January 14th, 2012

For those new to our Place Called Simplicity, 
it was three years ago today that the kids and 
I fled for our very lives as our little log home was burning.
The kids and I had been sleeping and 
I was wakened by the smoke alarm going off.
Dw was out of town at the time and was staying 
at a place called “Fireside Inn”.  {How creepy is that? } 
{The story is on the sidebar under Special Posts.}
So as the 14th of January approaches each year since, we, as a family are very somber.  
It is a day we set aside as a family to remember.  
To talk together.  
To worship our faithful God who spared our lives.  
Minutes did matter.   
He spared.  
He protected.  
He provided.
It reminds me of the Israelites when they were fleeing from Pharoah’s Egypt.  I have to imagine that in the years to follow, the anniversary date was a very sobering one for those who lived it.  They rejoiced at the miraculous hand of God, but they would never forget all the pain and loss.  
{This was my most treasured item we lost.  
A hope chest hand carved 
by Dw’s grandfather in the early 1900’s.  
Looking at it even now, tears well.}

The aftermath of the fire was very real.  Painful loss of everything familiar.  Emergency surgery for Graham the very next day.  Our beloved dog, Lucy, dying the day after Graham’s surgery.  Trying to find a hotel that could accommodate our large family.  The ensuing months of trying to inventory.  Bulldozing the remains.  Eventually rebuilding.  
What we experienced with the fire is a private place.  Hard to maybe understand from the outside looking in, 
unless you’ve been there 
{and I know some of you have}. 
 Elijah had been asleep in his crib {above} 
when the fire broke out….if the Angel of the Lord had 
not been present….he would have perished, 
undoubtedly, within minutes.
And although it’s just a day on the calendar, it’s a day that forever altered all of the Saunders family.   Crazy as it sounds, even though three years have passed…..if someone asks for something, my mind automatically remembers where it was in our little log home.  I will start to say, “It’s in the…” and then I remember. 
This year was no exception.  Semi-dreading the 14th of January approaching.  Although we had planned something special for our family for this evening, the emotions are still there, even three years later.   
So last night, as I was spending time with Ruby, I looked at the clock looming on the wall.  It was after midnight.  I stopped and thanked the Lord for His protection that day when the Angel of the Lord hovered at our home, sparing all of our lives.
And then I flipped back here….Ruby had not eaten since surgery, but had been cleared for a bottle of her formula.  She loves her bottles and I was anxious to give it to her.  
I glanced at the clock again.
As I turned to climb into the bed with Ruby to give her her bottle….Ruby’s alarms started.  I turned my head in the opposite direction to see which alarm was screaming.  It was her heart rate.  It was very high. 
Since we are in PICU, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her nurse raise up in her chair through the window that she constantly watches Ruby.  The expression on her face made me look back toward Ruby.
Over the screaming of her alarm I had been unable to hear her.
And as I turned toward her, I saw.
Our sweet baby girl was having a grand mal seizure.  
The nurse rushed in. 
I started to pray aloud while stroking Ruby’s leg. 
Her nurse tried to call from the communicator hanging around her neck.  The first person didn’t answer.  She tried someone else, who also didn’t answer.  She ran to the hall.
All the while Ruby was seizing and seizing.
So scary.  
Our sweet little nurse admitted to me later that she had never seen anyone have a seizure.  She said it was so scary for her too.
I grew up in a home where one of my immediate family members has grand mal seizures.  They are very scary.  They are deeply concerning.  And they are never something 
that one watching ‘gets used to’. 
Before long the room was filled with doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses….all watching or doing what they 
needed to do to get it to stop 
{finding and administering a powerful drug}.
It lasted about 10 minutes.
And that, my friends, is a really long time 
for a mommy watching.
At one point I thought, 
“Really?  On the anniversary of the fire? Really?” 
And then while texting this morning with my dear 
friend Irma I mentioned 
that next year I am buying a calendar like this:
and then I’m gonna’ rip out the January 14th page.  
Yes, I am.  
However, Irma suggested that next year 
we all go to Hawaii for the 14th.  
And yes Irma-girlfriend, 
it is free to dream and that 
dream sounds really, really good.
Anyway, a neurologist ‘happened’ {totally the Lord} to be in 
the PICU as it was happening and came in.  
He was so kind.  
I was so scared. 
Today our little dolly is extremely sleepy and hard to wake.  
Already this morning she’s had another MRI.  
I couldn’t help but think, while reading comments from you guys, that there is a strong likelihood that those who have been woke in the night with Ruby on their mind, likely were woke as she was having the seizure.   As I prayed, I prayed that God would be calling some of you to pray at those moments as well.  
No doubt, life is full of unexpected bumps, turns and sudden curves.  We are always grateful that not one bump, turn or unexpected curve ever takes our faithful God by surprise.   

30 thoughts on “January 14th, 2012

  1. Now I know why God had me up coughing so much last night! You have all been on my mind and in my prayers.

    I will remember to be more thankful for those wakeful moments at night.

    Still praying.


  2. I don't generally leave comments on blogs but I thought I would this time just so you know that the Lord really does care.
    Last night I woke up out of a dead sleep at about midnight which is strange because I always sleep through the night especially because I have to get up and work in the morning. But the Lord woke me up and wouldn't let me sleep so I started praying and I prayed for your little girl. I will continue to stand in the gap for her.
    I hope that this encourages you, God loves his little girl ruby he is actually waking people up around the world to pray for her.

  3. Linny:
    Our son Sam has seizures but nothing like that and his scare me so I can just imagine the fear in everyone's heart there. I've been praying and will keep on praying.

