Kneeling Together

Last week I received an email from a sweet bloggy friend named Abby.  {I mentioned her email the other day, but since have asked permission to share part of her story with you.}

Abby had been praying that we would have a corporate day of prayer and fasting so that she would be able to ask for prayer for her family.

Here’s a part of Abby’s email:

My 22 year old brother, Noah, was killed on August 4th. Noah was a proud member of the US Air Force. He was stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, and was hit by a car and killed while he was riding his bike to his overnight shift on post. 

This is the third brother I’ve buried. 

 All of Noah’s belongings are scheduled to arrive back at my parents’ home on the 24th, and we have to go through all of them. We need prayer. For peace in spite of not being able to understand the whys, forgiving hearts toward the young woman who killed him even though we may never get an apology, for strength to face the pain as the shock wears off and the reality of this new loss sets in, and that we would be careful as we grieve to say words and do actions that will glorify our risen Savior and point people to our hope in Him. 

 I’d also like to ask for prayer for the young lady who hit him…my prayer is that the Lord will use this terrible thing for good in her life. That if she doesn’t know HIM that she will learn to know him and trust in Him for salvation, and if she does, that it would draw her into deeper relationship with Him. 

 I just don’t want Noah’s life and death to be wasted. I know the Lord can work miracles, and I think my heart is just crying out that He will let us see them here in this life in this situation.

To lose a son – unbearable!

But to bury, now, three sons?

Who can even begin to comprehend?

My heart grieves with Abby and her family.

Would you pray with us that God would comfort, administer His peace to their
broken hearts and that in all of this Christ would have preeminence?

I know many of you are hurting.

Many, like Abby, have experienced great loss.

Many are struggling financially.

Many are in the midst of broken relationships.

Many are longing for a change.

Many need a miracle.

Today, let’s pray together for God’s presence to overflow our lives.

Thank you for trusting us with your requests.  Many, around the world, will be praying for your need.

Please pray for others as you read through the requests.  It is miraculous how when we pray for others, God moves on our hearts in ways that are unexplainable and together we will see God move mountains…

as we share our burdens with one another….

May God bless you all….

Please share your requests in the comment section below:

152 thoughts on “Kneeling Together

  1. Joining you for prayer and fasting as I pray for the needs of your readers, as well as for the many needs of my immediate and extended family.

    Thanks so much. Wishing you continued blessings,

  2. I am praying with everyone today! Please add our Orphan Care Ministry at our Church. That we follow God's Will and listen carefully to His direction as we begin new programs. And for our family personally, as we are getting closer to the time that we will have to make decisions about growing our family through adoption. Thank you! Sandi

  3. I am so sorry for the grieving that Abby and her family is going through 🙁 I can't imagine the grief and loss 🙁 will surely pray for His peace and presence to sustain them through it all.

    I will also pray for all the requests in here (and fast too).

    I am going through a cleansing/confessing time, please can you pray that the Lord will bring to my mind any and ALL of the wrong things that I have done in the past, so I can repent fully to Him, so that He may fully heal and cleanse me so that the door will be SHUT and no enemy can attack me unexpectedly with oppressive thoughts & feelings.

    Please also pray for a relative of mine who has a difficult time forgiving me, that he may know and understand the love of Christ has for him in forgiving all of his wrongs, so that he can gladly do the same to me, out of love to Him.

    Please pray that my fiance and my future is fully in the Lord's hand that He may do as He please. We only want His will for our future.

    I also wanted to say thank you for all the past prayer and fasting days, I have repeatedly asked that I may know the Lord more, and He has certainly been with me, showing me, and I am aware of Him… I am in awe of Him! 🙂 thank you! 🙂

  4. So excited to join in on this day of prayer and fasting!

    Please pray that I will have the courage and the words and favor to talk to the administration at the babies home about whether I can go and visit my Jeremiah Raphael, who I fell in love with last year. He is living with relatives here, but I need permission and contact info from the babies home and anxiety is giving me problems. I go back to the US on Oct 16, so I NEED to do this this week or next week. I know I will regret this if I don't do it. (Already, I think Abba might be answering this prayer, but PLEASE pray and pray hard.)

    Also, for my relationship with my parents as I go back to the US. That I would have the humility to apologize for the ways I didn't handle things properly. That we would have healing in our relationship. That Abba would soften and change their hearts towards the things He's calling me to.

    And finally, that Abba would go with me and before me as I go back to the US after almost 6 months here in my beloved Ug@nda. That He would continue to provide for me emotionally and physically. (I am going back to no job, no car, and only temporary housing, but am applying for jobs & trusting that He will not leave me now)

    Thank you sweet friends! It is a privilege to pray and fast with y'all!

