We Didn’t Expect This….

I like to think that when I write it’s just like sitting down with each of you, somewhere quiet, over a cup of something hot and sharing my heart.  And believe it or not, when you leave comments I feel like you are sharing your heart with me.  It’s just you and me, talking, thinking, pondering life. 
Just friends.  
Heart to heart. 

Sometimes though, ya’ know how it is?  You need to share something difficult with those you love, but you just don’t even know where to begin.  
I think sometimes it’s difficult because when
 we share deeply personal things “out loud” 
it suddenly becomes very real.   
And “real” can bring so much pain sometimes.
So that’s basically kind of how it is for me today.  Wanting to share, but not really wanting to share.  But knowing that if I don’t, you will not know how to pray with us specifically.   
So here I am.  
Opening up.  
Sharing my heart.  
A few days ago we were thrown yet another curve ball.  Crazy how we can think we are prepared for anything and suddenly life takes a surprising turn and we’re left saying, “Whoooa. I just never saw that coming.”
The days here at Phoenix Children’s have been filled with lots of doctors, nurses, specialists, sub-specialists, MRI’s, residents, CT scans, IVs, drains, blood work, blood work and more blood work – all nestled between little snoozes here and there.  
And somewhere in all the glob of medical stuff the doctor ordered an ophthalmologist to come in and examine and do some tests on our little Ruby Grace.  
I didn’t think much about it.  
As the time approached for his visit her pupils were dilated in anticipation.  
When the ophthamologist came in he started examining her.    
Thoroughly looking deep into her dilated eyes.   
Her eyes did not respond.  
He looked and probed some more.
Her eyes still did not respond.  
And it was then that we learned what a few were suspecting {although we had no clue} that from all the pressure, previous devastating infections, the 12+ cysts and the hydrocephalus in her brain, this pediatric specialist found that our precious little Ruby Grace is 
Grieving to admit that there is no blood flow 
behind her gorgeously huge Ugandan eyes.
The eyes that stare back at us. 
Seemingly watching us move about the room.
We were stunned. 
Completely stunned.    
We are grieving her loss and yes, our loss too.
There is an undeniable bonding of hearts that occurs when those we love gaze into our eyes.  A “I’m yours forever and you’re mine forever” kind of love connection.   We just communicate so much with our eyes as human beings.  It has shaken my heart to think of my baby girl never locking eyes with me.  
Being completely vulnerable, I actually feel a kind of desperation that says, “Please could she even just see for a moment, so that she can have our faces etched in her mind forever?”  
She already has been through so much in her little life {things that I will, perhaps, share one day} that it just seems so dreadfully painful to add this to her life story.  
Honestly, I am so thankful that I have always found the Lord to be completely trustworthy.  He has never failed me or my family.   I know He is working the nightshift on Ruby’s behalf.  He is never asleep.  He prays day and night on her behalf.  He gives to her in her sleep.  And yes, faithful God was preserving and protecting her long before Dw and Emma found her at the baby home.  
He will not leave her now.  
We have long felt soooo protective of this little treasure entrusted to us by Almighty God.   And now with this latest discovery?  Yes, indeed.   This latest news has accelerated an already crazy-in-love-over-the-moon-smitten mama, daddy, brothers and sister’s hearts!  

We will do anything for her. 

The surgeon said that there is a teeny-tiny remote chance that if the pressure is able to be relieved from the brain, that maybe some blood flow could return to the back of the eyes and maybe restore a portion of her sight.  
No doubt, our God is BIG ENOUGH to heal Ruby’s eyes, her hydrocephalus, the cysts that fill her brain.  He is more than able.  
We love the story of Jesus restoring the sight of the blind man.  Imagine what that blind man must have felt!  For sure, he had to be weeping with joy!  I mean, just typing this has me weeping at the thought of someone who is blind suddenly being able to see!   Who can begin to dream about what that would be like? 
So there you have it. 
Out in the open.  
Would you please pray for continued miracles 
for our precious baby gem, 
Ruby Grace?  
Thank you from the bottom of all of our hearts. 
{Sedated MRI @11 am MST and then on to the Operating Room.} 

178 thoughts on “We Didn’t Expect This….

  1. I dont comment much, but I love reading your blog and hearing your story's but I was burdend to comment this time. I am praying for Y'all but something that came to my mind as I read this post is that, even though she may never see your face, she know you guys in her mind, from your voice, your movments your smell, she will NEVER loose that!

  2. Linny, Dw,

    Poor Ruby, that is just terrible news to find out… I am so sorry for yours and Ruby's lost. I am praying that the Lord will heal her sight! She has been through so much I can't even image.

  3. Oh, sweet Linny! I should not have read this post in class, because I had to fight the tears. Precious friend, know that I am praying. Abba is for you! He is for Ruby! I am praying for her & y'all & for a miracle! I love all of y'all.

  4. I prayed this morning, but obviously had no idea about this. I am very sorry as I know this momma's heart (like yours) would long to know she knows EXACTLY what you look like, but oh the wonders of our God…she DOES know HIS face Linny. She sees it everyday. She sees you too even now, and I will give praises in advance that HE will restore her sight to her, to you and your family. Oh Lord that you may do that! Protect her during surgery and heal her brain and her eyes Lord, just like you've already healed her wound of a forever family. You are good. You are able. Please allow your will to be done. Thank you Sweet Jesus. I love you so much. Thank you Linny for sharing. I know that couldn't have been easy to hear and share, but I am so thankful you did. I will continue to plead at the feet of Jesus on her behalf. Love to your family. PS How's Karl? Autumn? Jubilee?

  5. 1 As Jesus went on His way, He saw a man who had been born blind. 2 His followers asked Him, “Teacher, whose sin made this man to be born blind? Was it the sin of this man or the sin of his parents?” 3 Jesus answered, “The sin of this man or the sin of his parents did not make him to be born blind. He was born blind so the work of God would be seen in him.

    This was what lept to mind when I read the latest development with sweet Ruby Grace. Praying for her, the physicians, your family and all those you come in contact with in the coming days. Praying that the work of God would be seen in sweet Ruby.

