
from my cell…the reunion was joyous…overflowing. So good to be on American soil. We had friends who joined dw and kids waiting for us, Their presence made the celebration even more sweet.  after taking the kids to a friends for the night dw and i drove right to the hospital with ruby.  at 3 am dw went to join the kids foor a speck of sleep. ruby and i were moved to her own room at 6:15 am. she is having tests all weekend, including a sedated MRI at this moment. Surgery is a real possibility for Monday, according to the pediatric neurosurgeon. We have told anyone who we meet how almighty God rescued our baby girl. my phone keeps shutting down randomly and my computer wont connect to the hospital wireless. ugh. so this will have to do. thank u foor your prayers.

31 thoughts on “Phoenix

  1. I am beyond thrilled for all of you! I'm so happy that your family can be together (in the same country!) now. Whatever Ruby Grace needs now, we will pray her through it.
    Love you all!!

  2. sending up prayers for ruby god and her family got her were she is right now..I might have missed what happened about the other little girl you were getting also??

  3. Linny,
    Praying for sweet Ruby. So glad you are finally back in the USA with her. It has been a long hard trip and I can totally understand how difficult it is.
    God Bless
    Another Mom of many treasures

  4. We are moving to Phoenix in a month. I wish we were there now to offer you a place to rest and some hospitality. My husband is in health care administration, he is already living in the area. My prayers are with you and sweet Ruby. Many blessings.

  5. Praise the Lord for your arrival in the US! Will be praying for Ruby and wisdom for doctors and they decide what will best help her heal. So thankful for our Great Physician who knows each of her needs in detail. Welcome "home"!

  6. Wow, sounds like you got her home just in time. But then of course God knew the kind of care she would need and the family she would need to come alongside her. Praying for the surgeons to have great discernment.

  7. I have been following this sweet little angel's journey on your blog for a while now. It's so amazing to me that she is right here in my own back yard. (I live in and am a nurse right here in phx) God is so good!

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