Where Did YOU Go?

So the kind folks at the Beaty Chevrolet asked the cars that were to be worked on ahead of us if they would mind if they put theirs aside and worked on ours.  Seriously, who does that?

I guess that some of the kindest folks appear to live in Eastern Tennessee.

Late yesterday the car was finished and running so we threw our stuff in and headed across Tennessee.  We made it to Columbia so we could enjoy a quick look around Ethridge this morning and maybe happen along on some Shoofly Pie made by some Amish folks.

Although we did not find any Shoofly Pie {such a bummer} we did find some fried pies {the coconut was unbelievable and it was fat free and calorie free too – haha}, canned goods and farm vegetables.  We were able to talk to some really precious Amish folks.  One was a woman named {of all things} Emma who had 15 children.  She was so sweet.   I am dreamy enough to think if I lived next door to Miss Emma that we would be nice friends…her kids were ages 21 to 7 months.  She giggled and laughed as we talked.  Such a sweetheart.

I have long been fascinated with the Amish life and although there is a true myth that the grass might be greener anywhere else, I often have wondered what it is like to live an Amish life?  Of course, I always wanted to live during Little House on the Prairie days as well and no doubt, it seems that most of me would rather be living on acres and acres in Nowhereville living a simpler life.   Am I the only one out there who has wished for days gone by?

Lastly, the craziest thing happened this morning at the Jameson Inn in Columbia.  Dw and the kids had gone ahead to breakfast and Emma and I were packing up the room.   We arrived at the breakfast area and Dw said, “You are never gonna’ believe who is here.”  He and Graham were laughing.

I turned around and there she was.  Savannah’s grandma.  How wild is that?  Only the Lord could have orchestrated that.  Savannah’s mom needed her to come home so Savannah flew home about 10 days ago,  but it was sooo amazing to see her Grandma and Grandpa and we spent some time talking and praying with them.   Her grandpa used to pastor.   We cried when we had to say goodbye.

But seriously, what are the odds?  Only the Lord.  We knew there was a specific purpose in it all.

We rode the backroads of Ethridge and I know there is a bloggy friend who lives there, but I couldn’t remember how you contacted me, nor could I find it.  I would have loved to hug your neck, please forgive and how blessed you are to live there.  

So here we are on I-40 in Eastern Arkansas stuck in roadwork traffic trying to drive a billion miles to get home by Monday afternoon.   Ruby and Isaiah have three doctor appointments this coming week, so we are on a mission to get home Monday.  

Only 1,369 miles to go.

So here are some questions for those who feel up to answering.

Where did you vacation this summer?

Have you ever gone across the country driving?

Have you ever wandered around “Amish Country”?

What was your favorite thing you did this summer?

103 thoughts on “Where Did YOU Go?

  1. Ok, first, my "dream" life would be Little House on the Prairie. Seriously! Me, too! Vacation? We love to camp in a place called Cook Forest. And I forget the rest of the questions! Hahaha…..

  2. No money to vacation anywhere.
    I have driven across the country four times in my life…all on different routes.
    Used to live in Amish country in Wisconsin when I was young…
    Only thing this summer is coming to stay with daughter and two grandsons in Columbia, SC for a week…
    Love from NC

    1. Four times cross country and all different routes…which was your fav? This one has been really beautiful for us. And to live in WI Amish country, in the words of Napoleon Dynamite "lucky". Bless you friend.

  3. The only vacation we went on this summer was up to a friends cottage. It was our 7th annual – grandmas, moms and children. This year we had 14 kids ages 13 down to 7 weeks. The theme was adventure camp. We hiked, went sailing, camping, campfires; had our annual parade through the small town (everyone expects us now). Crazy fun!

    Unfortunately this was our only vacation this summer because while I was there I learned I have breast cancer. Ten days ago I had a bilateral mastectomy. I am on the road to recovery (for this part of the adventure). Chemo will start around the end of the month followed by radiation. Long road ahead.

    After this is done and over with we plan to get an RV and travel around the country for the entire three month summer. We have already started writing our wish lists of places/people to visit.

    1. Oh Mel, I am so sorry for your news on your vacation. What a horrible thing! I am thankful you are healing and I will pray that the road to complete healing and recovery will be swift. And when you are traveling in your RV….make your way to the desert and let's have coffee together?? Bless you my friend.

  4. Oh Linny I missed you guys! We spend the morning in Columbia! It is about 12 miles from our farm. We test drove a horse trailer, picked it up in Columbia and towed it home to Williamsport then towed it back to the trailer dealer in Columbia and bought it! We've been looking for a used horse trailer off and on for the past 4 years or so, and God blessed us with the perfect one.

    We passed by the Jameson Inn many times today!

    Isn't Amishland beautiful? I find it so very peaceful each time we go there. The Amish people are always so very nice. I have my favorite farms I stop at for fresh veggies, horse tack, right now we are furnishing our home with cedar made log furniture. Eli is making the pieces for us. A very nice young Amish man.

    I am so glad you and your family were able to experience the beauty. So sorry I missed y'all though!

    Journey mercies to you as you travel homme.

    aka: Freedom HOllow Farm Girl (Brock's mama, you and all the knee team prayer that I'd be able to watch him graduate last June and God answered big time with two tickets within hours of the graduation!)

    1. Suzanne, I know exactly who you are and I had no idea we were near your home! Wow. You live in a beautiful area and how blessed you are to live near Ethridge. We met the sweetest young guy who added such pleasure to our trip. His name was David and he pointed us to his mom's where we bought some fun stuff…

  5. Our vacation this summer was our mission trip to Mexico. We went to a small valley in the Baja for a week. Such an amazing week. My husband and I rarely go on "vacation." All of our "vacations" have been to Mexico for mission work. And that's just fine with us. 🙂 This "vacation" was always the best thing we did this summer. We can't wait to head back.
    I have never drive across country and I'm not sure I want to. Well that is…unless I was in your fun loving van! 🙂 I have driven from Indiana to West Virginia and from Indiana to South Dakota.. but those two places were far enough!
    I went to a college in Indiana that was right in the middle of "Amish Country." A lot of the Amish worked at the college. And there was the yummiest Amish bakery that we would always go to!