  6. Oh sweet friend, I am grieving with you; for Ruby Grace, for her loss of sight and for you all.

    We will be praying that the relief of pressure brings some sight back to Ruby and if not, that he will continue to make beautiful things from these ashes.


  7. Praying for you Linny, and praying for Ruby too. God CAN heal her eyes, and her heart. I know how it feels to be sucker punched into a reality that you were not ready for. Good news is that God has a plan, and we need not lean on our own understanding. This is just the start of an amazing journey.

  8. Thank you so much for being transparent. I can't imagine how hard this news must be… but I am excited at the thought of praying that God will restore her sight! "NOTHING is impossible with Him."

    Will continue to pray not only for Ruby Grace but you and the others as well.

    P.S. She's just BEAUTIFUL!!!

  9. oh dear….just remember….with God all things are possible. i am a true believer in that and i know you are too. but just look at the picture of you and sweet ruby….even if she doesn't see you, rest assured she "see's" your heart and your love. you can tell by that picture. there is so much love there…..with God, all things are possible. prayers for you, your family, and sweet precious ruby!!

  10. My heart grieves for you, DW and especially Ruby Grace but at the same time, I have to remember "but God." But God can restore sight to the blind; But God protected her from all the could-have-beens in Uganda; But God sent Emma and DW to facilitate her having a forever family; But God gave you grace to stay and work through all the red tape in Uganda and bring her home; BUT GOD!…He can and we trust He will do whatever He wills for RG and He will see her through and you and your family through whatever lies ahead for all of you. After all, He's God. Prayers sweet friend, I love you, Martha

  11. Oh, WOW! I can only imagine what a shock that must have been to hear. As I look back through your pictures and see those gorgeous brown eyes seemingly gazing into your own, I can't help but wonder if God *has* indeed given her a glimpse of your faces, just not necessarily in the way that we would imagine. Hang in there! God is faithful and good – all.the.time – even in those times that catch us off guard and don't make sense to us. I am so thankful for His sovereignty in all things!

  12. Linny,

    I was just praying this morning for you and Ruby Grace, literally just minutes ago. I was just going to come to the computer and leave you a note to encourage you and saw this post. I have marveled at how you have continued to focus on thanksgiving and praise to God when many of us who allow the negative to overwhelm. Don't ever underestimate the power of your testimony in this. People are watching. People are reading. They are being moved. You have stood in the face of DREAD and DISAPPOINTMENT and declared that your God is bigger. And He is. Oh He is and we stand with you. Ruby Grace's life has ministered to me so much and to the lives of my children. And while my mama's heart is broken at the new developments with Ruby, I choose to agree with you and believe that God isn't finished yet. He's NOT finished. This isn't the end of the story. Therefore, I will choose to rejoice with you at the glory that is to come.
    "Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance." Philippians 1:18b

  13. Praying for Miss Ruby Grace and ALL of you! So much in such a short time but our God is MIGHTY! He knew all before and is walking with you each step of the way! He is Jehovah Rapha and can heal what the doctors say can't be. Praying for miracles!!

  14. Linny,
    I occasionally read your blog and stumbled on this post. Our daughter is 15 mos. old and is going blind as well. She has congenital glaucoma, and a surgery that was supposed to help, gone terribly awry, caused all of this. Please feel free to email me anytime. I have tons of resources I can direct you to, and my heart is intimately familiar with your pain. Praying for you!

  15. ~Wow~ Words honestly fail me. But the Love of our Lord never fails. May He fill you up when you feel empty and defeated, may He comfort you when you feel like crawling to a corner, may He send His mighty angels to minister to her little body and spirit!

  16. Had to stop reading to grab a tissue. My heart is breaking for you. I will pray for Ruby and your entire family and pray for a Miracle for her beautiful eyes. My family has been touched by yours more than you will ever know. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  17. Praying for a miracle for Ruby Grace. My great-grandfather was blind and he went on to marry my great-grandmother, became a chiropractor, had twelve children, and adopted two more (one with special needs who was 18 y.o. and from Korea). My great grandparents are two of my biggest inspirations and one of many reasons (thanks to an overwhelmingly supportive family) that I have four adopted children who all have special needs. No one on my Mom's side of the family questions that my children with special needs can have a great future since we are all living proof of that. You can read a blog post about how my great grandparents inspired me if you like.

    Whether God chooses to heal Ruby Grace or not, she has a great future ahead of her and she has already inspired many I am sure.

  18. I believe in the power of God, of deep and abiding faith and the amazing gifts of prayer and healing and I am praying with all I have in me for you precious little Ruby Grace. But I also know something else as I look at this beautiful picture of a mother and her beloved child..she is gazing directly into your eyes and much more than that..directly into and piercing your heart. Sight has no greater gift than that…the gift of seeing what is really, truly real in the deepest meanings of the word..and Ruby Grace SEES you! She sees you, knows you, believes in you and has accepted you as her forever mother in her forever home. Insight is the gift of God's presence in both of your lives no matter what doctors, or tests, or blood flow might tell you otherwise. She sees you, knows you and loves you with all of her beautiful precious heart.

  19. praying right now to the One Whose Name is above every other name…blindness, hydrocephalus…also asking for His comfort to be palpable to you as you process this new diagnosis. so grateful that He has already borne your grief & carried your sorrow, and your friends, as we pray, are carrying it along with you. I'm sorry, Linny. will be praying for successful, skilled surgeries and miraculous restoration of sight!

  20. Oh sweet Linny, thank you for sharing your heart. Thank you for sharing about our little gem and how we can be specifically lifting her up. Praying for her and for her forever family. And as I read your post, I imagined that we were sitting over coffee instead of sitting here in my house with my children squealing and vying for my attention 🙂

  21. This makes her bond with you even greater! That she would know your voices without the aid of a mental picture of who you are to help remember! That she would respond and track your movement and voice as if she could see you! Amazing! Praying with you for a truly awesome healing for Miss Ruby Grace.