  5. I will be join y'all in prayer and fasting today.

    My prayer has been the same for 3 years now: to reconcile with my son Brock, he will be 20 in NOvember. I pray that our relationship and our friendship and closeness be restored. I miss my baby boy. I miss hearing his voice, hugging him, hanging out listening to his silly stories…I miss him. It has now been 3 years since I have hugged him or heard his voice, it has been 3 years since I told him in person that I love him.

    God is good and I look forward to the rejoicing we wll be doing when God answers!


    Blessings to you all,

    1. Suzanne I just wanted you to know I'm praying for you and your son. I have 2 sons about the same age as your son and it breaks my heart that you haven't been able to hug him or hear his voice. I can not imagine the pain you must go through every day at not being with him. My own children are such a joy in my life, to not be able to hold them and talk to them would be the worst kind of torture.

      Thinking of you,

  6. Thank you for letting us join in… I will be praying for the others & again tomorrow, I had planned on praying & fasting then so I will continue to lift up the requests then.

    My request is for a precious little boy in China. We started paperwork for him a year ago now and believe he could finally be released to be matched with a family next week (his paperwork took 2 years to get this far). We believe the Lord has led us specifically to this precious one so we are asking that our agency will be able to find & lock his file for us. We have faith that He will make this happen if it is His will!!!
    Please also pray that nothing prevents his file from being released for adoption so he can finally have a family of his own.
    And for our faith to remain strong & to keep hearing from the Lord & being close to Him & glorifying Him on the other side of this painful wait, trusting His will for this boy & our family. Thank you.

  7. Praying for Abby and her family, and the young woman that hit Noah. I cannot even imagine…

    I'm fasting today and praying that my boys, Isaiah and Kadeem (ages 18 and 17), will have a life changing encounter with Jesus and follow Him and serve Him all of their days. I am praying that they will stop trying to numb the pain of abandonment by their biological mom through drugs, pornography, and other ungodly things, and will be healed by the touch of the Great Physician. I'm also praying for godly men to mentor and care for them. And I'm praying that God will bring amazing Christian women into their lives.

    I am also praying that God will provide clear direction as to His plans for me– another adoption? Foster care? Mission field? or ???

  8. I will be praying through each one of these requests over the next two days. I can't fast, but I will just do veggies & fruit today. Thank you, Linny for this opportunity not only to pray for others, but to share our own requests.
    I have to things today. Sorry if this is a bit long.
    1. Praise that God seems to be working in a positive way in our family lately (after about 2 years of being completely bombarded with different struggles.) We have had many (little) answers to prayer that have encouraged us.
    2. Please pray for the 18 yr. old girl who has lived with us for the last 2 years. We sacrificed much for her to live with us (she has NO clue,) and I often am very bitter about it. Please pray that she would be more mature and make wise decisions and not jump into things and then change her mind as is her habit of doing. Please pray that we would see blessing in all of this, as up to this point, it has just been struggle and loss (putting off our dreams, struggling financially, my husband's brother disowning us because of it & not being able to see our nephew and nieces in the last 2 years, etc.) This has probably been the second hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, and if I had to choose all over again, I probably would not do it (even though I am convinced that it was God's will to take her in.)
    Thank you all for your prayers.

  9. Hello everyone. I believe this is the first time I’m posting a comment here, although I’ve been reading this blog for about 2 years now, and I’ve already seen God moving in incredible ways through these days of prayer and fasting!

    I’m very sorry for Abby and her family’s terrible loss. I can’t even begin to comprehend what they’re going through at the moment. I’ll be praying for them, as well as for everyone else here…

    As a prayer warrior for this little one (, I’d like to ask you all to pray that this child would be adopted soon by a loving, Christian family, and that God would provide all the funds necessary for it.

    Thank you!

  10. Pray for Abby and her family and the lady who hit him and also for others. Please pray for a member in my family to forgive another member and to live in harmony again. Thank you.

  11. For God to provide the needed funds to begin our next adoption. Hubby has agreed, only when we have the funds to begin. I am praying specifically for $3000 to complete a homestudy.

  12. God has been tugging on my heart to fast for a few situations for a while now and I keep putting it off… this was just the push I needed. I have three requests today:

    1) A friend of mine’s father recently took his own life. She is not a believer and God has opened up opportunities for good conversation. The main focus of my prayer and fasting today is for my friend’s salvation. Please join with me in praying that God would open her eyes to her need for Him and that He would equip me to boldly speak truth into her life with gentleness and respect (her father was Buddhist and she keeps saying that at least she knows he is happy now… if ever there was a need for gentleness and respect, this situation is it).
    2) I am about to begin the adoption process and would appreciate prayers for guidance as I select a homestudy worker, make decisions about which country, which specific child, etc.
    3) Finally, I am also praying for clear direction from God on whether He is calling me to leave the church I am currently attending (many reasons behind this…)

    It is a privilege to fast with all of you and I will be back on here tonight to pray through your requests as well.

