Ruby Grace’s Need

Thank you so much for all the sweet birthday wishes.
 I will share about my birthday another day as there is something urgent I need to share right now.
I will summarize as easily as I can, so that we can get to the real issue at hand – Much Needed Prayer!  
I wrote about a problem with the PICC line a few days ago.  Dw and I had not felt comfortable about having a PICC line.  {I do believe it was the Lord warning us.}  But anyway, the argument was: Ruby will not have to be poked for blood draws and the 3% saline solution that they are putting in her {to raise her salt levels} will be ‘safer’ because it will be going into a major artery.  The 3% saline solution kept being referred to as a “caustic” solution.  
After much debate we finally agreed to let them put the PICC line in.  They x-rayed it and said it was not where it normally goes, so they needed to pull it out some.  They x-rayed it again.  It was still not really where it needed to be, so they pulled it out again.  
Not long after, we noticed that Ruby was in great pain if we moved her neck. Within about 24 hours our normally easy-going little treasure was jumpy and not sleeping well.  
She was crying a lot of the time.  
I started asking questions.  How could they know that the PICC line was where it was supposed to be?  They assured me it was.  But surprisingly, it would not give blood {so they had to keep sticking her anyway}.  
Ruby’s discomfort continued.  In fact it got intense.  Three days ago she was nearly hysterical the entire night.  Days she cried much.  
She became rigid.  
She was inconsolable.  
I became frantic feeling.  
What was wrong?  I leaned over her at one point and through tears said, “Ruby, I know you are in pain, mommy just can’t figure out what it is.”  
Two days ago Dw and I began to ask for further testing regarding the PICC line.  Finally Ruby had a sonogram of her chest.  As Dw watched the sono tech, it was extremely clear, the PICC line was not in an artery at all.  
As it turns out 5 teaspoons per hour {for days} this “caustic” solution was dumping into our sweet baby girl’s chest.  
I cannot even begin to tell you what I am feeling at this moment.  
Anyway, the PICC line was drawn out.  But the question remained:  Where has this solution been going?  Because of it being a “caustic” solution {their words, not mine}, we had to find out.
So Ruby’s awesome Neurosurgeon {he is so down-to-earth and easy to talk to, sweet sense of humor AND a skilled neurosurgeon – imagine the odds of that? haha} came in yesterday pre-surgery.  He examined her and she would not turn her neck.  I told him how this had been for days.  About that time a physical therapist came in and offered to work with her neck to see if it was just muscle spasms from laying on her one side since surgery.  In my mommy heart I knew it was not muscular!
But anyway, as she lifted her head I noticed her neck wet.  I thought she had drooled so I wiped it.  Within no time the neck beaded up with drops of moisture!
Suddenly we knew where the solution has been going. It has pooled around her neck and upper chest and is oozing through her skin. 
The Neurosurgeon took one look and said, “Surgery’s cancelled, I cannot do surgery with her neck compromised.” 
 {I was sooooo relieved.}  
The problem in my heart is that what is the salt doing to her tender tissue, in such large concentrations, in her neck/body?  
She is in agony if any one moves her neck, even the slightest bit.  
So here is my question:
Would you fast with us and ask God to supernaturally remove the salt solution from Ruby’s body with no long term effects?  That her inside tissues will not be burned by this caustic solution?
I seldom ask for you guys to fast with us for something personal of ours, but I am feeling kind of overwhelmed and desperate.  
I need you. 
Many of you have been smitten with our precious Ruby Grace, so I am certain that many of you want to know of the need and would want the opportunity to pray {and fast} with us. 
From what we have researched, 
it is only Almighty God who can fix this situation.
We will fast and pray with us tomorrow, 
Friday, November 18th, 2011?  
Would you join us?
If you have a prayer need, I will have the comments open tomorrow so you can post your personal concerns as well, so we can pray for you as you pray for our Ruby Grace. 

76 thoughts on “Ruby Grace’s Need

  1. I will be fasting with you and again storming heavens gates on behalf of Ruby!!

    Believe in your momma's heart Linny! God has given us these insticts to help protect and cherish the little ones he has asked us to love and care for!

    Praying praying praying,

  2. Linny and DW I am just in tears…I am fasting and praying today and tomorrow…may you feel God's comfort and peace and may Ruby's pain be relieved and may she be healed by the maker today.

  3. I am so sorry to hear what's happened. I will pray. The enemy is working overtime on this one because he knows what a threat Ruby Grace will grow up to be.

