Wednesday in Kampala, Uganda

I sure miss you guys.  
And I really, really, really hate that I am unable 
to share specifics of our time here in Uganda.
Suffice it to say that today was a hard day.
I cried and cried, tears dripping away
and it looks like I cried most of the day too.
I miss my treasures.
I miss my precious husband.
I miss it all.
On the other hand:
Yesterday was a really sweet day.  
I got up and decided that I was going to fast. 
Because we needed to see God move in a big way.
And He did move yesterday ever-so-sweetly.
Even some unexpected things happened that were such a blessing.
Stinky days sprinkled among sweet days.
And I am so grateful for those who continue to pray.
{The vast majority of you!}
And thankful that you love us.
Because we love you too.
I was telling a friend in an email the other day, that I have relied on ‘talking’ to my blog friends for years now.  And it is sooo hard being relatively silent.  You guys get my heart, cause you hear my heart and what I’m thinking almost daily.  
And I am forever grateful for that fact and for each of you. 
Your continued prayers are deeply appreciated:
for those at home and us here.

32 thoughts on “Wednesday in Kampala, Uganda

  1. I missed your post the other day (we were out of town), so I wanted to share the Scripture I've been praying for you!

    Psalm 84:11
    "For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory.
    The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right."

    Hugs to a very brave, strong Mama!!

  2. Linny and Emma, The Wylie's continue to pray passionately for you all. Hoping that mountains the size of Mt Everest will be moved to bring home Ruby Grace and Sarah Jane. Hugs from Ellen in Illinois

  3. We miss you too!!
    We are still praying!! You know God is bigger than the yuck. The Holy Spirit has been prompting my prayers and I am sure everyone else's too. I can't wait to hear the stories! There will be so many great stories of God stirring us all around the world without knowing what was actually happening. Great faith building stories! I can hardly stand it :-0

  4. God brought you to my heart earlier today about you missing your family and to pray for you to be encouraged. So seeing this post- just broke my heart. Soon you will be hugging up your children and husband again. It's an honor to pray for you. You have encouraged me so much with your life, Linny! I have been following your blog and you have really opened up my eyes to adoption… truly something that God does for us— adopts us into His family. How awesome is hat?! Sending a hug from Michigan to Uganda, your sister in Christ, Alisha

  5. Linny, I sit here with an aching heart for you. I can't imagine how badly you long for your littles at home and for DW. You are being prayed for ever so much and without ceasing in SC. We don't need to know all that's going on to know you must be having a difficult time or it would not be taking so long. I pray that little Ruby Grace is healing and will be able to be on that plane with you as you come home and then my heart's desire is that SJ will be with you also but God's will be done in both situations. I know that's you want also. Prayers for your heart (and Emmy's also) and that these next days will go quickly so you can get home. Love you sweet lady, Martha

  6. Thinking of you today and praying too!

    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

  7. I am sorry you feel you need to be silent. I am praying for you almost every day, if not multiple times a day. Keep strong. Don't grow weary. Wait on the Lord. He is good. Strength will rise as you wait on Him. I'm listening to this song on your blog as I type…and it's ever true! He reigns. Forever. Our hope is in Him and Him alone. He is our Deliverer…as well as Ruby's Sarah's, Autumns, Jubi's, Karl's, and yours…. Peace to you.

  8. Sooooo missing you sharing your heart each day. You are on an incredible "God Adventure" and we your bloggy friends so miss being able to hear everything that is happening. We also understand "why" you are silent but it is hard to pull up your blog each day and know that you have to be so careful about what you share. Covering you in prayers and hoping that once you are home that you will be able to share about your days there.

  9. Linny, I just want to encourage you. I cannot imagine what you are feeling right now, being homesick and going through SOOO much over there in every way.
    I know I say it often to you, but I want you to know – again – that you are such an inspiration to me(and all of us here i would imagine) We see the gospel living and breathing and acting in you and your family…we also see how much this erks the enemy!!!!
    Hold fast to Gods promise to you about your girls. We are all holding on to it for you too… despite the fact you can't share details right now.

    I am so sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed today.
    I wanted to share this scripture,
    in Hebrews 10, I don't know if it will be of any encouragment to you; I find it encouraging and I hope you will too.

    It reminds me of something i heard about Gods grace; that it doesn't take away the pain or the trial or the hard situation but when it comes to deciding to carry on or quit the grace is the yes being louder(even marginaly) than the no! pulling you on πŸ™‚
    I pray for a fresh grace for you and Emma at this time – to push on

    heres the scripture verse;

    Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated.You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For,

    β€œIn just a little while,
    he who is coming will come
    and will not delay.”


