67 thoughts on “The Text Message

  1. Linny, that is soooo not nice!!! You are such a tease 🙂 Hope you do a follow-up tomorrow. I don't like suspense. Been praying for all of you!

  2. Life turns on a dime. Quickly. Some wonderful things, some hard things. The comfort of knowing that all good or bad have passed through our Father's hands first, helps.

  3. OK, don't leave us hanging….. what is this about and what text message…is this a new thing or relating to something that has all ready happened ???

  4. OK, don't leave us hanging….. what is this about and what text message…is this a new thing or relating to something that has all ready happened ???

    1. Think about my life Jessi. I am a mom of many. Torturing bloggy friends is my only form of entertainment. And like I told my friends, Lisa and Leo, "when you're my age, and have a zillion kids, you get to do anything you want." haha. xo The torturing will end soon. Promise.

  5. ohmystars. ok, here's the plan…i'm going to just go to bed and pretend i did not read this very mysterious cryptic blog post of yours because otherwise i will be awake all night thinking about what it could mean!! lol! :}

  6. You are SUCH a tease!!! Just know I am praying for y'all. Hang in there…another 2 months, and Phoenix will be liveable again! Outside, that is! 🙂


  7. Is Sarah Jane coming home….oh please let it be gracious Jesus!!!!!!

    You know Linny, it is so unfair that you do this kind of post, but pleeeeease tell me that your precious Sarah Jane is coming home!


  8. Linny? Really? We have all of this back to school stuff on our minds. You can't leave us wondering about this too!! Seriously, I absolutely love your blog and I get so much encouragement along with motivation to do better! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  9. another adoption? another engagement? a job/ministry offer? thinking, thinking, thinking . . . and praying, too, because your family seems to offer plenty of opportunities for the rest of us to pray! You increase our prayer life post by post. 🙂

  10. When I read my husband your post, he just chuckled and said, "she just really loves to bait people"! We're praying for you here in Georgia.
    (and by the way…..what do you mean driving through the southern states and not coming to Gerogia???!!!)

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