  22. I think I once posted on your blog a looong time ago, but I just had to today. I took a break from reading a lot of blogs, but found my way back right in the midst of your journey to bring Ruby Grace home. I just have to tell you that you may never lock eyes, but after seeing the pictures of her smiling at you, it's obvious to me your hearts are locked, which is the most precious gift! Oh, & no hot beverages for me while we chat…I'm an iced coffee kinda gal. ;o)

  23. our son as a fetus was diagnosed with cysts on the brain..we had several ultrasounds which thankfully showed they shrunk but we were warned he may have a.d.d or a learning problem etc..he has them all and attends a special needs daycare due to barely useing speech..please have ruby tested for fragile x syndrome..and remember god is great and if she doesnt have vision she has two of the most important things a child could need..God and a family..bigg huggs..

  24. Linny,
    Your journey and your faith are such an inspriration to so many who read your blog. Your posts always remind me of the power of our God. He is the "healer" and is definitely in the business of making miracles happen. My prayers are for you, your sweet family and for precious Ruby Grace. God has a big plan for her life, I am sure of it. She is so blessed to be with you and your family.

  25. My hearts breaks for this beautiful brown eyed Ugandan sweetheart! Praying that our God who created the Universe and her tiny little body would do a miracle in and through her and use her to share Jesus with many many people – beginning with the hospital staff right there in Phoenix! So thankful you gave her a forever family!

  26. Continuing in prayer, reading every post! Things are crazy here — older adoption is much harder than we were anticipating. But still reading and praying. I haven't figured out from your posts, yet, if Sarah came home with you? Blessings to all in your home.

  27. "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
    Lamentations 3:22-23

  28. My heart goes out to you and little Ruby. I'm praying for you all. Thank you for sharing, I just found out my newest little man is legally blind and will never see normally. Yes he can see and I'm thankful for that, but it broke my heart with all of the other things that has happened in his life there is nothing we do to help this problem.I know God has a mighty big plan for him and I know He has a big plan for Ruby. I weep every time I see her pictures.. She is beautiful and perfect! God bless Denise in Mich..

  29. Oh Linny~ I have followed your blog for awhile, but have been your journey with Ruby is so precious.Our daughter that we have been home with for just about one year also has hydrocephalus with a shunt. We were told before we left that she did seem to have some sort of vision issues. It was discovered when she came home that she had CVI. Cortical Vision issues also related to the trauma and pressure from her hydrocephalus and brain bleeds. We believe our daughter does have some vision, but it is very hard to tell what and "when" she is seeing. I would be happy to talk with you about what we know about CVI and just know I understand that ache of wanting to feel that eye contact in gaze with our sweet ones. (mandithomasson@hotmail.com)

  30. I'm so sorry Linny. Our voices are so sweet and important to our children- yours will only be that much more impacting on her beautiful ears, and will bring her so much joy. Praying God holds your hand as you walk down this new, unexpected road.

  31. As I was reading about Ruby Grace my lil 5 year old asked me why I was sad…I explained she was blind and may never see her famlies faces…she sweetly said "wook how she wooks at her mama-if her eyes never work her heart sure knows who she is!" then she said "wets pray- GOD wikes to give miracles"

  32. Linny, tears are running down my face as I read your heart on your blog. I too pray that the Lord would heal her blindness, her cysts and that many would hear of the miracle that is little Ruby Grace Saunders! I just sent up prayers for her as she goes in for another surgery. Love you friend!!!

    He is more than enough and I believe He will continue to do GREAT things with precious Ruby.

  33. Oh, Linny…Just know God was not surprised by this. Even more reason for this precious little one to be HOME with you. Praying that after the surgeries, they will test her again and realize they were wrong. Praying for peace for your family as you deal with all the issues that make this little one even more special.

  34. Oh LInny anbe d DW…if I could just be there to hold your hands, cry with you, hug you…and pray, I will be praying today and everyday…sweet Ruby is a fighter and if God wills she will see!
    Love and blessings,
    Carrie and family

  35. Oh Linny & family,

    Continuing to pray for your precious Ruby, all of you, and the surgeon/PICU staff. Wanting to give each of you a giant hug. My heart aches with this newest update but I am thankful that the Almighty God knows exactly what Ruby needs and like you say has her backside!

    Love, Lisa K., Whidbey Island

  36. Oh sweet sister! I'm so sorry for this bit of news. I'm praying, praying, praying. We know there is nothing too big for our God, even restoring those lovely Ugandan eyes!
    Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Heb 10:23

  37. Thinking Ms. Ruby is in surgery right now. Praying, praying, praying, that the same God who could put mud on people's eyes and restore sight will be present in that operating room and will guide the surgeon's hands.

  38. O Linny, tears in my own eyes as I type this. What a sad thing to discover. Bless the name of the Lord for placing her in a family who loves her. He can perform miracles as He pleases and whether or not he chooses to restore her physical eyesight, I know He has already performed many miracles in placing her in your family. Be blessed knowing she has already responded to your love. Keep singing to her and praying over her. I'm sure she already knows and is comforted by the sound of your voice.
    "The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zeph. 3:17

  39. my goodness. this one took me by surprise too. i had no idea when i was with her!!! standing with you for a miracle. and then some.

    He is able.

    we know it.

    we trust with you together.

  40. My on my Linny, my heart is breaking knowing that unless GOD sees fit to give Ruby Grace another miracle she will never see your beautiful face, loving eyes and sweet sweet smile.
    But GOD, is in control and nothing is to hard for HIM, even this!
    Praying for a miracle healing of brain and sight!
    Blessings, now will that be one lump or two with your tea?

  41. So sorry to hear your news! What a devastating blow. You are strong…beyond humanly strong. A strength that comes from God alone! Praying that God will work a miracle and that Ruby Grace will see your face. Also praying for you to get some sleep and for peace and strenght! God Bless!

  42. Hey, if you feel like your sitting having coffee with us readers then I hope you can feel this hug.

    Miss Ruby's sight may be gone (for now) but how God has blessed that little one to let her be in a family that she will have plenty of touch even if she can't see.

    We have friends that are blind and they were the ones that actually taught us that being blind was in no way a disability but that it was something that made you even fight harder for what you want. Being blind will not slow down Miss Ruby and she may end up knowing your face better than anyone in your family 🙂

  43. Praying for a miracle. Have tears rolling down my face. WOW. She is such a fighter.
    The word verification says tenches but I misread as trenches. As rememberance day, my mind goes to those lives lost in wars and THOSE who are still fighting for us. ALways close to my thoughts and so many prayers for you all. XXX XOX XXX

  44. Grieving with you over this shock…but I'm also so thankful that Ruby is safely in your arms and in a capable hospital. I truly believe that she will be completely healed, but even if she isn't, she's bound to be a blessing to everyone she meets! God bless.