  4. I started reading your blog the day of the fire. I imagine many of did actually. I still reference you regularly, as if I actually know you (as if often the case with bloggers- ha), when talking about smoke detectors and fire safety. Oh and my dog (who is my only baby) has seizures. They are terrifying. I know that feeling of helplessness and fear and realizing that the only thing you can do is remain calm, keep her from getting hurt and praying praying praying. I need to remember one of these times to link up one of my seizure stories to your Memorial Box (even though I don't actually have a box) posts because I have an amazing only God story.

    Sending love to Ruby Grace!


  5. I have been wondering all day how you all are. Have tears rolling down my face as I remeber finding your blog not long after the fire and even more tears for Ruby. Your blog and family have touched my life and family so much. I am forever thankful for you all. LOVE, HUGS AND LOTS OF PRAYERS
    The word verification today is extra, so extra hugs, love and prayers!!!!

  6. oh my! If there is still an hour difference between us (CA-AZ) i was on your blog at that time! Praying over sweet Ruby and you! Linny, i can't believe i've been reading your blog over 3 years now…i started reading a few months before the fire…it has been such a privilege to know you and your precious family…to pray for you and watch all the Lord has done in and through you all. oh how you have blessed me in so many ways. Thank you for sharing the way you do on your blog…from your heart! You are so loved and prayed for! <3

  7. So very true, Linny. So very true. God is never taken by surprise and He watches over His children with such a deep abiding love.
    You continue to be in our prayers and I have written a bit about your story with Ruby on my own blog and since it is linked to Spiritual Sundays I asked for others there to pray. So many praying around the world..for one little girl and her family who in "radical obdedience" have listened to the Lord and immediately obeyed. For one little girl…….
    Love you sweet lady….

  8. A seizure is one of the worse things a parent can ever witness in their child. I'm so sorry you experienced that.

    Get that calendar – pull out January 27th too. 1:00 am to be exact. Not a great time.

  9. I pray the Lord would rain down His peace on you Linny…that you would feel His arms of comfort and protection over you and Ruby as you wait these next few days!!! Stand firm my friend, He is there:)!

  10. I had shivers when I read what time her seizure was…I was up checking on my little one who was restless and crying and when I fall asleep I do so praying for those on my heart. Ruby was one of those on my heart and I cannot believe the timing of the Lord! HE is so good! It is an honor to pray for Ruby in the middle of the night. I will do so, often, when she comes to mind!

  11. Linny,
    As I look upon your pics of the fire, all I can think of is Isaiah 61:3 "To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion–to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit–that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified." It is through your ashes, that He has risen beauty and praises for His name sake. Be encouraged that He will not leave your side as your family continues down this path with precious Ruby. Praying for you all, dear sister!

  12. Yes we were praying as well when this was happening. So glad he alerted and we could all stand in the gap. Praying and fasting and believing for all of you. Also praising that he kept everyone safe as you went through the fire physically and other ways.

  13. Praying so much for your sweet daughter and for your tender Mommy heart. Tears fill my eyes as I read your words.

    You were never alone. He is always with you.

    He loves that sweet baby girls sooo much!

    Praying for all of you right now.

  14. Oh my goodness. I could not at all sleep no matter how hard I tried at that very same time! I literally thought to myself, "Hmmm….I think maybe Ruby needs prayer". So I prayed. Man. God is crazy. You all are on my mind so often, but not usually in the middle of the night haha. I will definitely keep praying! Love you all!

  15. Wow, what a day for you and little Ruby with such a horrible seizure. I hear they are bad and to happen to such a young child…so scary. Believing and praying and loving you across the miles. Hugs!

  16. Praying always for Sweet Ruby. As I read your blog in the wee hours of the night and when I go for my (almost) daily run, I'm praying for a number of special sweet ones and their families. This morning, in fact I was praying for Ruby to be still so her little brain could heal…asking Him in some way to help her to be still. And then you write of how sleepy she has been because of the seizure. hmmm.
    Grand Mal Seizures are terrifying for a parent to watch. I'm so sorry. Thankful she was in the PICU and you had support when it happened. God bless you.

    HA! Guess what the word verification is as I try to post this comment? "STABLE!" Yes!!! Father, please keep Ruby STABLE! (how neat is that?!)

  17. I love you. I love your love of our Lord and trust in His sovereign hand.
    Tonight I was considering those whom I know who have a holy harmony. I thought of you. God has given you a peace that is only understood within His fellowship. Your joy in Him and obedience to Him speaks of your love for Him. Our lives are not our own since we were bought with a price. You're living the life He chose specifically for you. Continue to glorify Him in it — you're inspiring others to love and submit to God's love and authority, too.
    Prayer for God's sweet care of Ruby is on our lips frequently. You should hear the kids; they LOVE her.

  18. WOW what a testimony! Linny, you all are such an encouragement to us all. God bless your heart. We are along side you in prayer for precious little Ruby! You are not alone. Our hearts are with you and be encouraged, OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD! His mercy's are NEW every morning! Great is HIS faithfulness! "So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32 PRISE JESUS!!!

  19. Linny, so sorry Ruby had a seizure yesterday and such a long one at that on that date. What a hard thing to go through. I went to bed at almost exactly 12:20 and was praying for Ruby and your family as I lay in bed.
    We will keep praying for Ruby and each of your family. May God work in her little body above and beyond what any of us can even imagine.

  20. That is so frightening. Our treasure with microcephaly had an hour long grand mal seizure in September. Terrifying. We were at home in the country and waited a long time for an ambulance. Then it took 2 doses of valium to stop it. She was very sleepy and difficult to wake up for about 24 hours. Praying for Ruby.

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