    I pray the hospital will take responsibility for this crisis they've created instead of blaming it on everything else but…

  4. Linny
    Praying for a MIRACLE TODAY!!! I will fast this morning as I feel it is to urgent to wait till tomorrow! As a mother who's child has had a PIC line I can say they are the scariest part of the hospital stay! HUGS TO YOU!!!

  5. I just started reading your blog this week when a friend referred me here.

    I am so sorry for Ruby Grace's pain and your heart ache watching her. I will pray. Please know that your Heavenly Father loves you and your Ruby Grace. She is His.

    praying this morning,

  6. I will not be joining the fast, but I will most definitely be praying for this very serious circumstance. As you have taught us, Linny, God is "mighty to save." I will pray and pray and pray that He will be mighty in saving your princess.

  7. Linny, I'm so, so sorry this has happened to your little treasure. I will lift you all up in prayer, and especially pray for God to intervene miraculously on Ruby's behalf.

  8. As an RN, I would never use a PICC line with no blood return, that had not had a dye study to confirm placement. Furthermore, without blood return and no dye study confirmation, at the first sign of change in the patients condition, I would immediately suspect that being the cause, especially when the specific location is right by where the line passes! Although not purposeful, that is poor nursing care and judgement. And poor Ruby now has to suffer the consequences! 3% saline is a very strong salt water, the usual concentration of salt in IV fluids is 0.9% which is called normal saline. That concentration if infiltrated, such in Rubys case, would just be reabsorbed over time. I have faith that Ruby will heal quickly from this, with no long term effects, but I would certainly be sure to request to meet with someone from risk management to be sure this is documented properly! I hope it's ok (I know it is!) to start praying today!! Also, when she's feeling better, a new photo would be awesome, I was going to tell her that yesterday, along with happy birthday to her momma, but never made it back to my computer to comment! Hugs!

  9. Oh Linny! It makes me so sad to think of your sweet baby girl being in so much pain. I just forwarded this post to my husband so we can begin to pray specifically for the caustic solution to be removed from her system.

  10. Absolutely praying and fasting for precious Ruby tomorrow. My heart goes out to you all. Sweet baby girl…I hate to think of her in such pain and in such a serious situation. Praying for you as well Linny. I know how hard it is for a mama to watch her baby struggling.

  11. At 10:20 a.m. the Holy Spirit placed Ruby in my heart and I committed to praying for her…and then when I had the chance I came on here to check for an update. Oh, my heart! That sweet little girl of yours is wrapped and bathed in the prayer of the saints!

    I was telling God that HE must have the most amazing testimony for this little one! Imagine when she is in her 20's and standing before a great crowd, they will be entranced by her words of courage and wisdom. Such an amazing wisdom for one so young! She will truly move hearts when she shares with others the miracles the Lord performed on her tiny body!

    It is my honor to pray for Ruby Grace!

  12. I am fasting in prayer today for you and little Miss Ruby Grace. I got up this morning and felt the need to fast/pray for Ruby. Please Lord hear our words and heal this little miracle baby.

    Linny and DW you are in our constant thoughts and prayers.

    Faye Verquer

  13. I woke up very very very early this morning, and the first thing that was laid on my heart was your precious Ruby, so I laid in bed lifting this sweet girl before the throne. Will continue to pray, now more specifically.

  14. Praying with you guys. I'm so sorry you have had to watch this happen. Watching our kids suffer is so awful! Lifting you guys up and sending you huge hugs. Love you.

  15. Yes I will find it an honor to fast for ruby and your family. I hate to ask for prayer too,but since u mentioned it… 3 weeks ago my husband was in ethiopia and he met our future son ( god spoke sooooo clearly& miraculously). But now we need to come up with $18,000 in just 2 mo in order to submit our dossier and accept his referral. This is not possible by human standards. Pls pray god provides the $18,000 in miraculous ways and we give him all the glory. Love and prayers,

  16. Oh my, this is heartbreaking. I can't imagine how you are feeling right now. Bless Ruby's little heart. In Jesus' name, heal this little body that has already gone through too much in her short life.

  17. Goodness Linny! Your mother's heart must just be ready to burst! Sweet precious little Ruby! Yes of course I will pray! I will fast the morning (we have out of town company for dinner that evening). God is in control….thank goodness!!
    And belated Happy birthday to you Linny! I wish the circumstances could have been better, but even amidst all of it, your baby girl is with you, so I praise the Lord for that.