  45. My kids and I just prayed for God to restore healing in Ruby Grace's eyes. My 7 year old prayed that God would make the teeny tiny chance to grow into a big, big chance.

  46. Wow… And yet, He chose your family to lead her. They say those who have lost one of their senses actually have the other senses heightened. Of course she knows your voice… but maybe your scent also? And maybe that's how she knew it was Emma and what direction to reach to hold her hand. Of course we will all continue to pray and can hardly wait to hear the continuing perfectness of this story.

  47. Oh Linny! I need to start by saying thank you! Our son has an eye disease that will eventually (without healing from the HEALER) lead to blindness. Everytime we go to a check-up and learn there are new concerns or decreased vision (as late as last week) we grieve! So often people associate grief only with death, but it just is not always the case.

    I have been praying for that precious Ruby Grace all day. Oh goodness how she has touched my heart. I wish I could come and hold her.

    My prayers are still with you!


  48. My heart breaks with you for her…but in that breaking I know that the Lord will reveal Himself to her. I pray that she will see Him every day, for all of her days!!! Praying with you for restored sight, and miracles to abound for your baby gem!! Praying much is accomplished during sugery!!
    love and prayers,

  49. Everything I want to say feels so cliche. My heart aches for you but God — now he is able to do abundantly more than we can even fathom. Praying for sight & vision. With love & hugs~Maureen

  50. Will continue to pray for precious Ruby… for all her needs. And for you her loving family. I read your post and I kept thinking… but you can see she does see. She gazes back.. she seems to. I do know the hurt of a parent who gets hit with a pain like this… the unexpected. And you want so much for Ruby. Her physical sight is in His Hands as well and all the rest. But Linny, she sees. Look back at your pictures of her… God has gifted her so much… she sees her mamma, she sees her daddy, she sees her Emmy. She "sees" who you all are and she sees your love and with eyes we did not even know she see through. Lord, please heal all of Ruby… her brain her eyes, but thank you for giving her sight and knowledge into her families love and heart for her.

  51. Oh my. Jesus…You Who healed the blind man, who made the lame to walk…please touch this precious baby, if it be Your will. Comfort her mama & daddy, her sisters and brothers and all of us who love her so very much. Hold them ALL in the palm of Your Hand, and bring blessings and joy, even in the midst of this new trial, to them. It is in Your precious, holy Name that we pray…AMEN!!!

    Love and hugs and PRAYERS from Nancy in CT

  52. Linny, not to diminish your concerns at all, and our Dad is able and just to heal all things. Its just that sometimes we as flesh and blood put so much value on physical attributes. I know this because I was one..:o) When I was blessed to receive Rach's love and companionship her deafness is not an issue at all, in fact she hears better with her heart than most do with their ears… We will be praying for his healing hand, but more so for his blessing and precious love.

    Hang in there Linny we love you guys. :o)

  53. Dearest Linny,

    Although circumstances are different, I understand…when you think bad cannot get any worse and then it does…it takes the stuffing out of you a little. Thank you for sharing…I have shared a few verses that have carried me through some tough times…Is. 49:14-16, Ex. 17 ( I think) with Aaron and Hur lifting Moses' hands…well, God knows when things are too hard for us…1 Kings 19 (this passage is why I have an Elijah) and He meets us there…and gives us rest…He does not let us stay there, but He gives it to us (see also Acts 14)…right now as we have our one more thing…I am being comforted with this…Tomorrow we will be in Derbe…a time of rest…a time of no trials…a time of peace…God will bring it…but He is using the hard things to fine tune our faith…and to remind us…we really NEED HIM…and each other…
    Tomorrow…I am going to fast for your family…for you and DW..for all of your treasures, including SJ and for that precious Ruby…the Drs…holding up your arms or standing next to you before the throne of Grace…
    Much Love,

  54. Praying for Ruby Grace. How much blessing for her that you have been able to spend so much time lately speaking to her so that she knows your voice, much as we know the voice of our Father.

  55. She is so precious, so very very precious! May her beautiful blind eyes continue to open your eyes to God's grace in every situation.
    love and prayers–a fellow Durangoan..

  56. My initial thought was to tell you that I greive with you, but my heart kept sreaming a song of praise. I feel that sweet Ruby Grace' testimony has just begun here in the States and that the miracles that God has in store will blow us all away.

    You have been an instrument to allow us to see the mighty works of God in so many different situations that I come to this blog just to see what God will do today!

    praying with you…praising with you!

  57. We received some devastating news about our precious treasure when we brought her home almost exactly 4 years ago. We reeled. How could this be? How was this missed? We grieved for the loss of the child we thought we would have but never would. We felt guilty for grieving because, after all, we requested a special needs child. Those days were very, very hard. But God was faithful and he provided for us every step of the way. He ordained each of her days and determined each step of her life. And we are so totally in love with her. Praying for you as you walk this dark road. There will come a day when you will reach the light on the other side.
    PS. Our treasure did great with her sedated MRI yesterday! She's in the other room giggling right now. What a beautiful sound 🙂

  58. I am praying God does a miracle for you all but looking at that picture and seeing how content and happy she is I am convinced she has a picture of you in her mind from almighty God.

  59. Oh my! Definitely was not expecting you to say that! Our family will be praying specifically for restoration of her sight. Ultimately, the Lord's will be done and Ruby's testimony of the Father's love and faithfulness will be amazing. I know the Lord is and will continue to use her to bring the lost back to Him. We are praying also for continued strength for you, Dw and the kids. We look forward to seeing you all in January.

  60. Tears are streaming as I read this but I you know, even more than I do, just how BIG is our God. He has always been in the business of giving sight to the blind and my prayers will be that Ruby will see. There have been so many miracles for you and your family, we can b believe for one more. I guess this news explains why Ruby latches onto your and Emma's fingers so tightly when she hears your voice.
    Love to you. I am sure you feel as if you are going through a wringer right about now. I pray that you keep well and strong.

