Our Place Called Simplicity

After Tyler, Sarah and baby Charlotte left the other morning I needed a big task to kind of keep my mind off things.  For those who have been hanging around our Place Called Simplicity for any length of time, you know what a family gathering usually means.  Yup, it does.  And that makes hugs goodbye almost unbearable.
We gathered together and prayed for the days ahead as they left.  Hugging in a large huddle, praying to the God who is ever present whether on this side of the world or the far side of the world….thankful that He holds each of our treasures in the palm of His mighty hand.

So I went to the garage to think, pray and work and have hardly left since then.

Since Dw, my friend Megan and the kids packed everything in Durango and moved it, I never had a chance to sort through the stuff before we moved.  So we have left the vast majority of our things in boxes in the garage, knowing that another move was likely imminent.

Consequently I’ve been out in the garage sorting through box upon box upon box.  Most of them were in the shed and had not been in the fire {thankfully}.  I’ve been sorting and tossing all that can be tossed.  Old treasures, home schooling supplies, Christmas decorations, kids treasure boxes, files, etc.

I had to pray, since I am such a sentimental ol’ gal that I would have the courage to toss.  And I am happy to report that I have tossed, tossed and tossed some more.  I keep reminding myself, oh yeah,

“Our Place Called Simplicity”

You know:




I also remind myself that the upside of this silver hair is that I will not remember most of what I tossed, right?

Believe it or not, I have pared the boxes down to about half!!  I have been workin’ hard – you can be sure!  They once numbered from 1 – 72,  I think.  Then we lost a bunch in the fire and now the numbers are hodge-podge and finally there are only about a few {comparatively} left.

Having lost everything that was in our home in the fire, it’s been pretty fun to see a few special things in the boxes from the shed.

Some of the boxes are those of the grown kids who have yet to take their childhood treasures to their homes.  I’ve had some fun peeking in and remembering.  I even found maternity clothes I had wore with Abigail.  {That would be 30 years ago right now!}  Abigail thought that young expecting moms would probably love them as they are now “so 80’s”.  Kind of funny to think of my stuff being vintage now – makes me feel pretty old!  Who knew?

Currently it’s a balmy 104 degrees outside and probably a hotter inside the garage.  The garage door is open blowing the warm breezes over the warm tears that start up every now and then.  Loved them all being here, hate that they’re gone, dreading the days ahead and all that it means.

Reveling in the fact that we have fresh memories that we cherish together.  Old home movies we watched for a bit.  Secret giggles we share.  Games we played together around the table.  Things that no one else would understand.

Love my God, love my hubby, love my kids and sure do love my life.

12 thoughts on “Our Place Called Simplicity

  1. Awwww… In a week, my little family and I will be going "home" for a 10 day stay. I'm sure my mama will be doing the same thing once we have to go home again. And I'll probably do my customary, "just keep it together for the kids" for a bit too. It's hard, but where God calls he sustains. ((Hugs))

  2. This is so funny…I too had my husband and daughter leave me alone for a few weeks here in Dallas. It is 100 degrees. I spent the weekend in the garage sorting out boxes too. We just moved a few months ago and I am determined that we will be more organized for our next move. I used an oscillating fan to move the air around and it was not too bad. God Bless!

  3. I always think of you as you make these regular transitions in your family. They are joyous times for my friends and "brothers in arms" as they return right as yours leaves – they literally swap places. Having been through that 8 times as a wife, my heart is never far from those far away from their family and loved ones. Prayers for you and your precious family!

    1. That would be the same garage. Hey, I lived in fear for so many years…and once set free, I refuse to go back – HOWEVER…I am not playing music so that I can hear any loud rattle…the girl told me that rattlers have great memories and won't come back to a place they felt threatened. Not sure who gave a rattler a quiz to see just how good their memory is, but I'm stickin' to that premise! haha. And I still readily admit: I HATE snakes and I am completely freaked out by them. But the garage must be downsized…xo

  4. Oh my goodness… Linny, if you need a distraction, you should come to my place. I have coffee, ice tea AND air conditioning (and a few new stories). 😉

  5. I just left Texas and both of my girls not knowing when the next trip will be. It is so hard to leave them – but I'm thankful that the ties we have are so strong that they pull my heartstrings each time. We are so blessed and fortunate to have close, tight knit families. A gift, indeed.

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