  18. Oh my. My heart literally hurts! Normally, I would say that a PICC line is great. I have had many and when inserted "properly", they save the patient from a lot of unnecessary pain from pokes. But, PICC lines are a HUGE DEAL! They are threaded through a vein in the upper arm and guided into a major artery near the heart. (This is for those who don't know about PICC lines.) All meds (or most) can be given through this line and all blood draws can be taken, preventing the pt., (Sweet Ruby Grace), from having to be stuck for her blood draws. When the PICC line is in, there is a bag of saline solution running through this line to keep it open and to prevent it from developing clots. So you can see how this can be a good and helpful tool. But, anytime you are working with a major artery, you're dealing with a very delicate and Major part of the body.

    Linny, I love that you and DW felt uneasy about the PICC line. HE was talking to you. Yes, having it "infiltrate" is very painful. It's basically really salty water going under the skin, instead of into the artery. In most cases the fluid will be absorbed by the body or as in Ruby's case, will leak out of the skin. Please insist that they keep her pain under control with meds. It's difficult to understand how so many did not catch this much sooner! But, Praise God for a Mommy & Daddy to be there to advocate for her!

    Try some warm compresses for the pain. I will certainly be lifting "our" Precious Girl up in prayer! I Believe that this will pass quickly and that she won't have any permanent damage from this. The doctors may still need some type of line in her and may suggest a Central Line. Those are more long term and are surgically implanted under the skin. But, if they do suggest it, you should INSIST on having an Interventional Radiologist put it in. They are experts/pros and the very best in doing these placements. ALL of it is done under xray and they carefully watch for the EXACT placement. I have my lines put in by them only.

    As far as Prayer Requests, I really need prayer. Over the past 4 months, I have been treated for 9 bladder/UTI infection. But, they never cleared the infections. I have continued to have blood in my urine and a lot of pain. I hat an MRI done last week and it showed that my bladder, ureters and urethra are filled with tumors. I will be starting a Trial of chemo tomorrow. It's not looking good and I've been told that I will be very ill for the next few months. I will not be able to be with my Mom & Dad or any other family for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I am feeling very sad and depressed. I already feel so alone and isolated, but it's more difficult to think of being alone over the Holidays. So I'd like to ask for Peace in my heart. And, for Strength to get through the treatments. They sound barbaric. But, mostly for Healing. Or, for Him to take me Home. I try to be strong, but I'm finding that I am not as strong as I thought. Oh, and for Pain relief. I have cried a lot from the pain. Narcotics don't even touch it.

    Thank You, for allowing me to share my private pains here. I so appreciate all of the prayers. I too, will be praying for any request I see here.
    Much Love, Linny ~ Jo

  19. I will be fasting and praying for Ruby Grace. Oh my goodness and praying for you guys as well. How helpless you must feel. Jesus remove this stuff and give her peace and movement. Holding you guys up. Love L

  20. oh I am definately praying! Please also everyone could you prayfor my mother-in-law Mary. This is her second battle with breast cancer. It is unclear as to whether it is spreading or not. I just would ask for clear answers for the doctors and right tratment and of course a miraculous healing of the cancer FOR GOOD! Thanks so much and God bless!!!

  21. Linny-
    I am praying everyday all day for your precious baby girl. I have a baby the same age that we adopted at birth in the us and throughout your journey I constantly look at her and think of the agony I would feel for my precious girl. We went through a time when she had medical problems as well an the Lord did heal her. I know He is able and I have been pleading with Lord on yours and Ruby's behalf to heal this precious princess. I have cried out to God daily for her healing knowing that She is his favorite and he loves her more than you ever could. I love reading about your family and many times feel like you are a spiritual mentor to me through your blog. Tomorrow I will fast and pray for healing. Please also pray for my family as we are experiencing financial woes while God has opened my heart to adopt again. I feel confused as to why he has put this on my heart amidst this financial downturn. Thanks for inviting me to pray and to be prayed for. What a tremendous blessing you are to me from the Lord!
    Ashley (in Georgia)

