ground

  1. Looking forward to reading about Karl's Holy Ground. SO happy that he is making progress. We are still praying down here in Lower Alabama!
    Sending love your way!

  2. Linny- my dear " heart friend". Three weeks and one day ago I hadn't heard of your family. But over the last three weeks I have grown to love each of you and what God has placed inside of you. I pray that as you finish up part one that God would POUR OUT his anointing! That he would draw people who need to hear about his miracle working power and be reminded of his unfailing live to your blog! Believing for big things! Alicia

  3. Linny, your vulnerability on this blog has always astounded and moved me, and I am so thankful for your willingness to let God use your private stories to reveal so much to your readers about Himself. I love the thoughts about certain experiences being Holy Ground. What has amazed me about the past three weeks is the way Karl's story has become somewhat of a Holy Ground even for many of us who have never met him. To be part of his miracle and to see what God is doing on behalf of all His precious children who are involved here, well, it just touches a deep place that not all of us reach into every day. So thank you for sharing and being willing to let God speak. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

  4. I felt exactly that as I read your words, hugged you in person, prayed over Autumny's Karl – that it was a time where God had divinely orchestrated things… a true Holy Ground.

    Just WOW.

    And how ironic (and admittedly funny), that this deaf girl has been singing that exact refrain all day, "To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has Done!"

    Rejoicing and continuing to pray!

  5. Oh, Linny – your words touch me at my very core. I can never read quickly enough to see what you have written. I soak up every word and thought like a dry sponge. Karl's story truly is Holy Ground. Such beautiful miracles in the past three weeks…..only God could have orchestrated every single detail. It has forever changed my life to witness Karl's story, your family, and everyone praying – all around the world. Such beauty !! I so look forward to reading your series. Praying in Missouri for Karl……..without ceasing. xoxoxo

  6. I totally agree with Joni. Karl's story has touched us all. He and his family and your family have become a part of our family. A part of our every day life. God plans every single detail. He knows the beginning and the end. And it is beautiful! God Bless you all and thank you for your transparency. It inspires me to my very core!

  7. I say Amen to Joni's comment,
    I am thanking God for your blogging and admire you greatly for how you can put the words down and always willing to glorify God even as it means to almost live in a gls house.I pray for you that you may always be the woman of God that you are…sensitive to his Spirit and always pointing at Him,
    i love you for spurring me on to live for His glory under ALL circumstances.

    Praying, Adriana

  8. yes….I understand. Understanding the Holy Ground. The deep deep place His Tender Hand touches inside the heart during TBI … other times of great need/trauma. Understanding the hope that can come to others, in sharing this tender place. Thank you. Continuing to pray with love….

    Each time I talk with someone about Karl's situation, I am impressed to share that GOD IS A PERSONAL GOD… looking forward to seeing it put down in words. God bless you!

  10. Linny…
    Please know that our prayers are going out to Karl during his incredible recovery process! I am especially mindful to remember Karl as I have been spending time at our own trauma center (Harborview) here in WA state for the past 5 days.

    As a mother to many, you definitely know those special friends of your children who over the years you have just adopted as another one of your own.

    That is the case with Nick. He's my adopted son, best friend to my middle son Tanner. On Wednesday, August 3rd he was coming home from a youth event sleep-over and fell asleep at the wheel hitting a logging truck head-on. GOD is supreme. God is Great. God is awesome!

    Nick survived when he clearly should have died. If it wasn't for his driver seat reclining ability breaking causing him to lie back during the crash – he would have died. If the driver of the logging truck hadn't been doing his best to slow down and vere just slightly – he would have died. If the insurance agent hadn't thought quickly to grab a bucket and get water to put out the flames on his car – he would have died. BUT NO…he lived, Praise God!

    He has no brain injury or spinal cord injury – yes another praise! From his pelvis down, he has broken just about every bone – compound fracture of left femur, fractured right femur, fibulas & tibulas, knee caps, one of his feet. He lacerated both kidney and liver and his lungs are hurt more seriously than they thought initially. The bottom portion of one is collapsed. As of this morning he is currently under going surgery #3 to repair severely broken bones.

    And yet, through in and out consciousness, Nick is always concerned about those visiting him, how they are responding to seeing him to broken up. Why one day he spent time praying for his visitors (through his breath tube as he's intubated). Such a young man of God Nick is. He's instrumental in leading worship for his church and youth group! He will celebrate his 18th birthday on August 15th – a birthday he will never forget.

    As we continue to lift up Karl Hujus, please remember to lift up Nick Del Degan too. He's been experiencing post traumatic stress disorder dreams while he tries to sleep.

    "Lord Jesus, we lay these two beautiful children of yours into your hands for your healing. Lord while they rest, will you whisper to them that you have them in your hands! Let them know that where ever their thoughts wander to, you are there protecting them from any danger, fear, harm. Their bodies need rest to heal and we continue to pray for your healing God!"

    Ruth in WA

  11. I love these thoughts. Is it because Ive seen Gods hand move and it left me speechless? Its totally different but its effects on me are the same. I have been asked to tell our adoption story and its so big my heart and throat swell with the space it takes up. Thank you for giving me spiritual eyes in my own personal situation.

    I will continue to pray for all the people in Karls life. Hugs.

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