    1. Wow, Andrea, I just read your request. I can relate on all of those issues. My husband lost a sister to suicide a couple of years ago and he comes from a Buddhist home. We too are praying to start the adoption process again. And we have been praying over our church situation. We helped with a church plant, but they are now trying to decide to move elsewhere, do we go or find somewhere a bit closer….

      Sister, I am praying for you.

  13. My son is in his first year of medical school and is really struggling. He's been referred for evaluation for anxiety issues. Please pray for him to do very well on his next test so he can continue (he will not be able to continue if he doesn't do well on the next test). Also that he will be freed from the anxiety that is gripping him. He is a precious boy and it is hard to see him struggling so.

    1. Sherri,
      Praying for you and your son. I experienced something similar while transitioning from undergrad to grad school, and have found relief through prayer, medication, and counseling. I pray that his test goes well!

  14. We're having our 7th blessing today…please pray for safety for mama and baby and for the Lord to protect and guard the hearts of our sweet babies who just joined our family 4.5 days ago!

  15. We ask for continued prayers for Jael’s (our four year old daughter’s) total healing from bilateral amputation surgery that took place two weeks ago. We also ask for petitioning for clarity for both my husband and I. We are asking for God to show us HIS Will in an obvious way to both of us. We want His will above all else. We also ask that God bring a family to Sasha and Mabel, two orphans from Eastern Europe that are deeply embedded in our hearts.

    1. We are also praying that the head of Sasha's institution developes a love for these children, opens the doors, and MAJOR change for the positive takes place. That it no longer be where the "Lost Boys" go (never to be heard from again unless adopted) but the LOVED boys go. If not, that she steps down and someone who ADORES and will help these children steps in.

  16. Appreciate the encouragement and sharing of these prayer and fasting days.

    Asking for prayer for my 2 oldest children who have given in to the world and left their saviour. For my 3rd child that she would remain strong and faithful and for my 2 youngest (adopted)
    that they may have healing for their grief and loss and that we as parents may have wisdom and be able to fully love all of them through their journeys.

    Thank you.

    1. They are often on my heart…and I keep my eyes looking all around as I go through Phoenix…who knows? They could be right here! I am glad you asked for prayer for them. I can't imagine the heartache their parents have. Praying for God's great and bountiful grace on their lives and a revelation as to where the girls are…today!

  17. I graduated in June and have been searching for a job since. I have an interview tomorrow-praise God! I really need a job and am praying the interview will go well, but more than anything I am praying that I trust in God's perfect provision. Also, would you pray for my little sister? She has been struggling with depression and eating disorders and only recently shared her struggles with me. I am struggling to know what role God wants me to play in her life a healing. I am so privileged to be a part of this and to be able to pray for Abby ad everyone else!

  18. I am so so so sorry for the loss Abby's family has experienced. What a tragedy. I will be praying for her family.

    As for me…..

    – We are considering putting our children in school. Please pray that we make the right decision.
    – Please pray for my husband and his on-going conversion of heart.
    – Please pray for my children as they are still grieving the loss of their brother.
    – Please pray that the devastation which has taken place in our life over the past 2 years will all be used to glorify the Lord. That people make look at us and not feel sorry for us but see God's hand at work.

  19. Good morning friends,
    I'm joining you all in prayer and fasting today. I'm lifting each one of you up in prayer by name today and will be checking back here throughout the day for new requests. I have some requests as well…
    1.) for peace in our home… We have 4 children
    2.) for a successful homeschool year.
    3.) for God's miraculous financial provisions.. We need to raise $26,000 by November for the adoption of our 2 girls waiting for us in China
    4.) for our adoptive daughters. For peace and for healing and that God would continue to work in our hearts to prepare us for one another.
    5.) for their salvation

  20. I will be reading and praying for all of the intentions asked for, and those kept in people's hearts.

    As for my specific intentions:
    1. My relationship with my husband.
    2. If it is God's Will, adoption be put into my husband's heart.

  21. Linny,
    I am thrilled to join you on this day of prayer for all of the requests that have been listed here. Please join my family in prayer for upcoming changes with my husband's job, my job and possible relocation. God has truly blessed us and we feel him guiding us – we are just waiting patiently for that "next step".
    Blessings to all!

  22. Please pray for my 32 year old son who is fighting pain medicine addiction…our 5 year old daughter who will be having surgery next week to amputate her left leg…my mother's battle with cancer and release from the nursing home…and for friends that are struggling and considering disrupting the adoption of one of their children.

