Seriously, Someone Took It?

This past week Dw, Graham and Liberty went to Colorado to pack up the last of the things {that hadn’t fit in the previous truck} as we are closing on the house soon.   They slept on the floor in sleeping bags, sat on the porch and hung out with longtime friends.  

When Dw had moved most of our things to Phoenix in December, he had to pick and choose what would make the first trip and what could/would be saved for later.   One of the things that the kids really wanted to come was the trampoline.  They had taken it down, but it was unable to fit in the truck. 
So with great anticipation, the trampoline would soon be here – finally!  It had been a gift from friends moving out of state and it was a huge one.  The kids were on it all the time.  All.The.Time.  They couldn’t wait for it to get here.
Only one problem.
Dw started looking for it, before long Graham joined in the search and soon Liberty was looking as well.  The trampoline, that had been disassembled and set just inside the garage door waiting for the next trip, was gone.  
No doubt, kind of a denial thing.  Searching and looking when they knew it was supposed to be right there.  Who would think that someone would steal a trampoline?  Stealing a trampoline from a boatload of treasures is like “taking candy from a baby”….
So whoever it is, came down our long, long lane, opened the garage, and helped themselves.  They had to have a vehicle, as it would be far too heavy and bulky and large to just ‘carry away’ easily.  Who knows if they took anything else, everything is all mumbo-jumbo in our heads and the trampoline was kind of obvious. 
One of our homes was burglarized before and we had stuff stolen that was never recovered, including cash that was hidden.  If your home has been broken into or something else stolen, you know what I mean, it is a creepy, violating feeling.  
I’m still shaking my head in complete disbelief. 

20 thoughts on “Seriously, Someone Took It?

  1. WHen my adult son was a baby, and I lived in a very small duplex on a very tight budget, I had his portable crib on the top of my car, tied down. I went into the house for 10 minutes and someone had untied it, and stolen it. REALLY? A portable baby crib???? FOR.MY.BABY??? All I could think of was, "How low is low?"

    LOL Funny enough, one of the words to publish this post is "REESENT" Guess that's God's way of telling me to let it go, He already knows who did it, and why, and that's all who needs to know.

  2. WOW! My first thought was that ya'll had left it together and the wind took it! We've seen/heard of that happening to many of our friends trampolines during storms. I wish it were that simple for this disappearance. May the Lord replace this one quickly!

  3. So sorry to read this! Your kids must feel so badly! Last year someone took my bird bath and little fountain from our front yard right by our porch. They even took the patio block that the fountain was on and then walked up to the porch and removed the extension cord as well. It does make you feel "creepy" that someone would do something like that!

  4. I am so sorry! I don't understand people, it makes me sad and angry for you. When my brother was 5 or 6 he had his bike stolen from inside our garage, I know that its not as big as having a trampoline stolen but I think it hurts more when it is something like that I just don't get how someone can steal from a child. I'm sorry that your children had their trampoline stolen.

  5. struggling to find the words!!! Horrible, selfish, dishonest people….. praying that the children will get an even better one for your new home. Love, hugs and prayers to you all xxx

  6. I thought of another story that you might find humorous or providential at least but my friend was at church when her car was broken into(brazen in day light on a busy street), which having to replace the glass is bad enough besides having things stolen, but all that was stolen was her Bible and christian cd's. We all prayed that maybe that Bible would be read and change lives. Course if the person had walked inside they could have been given all of those things without having the guilt of theft.

  7. Such a horrible feeling to know that someone would boldly go and steal from you. Our church was recently broken into. It was such a horrible feeling to know that someone would do such a thing. Praying that God will move in the lives of those who stole it and that He will find a way to replace the trampoline for your treasures.

  8. What a bummer indeed! I guess they didn't think that you'd want it..moving and all. It was in YOUR garage! Sigh! The nerve of some people. It's hard but will pray for the people/person that took trampouline, that God will convict their hearts maybe return it or repent….who knows! Glad to hear that your Colorado house is to be sold soon! Hugs!

  9. I'm sorry that it happened, Linny. Yes, it's uncomfortable to know that someone would go through all the trouble to drive into your place, helping themselves to things that don't belong to them :/ Where are the boundaries? I agree with Kristen L's post, may He bless your family with an even better trampoline 🙂

    Oh by the way, this morning, I posted my letter to go with the backpack for a street kid in Uganda 🙂

  10. So this is completely unrelated. Although I am sad for the trampoline–I never want to believe that someone would just take something. 🙁

    But if you're still doing Q&A, I was wondering a little more about your adoptions and how they each came about. If you guys were "looking" for a child or if they "fell in your lap" so to speak. 🙂

  11. I am so sorry to hear this happened to you all. In our house, our trampoline is too our most prized possession. Something about jumping and laughing with a ton of brothers and sisters, makes it a total blast!!! So when we came home after vacation to find someone had vandalized our trampoline, by slicing our netting and the trampoline mat, we were SHOCKED! It took us sometime to replace it, but now ours is BIGGER and we are able to replace the parts if they get vandalized again.

    Praying He as an EVEN BIGGER trampoline in your future.

  12. I am mortified for you. But, God…. You'll finish the story someday because he loves you and those little treasures that much. Maybe it will even become a Memorial Box story.

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