
Thank you all for your prayers and kind comments.   It is so good to know how many people love us and believe in us.

A few people signed in to bring their judgment upon what Linny wrote.  They were mean spirited and jumped to many conclusions.   Conclusions without knowledge, without us saying many things that are going on,    I’m going to take the liberty of removing those before she awakes.   I don’t understand, if you don’t like what’s written, don’t read it, and move on to another blog. 

Seriously – I still can’t believe it?   You were extremely unkind, negative, and hurtful.  So this is addressed to those few.  I shouldn’t be surprised that the counter attack from a day of prayer and fasting comes from within.

To the negative ones, I’m in awe that you know the  little girls history who we hope to adopt, where she was found, the amount of abuse that was hers, really?  Really you know?

Do you know what would happen to her?  The use of an adjective to describe the grandma has been used by everyone to distinguish who was being talked about.  We go to the slums, we are starting a feeding program in the slums, we play soccer with the boys,  love on them, hug them, dressed them for a wedding and try to rescue a few with another ministry.   We love the children on the streets, in the orphanages, and anywhere you find them.  It would be hard to find someone who loves them more.

You judge – WE GO.

We did not arrange a meeting, God did.  Tell him.  Yes, this Dad, Husband and protector is ticked.   More than I can even communicate. 

And Linny may want to shoot me when she awakes, since she was sick all day yesterday.  We have no wrong motive, we were asked by one place to adopt and we were sought after in another.  We love kids – that’s it. 

We are very public about what God does in our lives.  Why?  Because it is the power of testimony to increase faith cannot be underestimated.   We love the orphan, do not judge us. 

You are wrong,  May the Lord decide!  Pray for us, I’m praying for you, dwight

123 thoughts on “Seriously?

  1. UGH!!! People can say such hurtful things!

    My blogging motto when it comes to comments, 'My Blog, My Delete Key!!'

    So sorry this happened to you.

    Continuing to pray…….

  2. I felt like you were defending all of us, Pastor Dwight. It is HARD HARD HARD to handle the criticism that comes with deciding to adopt outside our country and or ethnic group. Thank you for who you are to your family, to the orphan, to the nations, and to the body of Christ. You and your wife have been an inspiration to my husband and myself. We read both of your blogs and even listen to your sermons online from time to time.

  3. Whew! Makes me furious too! I am thankful Linny has a protective husband to guard her heart from such hurtful people. Keep living for the Lord and giving those sweet children a family. Love you guys!

  4. Dude SOOOO get this and understand! I understand everyone doesn't see the way we do because everyone has a different and individual relationship with God(kinda like standing in a circle around God and viewing God from a different place), but….I have NEVER understood how bringing YOUR CHILD home…the child God has called you to…which is an orphan, could EVER be a bad thing. Doesn't make sense to me. You are prayed for and loved…sorry you had to have ugliness spewed on your family. Marinate in God's love and plug your ears saying, "La la la la la"…ok, so maybe that's just what I feel like doing sometimes.

  5. You tell them Dw! Sending Jesus love and hugs to you! I am still praying for you and asking the Lord to find favor. Yes I am ticked too, and asking the Lord to deal with these people who are being so mean spirited! BACK OFF IN THE NAME OF JESUS!! Janet

  6. It never ceases to amaze me how people feel they have the right to judge others. It must sadden God's heart. Joel and I, here in Iowa are amazed,humbled, and encouraged by your dedication and deisre to serve God as he has led you. God tells us in the Bible that others will NOT understand. I say to those who are coming here to try to cause pain and disruption~ get thee behind me Satan. AND praise God for the witness you are to so many in our broken world. Sending hugs and LOTS of prayers….I pray you can "consider the source" and move on knowing that you are following God's plan for your life….

  7. We continue to lift you guys up! The more we seek and press into the Lord the more we become under spiritual attack but we serve a God who is soveriegn, He is mighty! We will fight this battle to the end with you guys in Jesus name!!!!!

  8. Continued prayer and agreed sentiment for what you said, Dw. So thankful that your family is as open as it can be with your lives because it has encouraged me greatly in my view of God and how He works in people's lives.

  9. How frustrating! As someone who has spent time in Uganda with your family I know 100% that your hearts are completely for orphans and would never be involved in anything unethical, questionable, and that wasn't in the best interest of a child. Praying for that important meeting, and for peace and encouragement for your hearts. Love you guys!

  10. Don't let them upset you or Linny. I was shocked when reading some of them, but it seemed they only read an update post and then came up with the rest in their minds… God knows the truth and that's all that matters, HE will sort it all out. x

  11. So sorry you have to deal with negative people, when you are trying to better the lives of these girls and others. Bless you both for what you do.
    It is your blog, so delete as you like. If they have nothing nice to say, they should say nothing. Those are the words of our 5 year old.
    Praying Linny and Emma feel better and are able to continue the battle of getting both of these girls home.

