Uganda – The Mountains Grow

This is Dwight subbing in for Linny.  It’s been awhile since she had me post.  (Those who remember my posts know I have real trouble staying out of trouble.)  ๐Ÿ™‚   

As most of you know she’s in Uganda now and at the current place she’s staying there is no internet available.  Pray a place opens up for her to move tomorrow.

Linny just arrived today & she got to hold and love on our little Ruby and as she says in the post below she was smitten.  

Because Ruby is not doing well she was able to persuade the lawyer to meet with her on her first day in Uganda – thanks to one of our sons, Lutuyaa, going to bat for us!  That alone is a miracle as our lawyer had insisted on Saturday – but in our case – every day is urgent for  Miss Ruby.  (first Uganda miracle)

However, when Linny met with our lawyer she learned that the mountains had grown on both fronts for both girls.   We were informed for the first time that they need 6 original signed and notarized copies of all our documents.  Wow, really?   Sure – that’s easy – no problem… of course it takes time and then to Fed. Ex. it is not a 24 hour deal – so the mountains grew.   Time is not on Ruby’s side!

(For Sarah, apparently their is some problems with some consents from distant family… so that mountain grew for us as well.)

So heere is what Linny and I know and where we put our trust:

First, the mountains have grown.

Second, I will do everything I can tomorrow to get all paperwork done… realtors, banks, employment letters, doctors…. etc….  but we need favor in many areas. 

Third, we have at least a few mustard seeds of faith left – combined with your prayers and faith we are in a good place to command,  “Mountain, be thou removed….” 

Finally, God is sovereign, He is in control, and He will move those Mountains!  Bye bye mountains

But time… time is our enemy – so pray for Ruby – pray for favor – pray for speed!

Will you join us in faith (Hebrews 11:6) to ask God to move our mountains?   

We promise to join you in asking God to move your mountains – just let us know what the request is – OK?  We know you have our back in prayer and we have yours!

Thank you all for listening to this Daddy’s heart who wants to be on the front lines in the battle.  That’s what us guys want to do,  but this is Linny’s hour.  Pray that like Joshua she would be strong and courageous and be victorious.

You all have been such a resource of love and encouragement to Linny, myself and our family – you probably have no idea! 

God bless you!  Dwight

Disclaimer:  (Linny is the writer and grammar expert…. my forte was math – I know, I know you can tell!) 

70 thoughts on “Uganda – The Mountains Grow

  1. Dwight & Linny,
    Oh I am praying! God CAN move those mountains. Praying for just the right people in the right places who will hear the Lord and allow Him to move them! Also, could we please please do a day of fasting & prayer for you guys????? I have no doubt that this community would be ready to do that for your sweet girlies.
    Hugs & prayers,

  2. you know i am praying…as God is moving mountains, He is giving Linny the strength and courage she needs to walk through this time. so glad to stand with you and see His deliverance for those sweet girls. xo

  3. praying for those mountains to move on your behalf. Would love a day of fast for you also. We could use prayers for mountains to move so that my daughters who are biological sisters to grow up together and live together. Thanks for praying for others too!

  4. GOD HAS MOVED YOUR MOUNTAINS BEFORE AND HE CAN DO IT AGAIN !!! I am praying. Didnt mean for that to be in Caps but decided it needed to be after all. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Melissa in Ky

  5. Thanks for the update. We will just have to get on our knees and plead for mountains to shrink!!!

    GO DW You can do it on the homefront! And we know our faithful Father has got Linny on the frontlines!!

  6. I will pray for your two girls, for favour and paperwork to be done, everything fall into place like it did for Joseph of old when everything prospered for him after he suffered and held onto faith in God. Could you pray for a mountain to be moved for me as well? I need to know the Lord, really, I need to meet His presence so I can really witness for Him. It's hard to witness when it's a mind-faith, it needs to be backed by His sweet presence. Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Praying!!! Oh how He loves to move mountains!!! Lifting up all the prayer needs and time to go quickly where needed (paperwork) and time to slow down (Ruby!)…the Lord can do all that is needed! Praying for favor, doors to open, hearts to be moved and miracles to happen!

