One morning, while Ruby and I were in the hospital Liberty was in the kitchen of the home we are staying at.
Liberty overheard Elijah and Isaiah talking about a bug. Her ears perked up. Isaiah was saying he thought it was a fly. She over heard Isaiah say, “I’ll just pick it up and kill it.”
Thankfully Liberty was listening to the Lord whisper to her, “Go check it out.” She moseyed over and gave a little look.
“Isaiah! Don’t touch it. Run and get Graham.”
{wise girl delegating the job to Graham,
after all, that is one reason God made boys/men –
to kill yukky stuff!}
Graham came immediately and found, sure enough, a scorpion on the white carpet. The kids could not believe how fast it was too!
How thankful I am that God intercepted a potential problem.
Always faithful God
by the way…
I guess that was our welcome to living in the desert!
{They saved it in a glass for me to see when I came from the hospital.
Pretty amazing.
Wish I’d taken a picture.}
Eeeewwww, cannot do scorpions! Peter used to live in CA and he had to deal with them. I think he said the smaller they are the more dangerous. Don't quote me though I could have that backwards.
YIKES! So thankful Liberty got help! 🙂
How scary! praising the Lord for guiding Liberty to check it out! 🙂 🙂
You had to share that one didn't you?!?! Well, I am glad we have our own two "Grahams" around the house for killing yucky stuff!
Yep, welcome to Phoenix, Linny. 🙂 I've heard that the larger ones are actually less dangerous than the smaller ones. Funny thing, I lived 40 years there and never saw even one–go figure!
Oh, yes! The scorpions! We live in Canada, but I grew up in Phoenix, and we visit every year a few times. Last Christmas my 5 yr old son brought us a cup with some rocks and grass, and held it up proudly, "See, Mommy? I caught a scorpion!" There was nothing in it, so I wasn't too worried until the kids kept insisting that he had caught a scorpion. So I looked closer and found that there was a teeny one under the rock! Those are the most lethal. He actually caught the thing with a leaf and stuck it in a cup!! I about had a heart attack, and immediately checked him over for sting marks. He was okay, but will never forget the strict instructions to never ever ever ever ever touch a wild stingy thing again! And now they all wear shoes whenever they go out. It's a must in AZ!
I've had many encounters with those pesky little buggers…many fun ways to kill them too. 🙂 I'm sure your boys will find fun ways to keep you girls safe from the scorpions!
Lol. Welcome to the desert! 😉
Back when we lived in AZ the first time, we were watching a movie in our living room one evening when, all of a sudden, we both noticed something racing across the floor. We couldn't think of what creature could be that large until we trapped it and found that we'd caught ourselves a great big tarantula! That was our welcome (although the desert critter that really creeps me out is the cockroach, bleh – beware, they fly)!
I can't believe it's been a month since I've been on your blog. The last post I read was your last post written from Africa.
wow! What a month you have had!!!
I will be praying for your family as you make this unexpected transition to living in Phoenix. What a change!
Our circumstances are different … but we are just about your age, and walking through a season of wondering what the Lord has for us. My husband left the pastorate last December. We have had spurts of work … and spurts of unemployment. But, the Lord has been faithful to provide for ALL of our needs this year.
Please pray for us, that we would clearly hear His direction. My husband needs a "job" in order to provide for our family. But, he also desperately wants a "career". We don't know if the Lord will open doors for him to return to teaching … or ministry … or what???
Hoping that your weekend is BLESSED!
"after all, that is one reason God made boys/men –
to kill yukky stuff!}"
Now I guess we just have to agree on what constitutes yukky stuff….LOL
ya know that when we have testosterone flare up the line gets pretty vague…:o)
Scary!!! We have them down here in TX too! Sadly, my first experience with one was comforting my son after he was stung by one while visiting my SIL (didn't see it while playing in the dirt!) And I always use a flashlight at night when I get up in the dark (to make sure I don't step on one!) Nice welcome gift, huh!!?! 🙂
ack! We don't have scorpions here in SoCal, but when we were looking at houses in October in AZ (Scottsdale), we saw two in just the little while we looked at model homes. That would take some getting used to!