  61. Praying, praying, praying for little Ruby Grace. I know God can heal her because He healed my little man. Just about a year ago, we were told that one of our boys (who was just under a year at that time) was probably legally blind. He was tipping his little head all over the place when he would play with a toy or try to reach for something. The doc told us it was because he was trying to find a vision spot so he could see the thing. We prayed over that baby every day until the acuity assessment about three weeks later. The doc was astounded to find that my boy could see in the normal range with his glasses on. Three weeks from legally blind to normal range vision. All of the head tilting and eye rolling just stopped.
    Our God is an awesome God. He is mighty to save and He saved little Ruby Grace and He will not let go of her now!

  62. praying and believing for miracles for your sweet ruby grace! oh boy a curve ball indeed…the wind has been knocked out of me just reading this!i am committing time to you nightly in prayer here in the UK and i send true heartfelt love to you and your family!

    in this country there is such a lack of heart for adoption,many many friends just cannot get my passion for the forgotten children!i need to let you know that when people ask me to explain why it has my heart, many times i have simply replied by loading your blog and showing them that wondrous picture of you and your family! i say 'look,that's why!…look at what life can be!' you inspire me so much, i am crying as i type, your little angel has been sent to the right home for sure…God is so very wise, her coming to you just shows His plan is wondrous!

    i am praying xxxxxxx

  63. praying that God will use everything at hand, now, to create a miracle for Ruby Grace. He placed her in the right hands- yours- for sure…now awesome doctors and surgeons…believing that she will see! amen, and so it shall be. my word verifacion was 'unwombi'- ruby grace is not of your womb, but she is of your heart. 🙂

  64. Been praying for you throughout your journey to Africa and back. Continuing to pray and know how you are feeling right now. We received the surprise news that our DS from Taiwan had something wrong with his eyes during our wait to bring him home. God blessed us with over a year of parenting him before we found out his vision issue is much more severe than it appeared. He has some near vision, but he cannot recognize me in a roomful of people. He is legally blind, learning braille and how to use a cane. There is a great Yahoo group for parents of the visually impaired. It's a whole new world, but not the end of the world to be without vision. You are in my prayers.

  65. Ah Linny, just tears right now for you and that sweet baby of yours, that picture at the top is a gazing picture, she sure is gazing lovingly there into her Mama's eyes as you are into hers….trusting Him for miracles for Ruby Grace. Oh my goodness I can only imagine how much you all love her!
    Sending you hugs!

  66. Ruby Grace might have not seen you withher eyes……something way more important she has gotten to see you with her heart…..she tasted you, smelled, sniffed, felt, rubbed and know every inch of you…..how many people get to " see" that love….praying Chantal

  67. Praying for that miracle, for Ruby Grace to gain some sight to see the faces of the people that adore her. Having said that, no matter what, she will know without a doubt that she is loved and adored by you, maybe even more so that if she had perfect eyesight. xo,Sherrie

  68. Oh, dear friend. My heart is breaking for the loss you are feeling. Sweet, precious baby girl has been through so much already.
    I am praying for all of you. God has done BIG things in this little one's life, and He's not finished with her yet!
    I love you! Kiss that sweet girl for me please.

  69. I will pray anew for your little gem.

    Perhaps you will also pray for my sweet Haitian son? He has a detached retina and we are praying for God to rescue his sight.

    Expecting great things from our great God!

  70. Oh Linny,yes it is unexpected… the photos looks like she is gazing into your eyes. Maybe she did see a little before? I will pray that the Lord will release the blood flow into her eyes and for His healing so that she can see.

    I am so thankful that the Lord opened the door for you to have Ruby Grace, because He knows that she needs you and your family because she will be safe and well cared for by members of your family.

    An extra note, thought I would share, I was just thinking that she'll be surrounded by praise songs (because your family believes in Jesus). Then I read Becky's comment above, and it made me curious what my word verification is, and it's "bards" it's kinda related to what I was thinking, it made me think of King David singing songs extolling the Lord often.

    (I have done a screen shot of the word verification and will email it to you).

  71. Praying for God's will for Ruby's eyes and other health issues.
    Linny, Ruby will have such a bright future; even if she cannot see. We adopted a legally blind child, who will loose his vision, and get another legally blind child in China in a few weeks. I have discovered that there are more federal funds for blindness than any handicap. There are a huge amount of resources–I was blown away. If Ruby needs the resources, I would be thrilled to help you learn more.
    She is beautiful and precious!!

  72. Thank-you Linny for sharing from the heart and now Rachel and I and the rest of our family can pray even more specifically!! Her little hands feeling your touch and face make me smile and cry as well. Hugs Linny, Dwight and family. God has your back. To him who is able to do exceedingly above and beyond what any of us can ever comprehend. love, Ellen W. in Illinois

  73. Oh sweet Ruby. I just know (and the Lord laid on my heart) that somewhere in sweet Ruby's "mind's eye" she can SEE her precious family that loves her so much. She can picture you and holds a beautiful loving image of you. And how she knows your touches and your smell and everything else about you because she can't use her eyes right now. God is mighty to save, mighty to heal. Praying for restoration and healing for your precious precious girl.

  74. You are on an incredible journey and I have a feeling that God has so many miracles planned for this little one and your family. Proceed with anticipation of what "HE" is going to do and do not look at the circumstances around you. I love following your story…Thanks for sharing!!!!

  75. She.Sees.You! Ruby Grace, Little Miracle Baby, she sees you. I Believe. My heart knows that she sees her Mommy and the beauty of the love on your face. I am So praying for many more Miracles for Our Baby Girl! I'm in love… Blessings, My Sister!

  76. Linny, I am just stunned. And speechless. My heart is grieving with you. But I too know that God is completely able to heal. Praying and praying and praying. Wish we really were sitting together over coffee! Much love to you, friend.

  77. Devastated. Completely shaken and heartbroken.

    And yet… sometimes God allows these things so that He can work. And I am THANKFUL that He has not allowed her to see some things.

    THANKFUL that this is for a bigger reason, and HE knows it because HE holds tomorrow.

    THANKFUL for her beautiful eyes… for the expression so evident in them. THANKFUL that we serve a God of miracles.

