“She Did Beautifully”

He came to the waiting room about 1/2 hour ago and walking towards us gave us the thumbs up.
Both of us wanted to collapse in relief.
He did what needed to be done.
Interestingly, after Ruby’s 3 surgeries in November her neurosurgeon was at a conference in Austin, TX.  He met a man who was promoting a new machine to use on kids with extreme hydrocephalus.  He said, “I wish I had had that equipment for this baby girl I just did.”
Yesterday Ruby’s doctor called the gentleman and asked,  “Would you be willing to bring your device to Phoenix for me to try it on this little patient of mine?”
The gentleman flew in today from Indiana just for Ruby’s surgery.
Dr. S said the machine was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!
Lastly, the risk is great over the next few days.
She must lie flat on her back, perfectly still.
Like the surgery on November 19th, 
there is a risk of the brain imploding on itself.
Thank you for your prayers on Ruby’s behalf.
Please don’t stop!

40 thoughts on ““She Did Beautifully”

  1. Wow! Praise God! Glory to His name! We will NOT stop praying for you all! He has wonderful plans for this precious little angel of His. He loves her so so much. I love His heart. Jesus is all we ever need! What a beautiful place to be! Clinging to the cloak of the Savior every step of the way!

  2. Sweet Ruby, you have engaged and consumed my heart! I had a precious dream last night that I was able to be near you and your family during this time, who would think someone from my own state would be flying in to do exactly that! So many prayers to you all!

  3. Praise God for watching over Dear Ruby today through all of this. Praise Him for giving the doctors the wisdom and guidance to accomplish this delicate surgery. Praying now for Ruby to heal, to be able to lay still, and for NO COMPLICATIONS.
    Please, God, be with Ruby and give her little body strength and healing. Give her mommy & daddy strength and peace, as they wait for her to be able to go home. Thank you that Ruby is living where she can now recieve the medical attention she needs. May Your Name be glorified in all of this. In Christ's dear name, Amen.

  4. I´ve dreamed last night about an ambulancecar. (think thats it in english). I woke up and my first thought was Ruby! Immediatly I started to pray. Won´t stop!!
    God bless you and give you comfort! Aaand total healing for Ruby!
    NOTHING is impossible for God! NOTHING is too big!
    And NO ONE is too small for him!

    LOVE Greetings from germany


  5. Praise God Almighty who reigns on HIGH!!! Continuing to pray for sweet Ruby and you all. Thanking God for placing the surgeon from Indiana in the right place at the right time AND for his willingness to fly in for her surgery!! Any chances he is a surgeon at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis? We are just minutes from Riley and that is where our daughter had her open heart surgery.
    Prayers and Hugs!

  6. Wonderful news, Linny….Praise God, praise God…thank you Jesus. How God orchestrated this is absolutely stunning and has me feeling humble and amazed. Making it possible for your doctor to talk to the other doctor, have him fly the machine here just for your sweet Ruby??? ONLY GOD!
    Loving on you from afar……….

  7. Praise God and so awesome to hear how every little detail has His name on it. Thank you Jesus for these doctors and how they moved on Ruby's behalf. He truly is being glorified every moment. Praying! Lori

  8. Praising GOD with you over this great news with Ruby…Thanking God for His amazing way that He works to bring the right people, with the right tools to just the right place at the right time! Thank you God!

  9. I'm reading this late yet still praying. Praying for all of you. Thanking God that He provided the tools necessary and the willing heart to fly it to Phoenix. God is SO good!!

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