Sweet Baby Girl….

Jubilee has been in surgery now for about two hours.
Seems like time is standing still.
Thankful for all the prayers.
Emma came with us.
The other 7 kids all are at Abi and Ryan’s.
I had told Jubilee over and over what was going to happen.
She was very peaceful, no doubt the Lord’s peace upon her.
{Totally an answer to prayer.}
They gave her “silly juice” {Verced – sp?} to relax her.  
When she had surgery last year they didn’t do that.
I wondered how she would tolerate it
since she seems to have a tender tummy.
She threw it right back up
before she even got it all into her mouth.
But I guess there was enough in her system…
Before long she was giggling and acting like she 
had had a gallon of wine instead of a tad of silly juice. 
She pulled her little hat off and when it was time to go, they said she would need to put it back on again.
And here’s what she did.
Giggling and giggling the entire time.
I think the silly juice agreed with her.
Actually Dw and I were wondering if we could have the leftover that never even made it into her mouth.
And just in case you ever wondered what 
Palo Alto, California
 looks like
 {heading down University toward Stanford University}
 at 5:20 am…
Here ya’ go….
Isn’t it sooo pretty?

30 thoughts on “Sweet Baby Girl….

  1. PRAYING!!! I know there are ministering angels to these little ones while they are sleeping under anesthesia…Gracie has told us about one such encounter! Trusting all of you in the Father's hands, and praying for healing & peace.

  2. Keeping you in prayer, Linny and your sweet Jubilee….I can just see Jesus in the OR with Jubilee caressing her and guiding the surgeons…. and all those praying surrounding her ~ His precious child.

  3. Wow. Pictures really do say a thousand words. Your daughter is beautiful. I can feel your tremendous love for her in the photos. I'm praying with all my might for her to be okay. 🙂

  4. Linny,
    Praying for your sweet girl today. We've gone through a few surgeries with our little girl (now 8)- never easy to say goodbye when they wheel them off. 🙁
    Praying for knowledge, skill and steady hands and for angels to watch out for Jubilee! Keep us posted (I know you will).

  5. Praying for Jubilee right now and that when she awakens from surgery she will continue to have the peace she went in with. Praying for your mama's heart as you wait to see her and hear word from the dr. Praying that ALL is well! Love from NC!

  6. We prayed for all of you by name today. It's so funny because my would not give me a chance to add you to todays prayer list myself. She had to do it. "Mom, today we need to pray for DW and Linny, and Ruby Grace and all that paper work, and Jubilee and her doctors and Karl and Autumn, and Tyler, cause he's over there with Orey and we want them both to come home safely." :0)
    I think she just about covered everything.


  7. Oh, Linny, I will pray now for Jubilee. And we live in Sunnyvale, the town south of Palo Alto. My dh is actually a professor and physician at Stanford University. Please let us know if you need anything (prayer, medical, or otherwise!). Lots of love to your family.

  8. Linny,
    I have had a couple of children have to have that before and I tell you…if you weren't so concerned for your children…it would be hysterical!

    Rejoicing with you!

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