  23. Praying and fasting today.
    Please pray for our China treasure as she (almost 7) begins to really grieve the loss of her country and bio family. Pray that we would have wisdom and point her to Jesus to heal her heart from the tragedy and loss of her first year of life.
    Also, please pray that our real estate will sell. We purchased property to fix up and "flip" years ago….right before the real estate market tanked. By God's grace we have miraculously been able to stay current on the payments all these years, (we have no idea from month to month where the money for the payments will come from) but we are sooooo stretched and really, really need them to sell. Our desire is to put this financial burden behind us and get back to living simply to God's glory. There are two properties, a house and a commercial building.

  24. I am looking forward to starting my day in prayer for all of you. This is my first time doing this and I'm excited.

    my husband and I are in the process of praying if we should adopt again. We have been praying about it for 4 months together. I am all in and excited, but he is still a bit unsure if this is truly what God is asking us to do. We are praying that our hearts would become one in either moving forward to adopt or to step back and offer prayers, money and a voice for orphans instead. I am willing to hear what God says through my husband, whatever the outcome. This was my prayer through out last adoption. Money is really the big issue for my husband and I would hate for that to be the reason for anything!

    Lord just let our hearts be one!


  25. My husband Mike and I have been called to a second adoption. God used an amazing series of this events to confirm this adoption. Yet, Mike is resistant. PLEASE pray God softens his heart so that we can begin the process to adopt Maisey.

  26. Thank you for hosting – I have many requests but the most pressing just happened yesterday. Friends of ours have two beautiful daughters adopted from China. The daddy had an 8 min heart failure yesterday morning and is in a medical coma until this morning. Please pray that he would experience complete healing and there wouldn't be any mental effects from being without oxygen to his brain for such a long period.

    I am honored to join in praying for each of you too.

  27. Please pray for our family. We have been blessed with two treasures, they have been with us for 10months. Our family has enjoyed every second with them. Without a miracle they will be going home. This is heartbreaking! We were told they would be able to be part of our forever family. That has all changed now. We need a miracle! We are praying for God's will! Praying for strength to give God all the glory in this journey. However it ends.

  28. My husband and I are church planters (missionaries) in Utah with our sweet little boy, Elliot, 16 months. We are traveling trying to raise support, so I'd appreciate prayers for the financial end of things.

    Mostly, please pray for my heath. We found out in July I have Lyme disease and another tick-borne illness. I have been going to a doctor in Atlanta for 2 1/2 months to treat it, and we drove to Wichita, KS over the weekend to another clinic where I will be undergoing treatments for 2 weeks. Please pray for God's complete healing from this disease, preferably sooner rather than later. explains more about us and what we are doing.

    1. Rebekah,
      I don't know if you will be traveling back to Atlanta, but I wanted to pass a doctor's name on to you. I know a young Mom here who was recently healed from Lyme Disease. The doctor she saw was Dr. Anderson at The Longevity Clinic in Roswell, GA. He has worked with many patients with Lyme disease. You and your family has been in my prayers today.

    2. Thank you both so much. I will check these out. God is good and you are so gracious to pray for me and share this information. Debbie, we don't necessarily plan on being back too soon, but I have new friends in that area who I got to know because of my Lyme (they have it too), and my sister also who lives there and was just disposed with Lyme today! I appreciate the information!

  29. Please pray for my friend Matt who is awaiting his boards results. For Zoey a young girl just diagnosed with anorexia. For my family as we need miracles for jobs, finances, my strength and wisdom in raising and homeschooling as a single mom with no support. For peace and love to cover my home so we can be a light and hope to others. Provision for all the bills coming in and food for my family. Thankyou i will be lifting these all up.

  30. so many needs! I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day and week!
    as for me, will you please pray for my upcoming delivery of our third child. I am praying that I would naturally go into labor soon so as to avoid an induction on Friday. I am praying that today is the day for our family to welcome a beautiful, healthy baby girl! Thanks

  31. Thank you for hosting this – perfect timing in my life. Things have been a struggle over here. Financially most of all (I graduated in November & have had no luck finding a job – as much as I'd rather stay home, the stress of our debt is getting to be too great for my husband to handle alone.). Please also pray that my husband and I may work through our current relationship problems – that his heart is opened to eventually having a family – or that we may have the strength to move on if this is no longer meant to be (as much as that breaks my heart).

    1. Amanda,
      Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? Go to and look into his financial classes. The Lord used Him in a big way to help us pay off debt. We paid off $120,000 in 22 months! It's not a gimic or get-rich-quick scheme. It's hard work, but SO DO-ABLE!!! You can do it! Prayers for you both,

    2. prayer request: Sept 17
      job application: Sept 20 (felt SO good about this one)
      phone interview: Sept 28
      real interview: Monday Oct 1 (said they'd let me know by the end of the week)
      job offer: Wednesday Oct 3 (Wednesday!)

      THANK YOU to everyone who added me to their prayer list – MUCH much much appreciated! As my gramma said (and she didn't know about this prayer request): "you can't tell me prayers don't work!"

