Rattlers, Rattles and Riding….

We’re heading down the road and will soon be in Amarillo, Texas.  The kids were so excited last night that I doubted that anyone would even sleep.

I actually fell asleep while giving Ruby her bottle in our bed but was jumped to a start with a bunch of commotion….as it turns out the neighbor had had the kids feeding their dogs while they were away.  Late last night Graham and Liberty were walking to their home to feed their dogs.

They had just begun the walk over and were just beyond our next door neighbors, where there happens to be a desert wash when Graham noticed what he thought was a stick as they were heading down the sidewalk…suddenly he heard the stick start to rattle – LOUDLY!

He screamed, “RUN!” and turned on his heels and took off for home….Liberty was not far behind and being a natural runner, she managed to catch up…but as they turned on their heels, it lunged at them, only about 3 feet from Liberty!

They both said it was one of the scariest things they’ve ever had happen.  Dw drove them back to the neighbors and they passed the rattler still laying where they had seen it.  It was about 4 feet long!

That was more excitement than any of us were really up for….kind of crazy, some people have lived in Phoenix their entire lives and never seen a rattler in their neighborhood.   No doubt, we will be rattler proofing our yard when we return home.

Lastly, little Miss Ruby loves to get in her car seat and go anywhere.  I started telling her a few days ago that we were doing a road trip and this morning, the very second she woke up she started squealing…and she hasn’t stopped.  She is lovin’ riding down the road shaking her rattle…rock it sister, rock it!

We are doing America together!

We’ve googled all different kinds of routes….some showing over 80 hours of car time {round trip}….which makes us laugh since that doesn’t include potty breaks….so we’re not exactly sure which route we are taking when we head out of Amarillo…but this is gonna’ be an adventure…and we appreciate all the invites….promise we will let ya’ know as the trip progresses…cause hugging some necks sure sounds like fun to this silver-haired mama {and makes for some even funner blog posts!}.

20 thoughts on “Rattlers, Rattles and Riding….

  1. ha ha ha when you typed about Ruby shaking her rattle… I bet you would rather hear that kind of rattle than the other one!!! 😀

    I'm not familar with USA and its states (except for a few) but I am wondering if you all will be on Route 66?

    So glad to hear that both Graham and Liberty are safe… how scary that it would lunge 3 feet at them!!! shivers up my spine

  2. If you head through the Philadelphia area- give us a yell- we live in Feasterville- right outside the city! Probably a few hours till you get over to us 🙂 Praying for you as you travel!

  3. Scary is right! When my nephew just turned three he was bitten by a 4-foot rattler. He spent nearly a month in the hospital. He's now almost fifteen and doing well. Mention the word rattler and he'll pull up his pant legs to show you the scars he still has. Word of advice: keep your eyes on the ground while walking in rattler country!

  4. I've thought of this off and on since you first posted about the sound of the rattle snake in your garage. The pest control guy told me a few years back that snakes will not cross moth balls. They are really stinky and I you don't want them where your pets or kids could get them but if you check your yard well and then put them around the parameter, they will not cross. Or so it goes!

    What are you planning to do to proof your yard? Any suggestions other than the above? We've been seeing them hit on the road just above our house. =/

  5. Yikes!!!
    We have crossed paths with rattlers up in Washington, but none down here in AZ – though we've come across several other types of snake here.
    That's a scary situation!! So glad the kids got out of the way in time!
    Mike and I went for a walk one night, shortly after moving here, when someone's lawn sprinkler turned on suddenly (making a rattle noise) and spooked us. Those rattle snakes command a healthy dose of respectful fear!

  6. I wish we could meet while you are in my hometown of Amarillo. Remember I sent you the vinyl wall scripture and all the kids a surprise when you moved in your new house after the fire. Hope you get to spray paint at the Cadillac Ranch and see the Palo Duro Canyon while you are here.

  7. umm I agree with Natali!! I live in Canada(alberta) but I am in north carolina for the summer and i'd LOVE to meet you and your family 🙂 we will be heading home the week of aug 22 ish and will be in minnesota but not sure of your schedule!

  8. If you head through the lower portion of oklahoma(almost on the upper border oftexas) you know where you can get a hot meal for a large crew and lots of chaotic hugs and laughs. and see some chickens. I still have four crowing "LINNY LINNY LINNY" they are out there saying it right now!! lol

  9. I grew up in Tucson and never saw a rattlesnake in the wild! But a friend in Tucson has them moving into her yard occasionally, they really like to live in areas that are newly developed. What we had way too many of was black widow spiders. Please watch out for those, they are sneaky and refuse to die when you spray them with spider spray. We used to use a spray called Boot Hill but I don't think you can buy it any more, too toxic.

  10. Holy cow!!! That rattlesnake encounter has me freaking out! I am so glad they didn't get hurt. How in the world do you "rattlesnake proof" your yard??? There are many reasons why I could never live in Arizona; I'll just add that one to the list… haha!

  11. OHHHH, you're SO close to me – just about 2 hours away! Sure wish I'd known you were gonna be in Amarillo, we would have scooted over there and met you for a quick cuppa joe! Safe travels to you all! 🙂

  12. Linny, I am pretty sure there is a lovely route through Whidbey Island, WA. Still long to big your neck and meet all of your treasures and introduce you to mine. Have a FANTASTIC trip! I can't wait to hear some of the stories!! Praying for safe travel and a incredible time together.

    Much Love, Lisa K

  13. We are more than familiar with rattle snakes at our house…and moth balls do seem to help. So grateful for God's protection! I'm so excited about your road trip through the Texas panhandle…mostly because we're only 45 minutes from Amarillo and would selfishly love to meet your precious family and hug some necks! I know how crazy road trips can be, but if you need anything while you're passing through the Chisum family would be more than happy to help! Blessings and hugs to you all!

  14. I used to live their, and my BEST friend lives their! She also reads your bolg, and I sure she will be thrilled to know you are driving through her town!
    Safe Travles,

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