  22. Linny-
    I am praying everyday all day for your precious baby girl. I have a baby the same age that we adopted at birth in the us and throughout your journey I constantly look at her and think of the agony I would feel for my precious girl. We went through a time when she had medical problems as well an the Lord did heal her. I know He is able and I have been pleading with Lord on yours and Ruby's behalf to heal this precious princess. I have cried out to God daily for her healing knowing that She is his favorite and he loves her more than you ever could. I love reading about your family and many times feel like you are a spiritual mentor to me through your blog. Tomorrow I will fast and pray for healing. Please also pray for my family as we are experiencing financial woes while God has opened my heart to adopt again. I feel confused as to why he has put this on my heart amidst this financial downturn. Thanks for inviting me to pray and to be prayed for. What a tremendous blessing you are to me from the Lord!
    Ashley (in Georgia)

  23. Our son's pic-line infiltrated into his chest and neck too when he was in the hospital. I remember how scary it felt. God protected him, as I know He is protecting Ms. Ruby. Praying for the fluid to leave quickly and for there to be no tissue dammage! I will be fasting with you tomorrow!

  24. Praying for God's supernatural power to take complete care of this situation…and as the words to that old african american spiritual says, "He's never failed me, He's never failed me yet…trust and never doubt, Jesus will surely bring you out….He's never failed me yet!

  25. We love you guys and we will be fasting and praying with you!!! Annalisa and Rosemary Perry

    From Psalm 34:
    I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
    he delivered me from all my fears.
    5 Those who look to him are radiant;
    their faces are never covered with shame.
    6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;
    he saved him out of all his troubles.
    7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,
    and he delivers them.

    8 Taste and see that the LORD is good;
    blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
    9 Fear the LORD, you his holy people,
    for those who fear him lack nothing.
    10 The lions may grow weak and hungry,
    but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

    7 The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them;
    he delivers them from all their troubles.

    18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

    19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
    but the LORD delivers him from them all;
    20 he protects all his bones,
    not one of them will be broken.

    22 The LORD will rescue his servants;
    no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.

  26. Poor Ruby Grace! Mommy always knows best! Don't forget that. I had the almost exact scenario with a transfusion for my little one a few years ago. The nurses insisted the line was fine, BUT I knew it was not. They flushed it for me to "prove" it and found out they were wrong. Keep fighting for her! I will fast and pray for her!

  27. I am so, so, so sorry, the poor little thing! Your mommy's instincts just know something is wrong!

    I will join in fasting the day after tomorrow for healing, soothing, relief.

    I am so sorry!

  28. Linny,
    We are praying and I will be fasting with you. How much this precious little one has already had to endure in her little life.

    Jesus the Gentle Shepherd loves you Ruby Grace, and it is he who will care for you.

    Love and Prayers,
    in Alabama

  29. I will definately pray and fast for sweet miss Ruby. I am so sorry this happened to her and I believe that God will heal her! I have been praying for you and Ruby and will continue to pray.

    I do have a prayer request as well. We will trave in 3 weeks to bring home our daughter from China. We need prayer for God to provide all the funds we still need for travel. We are still short on the travel and in Country fees. We are having fundraisers and I have been working two jobs. Please pray that God will provide the money in time for our travel. I am walking by faith and not by sight although it is tough at times. Sometimes, I just see the waves all around me. Please pray. I will fast and pray for Rubie. So sorry for all that she is going through. You inspire and encourage me with your dedication and strength and testimony.


  30. I'm praying now and will continue as I go about my day tomorrow. I'm so sorry Ruby is in such pain and discomfort but glad that problem was found. It sounds encouraging from other's comments that the solution will make its way out of her system. I'll be praying that she can rest comfortably and painfree tonight.

  31. I'm praying now and will continue as I go about my day tomorrow. I'm so sorry Ruby is in such pain and discomfort but glad that problem was found. It sounds encouraging from other's comments that the solution will make its way out of her system. I'll be praying that she can rest comfortably and painfree tonight.

  32. Petaluma, CA is at the throne for sweet Ruby Gracy! I have sent a text out to my prayer warriors and we are in prayer today for this precious baby girl! "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

  33. My family and I will most certainly pray and fast.
    Poor little Ruby,I can't even begin to imagine everything you all have gone through in this time, but just remember that the Lord is holding Ruby Grace in the palm of His hand, He knows exactly what He's doing even when we don't. Trust in Him 🙂
    Prayers from Long Beach, CA

  34. I need to add another prayer request.
    My son-in-law is battling drug addiction. He is in crisis at moment. He is the father of my 2 grandkids. Please pray for him, my daughter (who is divorcing him), my grandkids. This young man does not believe in God. Please pray for a major intervention that only God can orchestrate. Also, for protection for daughter and kids.
    Thank you all.

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