    1. What beautiful hearts spent serving in Mexico. That's where we used to go all the time, but they closed the orphanage we worked at. And as far as cross country…no doubt, it is pretty fun in our van…not always…but mostly…and you would probably shake your head and giggle at some of the stuff we do…and our rule is "What happens in our van, stays in our van…" so we'd have to swear you to secrecy. haha.

  6. I have been following your blog for a few months now and really enjoy it! Thanks for all you share and your heart for orphans.

    My husband retired from the Army after 23 years in 09 and we sold our home, put our stuff in storage, bought an RV and toured N. America for a whole year! WAY fun!! We have now seen all 50 states (made a trip to HI in 1994) and were in 7 provinces.

    We live in PA and get our raw milk from an Amish family. They are all so sweet and kind and I love their children. They are always looking out for us and making sure we have everything we need.

    Speaking of Amish, I just finished reading an amazing book called Rosanna of the Amish. The authors last name is Yoder I believe (I lent the book to a friends, so I don't have it in front of me). It is a true story written by the son of Rosanna. It is her life story and written about people the son either met or heard his mom talk about. Interwoven in all of that is what the Amish believe, why they do different things they do, i.e. horse and buggy, sunday services, meals, families, and so on. Just an amazing book and so insightful. If you haven't read it, do!

    Blessings to you from another homeschooler and adoptive mom!

    1. Sue, what a blessing to hear from you. First, thank you to you, your husband and your family for your faithful service to our country. Your RV trip? Wow. What a blast…we would LOVE to do that. In fact we tried, but what a hellish nightmare it was…of course, the RV was 32 {I think} years old. Like who does that? We are either the eternal optimists or the dumbest 50+ year olds in the world. Anyway, will have to look for the book…Emma has read a lot about them. xo

  7. I have been following your blog for a few months now and really enjoy it! Thanks for all you share and your heart for orphans.

    My husband retired from the Army after 23 years in 09 and we sold our home, put our stuff in storage, bought an RV and toured N. America for a whole year! WAY fun!! We have now seen all 50 states (made a trip to HI in 1994) and were in 7 provinces.

    We live in PA and get our raw milk from an Amish family. They are all so sweet and kind and I love their children. They are always looking out for us and making sure we have everything we need.

    Speaking of Amish, I just finished reading an amazing book called Rosanna of the Amish. The authors last name is Yoder I believe (I lent the book to a friends, so I don't have it in front of me). It is a true story written by the son of Rosanna. It is her life story and written about people the son either met or heard his mom talk about. Interwoven in all of that is what the Amish believe, why they do different things they do, i.e. horse and buggy, sunday services, meals, families, and so on. Just an amazing book and so insightful. If you haven't read it, do!

    Blessings to you from another homeschooler and adoptive mom!

  8. We live only about 40 minutes from Amish and do a ton of business there. They built our barn, our chicken coop, mill our wood, built our dining room table and church pews. We even buy our chickens and our German Shepherd puppy from the Amish. They are amazing craftsmen and their price is always better! I'm thrilled we live near them.

  9. A couple things…Who is Savannah? I have seen a few references to her but I am not sure who she is?

    I use to yearn for the Amish life but then I realize a few things…they believe it is prideful to believe in personal salvation. They do not allow anyone to "accept Jesus as their personal Savior" how sad to be so close to truly understanding grace and then to not allow it. Also, they separate menfolk from the ladies in service. I would so miss sitting as a family. I adore sitting with my hubster and all our little ones!

    Outside of that the life is definitely lovely! I'll stick with mine, though!

    1. Savannah is a young girl who has been living with us off and on. She is also 'courting' Graham. We pray for the Amish to understand their need for a personal relationship with Christ,

  10. I used to love the Amish life, then I too found out that they don't have relationships with Jesus, and they believe everything bad or good is God's will. In other words, they have no room for our free will to follow satan instead of God'a commandments. They take no personal responsibility, just think it was 'God's will' they behaved as such. Somehow I think that is misguided at the least. However, love their furniture and their cooking! I grew up near them in PA.

    1. They are extremely gifted craftsmen/women that's for sure! And their baking? Yummm. We bought cinnamon rolls for $2.50 – an entire pack…and I really like that they do not have any frosting {too sweet for me if it did}…

      As far as their 'religion' I am thankful that we have opportunity to pray for them…they are such wonderful folks!

  11. We are spending our summer right here in Massachusetts in our own back yard and loving it! But I have been able to follow my daughter's trip to Rwanda and stalked you as you travel across the country. Can't wait to head to PA to see our daughter when she gets home…and give her a big mama hug!!!

    Laurie in Leominster

    1. Awesome that your daughter is in Rwanda! She will be full of stories that is for sure.

      And so does it mean that you are traveling vicariously with us as we travel? Well it's just about 5,000 miles at tbis moment and I was wondering – are you as 'noised out' as I am? We are still having fun, really, we are. But I could use about an hour of quiet. You too? =)

  12. Have enjoyed reading along with your road trip adventures! We love road trips and have logged many miles, camping in our tent along the way, seeing God's gorgeous creation. Last summer's road trip was 6,000 miles, so I know what you're feeling. Love making memories, but it's always good to come home.

    We live not far from an Amish community and a couple of weeks ago I went to their produce auction. I brought home lots of yumminess (tomatoes, squash, eggplant, fresh eggs, etc) and we also ate lunch there. Oh the fresh peach pie……

    Favorite thing this summer…was blessed to go to Mexico to celebrate 20 years with my husband. Another favorite to come next week when I go backpacking in Yosemite with my parents and brothers. Talk about God's gorgeous creation! Not a typical summer for us as we normally have all the kids on a trip with us.

