24 thoughts on “Waiting….

  1. I pray that the Lord will give not only the doctors but each and everyone who puts their hand to Ruby wisdom, so that she will be presented perfect in Christ Jesus. (Colossians 1;28)

    I know this is speaking of salvation but Jesus asked…which is easier, to say yours sins are forgiven or be healed. BOTH are easy and I believe that for your Ruby.

    God, get your glory!

    And, I know this sounds silly but the word verification is "persame". I know that's not a real word but I take it as confirmation that it's the SAME! It's hers! Thank you Jesus.

  2. Sweet friends,

    Praying for your precious Ruby Grace . . .

    Oh Lord Jesus, be in this place with Ruby and her mama and daddy, and her family, and all who put their hand to her care. God it's a scary unknown place for those who love this baby girl–but it is not unknown to You. Father you have known what Ruby would need since the day you formed her. You alone know what she needs now. Father please reveal to the surgeon exactly what needs to be done to help and heal Ruby. Thank you Father that she is in Phoenix, and that she has a family to love her along this hard path. Thank you God that Ruby is a fighter. Lord please give Ruby peace in her tiny heart, help her not to hurt and not to be afraid. Give Linny and Dwight wisdom and courage as they stand for their tiniest girl. Lord surround them with Your perfect peace–the peace that is too much for us to understand–the peace that comforts us in the greatest storms. Lord, thank you for Ruby's life. Thank you that you are her Great Defender, her Healer, and her Maker . . . the one who knows her inside and out. Be with Ruby Grace today Lord, be with her family. Love on them til they can't help but smile at Your perfect graciousness! In Jesus name, Amen!

    Love from Texas~


  3. Praying and fasting for sweet Ruby Grace. Lori I wait in hope for you Lord
    You are my help and my shield
    In you my heart rejoices, for i
    trust in your holy name Psalm 33

  4. Linny and Family,
    I was sad when I went to view your blog today that Ruby was in the hospital. Please know that we here at our house will be praying for your baby girl. She is just so precious and I know that she was placed in your home for the very reason that you all know how to bring those around you to their knees to pray and that is exactly what she needs. Praying for the doctors, nurses, knowlege, comfort, peace, healing, compassion and for all those who read your blog to submit to the calling to pray. Love you.

  5. A true Sleeping Beauty! I'm happy to see that she's sleeping and not awake, crying in pain. I'll be Praying for our Almighty God to literally "BE" The Hands of that surgeon. Also praying for strength for Ruby's Parents (I love saying that word!) PARENTS! No longer an orphan! Thank You, Jesus for ALL that You have done in the life of this tiny girl and for all that You have planned for her future. Please, Heal Ruby.

  6. Someone told me the other day…as our doctors were running out of options for our little girls feeding issues…."Well, it sounds like she is a good candidate for a miracle, don't you think?"…I thought of this as I read that the doctors and everyone are praying for wisdom for the doctors.."Ruby looks like a good candidate for a Miracle to me, don't you think?" ((HUGS))

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