  12. I missed Linny's previous post as I was in hospital all day with my mother (she is doing well, praise the Lord! 🙂 but I caught up on her post today and I have tears in my eyes, it's awesome what God, YHWH, is doing! Mind boggling, really! 🙂 🙂

    I can't help think that this definitely belongs to "Our Wild Adventure Pt 8" on the right hand side of your blog!!! 😀

    I will miss breakfast this morning and print out Linny's post to bring to my mother in hospital today to share this awesome news. Amazing!!!! 😀

    Please don't worry about the negative comments (I haven't seen them) I think some people haven't caught up on what God is doing, it is all about Him and His heart! 🙂

    Be strong, stand strong… He is faithful.

  13. So sorry you even had to read such comments. Delete them and move on! I have not been reading The blog long, but your heart for the orphan is awe-inspiring! No one who gives it any real prayer or thought could ever think your motives are less than honorable. I have been praying and fasting for you today and I can not wait to hear the rest of both your girl's stories! God is moving, otherwise the enemy wouldn't be so ticked off! Praying from Florida.

  14. I saw what was written and wanted to say something, but my computer wouldn't allow me to do so. I reread what Linny had posted and saw absolutely NOTHING that called for such criticism and judgement! Satan is, quite frankly, a blood sucker and will stoop to the lowest level possible…often using fellow believers or family members to get his message across…he does NOT want orphans in loving families. I completly understand your frustration and anger, and will continue to pray. You are following God's will…stand strong!

  15. I am so so sorry you had to read those things. Even though you know they are not true, it hurts to hear someone so negative in your time of rejoicing. ((hugs)) for all of you, and prayers for your sweet baby girls to get home soon.

  16. Pastor Dwight, I love your boldness! Thank you for courageously preaching truth. A friend of mine always says "Peoples' perceptions and judgments do not alter truth"

    The Lord knows the truth about your loving heart for Sarah Jane. His will is always perfect and good. The truth of that can not and will not be altered by others mean-spirited words.

    Know that we love you both dearly. The Lord is clearly in this and His will is ultimately going to be accomplished.

    Keep speaking truth and going to rescue the orphans.

  17. I'm so sorry people have to be mean. It's funny how it's so easy for people to leave a comment on a blog but they would never say bad things to you in person.

    Even though I don't comment everyday please know I'm praying for you.

    Hugs from Indiana!

  18. I have been in those slums. I have seen the conditions. My oldest son has had a person beg him to bring their child home to America to give them a chance at a better life. Unless someone has been there, seen the condition the people in general are living in, the disregard (in some cases) for their precious children, there is no way they can understand. Those children are all God's precious treasures, and deserve a chance to be loved.

    I honestly don't know where you two get your energy. I only have four at home, and am younger than you and Linny, and I'm tired. ; ) I know God calls special people to do amazing things. You and Linny (and your family) are AMAZING! God anointed.

    I know it's not just a "snap your fingers and it's done" situation to bring these little ones home. God HAS to have a hand in orchestrating EVERYTHING. Keep your head held high. Will definitely be praying for all involved.

    Bless you, and keep your eyes on Him.

  19. So sorry you had to make that post! It's hard to fathom what drives people to comment negatively on situations that they are observing from the outside. I haven't read any comments lately, but am uplifting all of you and those precious babes in prayer. May they be laughing and thriving in your beautiful family "yesterday!!" Hang in there.

  20. Amen DW….I would say to those who choose to attack: If you have not gone, you do not know, DW, Your families love and devotion to orphans is without question to those of us who also know what it is like to love the orphan and make him one of the family.

  21. My son spent the summer in Uganda, and was able to hold and feed your Ruby Grace on a couple of occasions. I know what happens to children in this area. It's something you all have never spoken of, so I won't either. But I am appalled that someone would dare to attack you and Linny.

    I am praying for you.

  22. Not only are you an example of being free from all men…

    but you have proved yourself to be a servant to all.

    Praying that you will gain the more!

    More children. More hearts for the orphan. More men and women taking the call personally. More Mom's and Dad's. More, Lord, more.

    Personally, Ps. Dwight and Linny, you're walk is one that I have never seen up close and personal. Goodness and mercy are following you.

  23. Don't stop fighting. Don't stop bringing babies home. Don't ever stop being a champion for the orphans. Don't ever let the judgmental words or accusations of the self-righteous steal the joy and purpose that God has put into your hearts. You have proclaimed in public what many are afraid to do. You have put you and your family out there for attack. So those of us who care, stand beside you and fight on our knees against those who would stand in the way of saving the orphan. Keep fighting and GOING and we will keep praying. May God continue to move mountains and bring those two girls home!! God Bless You All!!

