Emma Joy

Yesterday was a really special day for our family
as we celebrated Emma’s 19th birthday.
Last year on July 22nd Karl lay in a coma and we did not know what the outcome would be.
It was a very difficult day to celebrate her 18th birthday.
{Picture taken in Uganda when Emma and I were there bringing Ruby home.}
But this year we made up for it – big time – 
we celebrated the girl whose life has already impacted so many….
We also knew in the corner of our hearts, that as Emma prepares to move to Uganda in 3 months, 
this would be our last guaranteed birthday of Emma’s at home.
We made sure to make every second count…
 I will show you all the things we did to give Emma memories that would last,
but for now, 
I want to honor our precious daughter,
and thank the Lord publicly for the privilege of being her mom.
Her life is known by her tenderness for others, her gentle speech, her gracious kindness,
 her spunky upbeat joy, her prankster personality,
her love for all she meets, her peaceful spirit. 
Emma hears the Lord speak very clearly.
He has spoken some powerful things.  Some of which are tucked away…
to watch and see as God unfolds it all. 
Emma knew from the time she was only about 7 years old that God
 had called her to Africa to serve the orphan and she has been
 on a mission since then.  Steadily preparing for the future that God 
would unfold bit-by-bit over the last 12 years.
{Here’s a link to her blog, in case you haven’t ever checked it out.}

Having traveled to Uganda 11 times now, Emma is no stranger to the land God has called her to. 
In fact when she arrives at one village the people gather shouting 
and chanting, “Emma!  Emma!  Emma!”  They know she loves them so! 
Many years ago on her ipod, she had engraved, 
Ugandan at Heart.  Isaiah 6:8
The Lord has some amazing things in store for her and all she ministers to. 
I know many of you have been blessed, as well, by our Emma Joy’s life.
Would you please be willing to join me in wishing our treasure-girl
 a very, very Happy 19th Birthday?

88 thoughts on “Emma Joy

  1. Happy Birthday Emma! I really love getting a glimpse of what the Lord is doing in your life. You are beautiful inside and out. Prayers for you as you prepare to go. I will be following your blog.


  2. Been reading by phone, but haven't had the internet so commenting was all but impossible. I'll celebrate my return by celebrating Emma's birthday!Happy birthday!! I am so excited to see what God has in store for you! I look forward to the day I join your mom on African mission trips and I'll get to meet you too!

  3. Happy Birthday Emma! May you continue to inspire the people of the world and shine your brilliant light in all directions. I have no doubt that you'll take the world by storm.

    With love and birthday wishes,

  4. Emma Joy,

    You have taught this well seasoned woman a lot about life through your stories. May God be the wind at your back as you go forth sent by Him. Looking forward to hearing about your journey! Have a wonderfully awesome birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday Emma Joy!!! What a wonderful blessing to know from such a young age the direction in which God was leading you. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  6. Happy Birthday, Emma! You truly are an amazing young lady. May God continue to guide your steps and speak clearly his direction and love into your heart! Blessings!

  7. Happy Birthday Emma. What a blessing you are to your family and Uganda. You look absolutely stunning in African clothing and head-wear. May God abundantly bless you as you get out of the boat and walk on water with Jesus.

  8. Happy, HAPPY birf-day, Emma Joy. You are my hero even tho' we have never met. Can't wait to see what all our mighty God is going to do in and thru you!

  9. Happy 19th Birthday sweet, sweet Emma. What a pleasure it was to meet you recently. You can count on our prayers for your life of service to our Lord!

    Hugs from our family to you,
    janet, kevin, ted, sophia, philip, and elijah

  10. Happy Birthday, Emma Joy!
    You are a world-changer… surely He will use you in mighty ways in the coming years!! I know God is smiling on you today and every day 🙂

  11. Happy birthday, Emma Joy! It has been a pleasure to see you grow over the years as I've read your mom's blog. I look forward to seeing how God uses you in the future in Uganda.

  12. Dear Emma Joy,
    Congratulations!! I wish you a very happy
    birthday. May the Lord bless you in your life and may you be a blessing to many many orphans in your beloved Uganda. I will pray for you.
    With love Jantine

  13. Dear Sweet Emma Joy~ Happy Birthday to you! We pray that as your life unfolds you continue to be abundantly BLESSED….I know you will be a blessing to so many others. Your faithful heart for Jesus is such a fine example for the rest of us. I enjoy your blog! Have a super day!!!!!!!