  32. Linny, Thanks for doing this. I am glad that we can lift one another up in prayer and will pray for everyone here.
    My own two prayer burdens right now are: 1. My brother who has turned away from the Lord and is living like the world, and 2. We are adopting and we believe that God has a sibling group for us, not just a single child. Please help me pray that the Lord will lead our agency to the little ones He has for us. The waiting is getting hard for me. Thanks, everybody. God's blessings to all of you.

  33. I am joining you all in prayer. My heart is heavy and I have many requests.
    1. Please pray for my mother-in-law who is currently in ICU and having a procedure at 11 a.m. EST. Please pray they will find out where she is bleeding from and be able to correct it.
    2. Please pray for my sister-in-laws. One of them had a heart transplant about 6 months ago, she is sick with flu like symptoms and has been hospitalized. The other one's life has fallen apart. She is depressed and cannot seem to move on. God knows the other details. Since they are both struggling the care of my mother-in-law is left to my husband and I. He is a cop who works midnights and right now is very busy for me at work, plus we have two children ages 12 and 10. Please pray that we can juggle things well.
    3. Financial issues for my family. We are downsizing and cutting our rent by $400 per month, however it takes extra money to get moved. We are struggling. I have a bill due tomorrow at 8 a.m. and no way to pay it. It's only $125 but when it's two days until payday that's a lot. 🙂
    4. Also we have lots of furniture on Craig’s list can you please pray it will sell quickly so we can use that money for the costs we are encountering.
    5. Please pray for my nephews their mom's are the two sister-in-laws I mentioned earlier. They are both struggling and I believe it is directly link to what their moms are going through. Please pray that God helps me help them.
    Thank You! Your sister in Christ~ Sherri

  34. Joining all here to pray for all these needs, both spoken and unspoken.
    For us here, we are fasting for our current Foster child, that He would open the doors to allow us to bring her into our family permanently. For her twin sister (who's fragile little life has been seemingly devastated at the hands of her parents), that He would show His mercy and heal her in the same amazing way that He has healed our precious one. That we would have the wisdom to know what role He wants us to play in her little life and He would open doors despite the "system".
    We are also feel a pressing to begin to pray for the child/children that He has coming into our home next. We know that they are already in this bad situation, and that He would keep them safe until they are brought to us.
    So many children out there! Lost, dying, hungry both for food and for love! Help me, Lord, to share your heart and let my life proclaim Your heart for the fatherless!

  35. I will be joining you in prayer today.
    1) I ask that you would please pray for our adoption from the Philippines. We have finished our home study and are seeking God's will in choosing children from a special home finding list. Pray for God's Will to be clear to us and we will be matched with the children He has planned for us.
    2) Also, please pray for the salvation of my extended family

  36. So glad you do this, Linny… what a wonderful opportunity for us to lift each other up, and to cast our burdens on Him through this beautiful community of believers!

    I will be praying for Abby and her family. I cannot imagine losing three sons, the pain must be excruciating. I will also be praying for the needs laid out here in the comments, so many heartfelt request – thank the Lord His arm is not too short to reach each and every one of us!

    I humbly ask for prayer for my husband and his job search. He is now, after serving 20 years in the military, without a job. We are waiting on and trusting the Lord and believing Him to bring the perfect job that will allow my husband to fulfill His purposes in our family. But walking this road is not easy, especially with many mouths to feed. Please pray for wisdom, discernment and an opportunity for a job that only the Lord could provide. We so badly want to know we're walking in His will, and we know His plans are good…. just want to glorify Him in the process.

    Can't wait to see all He does through this!

    oxoxo to you, sweet friend 🙂

  37. Praying for Abby's family and those before me.

    PLEASE pray for our sweet little FeiFei (5) who is having major surgery tomorrow to remove extra bone pressing on her spinal cord and brainstem. She is truly a treasure
    That everything continues to go as planned so I can travel for our newest angel in Nov.

    Also a rejoice since the last prayers. Our son who had bilateral amputation surgery walked on his new legs by himself in just 2 days. He truly has a plan and although I am currently feeling overwhelmed I also feel so privileged to be under His Grace.

  38. Please pray for my 34 yr. old cousin, Lily (mother of 2 girls), who has stage 3 ovarian cancer and is unable to take chemo because she is too anemic. Pray also for a good friend who has terminal colon cancer. Pray for God's healing. Pray that many will come to know the Lord through these two situations. Pray for Selah (the girl who was posted on here a couple weeks ago). That my husband and I would hear from the Lord about another adoption–where? when? I'll be fasting and lifting all these prayer requests up. May God get much Glory and Honor!!

  39. What a blessing it is to pray for others!

    Please pray for the team I am traveling with to Haiti (in a little less than 4 weeks) as we prepare to go, for wisdom, please pray for spiritual and physical protection while we minister there, traveling mercies, for soften hearts to hear God's Word, for the seeds of His Word to fall on good soil, for strength, courage, and boldness in The Lord while we are there, that His love pours and pours out of us, that everything is done to bring glory to Him!