    "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you". Isaiah 43:2

    The Lord has you covered on all sides! Praising Him for the great things He is doing!!! (you did a great post, DW…thank you for the update!!) <3

  8. Thanks for the update DW! I will be praying for Linny, Emma, Sarah Jane, Ruby Grace, and you at home with the rest of the kiddos! Praying and fasting tomorrow for these mountains to crumble.

  9. Praying in Texas for the mountains to be MOVED on behalf of Sarah and Ruby Grace, for the Lord to keep His healing hand on precious Ruby Grace, for strength and favor for Linny, and for you Dwight, as you keep things on the homefront up and running. He is ABLE and He is FAITHFUL!

    Blessings ~


  10. Praying those mountains will be moved with ease. Praying for favor as you collect documents and God's miraculous hand to be shown over and over. Praying for your faith and strength as you finish out this battle.

    I would covet your prayers for the restoration of my parents' marriage. Time is running out.

    You all have shown me how faithful God is. He will show up!

  11. Absolutely praying and trusting that God will move all the necessary mountains to bring both girls home QUICKLY! I can't imagine how tough it is to be doing everything you can do and continue to have road blocks at every turn.
    Having read about all the challenges followed by all of the awe inspiring miracles your family has been through to all come together, I think of how amazing each of your Childrens stories are and know that through this blog SO many are ministered to through them. God will use Ruby and Sarah's stories the same way. He already is.
    Hang in there Dwight and Linny, God is in the details.
    I love this verse:
    God says, โ€œThese things I plan wonโ€™t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day! " Habakkuk 2:3

  12. *Trying again as my last comment was messed up ๐Ÿ™‚ * I am praying for the mountains to be bulldozed so you can get that sweet little girl home and work on getting her healthy. Could you pray for my family? My husband got laid off yesterday and he is our sole income provider. Could you pray that he finds a job quickly? Thank you.

  13. God is moving mountains in our lives (my husband has been unemployed for two years since retiring from the military and this week, for the first time, he has received two incredible leads for amazing jobs, please continue to pray that they lead to a job and if it means a move that everything falls into place). Praying that God moves these mountains and that no one can deny the miracles and testament in store for those two sweet treasures!!

  14. I will also pray for the mountains to be moved. God wants those girls home! He holds them in his hands.

    We are also asking for prayers for our soon to be 13 yr old son waiting for us in China. We are praying that the mountains are moved so that we can be granted travel approval before the end of the year. He has waited too long to come home!

  15. Dwight…I will be fasting and praying for those mountains! God can and will do it! I am sure of that. His heart breaks for all the little orphans each second they spend without a loving family. My group of lady friends are praying for you all as well. Love and prayers from Indiana!!!

  16. Praying that God will move all those mountains and in the end that When everything is over that people will say it has to be God, epecially those who need to know him in a ver personal way.

  17. Praying for those mountains to be moved and for Ruby and Sarah to be able to come home with their family real soon. We too are waiting to go and bring our little one home – please pray for our mountains to be moved also.

  18. The mountains melt like wax before the Lord,
    Before the Lord of all the earth. Ps 97:5

    Praying that He will glorify himself by melting the mountains in front of you!
    Covering your family in Kentucky

  19. Praying that Linny would see God's hand move in an unmistakable way – and praying that the needs (and paperwork!) of all of your sweet girls will be met.
    I know you know this already, DW, but your Linny is an amazing woman. I can't wait to see God use her in a mighty way in "her hour"!

  20. "I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Is. 45:2-3

    Praying this scripture over you from Missouri!

  21. Praying that the mountains be moved for your girls. Praying for Ruby Grace's health and that Linny stays strong and feels God's presence as she fights for her girls.

  22. Just keep singing that Laura Story song "My Savior, He can move the mountains… My God is mighty to save…He is mighty to save!"

    1. He made the mountains.
    2. He can move the mountains.
    3. He already knows the outcome
    4. He loves Ruby and Sarah.
    5. He loves you too!


    All good news!