    Praying you home!

    1. Mexico to celebrate? That sounds beautiful! I mentioned to Dw the other day that I have never seen white beaches {Mexico, Caribbean, Hawaii, anything!}…and so on my bucket list is to see even one one day.

      Have you had Shoofly pie? It was the most delicious pie…Dw, Abi and I found it probably 27 years ago when we wandered around the back roads of Pennsylvania. I tried to make it one time and it was gross. I'm usually good with a recipe but honestly it was so nasty. I surely needed HER recipe…and have never been brave enough to try another one.

      Happy backpacking…love that idea too!

      And lastly, thank you for praying us home. I confess I will be very sad to see it end. Emma moves to Uganda this fall…and I know that's around the corner once we get home. {giant wails} ugh.

  13. Last year we went to Phoenix for Christmas with my family. We celebrated at the beginning of December so we could all get together at my mom's. On the way home our Expedition started misbehaving terribly. At first we thought we had a very bad tire because it was driving so rough. We soon realized that it was engine trouble. We pulled into a store that sells auto parts to see if we could use their code reader but someone had it rented out. We decided to go to the Ford dealer to see what the problem was. We never take our car to the dealership to be fixed because they are so outrageously expensive. We had the best service we have ever had! They worked on our car right away and fixed the problem for $100. We were out of there withing one hour. I was so thankful to God that the car broke down right as we got to town, not out in the middle of nowhere, and that the price was one we could afford. God's provision and care is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. So thankful for God's provision for you too! We go to a dealership because it's still under warranty {thank you Jesus}…

      And Phoenix? That's my home now! Crazy to be able to say that.

  14. We are spending our summer in our own back yard this year and enjoying it! It's also been fun to follow our daughter's trip to Rwanda on line and stalk you as you travel across the country. Have a safe trip back and enjoy that wedding!!!

    1. Somehow you posted two comments…but in the other you didn't mention Autumn and Karl's wedding. It sure is getting close and all Autumn has ever wanted was to be married. We are all so excited for you…and after Karl's accident? This truly is only by the grace of God.

    2. I have switched to my own google account since I was using our blog login all the time (In LIne with the Word). Not always as tech savvy as I'd like to be. Praising God that Karl and Autum have the opportunity to spend the rest of their lives together…they've been through so much together already. Can't wait to see the wedding pictures. Our son recently got engaged so we are having fun with the wedding plans.

      I've heard the noise from your van all the way to Massachusetts but it's a wonderful noise to a mother's ear….giggling, laughing, squealing, singing…but we both know, mamas need some quiet time too! Praying that you get that time of rest and quiet (even if it's only for an hour).

      Our daughter is in Rwanda as part of her grad program.They are there interviewing survivors of the genocide. She said she met a lady was 10 years old during the genocide. She hid under bodies in the swamp to survive…unbelievable. Even though the college has one agenda, God is doing a mightily work in Caitlin's heart while she's there. It's her first time being in a secular school so she brings a different perspective to the trip than some others. She has fallen in love with the African people especially the children. The place she is staying is right next door to a Quaker church – who are very evangelical in Rwanda. God has placed a wonderful family in her path and she's been able to spend a lot of time with them. I love how He just takes care of every detail. I can't wait to hear all her stories.

      Enjoy the rest of your cross country trip…I'm loving it just to let you know!!! Blessings from Leominster…

  15. My mother and I visited some Amish folks in Pennsylvania in the late 90s. It was such a wonderful trip! I, too, have always wanted to live in the times of Laura Ingalls and the little house on the prairie. I think I was born too late sometimes. I have managed to simplify my life so that is good.


    1. There was a song that was sung many years ago {I remember hearing it at my friends home when I was young}…and it was "Born too Late"….although it was referring to a love story kind of song, it has always rung in my head about my love for the 1800's. I know it was truly a very difficult time to live and many hardships, but Laura Ingalls sure made it look pretty sweet, didn't she?

  16. 🙂 We rarely "vacation". This summer my bigs and I went on a missions trip to south Texas. It was an amazing trip (with the exception of the worse case of poison ivy my dr has ever seen) and God worked miracles in the lives of the students on the trip!

    I personally have traveled the country as a teen on youth trips and with the Continental Singers, and once with Todd pre-children. LOVE LOVE LOVE traveling of all sorts! The furthest we have driven with all the kids is Iowa, but have had several opportunities to fly with them even to different states and countries.

    Amish country: Todd's parents live in the heart of Iowa Amish country and we frequently wander the stores and have made "field trips" to the neighbors' houses to see the farm animals, ride a buggy or other farmy things. I have often imagined living in Nowheresville and how peacefully simple it might be. We have even seriously toyed with the idea of building a house on the family farm where our 2 closest neighbors would be an Amish family. (no grammatical error there, as the grandparents live across from the children/grandchildren 😉 )

    My favorite thing this summer was the day we took to hike up McCullough Gulch (near Breckenridge) and picnic. Or it might have been the Texas trip where we did get to spend a day on the beach doing fun things like riding banana boats and para-sailing and just hanging out with my kids and the youth group! I can tell you the previously mentioned poison ivy that nearly put me in the hospital and from which I am still recovering now more than 4 weeks later was NOT among my favorite things!! HA!

    1. I have always told Dw that I would love to be plopped down in the middle of a 1,000 acres in an old farmhouse and have my groceries air dropped in. haha. Nowhereville does sound really grand at times.

      And listen, I vote for the house on the family farm…on one condition. That we get to come visit.

