A Rather Embarrassing Moment…

Something happened the other day that has left me still giggling.  Dw mentioned that I oughta tell you guys….cause no doubt, some of you could use a sweet laugh too.

The rental we’re in includes access to the several gyms and pools {which are heated all winter!} in our community.   Most mornings Dw and I take turns going to work out, shower and come back home.  Such a sweet blessing from the Lord!

This past week I have been rather groggy.  Not sure what the deal was, but just not quite on the top of my game.  So this particular morning I had gone to work out at the same gym I have been going to for months now.  After doing 40 minutes on the elliptical I went to shower.  But as I was heading to shower I thought I would stop to get a drink of water.  As I stood sipping the cool water an idea occurred to me.  I had never been in to see the pool connected to this gym that I frequent almost daily.

For some reason, we have just always gone to a different pool in the community.  Since I was standing smack dab next to the door leading to the pool I thought, “Hmmm, why not just see what is going on in the pool these early hours of the morning?”

I opened the door and looked.  But there is kind of a ledge and I couldn’t really see the pool.  Standing up on my tip toes I tried to peek.  Nope.  Still couldn’t really see the pool.   I let go of the locker room door and ventured a few steps over.  Still couldn’t really see it.    Moseying slowly, I climbed the steps up to the lounging area around the pool and looked.

“How nice is that?”  I thought, seeing a group of senior citizens working out in the pool under the instruction of a woman on the side.   I watched for a minute and decided I’d better get a move on to  shower and get home.

I went back down the steps and headed to the locker room door thinking, “Okay Linny, make sure you get the right door.”   As I went toward the closest door, I saw a large sign that said, “Girls…..”.  Convincing myself in my head, “Oh yeah, see!  This is the girls locker room….” I thrust open the door and hustled inside.  Later I realized the “Girls…” sign was one of those “Girls over the age of 5 are not permitted inside the men’s locker room.” But who knew at a glance? That doggone sign started with the word “Girls”… {Ooopsie!}

Entering the locker room, I glanced to my left and saw a woman in the complete buff standing at the row of sinks.  Stark naked. Although my eyes merely darted toward her, all I can say is that indeed gravity was no stranger and I’m guessing she was part of the swim class already working out in the pool.

Now can I just back up here for a minute?  I am not sure why some ladies stand at sinks or around locker rooms in the buff, but as a woman, I find it extremely awkward.  I mean, come on, how are we supposed to maneuver the locker room with our eyes closed?  Cause truthfully, I’m just really not into having my eyes open.

So the second I saw all of her, I turned to the right.  There was another door.  And in a split second as I turned I spotted straight ahead of me a younger man stood reaching for his pool towel {he was fully clothed}!


And in that fleeting moment, even with my overly groggy head, suddenly, I thought, “Wait a minute, the sinks are normally on my right and the door is on my left!!  OH.MY.STINKIN’.GRACIOUS!  I am in the MENS locker room.”

As my heels turned to do a 180, there they were.  The urinals.

Gasping not all that quietly, I practically ran outside the door and seriously, I could not get out of there fast enough.  {And while I’m just being straight up here, I couldn’t surely be the only woman who finds urinals to be one of the grossest things ever, am I?}

But one question remained:  Why was there a naked lady in the Mens room?

I kept wondering how the naked lady had not noticed as she looked in the mirrors in front of her that there were clearly a line of urinals on the wall opposite the sinks where she stood changing?  Who knows, but wow, wow, wow. {And I thought I was feeling groggy!}

So I ran giggling from embarrassment back out to the pool side and ran around a little wall and looking up saw the Women’s Room sign…and burst into the locker room.  I ran straight through the locker room and out to the gym again where I found a young woman employee who I have spoken to before.

Giggling and hardly able to talk I explained what had just happened, including the fact that there was a naked lady in the mens room changing at the sink across from the urinals!

The 30-something woman employee started laughing and shaking her head with me and she wondered aloud what she should do?  Clearly, she couldn’t go barging into the Men’s locker room to inform the naked lady that she was in the wrong place cause after all, there had been a man in there as well, probably heading to change himself.

We stood together giggling for probably 2 minutes.  Seriously, I could not stop and neither could she.  You know how it is when you are embarrassed, you giggle all the more?

Suddenly the Men’s locker room door burst opened.  Instantly we both turned to see who would be coming out that door?

Would it be the once naked lady? 


Instead the man came walking out, chuckling to no one in particular and grinning from ear to ear.

He walked right passed us, laughing the entire way out the front door.

The young employee looked at me and we both nodded in unison, “Yup, he totally saw her.”

I can only imagine the story he told all day long as well.

29 thoughts on “A Rather Embarrassing Moment…

  1. Yeah, his story probably included that he saw TWO ladies in the men's locker room that morning. He probably wondered if there was something wrong with the women's locker room since they were all headed into the wrong one.

    Your story definitely gave me a chuckle. Reminds me of another story involving a pastor and his wife from my childhood. They were at a church (not their own) and he was going to be preaching. His wife walked into the bathroom and he walked down the hallway to another bathroom. He walked in and heard his wife talking. He said, "Mickey, what are you doing in the men's bathroom?" She said, I'm not in the men's, you're in the women's. He looked at the door which he thought said "Ladies" as in "lad" and didn't realize it was Ladies as in women. 🙂 The women's athroom had two entrances.