    And He knows the shock and ache and sorrow and says, "Trust me, I know".

    Praying Linny… praying.

  78. All the more reason for this little treasure to need her forever family that she has. And, Jesus, please, many of us are reaching to touch the hem of your garment on Ruby's behalf. Please grant her healing and sight. We know she is in your loving care.

  79. My prayer for sweet Ruby Grace will be that the first verse of the song "Amazing Grace" will become her TESTIMONY! Praying for many(more)miracles for her!

  80. She is a true fighter! And Linny, can the doctor actually say when she lost her sight? I'm thinking not. And I am then thinking she probably has seen your face. And Emma's. That picture totally looks like she is gazing right back into your eyes. I will be praying for her. Hang in there and thanks for sharing your heart.

  81. Keeping sweet Ruby Grace and all of you in our prayers. She is no doubt a fighter and has one amazing testimony already. The tears rolled down my face as I read the news, but I also had an overwhelming sense of peace. The Lord has her back and he is going to work in a miraculous way. Prayers and blessings to your family!

  82. Oh goodness, Linny. I am praying for your precious gem! Ruby is something special indeed… and she is so very blessed to have a mama fighting so hard for her 🙂
    Lifting her up now!!

  83. will continue to pray for this little girl of yours. and of course, praying for you guys too. i love her and i've never even met her… thanking God for your obedience!

  84. Linney, I don't comment often, but I've been praying for you. I just want to encourage you. God is able to make Ruby see again, and He created our brains with an amazing ability to regenerate and heal. It's called the neuroplasticity of the brain So much of this knowledge eludes traditional medicine, but I can assure you that given the right stimulation and oxygen, the brain will regrow neurons. When you're through the acute stage and Ruby is stabilized, I encourage you to read Glenn Domann's writings, and consider a neurodevelopmentalist. Matthew and Carol Newell from TheFamilyHopeCenter.org are amazing Christian people who worked for years with Glenn Doman helping brain injured kids, and now give their lives to helping children. I just can't say enough good about them. I know they could help sweet Ruby Grace.
    I have found that traditional medicine is phenomenal in acute situations, but when it comes to the body healing itself, they just don't know enough about it. I know because I am a miracle story myself! :). But that's for another post.
    Just wanted to encourage you!! There is ALWAYS hope!

  85. So hard to even imagine…looking at the photos of her seemingly looking into your eyes and the the photo of her holding onto Emma's hand and appearing to look directly up at her!

  86. You cannot know how this touches my heart. I cannot share publicly. Many times I have prayed but not commented, but not tonight. Trusting that our Jehovah Rapha is at work even now in the life of your littlest gem. God knows the desires of your heart and He delights in giving them to you.

  87. Linney, I don't comment often, but I've been praying for you. I just want to encourage you. God is able to make Ruby see again, and He created our brains with an amazing ability to regenerate and heal. It's called the neuroplasticity of the brain So much of this knowledge eludes traditional medicine, but I can assure you that given the right stimulation and oxygen, the brain will regrow neurons. When you're through the acute stage and Ruby is stabilized, I encourage you to read Glenn Domann's writings, and consider a neurodevelopmentalist. Matthew and Carol Newell from TheFamilyHopeCenter.org are amazing Christian people who worked for years with Glenn Doman helping brain injured kids, and now give their lives to helping children. I just can't say enough good about them. I know they could help sweet Ruby Grace.
    I have found that traditional medicine is phenomenal in acute situations, but when it comes to the body healing itself, they just don't know enough about it. I know because I am a miracle story myself! :). But that's for another post.
    Just wanted to encourage you!! There is ALWAYS hope!

  88. I feel it. And yet I can't even imagine. A mother's heart feels so strong. . . I faced that with my little man who was in the throes of Stevens-johnson syndrome after I'd had him for 10 months. They said there was a high chance he could go blind from the corneal scarring. Lots of survivors of SJS do. But God didn't choose to work that way in our story. Still it brought this very close to home. God be with you.

  89. ((Hugs and Prayers)). I pray you all feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit. God has a plan for sweet little Ruby Grace and I am praying for her and you all.

  90. Praying, Praying. God is able, but what an amazing blessing for Ruby to be able to rest in the arms of people who LOVE her. Praying for you all.

    Julie in Kansas

  91. I can't even imagine what you must be going through….holding back the tears. I will pray and will ask my family to pray. I have been watching your story with Ruby. Praying for a miracle…He can make it happen.
    Blessings and hugs as He prepares your hearts for whatever comes next.

  92. Ruby is the luckiest little girl in the world! God knew that she would never make it in Uganda without the support of a wonderful family like yours. I grieve for little Miss Ruby and the loss of her eyesight, but she has overcome so much. With such a loving family like yours, the sky is the limit with how wonderful her life will be. I can imagine the sorrow in your hearts knowing that she will not be able to see your loving faces and smiles. I have no doubt that the Lord has BIG plans. I can not wait to see them unfold! I am praying for guidance for you, the doctors, and the chance that with pressure receding, blood flow will be restored, and bring little, beautiful, courageous Ruby even the teensiest bit of sight (but of course our prayers will ask for perfect eye sight!). Keep strong. We are constantly thinking and praying for you all
    With you in Minnesota……

  93. Oh, Linny & Dwight! I've been sitting down to catch up on the blog & Ruby Grace every couple days…but haven't offered any encouragement or support…please know I'm praying throughout my busy days specifically & in general for the family God has given us through our adoption journey…bless you guys & bless the doctors & bless Ruby Grace. Our God is big ~ no doubt!

  94. Is there any chance at all that hyperbaric oxygen could help? Do some internet research….the medical team at the hospital likely or possibly won't suggest it, but sometimes in low flow situations like that, it is helpful. Check it out.