      The poison ivy sounds like a nightmare. Dw's had it like that – he is highly allergic. HIGHLY. This was at our first pastorate. It looked like he'd been severely burned with the sores open and oozing. A guy in the church suggested he scrape it with a razor and pour bleach on it. He did. Weirdo. WHen he told me he was going to do it I thought, You are out of your stinkin' tree. He was in agony for weeks and when he told the doc he had done the bleach/razor thing the doc wanted to examine his head. haha

    2. You KNOW that you and the crew are always welcome anywhere we are!

      Tell DW that I have total sympathy for him. I am also apparently HIGHLY allergic! It was just like having a chemical burn, blisters and itch and pain, nerves so overloaded that the slightest touch or breath of air hurt. I had it on both arms, pits to wrist, and both legs thigh to ankles, and I would have tried anything to get relief! As it was I tried everything that anyone told me would help! By the grace of God no one told me to scrape it off with a razor and put bleach on it! I'd have done it!!! Vinegar, aloe, caladryl, banana peel, salt water, epsom salts, ivarest, cortizone, urine, tea tree oil, and ice are all on the list of things I tried. None of it helped (at least not for more than a few minutes!). MASSIVE doses of prednisone, benedryl and vicodin helped get it under control finally! It will be awhile before the scars fade, but praise the Lord that he brought me through that ordeal! You can also tell DW that I was smart enough to 'pop' several of the larger blisters to get relief and caused myself a nice infection, that might make him feel better about the razor/bleach thing!

    3. If we're always welcome, then I vote for the move. haha. {Like I have a vote.}

      And we promise not to ask, but since I am reading the comments aloud, I confess we all said, "URINE?" No questions. Promise. A girl has to do what a girl has to do to stop the pain. But URINE? haha. Still giggling over that one.

    4. A good ol' boy from Texas told me that's what his grandma woulda told me to do. I tell you, I was desperate for relief. That's all that needs be said 'bout that!

  17. We took our tow behind travel trailer to New England this year…Maine specifically, with some time in New Hampshire in the White Mountains and ended in the Poconos (PA) at our annual church camping weekend. It went much better than I expected and so far has been my favorite part of the summer.

    As we live in Lancaster County, PA, amish (and other plain peoples) are not such a novelty here…in fact, one of my friends married a man who grew up Amish but did not join the church. Whenever I have questions about the Amish, I ask her. 🙂

    I have never driven cross country, but my husband's a truck driver and right now he's doing his first ever cross-country run. He's currently in Idaho. I have a feeling he's going to want to take us all out to see that beauty! I've always wanted to go to Colorado and Wyoming. I'd also like to see Arizona and Utah. But all the driving to get from here to there doesn't thrill me. 🙂

    1. Dw and I honeymooned in Lake Wallenpaupack in the Poconos 34 years ago next week. it is beautiful up there. We had a tiny little honeymoon cabin. Played shuffleboard alot and swam. Sweet relaxing fun.

      Sweet fun to live in Lancaster Cnty, PA.

      And your husband will no doubt tell you of the Western beauty of our nation. And if he wants to take you? DO IT! It's spectacular…swing by AZ and we'll have coffee. =)

  18. No vacations for us this year…we're just starting the process to adopt domestically, and we need to bank all of our vacation days to use as maternity leave:). My favorite thing this summer is definitely the Olympics. I am a huge Olympics dork and I get ridiculously excited each time they happen. My husband is a great sport and puts up with near constant viewing:). Some of my earliest memories are about the Olympics, so I guess that's why I've always loved them.

    1. We have loved watching the olympics as well. To imagine the hours, weeks, months and years to compete in any event – wow. And of course, we love Gabbie – and were pretty tickled to be in Virginia Beach when she was competing! Go Gabbie!

  19. We took a short vacation to the little log cabin I grew up in right next to the ocean in Maine. My Dad built our house when I was 11 and the whole family helped. This year was our first summer vacation with our two newest sons, ages 5 and 15, who have been home for a year from China. Everything is so new and exciting for both of them, especially a summer vacation and getting to go get wet in the very cold Atlantic Ocean.

    I have visited Amish country and have also always been fascinated with it all. I got to spend some time with an Amish family in March when my son was at Shriner's Hospital getting a double foot amputation so he could get prosthetic feet. I wouldn't normally ask an Amish family too many questions since I wouldn't want to be too prying but they were fascinated by my son and were asking me lots of questions so I felt like it was o.k. to ask them some questions too. The Amish boy who had been at Shriner's Hospital for a month was so sweet and his father, aunts, uncles and lots of other family were always visiting him. I could see how much the extended family supported each other. The Amish boy was one of 18 children and his Mom had died a few years prior in a vehicle accident.

    The uncles talked to me the most and were asking me all about international adoption and how that worked and about my son's special needs. It was kind of funny to have an Amish family interested in my family when I have always been so interested in them.

    1. I have been reading the comments to the family as we drive. Amazing that you got to spend time with an Amish family at the hospital. Graham has been reading about them {he is our go-to guy for information} and he said that there is quite a bit of movement among the Amish to adopt…pretty neat! Your son's surgery sounds horrible. I pray that he is healing…

      Isn't it such a wonderful privilege to watch our once-orphan treasures do things for the first time? LOVE it.

  20. Sending a prayer up that you don't have any more exciting delays on your trip. Wouldn't want you to be late for the wedding of the year!

    1. Thank you for the prayers for our trip…Autumn was definitely growing concerned at the first report of not even having the part until NEXT Wednesday! Cause then we still have to drive home and THEN repack, take care of stuff at home and head back by the following Tuesday. She's relieved we're on the road. Under a 1,000 miles now!

  21. We just got back from the beach today! It was so fun! You say you drove through Tennessee? We live in Memphis! It would have been super fun to meet you! Maybe next year? 😉 We haven't driven across the country this year. Or last year. Or the year before that. I don't think my crazy family would be up for that… maybe when I have a family of my own? I'll tell them of a blog I read as a kid and how it gave me a great idea to drive across the country! Who knows? It's always fun to read your blog and all your encouraging things to write. Happy weekend!!!

