Have You Ever Seen One of These Up Close?

Emmy and I were running up to the guest house the other day.  It is directly above the baby home where our sweet little treasure currently resides.
We walk a fairly long driveway to the guest house 
after we turn off the main road.  
As we approached the guard at the guest house all of a sudden some random animal about the size of a house cat ran from the bushes on the left.  
It was long and sleek and very fast!
We stopped dead in our tracks and immediately another came out of the bushes
and another
We screamed!
They were the freakiest, fastest things!
I started backing up as fast as I could
but Emma stayed put 
{much braver than I!}
And immediately another came out of the brush
and then another
and then another
Until SIX had crossed our path.
Oh my gracious!
The guard came running and seeing the animals he just laughed and laughed and laughed.
We asked what they were and he said, “Squirrels!”
Dude, I know my squirrels and those sure as heck 
are definitely not squirrels!
Turns out the man in the office said they were mongoose and 
yes, a quick google of mongoose and it is confirmed.  
Seriously, I get the shivers thinking of the pack of them….
Our daughter Moreen just arrived as I was typing this 
she just informed me that they eat them here.  
Ummm, yeah.  
No thanks.

28 thoughts on “Have You Ever Seen One of These Up Close?

  1. Did you know they eat snakes though? Even poisonous ones!

    Praying you {and your girls!} home soon! I've been wanting to have the kids over but we've been sick all this week. All four of us are officially sick right now. Hopefully, we get better and I can have the kids over later this week. Miss you.

  2. Well, Their cute when they are standing still! They probably don't do that very often though, huh? Tell your guard squirrels are rats with fuzzy tails. Those are just rats!! Sheri

  3. Hi Linny! I had to laugh at your post! Your reaction to these little creatures was so funny!
    They are commanly knows as "Meerkat" in South Africa. Have you ever seen The Lion King's "Timon and Pumbaa"?… Well, Timon is also a meerkat. They are very sociable little things and very much family orientated. Some people in SA have them as pets, although I do not recommend this as they can be very naughty and need a lot of attention. Enjoy the "wilderness"! Lots of love, xx

  4. Until last month, I had never seen one either! I saw my first (one of several running in the wild) in Hawaii while I visited my brother. Other than Rikki Tikki Tavi, I had not really heard of them either! They definitely are fast runners!!! Yes, scary too!

  5. Kinda cute but I would definitely NOT be eating them:) I've seen them before on National Geographic! Pretty cool! Much better than the rat you had the other week…lol! Still sending up those prayers for you…sending our love:)

  6. All I can think of when I look at him is the cartoon movie, Madagascar, where the Meerkats are dancing in the jungle (I like to move it, move it). Lol. 😉

  7. Linny,
    You and Emma just came to my mind.. I don't know your email or else I would have emailed you. God has burdened my heart to pray for you at this very moment (12:40am eastern time on monday, october 16, 2011). Praying for peace, patience, and God's guidance over you. May he continue to be the light at your feet, your hope in the darkness but better yet use you as a light to others in Uganda.
    Sleep well,

  8. LOL! I suppose the unknown is a bit scary, very cute little guys and we love them dearly. Very family minded and a feature in almost every camp site. We have fun with the name: 1 mongoose, 2 mongeese and 3 mongii!!

  9. Ah yes!!!!! When Doug and I were young and um…not very smart we "camped" in a palm bush in Hawaii with just stolen airline blankets to keep us warm. Doug woke up in the middle of the night to a mongoose eating his sock (while it was still on his foot!)…didn't get much sleep after that and got a hotel the next day 🙂 Love you guys and praying for you!

  10. That's a meerkat!!! They are from the mongoose family. There was a whole series about them called "Meerkat Manor", several years ago. It followed a particular tribe of meerkats over several years. They are actually harmless and very friendly! Oh, I wish I had seen them! 🙂

    Nancy in CT (who is praying you will come HOME with treasures SOON!!!!!)

  11. If it helps you think any better of the mongoose, do you remember the story of Rikki Tikki Tavi (TV cartoon in the 70's and a Rudyard Kipling story)? I think they eat snakes, which aren't much fun, so maybe that many in you area is a blessing!

  12. Oh, Linny, I had to laugh out loud when I read this! And really, I think those little (or big I guess if they run by you!) things are so cute! They look like Meerkats – haha! Boy, you sure are having an adventure! Now, hurry up and bring those precious girls home!!!!

  13. Linny and Emmy,
    I woke before my alarm today which on a Monday morning is totally out of the ordinary. God really poured on my heart to pray for you two. Not sure why but just wanted you to know I spent time in prayer this morning before work for you two. Hope all is well and mountains are moving today at record speed. I know your momma heart and big sister heart must be torn right now between your babies at home and your babies that are with you. I will continue to pray that God gives you a beautiful miracle and allows you to bring your sweet girls home asap! I don't know how you do it….well I do by God's power but you are super strong women that don't give up until God mission is complete! Stay strong and let me know if there are any little things I could do for you to help you in any way. Even if it means sending a fun care package to your little treasures back home to brighten their spirits while their lovies are away!! All Gods Blessings!

  14. Those are meerkats. Animal planet had a series for several years that followed Flower and her family until she was killed trying to protect her family from a rival group. It was almost like a soap opera.

    Sandi Lurker

  15. I saw my first mongoose in South Africa two years ago, when it ran in front of our Land Rover. I did a double take myself.

    Then, this past summer, back in Shayandima, South Africa, I learned how there are some MUCH larger when one ran past the front window of the duplex where we were staying. At first, I thought it was a dog…….

    They are a precious sight to see…and yep, the missionary on the base, Brother Brad, tells everyone to look after them….because they keep the snakes off the mission base.

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