Ruby Loved It All

 The Ruby-girlfriend love, love, loved celebrating Emmy’s birthday….

She loved when Elizabeth and Liberty were rockin’ the jumps off the cement tables…

Ruby loved the sound of the waterfalls …and eating our breakfast we had made in the
exact spot we have done our annual breakfast in Letchworth State park for 36 years now…
{Different kids present, mom & dad now gone…but same tables…same BBQ pit…
same waterfall cascading nosily in the background…
same train tressel going over the falls}
She loved it all!

She loved when we were all laughing and playing tree tag…
and she really loved when Mommy carried her and together they were a team!
She loved listening to the giggles as Daddy kept pouring the water in the kids mouths from afar….

Ruby especially loved when we sang Happy Birthday to Emmy later in the day….

Ruby loved it all..
and it’s time to celebrate her birthday next….

24 thoughts on “Ruby Loved It All

  1. I went to Houghton College for one year many moons ago and I have so many great memories made in Letchworth State Park. 36 years surely holds priceless memories. Happy belated birthday to Emma who my 10 year old admires from afar. What a beautiful gift I can tell she is to your family and the children of Uganda.

    Love from PA

  2. oh it looks so beautiful there!!!!
    And sending the most beautiful Emma, birthday wishes today!!! What an amazing young woman you are Emma!!!
    May this year surround you with love and joy and endless blessings!

  3. Gald it was such a sweet birthday for Emma! I love how you all ALWAYS have your own party!!!! So many wonderful family memories…you are all so precious!

  4. Lovely to hear about Ruby's wonderful day at her sister's party. Personal experience, Karl, my cousin, tells us that really, in the end, only God is in control of healing. Man may have no reason to hope, but God. HOpeful and prayerful that her neural connections will keep on being made, that her brain might grow and regenerate and that Joy will be a part of her life. Maybe she can show us and the doctors something about resilience we could not have imagined.

  5. Oh, how fun! How beautiful to see your Ruby laughing and filled with joy at celebrating her sister's birthday! What a treat for Emma. What special memories you are building for Emma to take with her to Uganda to put into her heart, too!

    janet and gang

  6. I love Letchworth! SOOOO beautiful. I have a picture taken almost in that same spot. My great-great-great grandfather's portrait hangs in the museum there. I love Emma's hair too. Very cute! I will have to try that on my girls' hair. Ruby is such a treasure :-).

  7. I am a day late, but I would love to wish Emma a belated happy birthday. She is an inspiration to me!

    And I truly enjoyed the pictures of your celebration!

  8. What a great family picture at the end… Love hearing how Emma celebrated her birthday:) So so sweet and miraculous that this year Ruby will be celebrating her birthday with her forever family!

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