  14. Miss Emma, you my dear are an inspiration to us all! Your joy of the Lord and heart for littles is evident to all who come in contact with you!! Continue to seek the Lord in all your ways and walk BOLDLY down the path HE has set before you!! May you spend your next 18 years serving in the land your love…Your Uganda:)

    Much love,

  15. Happy Birthday Emma! You are one special gal… So thankful 2 of our boys, Greg and Lou, got to know you personally last February:) May the Lord continue to use you mightily for His kingdom here and in Uganda! You have many praying for you as you prepare to GO to Uganda! We are praising God for HIS great work in your life! The Hintz crew sends some birthday love!!!

  16. Emma…wishing you a very happy birthday! As you prepare for your 'official' departure in a short time, may you marinate deeply in the arms/love of your family as you spend these days/weeks with them. May the Lord continue to bless your time and your mission and you step forward into the journey God has called you to.

  17. Happy Happy Birthday Emma, May the Lord continue to richly bless you and pour out His Spirit on you as you seek to serve Him by serving others. I know He has some mighty plants in store for you and can't wait to see them unfold.
    Blessings, Noreen

  18. Happy Birthday and Many Blessings to you Emma!! I know that if we knew each other, we'd be great friends!!! May the Lord Bless you and Keep you always! <3

  19. In the short time we have known you and your family, you have been a blessing and inspiration to all of us. I am so excited to watch all that God does in and through your life as you follow Him to the ends of the earth. There is no doubt that He has a BIG plan for you and all whom you minister to in Uganda and beyond. We love you and will pray for you always. (And God willing, visit you many times in the years to come). I hope your day yesterday was super special – just like you!

  20. Happy Birthday Emma! You are a beautiful young woman inside and out and I can't wait to follow along in your journey to Uganda to see what God has in store for you!

  21. Praising the Lord for creating you and blessing us with your presence, Emma 🙂 I saw the last photo and I was delighted that the backpack that I sent for Uganda is the same as yours! Same colour, same type, same brand! isn't that awesome! 🙂
    Praying that the Lord send His angels to protect you as you go to Uganda and guide you to do His work and that you know it by His many evident signs.
    It's awesome that you got to hear Him speak very clearly. Very special! 🙂 Because of this I'm sure your parents have peace because they are letting you go in His care in trust to Him.
    I hope you had a sweet time making memories with your family :)Be strong, stay strong in the Lord! 😀

  22. Used your sweet Emma as an example today of "character" to a little girl of mine who needs reminders of character, what is in our hearts when no one is looking!!! It was perfect timing for this post.

    Can't wait for your next post!!

  23. It truly was a blessing to spend some amazing times with Emma this June in Uganda, she is a true blessing to all those she meets. We had some amazing conversations along that I am so grateful for. Happy Birthday sweet Emma may you continue to bless those around you and all those you will meet. You are a true woman of God. Love you sweet friend. sherry

  24. ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ BIRTHDAY DEAR EMMA ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!
    Oh, how you give joy to our Father's heart! Praying that we can hug you someday – but knowing that it will probably impossible this side of heaven. I love to see God moving so passionately in our youth!

  25. Happy Birthday, Emma! Your life is quite a testimony already, and we are waiting to watch more unfold. You are such a blessing. Keep up the good work as you continue to blossom!

  26. Happy, happy birthday, Emma! 🙂 I pray God's blessings on your coming year, and I'm excited to see how He will use you to bless the orphans of Uganda!

  27. Happy Birthday Emma! Hope your day was extra special. Miss you and hope we can indeed meet up in Uganda for a visit as you suggested. God bless!

  28. Happy Birthday Emma, you are a blessing and inspiration to all who read this blog. I have stumbled upon this blog by pure chance a few months ago, and now read every post and also follow your blog closely. My kids loved packing care packages, hope there will be more opportunities to serve you. Love your blog and fully support your mission. Will be praying for you.

  29. Happy Birthday Emma!!! I'm so glad that we've had the wonderful opportunity to know you in person! There is no doubt that you have an exciting adventure ahead of you! 😀

  30. Emma, happy birthday!!! I can't even begin to imagine how incredibly proud your parents and family are of you, and this amazing mission you are taking on in a few months. You are truly an amazing young woman and such an inspiration!! God bless you on your special day!!