    1. The beach? Which one? We were on Virginia Beach…and that was such a perfectly wonderful day. Not too windy. Warm. Water refreshing…perfect. And when you are taking your kids {someday} across country, then you will have to bring them to my house and introduce yourselves. Mimi would love to meet them. =)

  22. I'm (gently) laughing along with you in your sentimental wish to live the Little House on the Prairie life. I have that wistful desire myself sometimes, but then again…

    My husband would not have survived cancer without chemo and radiation.
    One of my sons would not have survived the ruptured appendix he had three years ago.
    And my precious HoH (hard of hearing… nearly deaf) son would not have the blessing of HEARING through hearing aids and now a cochlear implant.

    Our "vacation" this summer has been more trips than I can count to Seattle Children's hospital and our local university for his CI surgery, mapping appointments, and auditory habilitation therapy.

    Oh Linny, don't hear any judgment in my voice, because I know you're thankful, too, for the medical help available to your blessings as well! I just have to remind myself of that when I find myself wishing for a "simpler" time. (And oh Lord, I am a modern girl, and I am thankful every day for indoor plumbing!)

    God bless you,

    Julie G

    1. Julie,
      I totally agree with you on the medical stuff. No doubt, it is the time we are supposed to be here…but there remains a casual longing in my soul which cannot be ignored. So I continue to simplify as much as possible! Can't help but believe the Lord put the longing there, so that I would keep it simple and strive for simplicity and focus on the things that really matter {like the orphan}, ya' know what I mean?

      We were in Seattle last summer…and one day we will go again, Lord wiling. Beautiful area. Sadly, it's further from Phoenix, then it was from Durango. Oh well.

  23. I didn't take a vacation this summer but I did attend a leadership conference in St Louis. I had no idea what a cool city that was but it was sooo much fun. The St Louis City Museum is hands down the best place I have been to in a LONG time.

    I love Amish country. They make the best cheese and meats.

    I have driven across country (FL to CA and back again) once as a kid. And after college, my bestie and I drove for three weeks from GA up to Chicago, then across the north to Boston and NYC and down the east coast back to Atlanta again. That was the best trip! I think everyone should do that after college. A great way to see the country!

    My very favorite thing this summer is a tie between the summer Olympics and the new boy in my life.


    1. PPC,
      I am reading the comments aloud as we drive and those who comment enough that I know them, I give a bit of background. So, the "new boy" thing…hmmmm. Has me smiling. Emma said she loved how you even said it. Sweet. Happy summer KK, new boy and all. xo

  24. Hi Linny! 🙂

    As for vacations…this year my Mom and I have been doing day trips (within our home state of CT and our neighbors MA) and have been having a lot of fun with it. Our library has museum passes, so we can get in for little to nothing for admission. 🙂 My favorite so far has been to Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory in Deerfield, MA.

    As for Amish-ness, I have a friend who was Old Order…met her on one of our vacations. Since then (2006) her and her family have left the church since they've found a relationship with Christ, and we pray for those in the Amish community!! She still lives in the area, so I like to go visit when I can 🙂

    Never been cross-country, but that'd be awesome. I love traveling…

    Let's meet up if you're ever in CT!!!

    Praying for y'all!!

    1. I had really hoped to get to CT…one bloggy friend has promised me pie on her porch if we had made it. {Do you know Stephanie from Daily Smiles?} Anyway, I love that you have a friend who has found Christ. We will make it a family matter of prayer…to see more understand the life-changing message of Christ and come to know him personally.

  25. Linny, I am the same way… I have always said I was born in the wrong time era… I love to garden, can, an more weird stuff, but at the same time am so thankful for some of today's modern conveniences:):) Praying for safe travel the rest of your way home. You aren't too far from us now… be careful as you travel through Oklahoma. We are having some nasty wild fires and there are some road closures too…

    We are so thankful you included us for lunch along your way to NY… It was such a blessing and encouragement to us. The kids and I had a great trip to Wisconsin, but are so thankful to have the whole family together again… We are hoping to take the pop up to the "Blue Hole" (a freezing cold natural spring about an hour away) for a few days too cool off in this crazy heat!

    Praying for the Bride and Groom to be and that you all have such a sweet time at the wedding! Much love Linny!

    1. I'm with you on the canning and stuff from days gone by. And as for lunch with you guys? It was a highlight on our trip. Thank you for meeting up with us. Next time it's your turn to come to Phoenix…xo

  26. My family vacationed in Blackwater River State Park (FL) and Gulf State Park (AL). We camped in our RV and had a blast! We tubed down the Blackwater River, went to the beach in Gulf Shores, and did lots of bike riding.

    You aren't alone in your love of the 1800s. My third grade class took a field trip to Westville, a living history museum in GA, and ever since then I've been captivated. Here's the link to the museum: http://www.westville.org/ A cool place! I could seriously stay there all day.

    1. I have been asked to speak twice in Georgia this coming year, so we are talking of driving there for one of the speaking engagements. Maybe we can go to Westville!! I love places like that. And your family vacation? Sounds perfect to me. Tubing, water fun and bike riding. Delightful!

  27. My husband and I spend an hour twice a week sitting at the tables in an Amish grocery store/deli while our foster grandson has a visit with his bio mom. Our favorite get away for a few hours of relaxation is to another Amish community 45 mins from our home. We always come back refreshed.

    We currently are on an adventure to be remembered. We are at a family reunion visiting my 86 yr old MIL. Our niece who was adopted as a baby and went through a rebellious time in her teens has joined us after not having much contact for 17 years. We are all thrilled.

    To get to this reunion we traveled with 10 of us crammed into a 7 passenger mini van on an 8 hr trip that took us 12 hrs with all of our stops. We were coming with 9 of us, but a beautiful 1 mo old foster baby joined our family the evening before we left. We came with 3 teens, 2 6 yr olds, a 7 mo old, a 1 mo old and 3 adults

    A trip none of us will ever forget.

