A Yard Sale for the girls…

Saturday we had a yard sale in an effort to help 
bring Ruby Grace and Sarah Jane home.
{We had been going to have it in a few weeks, 
but having to head to San Francisco for Jubilee’s surgery, 
we accelerated the timing.}
We truly sold everything that wasn’t nailed down.
Having lost our home to a fire two years ago, 
we had tried even harder to not gather much.
Trying to live simply at our Place Called Simplicity. 

So we sold beloved furniture that we had bought since the fire, when we were setting up our new home. 
Like a beautiful antique hoosier barrel bottom cabinet 
and an antique bookshelf, chairs, kitchen tables and desks
and beds and two hope chests and a vintage toy chest.
The kids went through their stuff, too.
Elizabeth, Isaiah, Jubilee, Liberty and Elijah would say:
“Here mom, you can sell this for our girl.”
“How about we sell this for our girl?” 
We sold books and kids clothes.
A bike.
Little Tikes toys.
And casserole dishes and pots and pans.
My mom emptied her little apartment.
{thank you momma – xo}
And someone my mom knows had had a yard sale and 
asked if we wanted the leftovers to sell too.
So we sold that, too.
And then during the sale two different friends 
came by and brought a few things.
{One was a young mom who had only 
heard about us from our mutual friend Megan.}
Beautifully sweet.
The other was our friend, Sara.
We were able to have the sale at one of Dw’s best buds 
{Jerry’s} rentals that he owns….
which is on a very busy street….
completely thankful for that!
{Cause we knew no one would want to come 
out to the country road where we live!}
And Jerry fed us all breakfast and lunch from his restaurant across the alley from the house…
And many of you, and our FB friends, too, prayed with us that God would bring the right buyers for all the exact stuff 
we needed to sell.
And we prayed that God would hold the rain off too.
In the midst of the sale, Joe, 
who owns Durango Joe’s coffee shops is a personal friend.
He came by and said, 
“Would you like to sell a chair and ottoman too?”
He went and got it and delivered it to us.
The house where we were having the sale is a rental of Jerry’s and the college students were moving in that day.  So Joe brought the chair and as Dw and Joe were unloading it off the truck, the girls moving in said, “Hey, we want to buy that.”
So they literally carried it off the truck and inside for them.
{Talk about a fast sale!}
Then Durango Joe generously offered,  
“Have your kids all walk down to get free smoothies 
or coffees at the shop”…
So they all did.

And the Lord brought just the right people, 
until just about everything was gone.
And as the thunderous clouds moved in…..
We gathered up the few things that remained….
and pulled out as the lightening was heating up
and the clouds were spitting….
and dropping the remains at the thrift store
we headed for home and just as we pulled in our long country lane
the rain let loose like crazy….
and we went inside and counted the
money that the Lord had brought in….
Yippee Jesus!
He always provides above and beyond 
all we could think of ask!
He is entirely faithful.
And I have to say:
It was the easiest yard sale I had ever had.
Start to finish.
And in the midst of the day,
 there was a extra special surprise from the Lord….
{the kind of surprise that you bloggy friends will love, love, love!}
and I will tell that story soon.  

17 thoughts on “A Yard Sale for the girls…

  1. Oh Linny! You tease us with more stories all the time and then make us wait!!! Praying for sweet Jubilee this week. So glad that the yard sale went well.

    God is good, all the time!


  2. Linny, I'm so happy your Garage Sale went well. Although I like the new background on your blog, I had a really hard time reading the text against it.


  3. stringing us along…… not.nice. I KNOW God will continue to do BIG God-sized things on your little ones behalf. He only wants us to say yes……

  4. Argh! Another cliff hanger!
    So glad your yard sale went well and the rain held off. Your girls will be home soon.
    Just sat here before bed, and written on a post card for Karl. Will post it asap. Still in our prayers.xxxx

  5. Hi Linny: I'm so sorry I've been so absent. Things have prevented me from being on-line. I have not stopped praying……and I will not stop praying. I'm so glad your garage sale went well, and that you all had a safe trip. My prayers continue for Karl & Autumn, Jublilee as she has surgery tomorrow, precious Ruby Grace, Tyler & his wife, and each one of you. Sending love and hugs across the many miles. xoxoxo

  6. New to your blog. I am on my way to being an adoptive Mom and we also have for sons born to us. Actually one of our daughters names will be Jubilee Hope. Love what you said about the only TRUE special need a child has is to have a family.

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