  23. Hi Linny and DW,
    I will definitely be praying for you and your two sweet girls. I also wanted you to know that if you need anything please let me know. I live in Albuquerque, not sure how far that is from you but I don't think its to bad. So please please let me know if I can help you. Really! You can email me at praying like crazy!!

  24. Joel and Renee from Iowa are praying for your mountains to be moved. I have a pictures of a mountain on my cupboard door and the words…"Speak To Your Mountains" printed on it in big letters…..I am speaking to your mountains in Jesus name. God's plan is always best~ His timing is always perfect. Praise God, all will be well….

  25. Dwight and Linny,

    Praying your girls home. I watched and prayed Elizabeth and Elijah home and now I will do the same for Ruby Grace and Sarah Jane. I feel even more connected this time since I have met these 2 precious treasures.


  26. Standing in FAITH that the Lord WILL smooth your paths before you. Praying for the right eyes and hands to be involved every step of the way and that the process will RUN with amazing speed to completion. God is so good and he is able and togther we all stand in faith behind you to bring these girls home now.

  27. Praying for Linny, Emma, Ruby Grace and Sarah Jane, DW and family. Praying that the mountains bemoved!
    Plese pray for a huge mountain to be moved for our family.
    Blessing to all of you.

  28. Dw,

    Lifting you, Linny, Emma, Ruby Grace and Sarah Jane up in prayer, as well as the little ones back home with you. Your lives have shown me that God will move mountains so I am praying that He moves them another time to bring these two girls home to you.

  29. Oh my goodness. I am so sorry that my prayer comment had a MAJOR (and embarrassing) in it. Please know that was a smart phone being not so smart. We'll just leave this comment as "I've prayed for you" ๐Ÿ™‚ maybe it provided a good needed chuckle, but it was so not intended. I removed it because I couldn't just edit it. God bless!

  30. Our Father knows the beginning from the end….He is Faithful….His Ways are not our Ways and in His time He will make His Ways come to pass….
    Praying in NC

  31. Praying for you today as I do every day for your family both near and far. My husband lost his job and he was the soul provider as I was a stay at home mom. Could you please please please pray for us that one of us will find a job quickly and that we will not be evicted from our home. Thank you so much

  32. Praying for mountains to move and favor to be upon you as you get all the paperwork done. Please pray for favor on me and my family as well. For provision financially and me being able to still homeschool my kids even as a single mom. Love you guys and so glad to be on the knee team. L in florida.

  33. Dwight… my grammer stinks too:) I was just reading your post to my older 2 boys 12, and 14 and they said, " Don't they just make you want to adopt more??? I want to when I am older!" I love it! Your family is inspiring. We are praying today and as you go forward from here… for your family, for those mountains TO BE MOVED IN JESUS' NAME! God is faithful! By the way Dwight, my Wisconsin friend Abbi, said that you restored her faith in pastors… she loved her trip to Uganda with you all last Jan!

  34. Dwight, we are praying right now! For safety and health for Ruby Grace, and for ALL the mountains to be moved by our ALMIGHTY GOD! Standing in faith with your family today and everyday!

    Our mountain…I have really sensed the Lord calling us to the mission field to work with orphans full-time, and feel as though He has confirmed it several the mountain;)…we have about $40,000 of debt from college that would need to be taken care of as well as selling our house…..this is a HUGE mountain! BUT, we know that He who calls us to GO, will be faithful…so just pray we would know what steps to take…we cannot pay these off on our own. Love you guys!

  35. Praying that your mountains are moved in the name of Jesus! Please pray for my daughter and grandson on 9-11 of this year he was shot and killed while he was residing in Mexico. To make matters hard my grandson never knew him… Also PERSONAL. God always knows when I need prayer and you always post! Thank You Jesus for that! Janet

  36. Dwight, I need to add to my previous request.:) I mentioned going on the mission field to work with orphans… My husband is "unsure" this is what the Lord would have us do(after all, we ARE in debt, are in the middle of an adoption, etc., etc.,etc….the list could go on). Would you just pray for the same confirmation for HIM, if this is truly of the Lord and not just my crazy idea;). My heart wants to follow my husband's lead…THANK YOU!:)

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