    1. Since I am reading the comments aloud, Dw's words when I read yours? "How the heck did they put 10 with 4 being adults in a mini-van?" We've done 9 on a 9 hour trip in a minivan..but 10…one would have had to be on the roof rack. Which two were on your roof rack? Or did it just depend on who was naugtiest? haha. Thrilled your niece returned after 17 years…wonderful news!

    2. The two babies and the two 6 yr olds were in their car seats. Two adults obviously got the front 2 bucket seats. The other adult sat in the rear bench seat in between the 2 6 yr olds. The 2 babies were in the middle bucket seats. One teen sat with her back on the console and her legs between the middle bucket seats. The other 2 teens sat in the rear cargo area facing each other. The luggage took the car top carrier. Glad to hear that someone else has done this kind of stuff. I started to write about it last night and almost deleted it as I didn't want to stir up a lot of negative discussion about what a terrible thing we did. We prayed and prayed about this. We tried to find a larger vehicle to buy, rent or borrow. Nothing worked out. Who would we leave home? Unthinkable. Would we say no to a foster baby God said yes to?

    3. No judgment here. Promise. We have had to 'improvise' from time to time, knowing God has our back and has brought us to the place we have found ourselves in…like when i picked up a single mom who had 2 little ones with her and was walking the road, leaving an abusive situation. Bless you my sweet friend. xo

  28. Thinking of you all! We love visiting the Amish when we go to the est coast for Brahm's dr. I guess I only thought the Amish lived in PA! No trips this summer but we truly are blessed with our 5 acres, chickens and bunnies. A little piece of heaven that lets our littles roam! Praying your sweet Ruby is still singing away

    1. True confessions. We've had acreage {31, 15, 3, 21}…and I sure miss it all. Hearing about your 5? Waaaa. Driving America has only made me miss the countryside. I love Phoenix, but will probably need little 'country fixes' every now and then. I do hope you have a rooster…cause then it would be perfect! xo

  29. Linny,
    For vacation this year my family is taking a long weeked and going to the poconos later this month. We have never been even though we only live 2 hours or so away. It will be different this year as we have a couple non-family members coming along as well. (Making our family of 7 a family of 9)
    I live in Lancaster County, but I live in an area where there are not a lot of amish. Meaning I only pass a horse and buggy about once a week. 🙂
    I have never gone cross country driving but I would LOVE to sometime in the future. I think it would be so much fun!
    My favorate part of this summer is that I have gotten to just be me. I have not had a lot of comitments outside of my family and Boyfriend, so I have gotten to just do what I wanted to/needed to do at my pace.
    I use to dream of living in the days gone by. Now I dream of living a more simple life in the middle of nowhereville USA. Where life flows with the seasons. But I we will see where God leads.

    1. I am so glad you have gotten to just be YOU! You is the best person to be, cause that's who God made you to be and He loves you oh-so-much!

      And by the way, Miss Abigail – I love your name! What's your middle? Our Abigail is Abigail Lynn.

    2. Linny,

      I am Abigail Ruth. Thanks so much for the encouragement. It means a lot to me that you would take the time to do so with all that you have going on.

    3. What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, I am certain. We have always told our Abigail that her name means: The father is joyful…and no doubt, you bring great joy to your father as well {heavenly as well as earthly.}. xo

  30. My dad and my hubby are both retired Air Force, so throughout my life, I've traveled to a number of places. Every summer I say we're going to pack the kids and take a road trip, but planning and doing are two different things!!
    BUT next week we are going to a family camp for the first time! It's sponsored by Joni EarecksonTada's foundation. We're really looking forward to it!
    P.S. I always enjoy following your blog

    1. You are a military wife? Awww. Thank you and your husband and dad and family for all your service. Bless you.

      And when I read you were going to Joni's camp…I started to cry. What a blessing. Her ministry is amazing.

      Thankful for you. xo

  31. We drove across the country when we were married 27 years ago. My home (and the wedding) was in West Virginia, and we moved to Los Angeles. My husband's parents had taken them on several cross country drives when they were young, so he made sure to take me to unusual stops along the way. Have you ever been to the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD? haha

    Our vacation this year was a trip to Florida to visit my 2 kids who are working at Disney World. We didn't vacation in Disney World, but we had a wonderful week with all 6 kids together. Now we're busy moving 2 other kids into their college dorms/apartments. I guess we are now reaching the stage of life where our vacations center around visiting the kids.

    1. Sherri,
      Have not been to Corn Palace, but we'd be game if we were that way. Love crazy stuff! And two kids working at Disney sounds like they must have some stories after that! Our vacations have turned to grown kid stuff, well, except for going to say good-bye to Dw's home…

  32. No vacation this year, unless you count the trip to China DH took to bring our son home 🙂
    We live about 40 minutes from the Amish in Ohio. My paternal grandparents were menonites. Very strick and they do seperate the men from the women. But I loved my Grandmother and often fantasize about living a simpler life….

    1. Some years we have not vacationed anywhere…and bringing home a son? Well that's a summer event to celebrate!! Bless you…and if I lived 40 min from Amish in Ohio I would just have to mosey over every so often….maybe one day…

    2. Anytime~ Woudl love to have you!!
      They have a menonite auction the first saturday in August every year and all money goes toward missions. It is such fun!! Food, antiques amish made items….love it!! And they love our big family. DH was actually invited by an amish farmer to bring all 7 of our kiddos to ride in a buggy and see his animals. We were told this was an honor and I cant wait to go!!

