I DID IT!!!!!!

Oh My Gracious.

I did it!!!!!!!!!

Words on a computer cannot express emotion….that’s why we use exclamation points!!!!!!


I am giddy beyond words.

I did something, just now, that I have never done before.


And uh, actually, I never, ever, ever in a million years would’ve thought I would do it either.

When I heard of others who have done this, I would think, “Wow, how crazy-brave of you!”

And I am over-the-moon excited.

Dw is in Colorado packing up the last of our things and heading back home tomorrow with the loaded U-Haul.  Graham and Liberty are with him.

Soooo, when I decided to do this, I called Dw and asked him if it was okay.

He said, “Do it!”

I then told Emma {since she is the oldest at home}.

She said, “Seriously? Wow. Mom, do it!”

Then I called Graham and talked to him.  He said, “Really?”  Graham then asked me some questions and after hearing the answers said, “Perfect!”

So I took the plunge.

I did it.

Anyone wanna guess what I did?

Last time I asked you guys something like this I was going to stop coloring my hair.

No regrets on that!

But this is different.

This is huge.



Really huge.

I’m sure a few of you have done it before.  But probably not many.

Anybody wanna guess what I just did?????

I am giggling.

I am just that excited.

112 thoughts on “I DID IT!!!!!!

  1. gonna go out on a limb here- thinking big- my guess is a tattoo. I don't think you would get one- but that would be huge- so I guess, that is my guess- a tattoo.

    oh- and please don't leave us hanging very long 🙂

  2. Let's see…maybe a tatoo? Or if you took the "plunge" maybe skydiving? Ha. No matter what it was, how fun that you are so excited about it! 🙂

  3. Ok Linny, you got me.:) As long as you didn't join the ranks of the lady in the buff in the mens' room at the swimming pool I think I'll be able to handle your surprise.:)

  4. You are just too much!!! You really like to torture us, don't you??? When will we find out?
    I'm guessing it's something like bungie jumping or rock climbing or something like that. 🙂

  5. Ok, so I'm thinking it is along the lines of hair coloring… appearance…

    something you can do without a ton of preparation…

    you have to be brave…

    I'd say Botox, but your picture shows no evidence that you need it, and you don't look like you need eyebrow plucking either… but both would require bravery…

    Ok, now I'm giggling and I don't even know what you did!

  6. You really have me stumped? Every idea that crosses my mind doesn't meet up to the "crazy, brave, and not too many have done" criteria. Don't string us out too long… please!

    Sky dived?


  7. My first guess is that you turned on the AC. 🙂 Then the only other thing I could think of was sky-diving…

    Can't wait to hear what it really is!

  8. As I was reading this post I just knew you were going to leave us hanging…AGAIN! =p =D

    The only thing that comes to mind at the moment is that you went skydiving, but I somehow doubt that is it. =)

  9. Ooh! My guess is you entered your first Ironman triathlon or with your new location you are working on an awesome tan, and since you are obviously working out- you are entering a Hawaiian Tropic Bikini contest. And you would totally rock it!!

  10. I really dont know. You almost made it sound like you went sky diving or something 😉 although maybe the flowers mean something(like you trimmed a rosebush or something! Just kidding:) that would be quite an adventure for someone like me for sure though;) anyways…guess i will have to wait untiil tommorow(or whenever) to find out!

  11. I have absolutely no idea. Everything I can think of would not quite fit your description. I just want to say that you are very fun and I love your blog and the peeks into your life!

  12. oh wow ..let's see… WHAT have you gone and done?.. hmmm… decided to go back to college?
    Surely not strippin' down in the men's locker room.. baahahaha.
    Hmmm… I really can't imagine. Can't wait for you to spill the beans!

  13. Did you Skydive???? I have no idea why that kept popping into my head…and yes…I am giggling just thinking about you free falling from a plane! 🙂

  14. Hmmm… Something BIG and crazy-brave… you… ordered some… ummm… chickens? No, they're not big or crazy. Ostriches? No, that's just silly. Ummm… You signed up to be on Jeopardy? Ok, I give up. LOL

  15. Hhmmm! I am stumped but hope it was something really FUN ad you took pictures. After your post about the naked lady in the men's gym I am pretty are it wasn't skinny dipping in the community pool!!! 😮

  16. LINNNNYYYY! I have no guesses. Only complete and utter disappointment that I fell for your cliffhanger blog entry AGAIN! Oh, you….

    Btw, I love your hair color, natural. 🙂

    And, if you need a really cool, goosebump-making, sing-it-out-loud-because-we-"get it" video, look at this one called "Dynamite Announcement" by christi405. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKoV1HGGe28&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LLlGwaN8ZRkR6DlEe_M6JSog

    Can't wait to read about what you did that you would never have thought you'd do ever in a million years.

  17. I can't think of what it would be, so my silly guess is "bought the latest and greatest gadget you saw on an infomercial". You said it something many of us had probably never done…and that is something I've never done. 🙂
    Deana in Burke, VA.

  18. You rode your Harley to Alaska… No handed!!! WOW…. Hmm no can't be that… Took a camel ride in the desert?… Probably unlikely… Haha… Oh I got it! You learned to rock out a song on the electric guitar! Haha

    But really did you sent your book off to a publisher?!?!

  19. You participated in one of those May Day r*llies, no probably not, you don't strike me as the an*rchist type??? 🙂 Ok, lets see……..you got a tatoo!!!

  20. Since you have already done TONS of things most of us have never done, it's hard to guess what would be a far out thing for you….but I'm pretty sure whatever it is, we'll have a lot of fun enjoying it through your eyes!

    I'm going to guess taking a hot air balloon ride.

  21. I can honestly say I don't have a guess, but I am waiting to hear what it is that you have done. I love your blog and it's honesty. It is so refreshing.

  22. I say jumping out of a plane or hand gliding but I think you would wait to do it with your family.
    BTW, want to mention that your hair color is absolutely beautiful. I am your age but I don't have that much gray yet 🙁 I can't wait to stop coloring mine.

  23. Okay…so now we are all in total suspense!!! My guess would be a tattoo or a piercing. =) Please don't keep us waiting too long…we all want to know!

  24. Oh, I love it! You're right you are brave. I don't think I could have done that. Nor would my kids have wanted me to, but your kids are WAY cooler than mine. I wonder if you'll start a trend like when you went all gray? Gotta hand it to you, Linny, you're brave! But here's what I say, "You go girl." I just love what you did! Love it. In fact, I'm inspired. I can't wait to see the other reader's reaction when you let the cat out of the bag.

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