  24. Yay!!! I love your protective comment. I know it can be unsettling to be criticized even more so by those who claim to be believers, but I think that is how you know you are doing God's work!!!! (REMEMBER THE Pharasis?) Anyway, I am so excited for you and you have no idea how much of an impact Linny's blog has made in my life, and in the lives of my family and friends. NOT TO MENTION the lives of your rescued babies! I can't wait until Sarah and Ruby are both home in the US with your entire family. I don't deny that adoption always comes with sadness somewhere – Orphan is not a state to be celebrated and I don't deny that there will be a loss (even in the cases of the worst parents, there is usually a feeling of loss) but her future is so bright! Undoubtable, God has big plans for these little girls. Keep your eyes focused on eternity! Remember that the "Hall of Faith" was made of those who kept looking ahead to what was promised! THANK YOU!!! And GREAT job removing ugly remarks. 🙂

  25. It never seizes to amaze me how others can be so critical and judging. They truly need to read scripture and find out what it says about both. My heart aches for you guys. Remember God knows your heart and so do MOST of us. That's one reason why I moderate my blog. Continued prayers and hugs

  26. I am a frequent lurker on this blog, but seldom post any comments. I cannot resist posting this time……right on DW!! You speak the truth! You speak for many of us! Will continue to pray for your family and Sarah until she is safely in your arms! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the heart your family has for the orphan! God bless!

  27. My heart has been heavy all day for you guys – for Linny especially. I hope and pray she is recovered. How sad that people need to judge, and then so harshly, how utterly sad. I am sorry you had to endure it. Clearly, God is orchestrating all the events in Uganda. I was in tears as I read A Jaja. Let HIS testimony speak to the naysayer and, yes, let HIM judge. Wish I could hug you both in person!!

  28. It makes me so sad to hear that people would make hurtful comments toward you and your family. I have never met you, I saw your family from a distance in the Bayfield 4th of July parade, but from your blog I know in my heart of hearts that your family is amazing! I can only hope and pray that I can raise my kids to follow the lord in the way that your family does. I pray for you all everyday and will also pray for the hearts of those making hurtful comments. May the Lord bless and keep your family and move all the mountains you need moved.

  29. So sorry that people felt the need to be hurtful and unkind. You all rock for me and everything you do is testimony of your obedience to God..Keep on keeping on! Praying for you all.

  30. You go Mr DW.

    I certainly like the way you and your family protect the orphaned more than the way those judgmental people do.

    You guys take a licking and keep on ticking. It'll be no different this time. Praying

  31. Any family who is willing to spend of themselves in finances, prayer, fasting, time, and more for the sake of the least of these deserves not criticism, but thanks and support. I don't know the details and I don't need to. You have an adoption agent, an orphanage director, family members of the girls etc., all working WITH you. That says a lot! This is obviously not just something you "cooked up". It has God's signature written all over it. Most of all I want to thank you. It takes a huge amount of guts and vulnerability to allow your lives to be so public. I know I have personally been blessed, encouraged, and inspired to continue walking with the Lord in greater faith and obedience all because a simple family who loves Jesus decided to share their story. Don't stop. The devil gets a black eye every time you post.:)
    Love from Oregon,

  32. To all the judgers:
    "What right do you have to criticize someone else's servants? Only their Lord can decide if they are doing right, and the Lord will make sure that they do right." Rom 14:4

  33. Wow! What a good husband and Daddy you are! I'm a "lurker" but I just had to comment. We are starting our first adoption with 3 bio kids already. We have already gotten rude and thoughtless comments… May we have a strong testimony like your sweet family!
    I have been traveling all day and have been praying for your wife and daughters. God bless!

  34. You'll never know what a source of inspiration and encouragement your family and this blog have been to me. Shake off the naysayers…. you are right. They judge, but you go! They have no right to say such evil things. I have one thing to say to people like that… get behind us Satan!!!

  35. So sorry you are being attacked! And I'm going to second everything said above:)!! You are LOVED, prayed for, and following Almighty God into the "fields" of the fatherless…YOU GO! We've got your back;)!

  36. Well, praying the yuck off!!!
    Please don't let ignorant people take the focus away from the miracles that are happening!! There are way more of us than there are of "them"!

    If it weren't for the fact that you don't need to publish slime I would say we could have a go at them too!

    Keep on doing the stuff! The rest of the Jesus freaks are with you!

  37. Thank you Dwight for being the Godly husband and Daddy, sticking up for those the LORD has entrusted to you! That's exactly what your precious Sarah Jane needs right now! Continuing to pray God's blessings over your family as you bring all your children home!

    ~ To God Be the Glory!

  38. I am so sorry you got negative comments. I don't comment much….I'm one of those "lurkers" Linny likes to tease… But I do want to encourage you, that that post "A Jaja" was SO MIRACULOUS….and so of the Lord. There is absolutely NO denying that.

    I believe it so much so, that I even wrote a post on my blog about you guys. 🙂

    So, we believe in you…or should I say, we believe in OUR GOD!

    And…yes, you are so right about Kathi S. being a rockstar. We think so too!!!! Even if she only considers herself a back-up singer.

  39. I have prayed for your family so many times and love your hearts. Honestly, I don't understand this situation because this little girl is not an orphan – she has a family. Could you help us understand? Why not help her family raise her? I hope this is not hurtful and you can feel free to delete. Anyway, just having trouble understanding why not help the birth mom raise her daughter and you guys adopt a child with no family.

  40. You are doing the right thing. God knows it, we know it. Let us not indulge Satan and his evil remarks!! I am praying for all of you to stay strong and keep fighting, because it matters. Move that MOUNTAIN 🙂

  41. Having adopted many special needs children I have learned to "Judge Not". There is no possible way to know the ins and outs of every situation, and if God is leading someone to move in a certain way support them or stay out of it!

