Sharin’ Some Details…

So thankful for each of you who are lifting our Ruby treasure up in prayer.  It is no doubt the power of prayer that she is laying calmly looking around, waving her arm with the IV board and cooing.  Faithful God and faithful friends praying – thank you. 
Dw and I have talked, 
and we feel it would be good to share some 
specifics on our baby girl so that you, our caring friends, 
could pray specifically.
We are not medical experts, but here’s what we understand.
Ruby’s situation is very complicated.
Typically a child with hydrocephalus has one “cyst”
 that is fluid filled and unable to drain.
Rarely, a child might have two.  Even rarer, a 
child might have three collections of fluid {cysts}.
In Ruby’s case though, they can count at least 12.
The brain surgery Emma and I took her for in Mbale, 
Uganda was the same type she is going to have today, just to a deeper extent.
Today the effort is being made to drill holes between the cysts so
 they can “communicate” with each other {and drain the fluid}.  
The immediate prayer needs are for:
Wisdom for the doctors as to exactly where to put the holes.
The holes to remain open.
The draining to be a slooooow process.  
{If it is too quick there is great risk.}
No bleeds in the brain or the lining of the brain.
No stroke.
No infection.
Having an eeg yesterday.  
There is no doubt that the Lord has 
preserved Ruby Grace’s life against all odds. 
She is our miracle!!
We are confident that He has a good plan for her,
thank you each for being part of her prayer support.  
I woke up and pulled away from her so I could take this little picture with my cell in the dark.  She sleeps in the night all curled up in my arms……
isn’t she perfectly beautiful?
Bet you can figure out exactly why we are so smitten with her.

35 minutes till surgery time.
Will be updating, at least through twitter.
The plan is for a long ICU stay.

30 thoughts on “Sharin’ Some Details…

  1. It is well, it is well. It is well. It is well with my soul! Praying that God would give you his miraculous peace that through every step of this journey you will be able to respond joyfully "it is well!" picturing Ruby nestled in the crease of the palm of God's hand!

  2. Praying from sweden, and will be praying first thing in the morning also, when hopefully ruby will be sleeping peacefully!

    Psalms 103:1-3
    Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquities, an HEALS all your diseases,…

  3. She is so adorable! I can't believe how different she looks from the first pictures till now. Amazing how her family's love has made all the difference. Praying for her during surgery today!

  4. She is so beautiful. I want to crawl into the last picture and snuggle with her. Thank you for sharing and I will be praying that all goes well with her surgery.

  5. Praying for your tiniest treasure, Linny and Dwight.

    Oh Lord, thank you for preserving Ruby's life! We ask that you would hide this precious treasure tightly under Your protective wing. We ask that You would give the doctors supernatural wisdom as they help Ruby Grace under Your perfect guidance! Heal her Lord completely, that she will grow up to tell of Your wondrous deeds! Be with her mama and daddy during this time and bathe them both in Your perfectly sweet peace, In Jesus name, Amen!

    Tina ~ xo

  6. Oh, she was cooing?! When I woke up this morning (I'm EST) I prayed that God would just give Miss RG a supernatural peace and that His spirit would satisfy any physical needs she had since she would not be able to eat. God is just so neat!
    Sometimes I wonder if we do God an injustice by asking Him to do the things that any loving Father would do in caring for His child. But I trust that He honors our prayers as ignorant as they may be.
    Oh, how He loves us! And so I am able to give love back to Him. I love Him because He first loved me.
    Ok, I'll quit talking now! 🙂
    Praying for Miss RG and all of your family. I pray that all of your littles (as well as your big boys!) are comforted that Mommy and Emmy are close by once again.

    -Beth in Atlanta

  7. WOW! Can't believe how CHUNKY she looks! AWESOME!!! You are a wonderful momma to her and I'm praying for some serious miracles!

    12…just read to my kiddos today about the 12 foundations of the temple…12 different stones…your little Ruby…there are no mistakes!

    God hear our prayers!!!

  8. Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you. My daughter, Juli, prayed specifically for her healing and calmness, and she enjoyed looking at the pictures of this lovely little one. Then she said, "Mom, is Ruby Grace our cousin?" lol… anyway, we are praying for you all!

  9. Miss Linn,
    I was up all night burdened for Ruby to pray. What a sweet precious gift she is to this world. God is going to work some big miracles in the coming weeks. What thanks we will give him throughout this month for her precious life. God has also been revealing things to me about "dropping my net." Please pray for me that He would give me peace as I walk into these next seasons. Peace to you friend, love you and love your sweet family. Lv, Miss Jen

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