  33. Hmmmm…I vacationed….with YOU! Seriously, we LOVED our time in AZ, and meeting your wonderful family. Sure was a crazy time for y'all…lots going on, huh? Next time we come out I hope it will be less of a truly hectic time for the Saunders family, and we can hang out more together. But meeting you was definitely a highlight! 🙂 AZ in the summer? HMMM…not my FAVORITE time of year there…but I do miss it. And Phoenix First! Now THAT'S a church! 🙂 Mine is teeny, comparatively, but much the same!!
    I lived in Amish country for 8 years, and loved it. Ya haven't lived until you have spent time in Lancaster PA! 🙂

    I have often been told I was born a century later than I should have been! 🙂 Little House on the Prairie sounds right up my alley! 🙂

    Have never driven across country…from NY to FL, yes…but not width-wise!

    Hugs…Nancy & ShaoXi

    1. Nancy and ShaoXi…so fun to hug your necks and hang with you on July 4th…but this was indeed a non-stop time for us..and then we were gone..so we could be back for the wedding of the century! One day maybe you will be back to PHX…and then, perhaps, we can visit a bit longer…and watch ShaoXi's performance!

  34. Only a couple of short trips this year. We found 4 days to go to a state park not too far from home and do some hiking. Of course the kids consider a hotel, with hotel cable and a pool "vacation." The kids and I packed up yesterday morning and headed to Indiana go visit with Kim McAbee while Josephine is here. Went to church with them this morning and had lunch and will visit with them for a bit tomorrow and head home Tuesday. So thankful to be able to do that. We are hoping to take a real trip in November when cross country season is over for Coach Daddy. Hubby is in Ecuador on mission trip right now with some of our youth group.
    We live in Wisconsin Amish country… just another reason for you to come visit!!
    And I always wanted to live with Laura Ingalls Wilder too!!! 🙂

    1. Okay, well if you live near Wisconsin Amish country then I think we will have to put that on our bucket list. Course, Phoenix is a good place to visit as well. Just sayin'. And somehow knowing you would want to live with LIW too, that doesn't really surprise me. You are indeed a kindred spirit. Miss you and love you. xo

  35. This summer we spent a few weeks in the mountains of Colorado with extended family. I loved being in the mountains and it was nice being with family while my husband is deployed. I also have had a fascination with the Amish. I didn't know they made shoofly pie, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised as I grew up with my mom making it from a Mennonite cookbook. Yum!!! Praying for safe travels on your way home.

    1. SO your hubby is deployed. Thank you Beccy for your service…and I will be praying, now that I know. And when you have a minute, can you send me the recipe for Shoofly pie? The one I made was horrific…so bad we threw it out and I am usually a pretty decent baker. Thank you for your prayers as we head home. I just mapquested it from Dw's phone so I could officially say, 674 miles. sad to see the trip end, but my hips will be grateful to stretch and walk all day long.

  36. I live in Southwest MO. Actually, you drove by me coming and going but I've been having the summer of sickness so sadly, I couldn't message you about meeting. Found out this week that it is almost certain that I have Lyme disease. We did manage to go on a vacation of sorts to KC and then to northern IA this summer to catch a baseball game and then to visit family and see my cousin get married. I have driven as far as 20 hours one way before but not so anxious to do it again. LOL Oh, my point about southwest MO is we have a lot of Amish around here. I love the Amish and their work ethic, etc… but admittedly, I love my modern conveniences too much to romanticize their lifestyle too much. LOL

  37. linny, so glad that your vehicle was ready sooner than expected. PTL! I wouldn't mind living in Little House on the Prairie times although some of my medical issues would have claimed my life earlier, more than likely and would have left 2 kids without a mom, just a dad? Who knows. but we can dream and I'd love to be on a bigger lot, in the country as well, since both hubby and I grew up in the country. So far the most fun I've had this summer…well, 2 things, beach trip with daughter and then the Canterbury Renaissanace faire a couple weeks ago. That's going way back in history. Never driven across country but I'd love to have a month to just get into car with a bag of clothes, food, camera (of course) and point car in a direction and go! Need money and possible could do. I've been to Amish country since hubby is from PA. 2002 we flew to PA to visit his folks as they weren't well. Flew to Philadelphia, then drove an hour that night, then met up with our beachy Amish friends and spent a few nights there with them. Rhoda is my penpal and such a dear person. Drove across from Lancaster area, closer to Pittsburgh for hubby's family. I would definitely go back to visit Rhoda if I had the chance. Next year, my vacation from work with be in Nicaragua with our sister church there. Am saving money for it and my boss said he'd make sure I'd be able to go. He's a Christian as well and has been on some trips overseas. Amazing! Not sure who Savannah is but I've heard the name. Refresh me again! Your trip sounds amazing. Our pastor, his wife and 3 young children (ages 2.5, 4 and 7) drove from OR to KS. They are back and he had some fun photos at church and some stories that he wove into the sermon. Take care and have a great week. No peddle to the metal, be safe out there my friends. Hugs and prayers!

    1. The medical issues definitely weave into reality, but as I said, there is something that calls to the simpler life, right? So fun to have an Amish penpal, I would love that! Nicaragua? Dw and some of our kids have done missions there – that's awesome! We have friends who serve there as well. Thank you for your prayers! xo

  38. My "vacation" this summer was two weeks on a mission trip in Africa! One week in Ethiopia and one week in Uganda. So…with that, no family vacation this summer. 🙂

    Never been to Amish country, but I would LOVE to. I, too, often dream of living in Little House days…or even making my own now by moving far away from civilzation!

    When I was around 13-ish years old, I drove (rode) from Texas to Washtington state with my 21-year-old cousin, to his brother's high school graduation. HOOO-BOY was that an adventure!! God had swarms of angels surrounding us and protecting us, no doubt! What was my mom thinking?! 🙂

    My favorite thing this summer? Definitely my mission trip. Counting the days until God lets me go back. 🙂

    Love you, Linny! Praying you guys have a safe trip home, and that Ruby is feeling better soon!