    β€œBut my righteous one will live by faith.
    And I take no pleasure
    in the one who shrinks back.”

    But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.

    Huge hugs and continued prayers from green 'ol Ireland πŸ˜‰
    Leo & Lisa xxx

  10. You are in our prayers daily Linny. You have such a huge heart for the orphans. We love the orphan, too! And we can hardly think of anythings else at times! Loving having my three treasures from Ch*na home now, and remembering all of the encouragement you and DW have given Kevin and me as we adopted each time.

    janet and gang

  11. Oh Linny. I can only imagine how difficult it is to be separated from your family so far away even as you wait on the Lord to provide a way home for Ruby Grace and Sarah Jane. I wanted you to know that I'm praying for you often and eagerly look forward to hearing how God moved mountains, showed His faithfulness, and revealed His will to you while on this part of your journey. Praying that you feel shelter emotionally in Him and that His peace floods your soul today. -Jennifer in PA

  12. I miss hearing all the details of what is going on there, I'm praying many times a day and night, and I will be sure to add all those at home in my prayers. Sending you hugs.

  13. β€Ž"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
    and in His word I hope;
    my soul waits for the Lord
    more than watchmen for the morning"
    (Psalm 130:5-6)

    Praying for you and Emmy, Linny. The Lord is holding you close and orchestrating great things on your behalf and your precious treasures! Oh how you are prayed over unceasingly! What a privilege to be praying and fasting with you! blessings! <3

  14. Linny,
    I've been following you for quite sometime now. I rarely leave comments, but I pray for you and your family every day. I am so glad that you can feel my prayers even though I haven't told you I am praying! I am confident that there are many many more like me who follow and pray daily! May God bless you especially now, in Uganda, as you work to bring home your daughters!

    Karen πŸ™‚

  15. Continuing to pray! I thought you this morning as I read Jer. 23:29"Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" God's word is so powerful. He calls us to defend the orphan. He is faithful in His promises. Praying His word over you and your family. He is going to move the mountains in front of you, and He will also break rocks too. He is hammering away all obstacles in front you! Keep standing firm in His word!

  16. Oh, Linny, my heart hurts for you. This is just so hard…but Jesus never said He was calling us to do "easy" things. I continue to pray for ALL of you…in Uganda and here in the good ol' US of A!

    Love and hugs…and PRAYERS!!

    Nancy in CT

  17. Dear Friend,
    You are in my thoughts so many times of the day, and then after thinking about you I say a prayer.
    Praying that those mountains get moved, paperwork gets sorted fast and that you and your princesses are heading home very soon.
    Thank you for sharing your journey .
    With lots of love, hugs and prayers for you all (Uganda and Home ) XXX XOX XXX

  18. I miss you too, Linny! Are you able to say when you might be coming home? I know it has to be hard for you and Emma, but I can't imagine how your family at home must be missing you. I'll say it again, I wish I lived in your town so I could go and love on your little ones. I do think about you a lot and I pray for you every time! I love you! ~ Jo

  19. Linny~ We are continuing to pray for ALL, at home and in Uganda. Thank you for taking precious internet time to remind us that God is moving even on days that are stinky to us, HE still is working. Jehovah Jireh-the LORD provides!

  20. "May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may ABOUND in HOPE." Rm. 15:13

    God continually brings you to my heart. Still praying!

  21. Linny! It makes me so sad that you're not able to share everything that's going on on here! Regardless, I am praying and can't wait to see a new family picture with these new precious little girls right where they belong!! Praying that you would fine rest in God alone! (psalm 62)

  22. Thanks for your post….it was good to hear from you. I'll be fasting & praying Thursday & Friday and I'll be including you & Emma, Ruby & Sarah in my prayers. As well as Karl & Autumn and the rest of your family.

    I love you & miss you!

  23. Linny and Emma,

    We are sad that you can't share the things that are happening in Uganda. But understand way. We pray for wisdom and peace for the both of you each day! We love you all!! The Lord uses your family for great things. Thank you for obeying the call and being God's hands and feet! We look forward to the day you can share with us!! Hope it is soon πŸ™‚

    Blessings in Christ

  24. Praying for all of you. I know God will move your mountains!
    Kindest Regards

    Now my bitter experience turns into peace. You have saved me and kept me from the rotting pit. You have thrown all my sins behind you. (Isaiah 38:17)

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