  40. Requesting prayer for Bob's wife, family and friends on his sudden passing Sunday night. Thanksgiving that in trying to identify our child's medical conditions, they are not related to a heart problem.

  41. I will be lifting up these prayer requests today. Thank you, Linny, for this opportunity. I feel so burdened by all of the pain and suffering in this world today. We would love and appreciate prayers for our family. The power of prayer is mountain moving! Please pray for our son awaiting us in China and for protection over these last steps of our adoption, that we may be traveling for him soon. Praying for our children, that they learn to put others needs above their own and to grow stronger in the Lord. And lastly, for a precious family we know who needs to be covered in prayer for healing and peace and for their adoption to be finalized very soon. Thank you all.

  42. Wendy wrote to me asking if I would post her request as she would be driving early in the morning. Here is her request:

    Please pray for my son Dylan. He is in his fifth week of book camp for the Marines and his platoon is getting in trouble because some of the guys appear to be in it for the wrong reasons and are causing trouble for the platoon. Dylan needs your prayers to get through this.

  43. I am requesting prayer for family restoration ( I will be going to a funeral tomorrow). I also need the Lord's direction for my family and a peace about whether or not to adopt again now or if not now, when. Pray that HE clearly shows me His will in this situation.

  44. Also, please pray for healing for the friend who introduced me to the bible study group where I met my husband. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer and had a masectomy last Friday. Prayers for her healing and that this will resolve her cancer.

  45. Please pray for my sister who is running out of options to treat her cancer. My greatest hope is that she will know the Lord and be saved by His grace.

    Thanks, I'm pleased to able to join in this time of prayer with you today.


    This is a ministry GOD laid on my heart many years ago and I've attempted to get this going in my small town hoping it would catch on and spread throughout the country and even world. I have been planning it on paper for a long time, never feeling worthy or capable enough to do anything with it. God won't leave me alone and I'm just diving in head first. Prayers GREATLY appreciated.

  47. I will be praying over requests today and fasting. We have lost two sons….one to a virus that attacked our son Kevin's heart and destroyed it….the other circumstances, taking away our son Joseph's ability to love and feel remorse long before we adopted him. Both were extremely difficult to handle, but with God's love and strength all is possible. God is a healing God and we pray healing and a deep abiding peace for Abby, her family, and all others who are hurting today.

  48. Please pray for our adoption. We are currently fundraising and saving and doing all we can to come up with the amount we need in order to accept a referral. There is a little girl on our agency's waiting list that our hearts have been drawn to. We know she has already been in the orphanage for over a year and I'm having a hard time understanding God's purpose for money holding us back. I know He is so much bigger than money and fees…and so I trust that He will provide when it is time. But it's so hard, in the meantime, to be patient and not get frustrated.

  49. Praying today for all of these requests. Please pray for our oldest two children to hear God clearly on college and life decisions they are trying to make. Also, for my oldest son, Joshua regarding some bloodwork he had recently and for good results with an acne medication he is about to start. (He has severe cystic acne that is really interfering with his daily life and we have tried everything!) Thanks everyone.

  50. I will be joining in the praying today! Not the fasting because in pregnant.
    My prayer requests are…
    1) this pregnancy… It took us so many years before god gave us this beautiful blessing. I've had some issues but so far baby is perfect. My anxiety is the issue. I'm so scared… I need to be delivered from that! I dint feel like I've been able to enjoy this pregnancy yet because I'm so afraid. (I'm 12 weeks)
    2) my grandfather has bladder cancer and has yet to start treatment because he hasn't decided yet which way he wants to go with treatment.
    3) my husband NEEDS either a promotion, a new job or a good second job! I lost my job once my boss found out I was pregnant and we just can't pay all the bills in just his salary.
    4) for my sister to focus in her schooling and be a little more picky with her choices in boy to date! And stay away from the losers! Lol
    Thank you, and I'm so happy to join in this day!

  51. Thank you each for reading through the requests and praying. There are so many needs, concerns, hurting hearts. Thank you for lifting up Abby's families. Her parents are so broken. Please pray specifically for them.

    So grateful that God faithfully listens to our concerns.

    Today I have a personal prayer request for International Voice of the Orphan. For months we have been working on a 'revised' site {very exciting – but so much work!} A wonderful friend has flown in to stay with us and will record Dw and I this afternoon for a video that will be part of the site. Please pray that we can passionately convey God's heart for the orphan. Thank you!

  52. I will be in prayer for Abby's family as well as all of you.

    I would like to add my friend Sue, a faithful servant to our Lord Jesus, who has battled cancer for the past several years. We love her so and I ask that God remove this cancer and continue to use this lovely woman for His glory here among us.

