PICU {Pediatric Intensive Care Unit}

The surgeon said, “It couldn’t have gone better.”
We are so thankful for the Lord guiding his hands.
PICU will be Ruby’s home for quite awhile now.
The second we were allowed in, I went to her side and put my finger to her hand.
Ruby clasped my finger in record time and gripped tighter than I woud have thought possible…as if to say, “Okay mommy, look what they did when you let go.  I’m not letting you out of my sight!”
She is in a lot of pain and whimpers often.
They do not want her crying as the possibility of leaking blood increases with crying.
The situation is still very serious.  
Please don’t stop praying!

29 thoughts on “PICU {Pediatric Intensive Care Unit}

  1. Linny, Rachel (8 yrs ) and I prayed for dear Ruby Grace at bedtime. We prayed she is comfortable at bedtime and healing can happen for her. God hears little children's prayers I think very clearly and their intent.. Hugs Linny and hoping she has a smooth night with good pain control. love, Ellen W. in Illinois

  2. Praying for little Miss Ruby. I work in Neurosurgery at a hospital for Children where I live. My patients are like Ruby… Shunts hydrocephalus,and EVDs (shunts outside the head). Those babies have my heart! I know that is a tough road, but I can say, it gets better. Praying hard for you all!

  3. Praying for your sweet Ruby Grace, for healing, peace and comfort. Praying that God will sustain you during this stressful time with His grace and mercy.

  4. Everytime I woke in the night my first thought was about Ruby and said a prayer. Praying for you all. I get your nightshift! due to the time difference. Hope you get some rest to Linny. XXX XOX XXX

  5. Praise God!!!!!!! Praise GOd!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!! using her picture as a contact point and praying always for your miraculous gem. it is simply amazing how well Ruby appears to be despite her complicated hydrocephalus. i have worked on babies that were simple cases of single sack hydrocephaly and who looked so much worse! God's grace is truly amazing.
    A M A Z I N G!!! praying for strength for the mama and the papa too! hang in there, happy (and easier) days are comin':) praying for your heart Linny for when Ruby lies there hurting and you want to take it all away. Just keep giving it all to Jesus. Ruby is! 🙂 there is a reason why her middle name is Grace!

  6. Luke 8:50 – Do not be afraid, only believe and she will be healed.

    Praying for Ruby, the doctors and your family in the days ahead. Loved hearing my sweet girl pray for "WOOBY" last night! So sweet!

    May the God of heaven stand at your right hand and give you strength for the journey!

  7. praying through the night, and will be lifting all of you up today as well. praying Father's love to cover you & that His kingdom would come & His will be done in Ruby as it is in Heaven – healing & wholeness! hugs and love!

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