    Excited to see God bring your girls home.

  42. Oh, friends…we LOVE your hearts. We KNOW your hearts. Do NOT let the enemy gain a foothold here! You were called by God. Mountains are being moved by God. You serve, GOD!

    We are sending much love and prayers from Indiana.

    Tomorrow is a big day! God's plan and love will be revealed!

  43. I second third and fourth everything written by everyone above.

    I will be praying throughout the night for the meeting that will be happening!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of you!

  44. I think what you are all doing is wonderful. Our family is hoping to do something very similar in the next few months, and I enjoy reading your wife's updates. I check it often and pray for you regularly.

    I didn't see the comments. I was curious as to what kinds of people would comment meanly, so I clicked on all the deleted comment blogs. Every single one of them were parents who had adopted, and they look nice on their blogs. One had a post about that entry, but the others had cute things about their kids, birthday parties, loving things about adoption.

    I trust you when you say that there are other circumstances with the biological family of Sarah Jane. I am sure, for her privacy and safety, that you can't give all that information out on the web. That would be unwise.

    I just mean to say, that I get the point of the other side too. With only the information given, it makes sense to question turning away her biological family. Knowing your hearts, I am sure there is more information where her bio family would be harmful to her. But, I get it. And, while I know you are hurt and are afraid Linny will be hurt, I think they had the general best interest of orphans at heart. I'll pray for peace for all of you.

  45. I was reading my bible b4 bed and came across this verse.
    For this people’s heart has become calloused;
    they hardly hear with their ears,
    and they have closed their eyes.
    Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
    hear with their ears,
    understand with their hearts
    and turn, and I would heal them.’ (Acts 28:27 TNIV)

  46. I love that Dwight – you judge, WE GO. Ahhhh….Satan does use any means necessary to attack. Ridiculous. Fight the good fight, good and faithful servant. God is so pleased with your service. Will be continuously praying for hearts to turn to God, and not toward the devil himself. Love to all.

  47. Way to go DW. I did not read any comments so I have no idea but so many people feel that a blog comment is just somewhere they can say whatever they are thinking. A real disconnect from the person on the receiving end.
    But I see our Great God's hand even in this. What perfect timing(and He knew) that you were able to read and delete comments before Linny saw them. In normal circumstances that would not have been the case. But he knew how it would hurt and disappoint her. So He allowed you the stronger one to absorb it. And maybe being told off by, tell it like it is, man of God may make people think before they jump to conclusions.

    Yes, We have a God of Love, who loves us.

  48. Everyone above has said it. I am a "lurker" too, but this blog is the first thing I go to when my computer is on. I found the blog when my daughter and her husband were looking into adoption. (I now get to take care of their first treasure while they work!) As I drove home tonight, Eastern time, I was praying, thinking Linny might be in the meeting right now. We will continue to pray. God is with your family and with Sarah Jane. Thank you Dwight for your words. Linny is a very special blessing.

  49. When we first began our adoption journey of our two youngest sons from China, I received several unpleasant comments about our fundraising efforts and the infamous, "You can't save them all," comment.

    I finally added a page on our blog called Dear Anonymous. I left it up for a while… received more hits than any of the other pages….but Anonymous didn't leave any more comments.

    I shared that if anyone wanted to engage in a conversation about our decision to adopt again AND fundraise, we would be happy to talk with them….

    AFTER they read God's word, listed specific scriptures…AND after they researched the orphan crisis around the world and listed websites for such research.

    Not a single person responded with criticism.

    It is almost ALWAYS those who don't know who are critical. In their ignorance, they make hasty judgements.

    We will follow God's call, and when He proves Himself again, we will give Him ALL the glory!!!!

  50. Dear Sweet Orphan Loving Family, God has your back, satan wants the negative comments to distract and defeat. We know God wins! Fasting in the am for your Sarah Jane!
    Love to you all, Debbie

  51. So sad that you had to read those comments .. At first I was so surprised but then I thought back to our 3 adoptions which occured after my dh hit 50 and remember the comments we had and all from members of our church … how sad it must make our Lord . We are praying !

  52. Praying for God to change their hearts. The hearts of those so cruel to judge. Obviously God is working on them or they would not be so interested in reading your blog!!!

    Loving you!!

  53. First I must confess to being a lurker I guess. Still not exactly sure what that means, but I think I qualify. Anyway, my purpose in this post is actually a prayer request. A dear friend of mine, Allison, just gave birth 3 weeks ago to her first child. A precious little girl named Sophie Grace. Last night Allison fed Sophie at 2 am and put her back to bed. At about 6 am she went to check on Sophie and found her lifeless. I know that all of you are prayer warriors so I want to ask that you please pray for Allison and her husband Clifton as they grieve this tragic loss. Thank you so much and God bless all of you who are loving and caring for the orphans of the world!

  54. I am so sorry that you guys have to go through hearing unkind comments on such a personal situation. Be grateful, however, because the devil usually starts roaring right before the miracle comes. Satan knows that the mountains are about to be moved, so he's doing what he can to discourage! I'm so glad we serve a God who is sooo much bigger than that!