    Love Melody (the stranger that shared Pinkberry with you guys in CA ;))

  31. Sweet Emma Happy Birthday to you. I sent an email to you last year through your mom . You share your birthday with my little girl and I wanted to pray over you with my sweet one. I pray God continues to lead you and that you rest in His presence. I know he is going to use you to speak life over all you meet in Uganda. Thank you for your obedience and for being his hands and feet to those close to you and those far away. I can't wait to see what unfolds for you in the coming year. We will be praying and of course we will always celebrate your birthday with you. Love L and my three littles.

  32. Happy, Happy Birthday, Emma, with love from the Luna family! 🙂 (While you were celebrating, our little Amy was having her very first birthday party ever…she will be 5 this week.)

  33. Happy Birthday Emma! I love your proud mom's sincere love for you and respect your positive impact in this world! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and many more awesome ones to come!!!

  34. Happy birthday, Emma! What a lovely joy God has made in creating you!
    You've inspired many, of all ages, because you've committed your ways to the Lord and not self. Keep pursuing Him and risking for His name's sake. May you experience God's clear leading today and always, as you keep absorbing His Word.
    I'll continue praying for you as you seek first His kingdom, wherever He takes you, including Uganda!
    With love and respect,

  35. Happy birthday, Emma! What a lovely joy God has made in creating you!
    You've inspired many, of all ages, because you've committed your ways to the Lord and not self. Keep pursuing Him and risking for His name's sake. May you experience God's clear leading today and always, as you keep absorbing His Word.
    I'll continue praying for you as you seek first His kingdom, wherever He takes you, including Uganda!
    With love and respect,

  36. Happy Birthday, sweet Emma! Blessings to you on this day. I can't wait to see how God uses you in Uganda. Even though we've never met, I feel as if I know you. We are kindred spirits.

  37. HaPpY bIrThDaY Emma!!
    Your in our thoughts and prayers as you prepare to venture out on the path God has called you to! Go with Joy and Expectation!
    Hopefully one day soon I will be over!

  38. Emma Joy, you are a joy to even those who don't know you! I read this blog and yours praying for God to do a great work in you and with you. You are an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work in Uganda for Jesus' sake. I look forward to seeing what God will do as I continue to pray for you. Birthday blessings!

  39. Blessings to you sweet Emma Joy and I hope your birthday was an extra special one this year. I pray for the preparations for your move "home" and that you will be blessed beyond measure in your ministry there. Know that this friend in SC will keep you in my prayers. Martha

  40. Dear Emma,

    There is a beauty in you that comes through the photos that are posted on this website. It is not only a physical beauty, but I can actually see the glory of God emanating from you! This is itself is very unusual for a young woman of your age.

    May God return to you 100 fold the love that you have shown to those whom others have forgotten. As a person of African descent (with roots in the Caribbean) I want to personally thank you. Thank you for loving in the way that Jesus did, and for giving of yourself in the way that He taught. I will be following your blog to see the great things that the Father has in store for you.

    Have the best birthday ever!

  41. Happy Birthday, sweetie! We miss your big smile at Phoenix First, and sadly we will be headed home to CT before you get back. God willing, we will see you in Uganda one of these days!

    Nancy & ShaoXi Johnson

  42. I have been following your mom's blog for about a year and then yours. What a wonderful young lady you are and such a blessing to others. Happy belated birthday! I can't wait to continue to follow you via your blog as you move to Uganda to follow the dream God placed in your heart so long ago.

  43. Happy Birthday! I can't wait to see God continue to work in your life and in others as you prepare and move to Uganda to follow the dream He placed in your heart to long ago!

  44. Your love for others shines through your smile and your eyes. You are a remarkable young woman! May God bless your steps as you continue to grow in Him all the days of your life. The world (Uganda mostly!! 😀 ) is blessed by your presence. Happy Birthday, Emma!

  45. Happy Birthday, Precious Emma!!! You bless me with your passion for the people of Uganda. May God bless you with wisdom, peace, strength,protection and provision as you follow him. I love following your journey. Hope your day was wonderful and your year is blessed.

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