Look At Our Treasure….

Loving the fact that Ruby can now lift her head and 
move it to the other side…and praying as a 
family that she can hold her own head up 
by Autumn and Karl’s wedding….
Check her out!  
The bravest little treasure this side of heaven!

28 thoughts on “Look At Our Treasure….

  1. My kids and I think Ruby is such a big girl. We love before and afters (we went to look at the picture of Emma and Ruby in June before watching this). Amazing girl!

    And I love your sweet voice and the polkie shoes and Liberty kissing her baby sister.

  2. So exciting! Annie didn't hold up her head till about 9 months, and she couldn't sit on her own until her first birthday. Ruby's doing great!!

    Watching kids hit milestones is always special. When they are miracle babies, its even better! When it is an extra special miracle baby like Ruby, well, its AWESOME!

  3. It warms my heart to watch this video….I could just squeeze and kiss those little cheeks!!! She looks so darn kissable!!!She isn't too concerned about turning her head as long as she can keep sucking her little yummy thumb! Do you think it tastes like strawberries? 🙂

  4. I think my mouth was wide open as I watched this. To think that not long ago, she was skin and bones and so in need and is now a healthy, thriving, well loved baby. Truly a miracle! God is so good!

  5. Awww! Go Ruby!! We will be praying right along side you:) Her progress amazes me! And then I think if you guys hadn't rescued her…she probably wouldn't still be here today:( And then I think about all the other orphans that if someone doesn't rescue them SOON they won't be here any longer!! If everyone did something…there would be far less precious children falling through the cracks! I pray as I prepare for my trip to Uganda that people will see and hear and their hearts will be broken for the orphan as mine has. I pray they will GO or help someone else GO!

    Sending my love and prayers! So many exciting things going on:) P.S. I love, love, love seeing her chubby lil belly, and her chubby lil legs and bottom, and cheeks! It's a far cry from the first pic we saw of her emaciated little body. Miracle Baby SHE IS!!!! PRAISE GOD!

  6. Awww! Go Ruby!! We will be praying right along side you:) Her progress amazes me! And then I think if you guys hadn't rescued her…she probably wouldn't still be here today:( And then I think about all the other orphans that if someone doesn't rescue them SOON they won't be here any longer!! If everyone did something…there would be far less precious children falling through the cracks! I pray as I prepare for my trip to Uganda that people will see and hear and their hearts will be broken for the orphan as mine has. I pray they will GO or help someone else GO!

    Sending my love and prayers! So many exciting things going on:) P.S. I love, love, love seeing her chubby lil belly, and her chubby lil legs and bottom, and cheeks! It's a far cry from the first pic we saw of her emaciated little body. Miracle Baby SHE IS!!!! PRAISE GOD!

  7. What a sweet precious video! Ruby is beautiful! I can't get over how much she has changed in weight and looks since I first saw her. I am praying for her continued strength and healing.

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