    Prayers for you all,

  55. The world is filled with hurting people….who try to hurt others by saying mean things. I'm sorry this is happening to you guys. Praying that everything will go smoothly with the adoption process for both girls.

  56. While I know this post will never show on your blog it would be nice for your readers to know that most of the people who have concerns about your actions are adoptive parents themselves. Many of them are Christians. And we are aware that what you are doing is not only illegal, but jeopardizes all Ugandan adoptions. I don't doubt your heart for orphans. I don't doubt what you have seen (I have seen it myself). I don't even doubt that you might be trying to save this child from something terrible. But I KNOW that the way your wife described her actions on her blog was unethical and very dangerous to the thousands (hundreds of thousands?, millions?) of children who could be helped through international adoption.

  57. We are so thankful for your family. This blog, of your lives, increases my whole families faith. We are growing closer to Christ just from watching and listening to your family.

    I'm sorry Satan has attacked you and your amazing family.

    Please keep sharing and allowing the Lord to draw us all closer to Himself!!

    Hugs to each of you,

  58. I have no doubt you are good people with good intentions. But ends never justify means. All I can say is as a now deleted poster asked you, don't go to the PO meeting. If "Sarah" (who btw not an orphan by any definition when she has family alive who want her and who's rights have not been terminated) was so horribly abused as you claim then the PO will find her free for adoption without your influence on either the PO or her family. It may very well be God's will that Sarah be in your family, but if you brake rules, do unethical things, to make the adoption happen… it might happen, it might be ultimately God's will, but you or Sarah will pay at some point for this.
    I really hope and pray you can see the error in what you are doing and your wife has done so that this story can have a truly happy ending.

  59. Hang in there! God has both those girls in HIS hands and He is going to bring them home! People jump to conclusions without knowing the whole story. It is wrong and hurtful but God knows your hearts and the need for Sarah and Ruby to have a family…your family. Praying for you all! Hugs, kris

  60. Uhhhh.. hello… God is in control. No one manipulates God..all glory and honor to him for what He is doing. He is using his faithful obedient servants, Dw, Linny and family, thank you Jesus for that. Did not read the comments and so glad I didn't see them. It is so difficult for people to know every amazing detail of any adoption. That is why it is so hard to share at times. I know through mine people could not even fathom some of the things nor understand the eternal picture it held. I love your heart as a family and as I read the last few posts I was seeing through spiritual eyes that this is not just about the children this is about Gods power and light over their families. I have felt like you many times when people have said negative things and such. They truly have no idea and most have not walked it. The spiritual warfare that I saw when adopting was like none I have ever dealt with and I believe every encounter, everyplace we go fighting for his children leaves eternal seeds of hope and light. Get behind me Satan and go with your wonderful, loving selves. You are loved and supported. Love Lori Florida

  61. Well said DW!!!!!!! Your children have been blessed beyond measure! God has a plan and I for one can't wait to see what he has in store! It will be his mighty plan and nothing more. What an awesome husband you are and never worry about defending our God and who you are!

  62. I have remained a quiet, prayerful follower up until this moment. I just had to speak up. Over the last year The Father has reminded me so often that the only time we as Christian are called to judge at all is regarding the company we keep. If people feel you are doing wrong, then they should not keep company with you.

    Personally, I see good fruit!

    Blessings over flowing upon you!

  63. I live and work in Africa and have adopted three children while living here. I know exactly what you are talking about, and can only imagine the kind of situation Sarah came from. I also have a very good idea of the motives this biological family now has. People are seeing this situation through American eyes, not African….and they are wrong. You are doing the right thing. Praying today!

  64. I am a avid reader of PCS I wake up every morning and am excited to read the testimony of Linny and your beautiful family!! I usually don't post comments but felt compelled to say how sorry I am that you have to be apart of rude and ignorant comments. Your blog is a light into the wonderful world of our Lord and keeps many of us soo hopeful!! Keep writing and ministering to us all!! Sending many many prayers for your beautiful girls to make it home safe and for the rest of your family!

  65. Listen! Satan hates the orphan. And he hates people like you who love the orphan. DO NOT give up! Please keep fighting the fight. This is going to happen. You know very well that the enemy will use WHATEVER means he could to defeat, frustrate and derail you. Especially emotionally. Remember, God loves the orphan. You are His warriors and He has a plan and WE need you to stay strong. Sarah needs you to stay strong. Ruby Grace needs you to keep fighting. Let the Lord deal with these rude people and you guys keep looking up. I am praying for you. Keep on Keepin on!!! xoxo

  66. DW & Linny,
    I'm so sad. I have been waiting all day to have a moment to check in and see what miracle God has been doing for your girls, only to find that the post has been withdrawn due to negative comments. I'm so sorry. I know how much things like that hurt you.

    If you get a moment to email me the story, I'd love to 'hear' it.

    No matter what, I will continue to pray for you and the girls in the same spirit of love that you have lifted me in prayer these last months.