    1. Africa pulls one back, doesn't it? Love that you love it too.

      And I have to agree: What in THEE world was your mom thinkin? Glad you made it alive. aye-yi-yi.

      I had a time, many years ago, when I allowed one of my kids to back up the car in the driveway and they had never been behind any wheel. I look back and think I was out of my mind. They didn't even know which pedal was which, but it never crossed my mind. When they figured out what the brake was, they hit it and screeched to a halt and shockingly, killed a snake that had made it's way into the drive. haha. It was the craziest thing. But across the country at 13? Yeah, that would be the ultimate: What was I thinkin?


  39. We spent a week in leola PA staying on an amish farm with the kids-our favourite place… we were given free amish buggy rides and soaked up the simple life… the year before we paid to have dinner with an amish family for my birthday – this was the best night out we have ever had as a family… it was Febuary and the Dad hooked up the horse and buggy and tied a load of sleds to the back and pulled all the kids (theres and ours) around the yard, then gave buggy rides to the adults in the snow… it was awesome!!!!

    Hoping to take the kids to the beach for a couple of days in the next couple of weeks too….

    1. Oh.my.gracious. That sounds like the "funnest" vacation of all. And to be invited for a buggy ride!? Wow. And a birthday dinner with an Amish family? You are just livin' it up girlfriend! I will vicariously live it all thru you…xo

    2. Just have to give the glory to God. I took a leap of faith on Friday and God was faithfull as ever. Normally a 3 hour drive can cause me knee pain for days, and once a few years ago I drove 9 hours and had trouble walking for days. I wanted to bring my two daughters to visit their grandparents in Michigan, this would be the first time my parents would meet my treasure of a daughter from Ecuador. So I loaded up my "newer" car (thank you lord for that blessing last week) and drove my 2 daughters 15 HOURS to see their grandparents. The girls behaved like angels during the trip and I had ZERO knee pain. Only God, he has a reason for this visit and I love watching Him work!

  40. Love reading all your posts and grateful that Ruby is doing better!
    This summer we traveled to Siesta Keys and Disney World, I have never traveled across country but dream to one day, I grew up and went to school with Amish children in Odon, IN, and best part of summer was getting a referral of our sweet boy in Haiti! Praying the rest of your vacation is blessed!

    1. Siesta Keys sounds so relaxing…whether it is or not, it SOUNDS like it is!!

      And a referral from Haiti? Yippee Jesus! One less orphan in the world – congratulations!

  41. If you wanted shoo fly pie, you should have stopped in central PA. Lancaster is the heart of Amish country. And if you stopped in central PA, I could have said hi. Haha!
    As for vacations; we don't really take any. Too expensive, and my husband owns his own business. So, no paid vacation; if he doesn't work, the business doesn't make money. 🙁
    Never driven across the country, but my husband dreams of doing that when we retire. (I dream of living like a hermit in the woods somewhere.)
    My fav. time this summer just happened. For four days, my parents and brother's family came and stayed at our house. We went to a go-cart/mini-golf type place, visited Chocolate World, hike a little of the Appalachian Trail and went to a Senator's baseball game as well as eating a ton of food and just hanging out and enjoying time together. I love my family and super love having them around. It was so fun to be the hosts.
    I wish you travelling mercies as you finish your vacation. It sounds like a blast, but I'm sure it will be great to be back home. (I know it would be for me. I always have a little freak out when thinking about vacations, and though I have a blast while I'm away, am super glad to be back home and back to the normal routine.)

    1. What a blessing your family could come and have a "stay-cation" with you…the hike sounds like my favorite…find hiking so refreshing! And today, as we travel through Arizona, there is no doubt, I am looking forward to getting back into a routine!

  42. We are painfully unemployed right now, so our only summer "vacation" was a day trip to the zoo, but it was a "picture-perfect" day in every way. The children loved it and no one melted down the entire day, and I got to see the polar bear swimming, which had been my little daydream for about two years for whatever reason. :-)I'd say taking the children to the zoo was my favorite thing we did this summer. The rest of the summer has been a very long, awkward time of applying for jobs and waiting for interviews. We're taking the kids to the zoo again tomorrow (Tuesday) and praying for another great day in the hopes that our children will have -good- memories of summer as they head into the school year.

    I have always lived a long way from grandparents and cousins and so forth and so have been on many cross-country trips. LOVE seeing the countryside!

    We don't live near an Amish community, but we do have individual Amish people in the area and see them riding along in the buggies every once in a while. They are fascinating people!

    Blessings to you on your continued journey home! We pray that precious Ruby doesn't give you any more scares — may God bless her as she travels.

    1. I think we were at the zoo near where Tyler and Sarah are stationed and we were loving watching for the Polar Bear to come around…people before us had said he was near. So we waited. And waited. Everyone walked away since they were bored waiting. Suddenly out of nowhere he came around a corner and gave a massive growl while looking right at me…I almost wet my pants! It was so funny. They are amazingly cool! Happy Zoo day again – I pray for great memories and a job asap of God's great provision! xo

  43. The other day you tweeted about Toad Suck, AR. While scanning the web this morning, I came across an article, and immediately thought of you. I grew up in Arkansas, and now my Dad lives pretty close to Toad Suck. I've heard about Toad Suck all my life, but never knew where it got it's name. Well, here is the answer: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/toad-suck-arkansas-voted-most-unfortunate-town-name-194706672.html

    And to answer the question this post posed, We spent our vacation traveling some of the same roads you did. We traveled from Tahlequah, OK, to Flagstaff, AZ, and then on down to Mesa, AZ. BEAUTIFUL country! Our 8 year-old participated in the National Junior Disability Championships in Mesa. We were actually there a few days after the Haboob, and got to see from a distance a dirt storm and got rained on from the monsoon.

    Glad you had a good trip, but sorry we missed getting to see/meet you. Maybe next time…

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