  2. I totally understand that embarrassment! Not too long ago, I was traveling with my son John. We stopped at a Sheetz. I went to the bathroom to change my infant granddaughter. As I entered the door, I looked to the wall for a changing table. It was located in the handicap stall so I headed there. I was talking real sweet to Layla. I heard somebody enter then I hear my son’s stunned voice, “Mom! You’re in the men’s bathroom!” I could not get out fast enough. He guarded the door while I gathered the diaper bag, baby, and purse! I totally missed the clue of urinals on the wall because I never looked that direction! We laughed uncontrollably as we exited the store. I was so glad it was John and not some stranger that discovered a lady and infant in the men's room!

  3. Oh boy…now you have me giggling…I can hardly wait to share this story with Joel. Sounds to me like they need to make some neon signs that are voice activated for their locker rooms!!!!!

  4. I went on a mission trip several years ago and we stayed in a YMCA. They also had a senor citizen swim class early in the morning. The first morning there, I went to brush my teeth and there were 8-10 elderly women, just sitting/standing and ALL naked. I didn't know what to do! It was extremely awkward! And I still don't know why they were just sitting around just chatting with each other very casually, haha. Very weird. I blame it on coming from the South and being the in the Pacific NW!

  5. Oh my word that is so funny, I am cracking up and afraid I woke my kids. It is really funny to me because I am a personal trainer/fitness instructor and the stories that come with the gym are too much. I would of been laughing all day long wondering what in the world that woman was doing.Maybe she thought it was a coed locker room Haha! And I am with you with the standing naked like it is so normal putting makeup on or whatever in the locker rooms. I guess I am just extremely modest and really feel uncomfortable when I would be in there and they would actually try to start up a conversation. How can you focus sheesh. I remember teaching a spin class one morning and a older man was taking it. He was wearing those short running shorts that really no man should wear. Well he fell out of his shorts during cool down. I could hardly make it to the end. Well good for you guys working out and hey laughter is good for you too, so you got the benefit of both.

  6. Thanks for the snorts and giggles:) I had one of those kind of moments last week. First I will share that I have had four babies and just drank a whole bottle of water… So my autistic was running away from our home and I was chasing him. He was looking over his shoulder to see where I was and wasn't watching where he was going. We were both giggling and laughing when he hit the wooden ledge of somebody's garden. He bounced off the shrub and landed at my feet. I laughed so hard that I couldn't even help him up, instead I peed my pants right there on the sidewalk in front of the neighbours house, which caused my to laugh even more. Embarassing but hilarious:)

  7. Haha…this is hilarious. I really hope that she doesn't ever realise what she did or she'd probably be really mortified – or maybe she just didn't care!?!
    Thanks for giving me a laugh at work today. I just read your post and then had to answer the phone without giggling! x

  8. One time in college, I walked in to a completely packed men's bathroom. I was totally embarrassed. But your story is so much funnier! That poor lady! I wonder if she ever realized what she did! I wonder if she'll ever return to that gym again? Haha!

  9. Very Funny! At least you weren't in the buff like the other lady!
    My ms symptoms have caused me to have no pride or embarressment anymore! I have been known to waltz/run into the mens room when there is no other option! An "excuse me, this is an emergency" usually clears the room!!

  10. That's too funny! I went to the Minnesota State Fair a few years ago with friends and it's a HUGE place. I went with a groups of gals to find a bathroom and the lines were crazy long. I was just tickled when I found a bathroom with NO line and went about my business…when I noticed two feet in the next stall…facing the wrong direction! Oh My! I hurried out quickly, only to find my group of friend laughing hysterically. My face was red, but I still laugh about it!
    Hmm…wonder if the woman in that bathroom ever figured it out??!! : )

  11. Oh friend thank you so for the laugh! It's been a hard couple of days and I needed this! So enjoy your sweet blog though I am terrible about telling you!

    bee blessed

  12. ROTFL!! Wonder if she reads your blog. ;D I think I might have wet my pants on that one! And, maybe they should consider changing the signage. Thank you for the levity!!!!

  13. This was so funny and reminded me of the times (yeah, as if once wasn't enough!) I walked into the men's room. The worst was when I was going about my business in the stall and noticed the very large shoes in the stall next to me. I thought what ugly and really huge shoes that poor woman has. Poor thing must have such large feet (I can relate)she doesn't have much choice in finding more feminine shoes. I finished, washed my hands, and realized the sinks were not exactly where they normally were in this restroom in this bookstore. Then the blood flooded to my face and immediately drained to my feet. I was NOT looking at a pair of ugly women's shoes. They were men's shoes and ON A MAN! I hurried so fast out of there hoping I could escape the hallway before he came out. It's been probably 10 years and the image of those shoes are still burned in my mind. My family's had some good laughs over it.

    I kept waiting to find out the other lady in the locker room at your gym was a man, too. Maybe the young, fully-clothed guy had a little heart stopping moment too, thinking it was he who had made the mistake!

  14. About six months ago I by accident started into the men's room at Walmart I heard a shout and looked to see my city bus driver yelling at me! Needless to say I made a fast exit! Janet

  15. lol. My brother-in-law PASTOR was officiating at a wedding at a swanky resort and everyone stayed over night the night before the wedding… they were kind of a different bunch then he was used to. So, when he went for a shower in the morning and he was standing head and shoulders over the shower stall and noticed women at the sinks preparing for the big day he was a little stunned, and chagrined, but chalked it up to the "different" lifestyle of his new friends and figured it was "communal living"….so he scrubbed and sang until his wife came in and dove into the next stall and hissed for him to GET OUT OF THE WOMEN's Bathroom!!! Too funny. We laugh about it all the time. You can imagine how hard it was to keep his composer later when, all dressed up for the wedding, he was being introduced to these very woman as the MINISTER!!!!

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