  67. grieving that anyone would pain Linny's and your heart at such a pivotal time in your precious new daughters' lives! are not all children HIS children and HIS perfect creation????? Dont all HIS royal daughters' deserve a forever family?????? i will answer my own question! AMEN and AMEN! YES THEY DO! I believe almighty God will and is moving heaven and earth to get HIS precious daughters home to you! My family and I lifted Linny, Emma and both little girls up before the mercy seat and prayed HARD, believing! I cannot tell you how Linny has blessed my family as we are going through the hardest time of our lives by inviting me to add my brother and his precious children to your days of prayer and fasting and some day i hope to be able to share the mighty victory gained through it! Wait on the Lord and be of good courage. GOd is soooo good. He will come through for you. much love and continuous fervent prayer from Montana

  68. We are praying for your treasures in Uganda! Praying for wisdom and for God to speak through Linny and Emma today with Sarah's family. Praying that the mountains would be moved for your sweet treasures to be home! Praying for Ruby and that she will be home soon getting the medical treatment she needs. Your family is in our daily thoughts and prayers!

  69. Preach it DW…God is the final say always…I find myself often getting angry with passion at the things those who have not been in our shoes say and it is often hard to respond in grace and pray for them for their heart to turn and their eyes to see…sorry you had to deal with this. Praying for ALL your precious girls in Uganda today!

  70. Thank you for DEFENDING your wife and her words. Too few men in this world will STAND AND PROTECT their partners. Too few. The testimony of your relationship speaks volumes!

  71. Sounds crazy, but now you know even more the depth of His trust in you! He's letting you in a little closer by allowing you to actually feel a tiny bit of what He lived. Misjudged and ridiculed for obeying His Father. He lived it, and now He's graciously sharing it with you. That's breathtaking. It is like a secret between Him and you two. I rejoice with you!

  72. You are truly an inspiration and I LOVE reading your blog. I am so sorry that this has happened and pray for those who judge. Continue to be the disciples that you are and know that many people are praying for you all (especially Sarah and Ruby Grace!). Those precious girls are so fortunate to have you all fighting to bring them home. God Bless!

    Dacula, GA

  73. Thankfully we don't have to go through life as Christians trying to please man. God is the only one that we want to please, and for that I'm so thankful. Man always disappoints us but God NEVER does 🙂
    Praying for Gods will in all that your doing!
    Love Denise in Mi.

  74. What a testimony to the great work you're doing. Satan wouldn't care if you weren't doing what brings God glory! Praying for the poor people who spoke such hurtful things that Satan's grip on their hearts would be loosened! Can't wait to hear how the meeting went last night!

  75. DW, Linny, and family: Please know that you are in my prayers and I am in awe of the way God has orchestrated your lives! Never doubt about doing God's work. Too many people today tend to be self-everything and lose sight of God. Too much living for the money and too much pridefulness. Knowing what you guys are doing and how you are sharing God's word with others has Satan working overtime to bring you down! I do believe Satan has realized that your family will not catipulate to his demands so he had to fire those hurtful and spiteful words. God is bigger and He knows your needs and the needs of Sarah and Ruby…He will provide! I will continue praying for your journies…you can't be finished! The Word of God will prevail! Love you and bless you…

  76. I have never commented before, but feel compelled to now! You guys are AMAZING. Being a Pastor's wife in Rochester NY drew me to your blog. Love how you guys give your all to everything you do. Keep your eyes on HIM knowing you are doing what HE wants you to do.

  77. Wow. people need to hear the whole story before they jump to conclusions and send you blog posts to "the right people" as i saw typed.
    Continuing to pray for your family and that mountains will be moved because our God is mighty to save!

  78. My family and I have walked in the Kampala slum (feeding, loving, holding up the head of a child high on glue) and danced before God with our Ugandan brothers and sisters in a church in Senge BECAUSE Linny and Dwight (and Emma and Graham and …) did GO and continue to GO.

    Thank you for showing us what "righteous anger" truly is, Dw. May the Lord bless you today as you rest in His call for your life.

    Michelle Fowler

  79. amen!you are the Lord's and to be his obedient child is what matters.

    keep doing what you do, inspiring others to do the same.

    I pity the haters because they will never get to live in the fullness that is a life surrendered to the Lord.

  80. I think I figured out to comment from my phone. On vacation and haven't been able to make it work. Anyway, your blog is not only an inspiration to so many but also a balm to those in a hurting world. May God continue to use this place for His glory. Blessings to you!

  81. Dw, I am praying specifically today that the Lord strengthen you and Linny in the face of these attacks. That He continues to bless you and empower you both with strength, courage, and perseverance in the face of the struggles and mountains that still lie ahead. HIS WILL be done. HIS will. Amen.

  82. Well Spoken, Love you all. Love your unending love for all children and love how both of you share with all of us. Such and encouragement. Hang in there family. You will succeed. Praying gods plan all the way home. Lynne

  83. Not sure what I missed, but glad I did … can't imagine anyone saying anything mean to you guys? That's just crazy!

    continued prayers for all of you & your precious children!

  84. Ashley — I saw your comment and I am praying for your friends right now. May the God of peace surround them during this tragedy. I'm so sorry.