  95. Linny,
    I've only commented a couple of times,but am an avid lurker. For some reason, I feel the Lord telling me to leave a comment tonight. As I read this post, the tears flowed. My heart goes out to you all. But I also am praising our God that Ruby is now in a place where it is safe to be blind. We all believe the Lord can heal her, if He chooses. But if he doesn't, she now has a family to "see" for her, and who will make sure she has whatever she needs. The Lord knew what she would need, and gave her to you! Love, Glenda

  96. Thank you for sharing this with us….My heart is so deeply touched (again) at this latest news…. that sweet Ruby Grace has been brought into this world and into your family for extraordinary miracles & love…to God be the Glory…oh how He loves you all…and the mountains He will move on your behalf….the wonders He will do…the blessings He will bestow…the strength He will give…to those that love Him so<3

    Matthew 9:29
    Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.”

    Matthew 15:28
    Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman (Linny), great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

    Luke 18:42
    Then Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.”

    Praying unceasingly for the Will, Blessings, Miracles and Great Love from the Father for all of you! <3

  97. Praying for your sweet girl! I'm a lurker who has been reading for a couple years, but have never commented…

    I keep getting this verse when I think about you and your family:

    2 Timothy 1:12 (NKJV)
    For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.

    I am praying that your sweet girl will be able to see!!!

    Love, Michelle

  98. Am praying for sight to be brought to little Ruby's eyes. She looks so precious with you. Maybe she can see shadows? Our God is an awesome God! He hears our prayers and His mercies are new every morning, Linny. Hugs to you and all your dear family!

  99. You know I am still praying! Every step of the way. My first thought was, "how sad that she can't see how beautiful she is!" but my very next thought was "oh, but she can! She can 'see' it in your response to her." God has great things planned. Thank you for sharing with us.

  100. Wow… Amazed at how much this little one has had to endure, and now learning about the loss of eyesight too. I will be praying for her and for you all in the weeks ahead. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

  101. Ok, I have to tell you that as I started reading your words, I could hear the sadness….. I was afraid…. Tears started to gather in my eyes. Then I read the word blind, and relief flooded my body. Blind is not a good thing, and please know that I will be praying, but let me tell you blind is way better than what I thought you were going to say…. I think you almost gave me a heart attack!!! Praying for all of you!!

  102. My prays are with you. I have just caught up with your post. I am in Thailand at the moment and have not had internet access. My heart goes out to you and your family. I cried when I read about Ruby. I hope that she gets her sight back, so that she can see the love that shines in your eyes for her. It is crazy that I am in Thailand and you are in Phoenix (my home). My prays with continue for you and Ruby Grace.

  103. I am so sorry. I'm crying now with you. Before I read far enough down to see the picture in this post, I remembered the precious image of the two of you staring with complete love at each other. My heart won't let me believe that she wasn't seeing you somehow. I will be praying…and believing that God can still allow the blind to see. Praying for Divine help in blood flow to her eyes.
    (((Hugs))) from Texas

  104. Oh my! What news! My heart is heavy praying for lil Miss Ruby Grace. Yes! God is working the night shift on her behalf and He loves her with an everlasting love. I trust that He will continue to work miracles in her life. Praying, praying & praying some more for all of you.

  105. Praying for Ruby and all your family. You are such a blessing to all your kids and a great inspiration to me (and I´m sure to many others as well).

    Maria (from Estonia)

  106. I can only begin to imagine what you are feeling, as I do not yet have any of my own children. But my desire to be a mom is great, much like yours 🙂 When I read this post last night, my heart broke for you. Then I remembered reading your past entries about your days with her in Uganda. I'm not trying to belittle what you are going through….but I wanted you to know, that she knows you. You have that connection you wrote about…the one where you look into her eyes….prior to the Dr announcement, you thought she could see you and you had that connection. That doesn't change….she still knows your voice as her mamas…she knows your scent as her mama's…and she knows your touch and comfort as her mama…..none of that changes, or goes away. I'm am praying for this beautiful little one that someday she will be able to see you and tell you how beautiful you are! But even if that isn't what God has for her….He has showed her how to connect and trust you without sight….
    Praying today brings you blessings and good news! Our God is good and He holds his children close! Especially those babies with beautiful big brown eyes!

  107. Oh Linny, I never comment, though I'm a regular reader. I've been following the journey to Ruby with so much anticipation. I check here every morning, first thing. Can't wait to hear how she's doing. That little girl of yours has touched my heart more than I can express. Hearing this news just breaks my heart in a million pieces. Oh, I'm just begging the Lord for a miracle here. That precious baby. I couldn't tell my husband about it last night, because I was so wrought with sadness and when I finally told him this morning, I couldn't get a word out without the tears flowing. Praying, praying, praying, for all of you. Even if she can't see you, she knows her mama. She knows mama's sweet voice, sweet touch and familiar smell. She knows you. And praise the Lord, she has you. Whatever His plan is for her, it's better than anything we can imagine. She is even more precious to him, than to us. Just praying..

  108. Oh goodness!! Praying for the Little Miss! God certainly has a plan for her precious life. No doubt! He has brought her this far…He will not let her down! I am sure I am not the only bloggy friend that feels a connection to her and your family. God Bless you all!

  109. We are so with you Linny and we are smitten with your precious Ruby. We will pray and believe God for everything for her. I know she may not see now, yet your presence..His presence is covering her and she feels and accepts this love. We stand and hold up your hands. Lori Florida

  110. Praying for this sweet baby girl of yours….praying for a miracle and that her sight be restored! She is so lucky to have a fierce mama and such a loving family. And of course you are blessed by her sweet spirit in return.

  111. Dear wonderful friends – my heart is just breaking over this. No parent would want to hear these words – and yet I know that you are leaning into the Only One who can sustain you – sustain Ruby Grace – and bring life where there appears to be none. I am praying that God Almighty will choose to bring healing to Ruby Grace's eyes – and trusting Him that He is sufficient in every situation. Praying for His strength to infuse you both and that His peace will prevail. Love you both so much and all of your precious treasures.

  112. Hi Linny:

    The first thing that came to my mind as I read your words is of how we felt when we learned that our son is autistic. Our son seemed quite normal until he was just about 18 months old, at which time he stopped talking and wanted to play alone, away from the rest of us. The one thing that was different about our precious son was that he did not look us in the eyes. As an infant when I would feed him his bottle, his eyes would look elsewhere, not into mine. I wondered about that, but never put two and two together, never having had a baby do this before. He was placed into my arms at 2 days old, and has been with us always, so it is not a question of whether there is a bond in place. He is as much our son as if we came from my womb. Just wanted to bring some comfort to your day, if that is possible, by saying that even though our son does not look at us, he feels our love and trusts us completely.