    And for myself. We are very near, only 2 more weeks!, to bringing our precious daughter home to join our family. It seems that the closer we get Satan attempts to frighten or delay us with health and money concerns! Please pray that I am strong in body and spirit and complete the work that God has given me.

  53. My heart is so heavy for all of these requests. So many are hurting, and needing a healing touch. Our GOD IS ABLE!
    My request is for the family of a 14 year old girl in our town. Their daughter committed suicide Sunday. I can not imagine the pain that would cause! My heart breaks for them.

  54. I will be praying for you all today. Please pray for three children in foster care who need forever families who God has put on my heart. For my oldest foster daughter to move forward in her life and see the miracles waiting.

  55. I would like to ask for your prayers for me as I battle Stage 3 breast cancer. I was diagnosed earlier this year and am currently undergoing chemotherapy to rid my body of this disease.

    Heavenly Father, I ask for your strength and healing so that I may watch my 2 little boys grow up to be the strong men I know they will be, and please watch over my family and friends as they continue battling alongside me.

  56. I forgot about this day of prayer and fasting until I saw your post of FB this morning. Hope I can still join the fast after having had a few sips of coffee!! 🙂 Thank you for organizing this, Linny! Praying through all the requests now…and most especially for Abby's family.

    I would like to ask for prayer for my family as we enter into a new season of learning how God would have us enter the fields of the fatherless. This is a brand new season for us, and I have no idea what it will look like, but I'm asking God to bring my husband and I into agreement with each other and with HIS plan for us. I'm asking Him to break our hearts for what breaks His (only recently have I even been brave enough to ask this!), and to light a passion in our hearts for the work He would have us do. My husband is only VERY very barely beginning to open his eyes and heart to any sort of possibility in this field, so please pray his heart would be broken and his eyes open for the work the Lord has for us. We will be attending a movie premiere called Man Up and Go in October, which is a documentary about calling men into the field of orphan care. Please pray God will make my husband's heart READY – fertile soil – to see this movie and receive all that God has for us!

    Thank you all for praying!!

  57. First time fasting in a long while. My dh and I have so many things that we are asking and waiting to hear the Lord on right now. I am expectantly hopeful about today's time with Him. I am hoping that if will be less about my requests and so much about being with Him in the Spirit today.

    I have prayed and will remember everyone today. Thanks Linny, for your faithfulness to the community that has gathered around you. I really needed this today!

  58. Iit seems trivial compared to so many others, but please pray that my daughter who had a baby yesterday will be able to make it tommy other daughter's wedding in Saturday 1000 miles away. She is the only bridesmaid.

  59. Oh, sweet Abby! Praying for this girl and her family — so much heartache!

    Our family is much in need of prayer for our three adopted treasures, age 3, 5, and 9, who have come to us with such deep, long-term issues that I am having trouble putting a request into words. The weight of their needs is feeling very heavy to me this week. We are currently unemployed and needing a job that is right for our kids' heavy needs — right job, right home, right neighborhood, right school, right church family, right therapists and medical specialists. We pray that God will direct us along a path that pulls together for these special children just what they are needing. In a way, I think of adopted children like people who have been burned in a fiery accident. Some are burned over 80 or 90 percent of their body and need immediate and dramatic attention, and rightfully so, and some have "only" been burned over 20 or 30 percent and need less attention — but these "lesser" burns can still become fatal through infection! Our three children are in this latter group. Their "life injuries" are not as dramatic as many that we read about, and yet these wounds are steadily festering, and we need to find the right job/community/help for them so that they can heal.

    I am also praying today for a seven-year-old adoptee who has had many struggles adjusting to his new family, to the point that they are painfully realizing they need to be a transition family rather than a forever family. I am asking God to help this family find the right family for this boy, "C," and that He bring deep healing to both the boy and his first family.

    Blessings, and THANK YOU for praying!!!!!

  60. Thanks so much for having a prayer day, Linnie. My daughter's best friend, "M" just found out she is expecting a baby. It is not planned, and she has three babies under age 5 already. She and her husband just lost their home. Her husband has made some really poor choices and now that things are this bad, he is ready to give up. Their marriage is in severe crisis. Please pray for M to have peace. She feels like the more she has prayed the last year, the worse things have become. Please pray for her husband to stand up and take responsibility for his family and most importantly, renew his faith in God. I pray he has the courage to fully submit to God. I love M like my own child, and I am thankful for everyone lifting up their sweet family. I will be praying for the others. Abby and her parents will come to my mind for a long time and I will be praying for them. I cannot imagine.