  85. Your statement "you judge, we go" says it all. It's easy for people to sit in their comfy homes and pass judgement. Not easy to go and make a DIFFERENCE, which is obviously what your family has done and is doing!! Keep it up and God bless!

  86. Keep on fighting the good fight. God is on your side and thus the power of Satan (who loves seeing children orphaned) will never overcome. Satan may try to play tricks and make people say mean things, but God loves, loves girls like Sarah and he has sent you to stand in the gap for her.

    Praising God for you and Linny and your family and ministry.

    I have been to Uganda 7 times – I "get" what that family is doing. U-G-L-Y.

    You will prevail!


  87. I read early on, so I missed the nasties… however, having searched lots of websites about adoption, it's truly amazing the kind of vitriolic comments adoption can bring up. I get scared and worried reading them, particularly those from some older adoptees. My daughter is from the US foster system, and that catches the same kind of heat, because there is a birth family involved (OK, really, everyone's got a birth family somewhere 🙂 and the number of orphans who have had all kin pass away is probably very small). What people don't see is the "whole" story… the things the child has been through, the sometimes horrific abuse. I've come to the point where I really try to avoid the trolls and I keep talking with my daughter about things I have read that are negative and encouraging her to talk with me. In the awesome adoption story "Small Town, Big Miracle", the author notes how Satan loves to break and destroy, especially children. I haven't ever heard an "easy" adoption story, so I have to believe that those of us who follow God's directive to care for orphans are on the top of Satan's hit list. Our family is praying that your mountains will be moved! (If Linney ends up bringing home Sarah's cousin, can she fly through Ohio and drop him off at my house?!!! We would love to offer our home to more children, but have mountains of our own looming!) I do hope you will re-post Linney's story of yesterday, despite the cyber-trolls. It was pretty amazing.

  88. Linny, I know you must do what you think is right but I did want to encourage you to keep sharing on your blog. I love your call to adopt but the main reason I keep reading is because of your joy and faith in God. I am in the midst of some hard things and the sheer joy you have for the Lord has really ministered to me. Your blog post which someone had issues with caused me to be filled with joy all day long.It makes me sad that Satan is trying to steal your joy. Please keep sharing your faith and joy as it truly ministers to your readers.

  89. My heart literally ached when I read this post. I am so sorry for the hurtful, judgemental words that were written. They don't know and love you the way the rest of us bloggy friends do…..we support you all the way. I prayed with my face on the floor before our God to move every single mountain. I prayed for Linny's tummy and for Emma to be healthy. Today as I continue to pray for everything over there….I will also pray that those who hurt you have repentive hearts.


  90. I just wanted to let you know how encouraging your faith walk is for me. It is incredibly encouraging to see how God is answering your prayers. All anyone would have to do is read your archive and know that God would move heaven and earth to bring even the least of these home. He is still working wonders. Praying for you.

  91. I cannot believe the things that some people will post, but would never dream of saying to your face. I'm so sorry that people like that are out there!

    In the meantime, I continue to pray for you & your family. God is doing amazing things!! Thank you for sharing your walk with us – it is such an inspiration to me everyday to see what God is doing in your lives. 🙂

  92. Doesn't matter what people will say… still praying. I visit your blog anticipating the post that will say your mountains have been moved. Picked up & thrown right into the sea. Waiting & expecting & praying. We've got your back. 🙂

  93. If I were you, I'd just delete the negative comments. Let the negative words go. It's just that people feel more free to express themselves through the computer. You're better off to turn the other cheek than to lash back. Let the Holy Spirit convict them. You may soften their hearts if you respond with a soft answer. It's pitiful how we get attacked by those who are supposedly on our team. Let's not do that people! I've been guilty of this at times too. We all are. I'm learning how to be still and know that HE is God. When you have such a public, widely read blog, you have to remember that you will face criticism and persecution. Consider it all joy. Blessings to you and your family. You are doing AWESOME things for the kingdom and you are inspiring so many to do the same, including me:) We are adopting a 12 year old from China!

  94. I am so embarrassed that people would come to your wonderful blog where you willingly share your life with us, and be ugly and unchristian.

    PLEASE don't stop updating about your wonderful God filled journey through life just because some jerks think they know a thing or two.

    Can't wait to see both your girls home with you where they belong.

  95. I know that I do not know you personally, but I know you through your words and through Linny's love for you. We know that you love those kids and your wife…. and many others. It is inspiring to see you take on this role of protector…. I want you in my corner as I step into this foreign (literally) world of adoption. I wish I had somebody fighting for me the way you fight for your family!!!! God is good… I can tell you are trying to be like him!!


  96. This is meant for the newer post, however I respect that you are not publishing comments.

    I knew that your family were going above and beyond for the Children you serve in Africa….however I did not realize how many miles above you have currently traveled. (And I know this is only the very beginning.) What I love most about this blog is how humble and gracious your family is. You never needed to list your service to earn my respect, you had it at your very first post.

    None of us will ever know the true heartache this little girl has already suffered…however we can share her joy once she reaches US soil. And while I only glanced at the story on my phone I know it was only with the best intentions. (Next time I will read every topic in its entirety – this shall serve as my lesson.) It is a shame that the actions of few so greatly hinder the joy of many, however my praise will remain constant after this little hiccup.