    I love you, friend. I am praying for your precious momma heart.


  113. Praying for healing for sweet little Ruby. He has her in the palm of His hand. May God continue to give you joy, peace and strength and you love and mother your precious charge.

  114. Oh Linn – I am grieving with you all. I just couldn't help but think of the story of how she would only drink her whole bottle for you in Uganda. She may not have locked her eyes on you but she has locked her heart on you – you are her mama forever. I am praying for you all as you walk this hard, hard road. I am trusting in Gal 6:9 which says "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." I know you must be weary, but do not give up! Love you bunches, Chelsea

  115. Tis news just broke my heart. Im often a blog stalker. But i want you to knw knocking heaven's doors with you. She is a beauty. A miracle nontheless and Im praying tht He will hold you all close and display His miracles once again. Much much love.

  116. Linny,
    I have though for a day now, and prayed because I wanted to respond to this news about Ruby, but I didn't want it to be trite or a pat response. This is what I believe was given to me about Ruby…she will "see" so much more than most people who have sight ever will.

    I hope somehow that comforts you. Please know that was not said to discard your grief, but to help you through. Ruby Grace is an amazing little girl and I cannot wait to watch her grow. If by chance she never has visual sight on this earth I pray that I am there in Heaven to see her take her first sight of Jesus.


  117. Our little blessing was born blind too. (congenital cataracts, operable.) And named Grace. When we sing amazing Grace I cannot help but cry. We were with her in June last year when she was fitted for glasses with a true accurate perscription for the first time in I dont know when. the squeals of delight as she saw herself in the mirror still come to mind often. I will be praying. still.

  118. Linny, I have been on my knees to God for you. I may have been quiet here, but I have been reading and praying. Oh, how I've been praying. Friend, God's work is all over this. You can see it in what you post, and what you do not. Never think for a minute I haven't been praising Him and storming heaven. The love you have for sweet Ruby simply gushes…we can see it. Thank you for blessing me by sharing her.

    I'm sending much love and prayers. Run the race, Friend!

  119. I remember when I saw this picture, how I wrote that I loved seeing Ruby's loving look toward her Mama – and I just realized, she IS looking at you. She is looking with the eyes of her heart, if not her optic nerves, and she undoubtedly "sees" you there and knows you are her mother. I just know she has memorized your touch, your voice, your smell, all of you…the mama God knew she needed, and faithfully sent to little Miss Ruby Grace. I know He has great plans for her, and we will continue to storm heaven for her healing. Linny, I also know how your heart must hurt at this news, and can empathize a bit at having been totally unprepared to learn that my "Musician" had moderate to severe hearing loss that is progressing. It doesn't change my love for him (well, perhaps makes it fiercer!), but made me grieve for what he has lost. I too hold on to the hope of the amazing plan God has for these beautiful children. Keeping you all in prayer.

  120. Linny,
    We are praying for your Ruby Grace and I was astonished to hear this news. My little sister was almost bilnd, there was a chance that she would be born blind cause of a sickness my Mom had while Claire was still the womb. We prayed, and today she see's clearly, on the inside and outside. Praying for Ruby Grace, we know that God has amazing plans for her life. The blind will see clearly!

  121. We pray for sweet Ruby Grace every day as a family. Our 5 kids have a huge spot in their hearts for her. I just want you to know that my godmother had hydrocephalus as a baby and also went bling because of it. She was also born a dwarf so she has that challenge also. But she is such an intelligent person and she is now over 45 years old. We will continue to pray.

  122. Oh Linny!

    my heart is grieving for your sweet baby girl! However, this one thing i know… God is able. He is able to do much more that a "teeny-tiny" chance. He is able to give sight to the blind. He knows what is best for your sweet Ruby Grace. If it isn't sight, He will give her many other blessings.
    i know that you know that. i write this to remind myself as i am so saddened by this news.
    But, blind or not, she is in the perfect family! She will be immensely blessed by you all. She is already immensely loved. So, in that i rejoice.
    Praying for you all!
    Much love,

  123. Praying for healing for sweet Ruby Grace. Your girl is a fighter and God has big plans for her. I feel honored that I have been blessed to have met and held this treasure of yours. I love seeing the new pictures of her. You can just see the love that you have poured into her just making her glow.


  124. Jesus said to Peter, “Come.” Jesus was beckoning Peter to do what only Jesus could do. Jesus was beckoning Peter to do what was physically impossible. Jesus was urging Peter to climb out of the safety and security of the boat onto a churning sea. Jesus was inviting Peter to do what he had never imagined himself doing.

    Linny, may you and DW steady yourselves and focus solely on Him. Do the impossible. Walk on water!

  125. Oh dear, sweet Linny…yes… I will PRAY! I lift your angel to our Healer, and ask that He continue to heal her body. He has such a wonderful testimony for her, and He is step by step forming it now. He is so very good.
    Your sister in Christ,

  126. I am grieved that precious Ruby has another thing to over come. But I am thanking God that He has placed her in your arms. He has allowed her to find a family and feel your love. She is getting the best medical care and God is her God. So many miracles have already happened. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for her.

  127. I just can't help but feeling that this is not the end for her. God is WAY bigger, and remember, He restored 'blood flow' to Lazarus, the widow's son, that other girl who's daddy ran to Jesus, the centurion's servant (right?…..then SURELY, SURELY He's on the move with sweet Ruby.

    I believe this is small fries for our Great God.

    …ps…Praying for Sarah to come home NOW.

  128. Praying for your precious Ruby. Asking God for the miracle of sight. The same God who gave sight to the blind man.

    It took my breath away when I read your words and yet….GOD! Trusting, pleading, laying your family before Him, the Great Physician.

  129. Choked up. Weeping with you in that way of feeling the deeply saddening loss for Ruby Grace (almost can't even believe it… she Looks like she is Looking at you! Maybe God is already giving her glimpses of what He wants her to see!)and yet placing my hope in the One who called us to identify himself as the saviour by a short list of His actions which included this description, "the blind see." I just read that to my daughter this morning.

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