Concerns for Ruby

I keep starting, typing and retyping…
all the medical stuff is just too hard to explain.
Suffice it to say that there were complications in yesterday’s surgery. So when we got up to her room she was already there and she was surrounded by doctors, nurses, surgeons and an anesthesiologist.  They had far more equipment hooked to her and around her then we had ever seen in her room before.
The complications would make it necessary to monitor Ruby closely.  Anyway, after several hours Dw left and I settled in at the foot of Ruby’s bed, all curled up so she could, perhaps, feel mommy at the foot of her bed.
I think I slept 10 minutes and suddenly there was a commotion.  Her heart rate was off the charts.  The PICU doctor in charge came in.  About that time it appeared Ruby was having a seizure.  She immediately ordered a CT scan.  
With the complications from the surgery yesterday, one of the dangers could be Ruby’s brain imploding on itself or bleeding in the brain.  
{Hate even typing those words.  In fact they make me want to throw up right here and now.} 
I called Dw immediately.  
A flurry of specialized medical professionals went into motion.  Adrenalin was rushing through my veins and I was shaking uncontrollably.  The PICU doctor actually put her arm around me to comfort me as I bounced around from the rush of adrenalin.  
We went for the CT scan.  
It showed what was suspected and 
the surgeon came right to the hospital.  
By this time Dw had arrived. 
They started giving Ruby blood as her blood amount had dropped.
 The surgeon adjusted the pressure in the shunt. 
They started an EEG that is still running. 
They started her on full strength oxygen.
They tipped the bed in the opposite direction to elevate her legs.
Anyway, your specific prayers would be deeply appreciated.  
*Ruby’s brain needs to expand and fill the space.*
*Her heart rate needs to stabilize and return to “normal”.*
Last night, when all of this was transpiring I stopped to text our kids {Abi, Sarah, Autumn, Emma, Graham…..
Yet another beautiful thing about big families and grown up kids!  
They love their baby sister!}
Then I texted a few prayer warriors who I knew would pray. 
Eventually both Dw and I posted on Facebook the situation was serious and Ruby needed prayer.
I was so surprised how many were still awake and on Facebook in the States…immediately friends started praying….and our precious friends in India {who have an orphanage}posted that they had gathered all the kids and explained the situation and they praying with the kids….then my friend in the Philippines posted that she was praying….and people started saying what state they were praying from…
very, very, very humbling to see the outpouring of support from {literally} around the world for one precious {once orphaned} baby girl named Ruby Grace.  
Please don’t stop.
{And if you know any one who loves to pray – 
please share with them as well!}  

33 thoughts on “Concerns for Ruby

  1. already passed need to pray for Miss Ruby Grace to others. So wonderful to know all round the world we can pray for you all. No matter what time or place we are united in prayer. Praying for you all at this time. XXX XOX XXX

  2. Still praying……. God loves to show off! "Now God has us right where he wants us. With all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus." Eph 2:10 Message

  3. I am praying for each of you. I don't know when all of this took place but at 2am I woke from a dead sleep and began praying for Ruby Grace. God has a plan for Ruby Grace. So sorry your heart has to go through all this.

  4. I could not sleep last night and now I know why. The Lord usually allows me wakefulness in time of need. I prayed for Ruby and am fasting today and will continue. I am so thankful that you have prayer warriors lifting up the needs of your precious daughter. Thankfully she is also a daughter of the King of Kings and ALmighty Healer and Comforter. I am honored to lift her up today. Invading the throne on her behalf…
    Much love

  5. It’s amazing when you love someone you don’t know and you pray earnestly for them; the Lord confides in you and gives you special insight on how to pray specific. Without sounding weird or creepy, with all honesty inside me, the Lord woke me up at 12:35 PST and I came to the couch, sat in the dark and prayed for Ruby. My heart was overwhelmed with prayer for her. The Lord specifically told me to pray in the area of seizers. I’m not even sure if I am wording this right or not. However, it was laid strongly on my heart to pray against seizers. I stand amazed at how He is speaking to me regarding Ruby. I love this child and I pray for her with all my heart. I will continue to pray for her. I will pray for your family as well. For strength for DW and you. I am at the throne for you. Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

  6. Yes, I'll pray.

    Father God, I ask right now for your Powerful Hand to move on Ruby's behalf. God I know that you are there now with her and her family comforting, uplifting, healing, moving. God help Linny and DW to feel your presence. Help her family to know that you are ever-present and haven't forgotten the plans you have for that precious little girl.

    Thank you so much for bringing her this far. But God they all want her home. Please touch her tiny body. Astound the doctors God. And bring her home quickly.

    In Your Precious Name,


  7. We are praying together as a family ever night for your sweet Ruby Grace…I can't imagine what you all are feeling. Please know you have so many people praying for your family and that there are so many people who love you guys…always praying- The Bowers

  8. love you, linny. we're praying in indiana. our boys remember ruby grace and i'm going to share with them now so we can pray. WHAT a little girl to have people all over the world loving her and praying for her! God be with you all & heal little miss Ruby.

  9. On my knee's before the throan of God praying for peace and much needed healing for our sweet love Ruby.God take control of all of Ruby's need's right down to the smallest of them. God you are mighty to save mighty to heal and mighty to love the least of these (not saying sweet Ruby she is the least of anything) God we love you we thank you we praise Your Holy Name.

  10. Linne,
    As I was praying and fasting on Friday for Ruby, I came across these verses and are praying then on Ruby's behalf:

    May the Lord answer you in your hour of trouble! The name of Jacob's God be your tower of strength, give you help from the sanctuary and send you support from Zion! May he remember all your offerings and look with favor on your rich sacrifices, give you your hearts desire and grant success to all your plans! Let us sing out loud in praise of your victory, let us do homage to the name of our God!
    The Lord grant you all you ask!

    Psalm 20: 1-5 NEB (The New English Bible)

    Praying from Sweden,

  11. Hi Linny,

    We are praying with our 3 children (6,4 and 3) from NH….. we love the orphan and are awaiting 2 treasures from UGANDA…… our first 3 are adopted from foster care.

    God loves Ruby soooo much and He has her and your family in His loving arms.

    When I pray sometimes God gives me a word… I have never done this for anyone else before so please pray over this before reading…

    Lift up your head oh daughter of Zion and know your God is mighty to save and out of the ashes pour forth beauty and sanctity of life. For I did not save so one would perish, but gave life to live it abundantly. Say to this mountain move and I will set you high on the plains of Persia for I am a God who longs to restore and bring hope and beauty. My precious children look up, your King is nigh I stand on the mountain top and beseech your faces. For I love you. You have been mighty in service and I will reward you richly for your service. Your crown will be laden with jewels and lofty are my treasures. For you seek true treasure that cannot be bought by your own hands. You have sought and found the treasure of heaven – the orphan. Be still and know that I am God. I will deliver and I go before you. I command angels of healing to be sent to you and the heavens declare the righteousness of God and all who seek me on my mountain top will be saved. Go in peace knowing that I walk with you. Be still oh daughter and rejoice in your suffering for your God cometh…

    Many blessings,


  12. Loving prayers for your sweet baby. I would so like to see Ruby enjoy the love that your family can give her and heal completely! Sending you all love and strength that God will see you through this all!

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