    Prayers are with Linny and Emmy that they continue to travel safely and beat whatever bug they have picked up along the way.

  97. I just wanted to send you positive thoughts from Sydney, Australia. Don't let 'them' get you down. A lack of education and understanding can turn even the smartest person into a fool.

    My prayers are for those beautiful girls to be bought back home with you, I pray also for the hurt in your heart xxxx

  98. I'm so sorry that you are getting attacked for going out and doing what God has called you to do. THis world would be a much better place if all of us did what you do.

    Just to encourage you I have to share. Each meal time my little girls (2 and 4) pray that Sarah and Ruby can come to America. They don't always pray with the right words, but God knows what you need and He hears their prayers for your family.

  99. I am so so sorry that you guys are having to deal with all of this on top of the stress and mountainous hurdles of bringing your baby girls HOME. But if I remember correctly, every single trip has brought major attacks from the enemy? Simple proof you're doing something right. 😉

    I can honestly say with 100% certainty that the only people complaining and throwing stones are those that don't know you at all. They haven't read more than one blog entry, they know nothing about the family you have shared with us day in and day out. They read one blog post that was undoubtedly linked from another blog they read, and they had to check it out. Bam, you take a few paragraphs out of context and you've got yourself a rant.

    Well I've had the complete pleasure of meeting Linny and speaking with her over the phone many times, and you guys are the real deal. All of this just sickens me.

  100. DW & Linny….been praying for you unceasingly. Tears of joy were streaming down my face as i read how the Lord orchestrated the events that took place yesterday with Sarah and her bio family…oh how the Lord moved mountains…oh how He blessed Linny with such favor and love. The details great and small were so magnificent and shouted "Only God"!!! The pictures were brilliant, the whole thing was brilliantly orchestrated by the Lord…from start to finish. Such awe over what is happening for Sarah! Please…please…please do not receive the fiery missiles from the enemy to rob you of your joy, your peace, your integrity, your mission, your devotion, your love…oh the list is endless…how the Lord uses you in such amazing ways…how He has awakened a world thru this blog to the needs of the orphan…the love of a family…the sincerity, integrity, the love, the laughter….your family is exactly what the Lord intended for a family to be…your family is the biggest blessing…a true joy…laughter, tears and prayers are what we, your readers, get to be blessed with. Do not grow discouraged in doing good (how about awesome!)…you galvanized a world to pray for Karl…what an honor to pray for him…to see the miracles of his healing…to see how each one of your chosen children has grown and flourished and blossomed under the love, nurturing and care from you both as you turn their precious hearts to the Lord! You are His hands and feet…your hearts break for what breaks His…and you have shown us these things as well. Taught us to see through that lense…i see the world so differently from being here in a Place Called Simplicity!Thank you! Even though it's the blog world…you are extended family in Christ and you are loved, prayed for and treasured with each post.. glorifying God to the highest… never seeking anything for yourselves…you do it all In His Name and for Him…for the orphan! Never stop writing…please…the enemy would win…even though it would be so much easier and less painful and completely understandable…but you are a beautiful voice, a radiant light…in a very dark world…and we will hold up your arms during these difficult times like Aaron/Hur did for Moses. May the Lord pour out His amazing, healing love upon your hurting hearts (i didn't read what was said)…God is in control, not the stone throwers. You keep on, running the race…oh the plans He has for you all when you are all under one roof again…very soon! Can't wait to see the happy homecoming pictures! Thank you, DW for filling in for Linny when she needed you. Thank you for being the faithful, awesome father, husband, Pastor, friend and orphan advocate and so much more…He treasures you! Linny…thank you for being a beautiful, radiant example of a godly woman who lives her life purely, holy for the Lord…with the most amazing sense of humor, tenderness, perseverance, determination one could ever muster! Boy does He have a special place in His heart for you!!! Oh how He loves the Saunders family…He is proving it by moving mountains and shutting the mouths of lions who wish to do harm…but they will be like Daniel's lions…you'll see. Keep writing…you have a world of people praying and loving you and more orphans to reach! In His Amazing Love!<3

  101. Praying for protection today for you, your whole family, Sarah Jane, and Ruby Grace. May God give you great strength, peace, and wisdom to get through the spiritual attack you are under.

  102. 'those people' felt a sense of happiness after making their horrid posts (I'm sure!) Little do they know they are letting Satan CONTROL them and they are doing NOTHING w/ their own will! They are like little puppets on a string. They are in a play where the master puppet will bring them down, down, down.

  103. I'm sorry that I missed Linny's post that is now gone. I can deduce that it was great news of God's miracles in helping your baby daughter come home, but that it was misinterpreted by some. I'm sorry you had to deal with negative comments.

    My prayers are with you, especially Linny in Africa. I hope things move quickly so that your daughter can receive the medical care here that will save her life and enable her to come home to your loving family.

    I hope that Jubilee's recovery is on track and that the medication she was on completely wiped out the infection.

    My prayers are with you!

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