  61. I am looking forward to praying for all the requests today. For me, could I ask for prayer for the following.
    – For my daughters anxiety to remain under control, even through she will be going through some stressful situations over the next two weeks.
    – For wisdom for me and healing for my daughters development, so that she can reach her fullest potential and that I know the best way to help her.
    – For wisdom for our family and those helping us as we consider a move to another state.
    – For good health for our family and particularily for me. I have had a few "strange" health related issues lately that I have some concern about (but I am a health worrier).
    Thank-you for your prayers!

  62. Linny I walked upstairs and Gid speared me with the thought that I had sounded pious in not listing my specific needs. Rather I didn't list them today because so much of late I have been begging God rather than resting and listening. I hope that explains a bit better. 🙂

  63. Complete healing for my daughter Abby after brain surgery this past summer, healing for a young mom I know who just had a stroke, for a miracle for my friends marriage, for a friend and her family who have a terrible situation they are living through, for my sons to come back to God, for my sisters and the health of their preborn babies and for a return to good health for my SIL who has cancer, for Carmen and all orphans to get the family they deseve, and for all those I have promised to pray for and are in most need of prayer.

    Thank you to all who are praying for my intentions. Know I will be praying and fasting on this day for your intentions as well. God be with you.

    Abby, I will keep your prayer request at the top of my list. You are strong and faithful.


  64. Asking prayer for my oldest daughter, Audra and her new fiance, Scott. They just got engaged this weekend. They have known each other and been good friends since January. They started officially dating in July, right before her 6 week mission trip to China. This mama is a bit worried, but, knows that they are both seeking God's will for their lives. i pray that they will be able to resist temptation and stay strong until their wedding night. 🙂 Also that Audra will be able to focus on her school work, and not so much on wedding plans.
    Thank you all!

  65. Please pray for our situation. We have had our sweet foster child since birth. She's just a few months shy of being two years old now. In the time she has been in foster care her mother's rights have been terminated and her father was considered an abandonment case. He knew of her and chose not to come forward. For the past 10 months the social worker assigned to the case failed to do any of the paperwork necessary to proceed with his termination of rights. We are approved to adopt her and the adoptions office has everything lined up. As a result of the social worker's negligence, the dad's rights have now been violated and this has motivated him to come forward to say he wants his child. He is not wanting to change his lifestyle: he simply wants to excercise his right to contest.

    One of the reasons we chose foster care was to adopt a child from the system which would save us in adoption costs. We are now finding ourselves in a position of having to fundraise to pay for attorney fees.

    Our girl has never met this dad, she has lived with us her entire little life. If they remove her from our home we will loose her, but she will loose everything and every person she has ever known. Here she is loved, told about Jesus and well taken care of. Her dad is not a Christian and his extensive history and current lifestyle do not lend themselves to taking care of a child. We are fearful for her placement and her overall safety.

    Please pray with us.

  66. Please pray for my dad that God will provide a new job for us. In February we had to leave pastoring at our [then] current church. God provided a new job for us outside of ministry right away [huge answer to prayer!] but it is not a good fit for our family as a long term job. Please pray that God will provide a new job [back in ministry!] at just the right moment and that all the details will be smoothed out. We also would love to adopt again but can't until this job situation is resolved. Pray for wisdom and guidance and SPEED.

    Also please pray for safety and a servants attitude for me this fall as I go about the opportunities that God has given me. And that He would continue to show me where to go next.


  67. Please pray for our precious 16 year old daughter that we adopted in June. We found out in August that she is pregnant and she ran away 3 weeks later. She is now living with her boyfriend and his family which is a not-so-good place to be. Pray that she would turn her heart back to God. Pray for her safety and the baby's safety. Pray that she would accept our love again. Thanks!

  68. I read a few days ago that you were doing this, & I had been feeling prompted to fast & pray, so thank you. I actually started yesterday. Honestly, what we're dealing with right now seems trivial in comparision, & I was struggling with that a bit last night. I have to tell you that I was looking thru the feeds for recent blog posts on my page when I saw a post you made. You must have decided to take it down, but I saw enough in the feed that reminded me of this truth: "…casting ALL your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 Yep, needed that reminder that God is in the details, so even though I couldn't read the whole post, I was blessed with what I needed! 😉

    Please pray for God's hand in all things concerning my family. We seem to turn one cheek & get socked in the other with something else. We have had much going on, & feel weary from the attacks. In particular, please pray blessing & protection over my son & husband. Many thanks, friends!

  69. We need prayer for finances, a stable job and direction. We have been living in a season of limbo as my husband finishes school and looks for work. I am exhausted, stressed and spiritually just drained. It is so hard to hope when it feels as if every door is shut in your face. Please pray for my husband's heart, as you can imagine so much rejection can be tough to deal with.

  70. Please pray for our church body: for unity, forgiveness and genuine love for not only the Christians among us, but also for the sinners who need Christ. That the walls that judgement and legalism have built will be tore down and that God's name will be glorified throughout our town and beyond.

    Our family is ready,willing and able to adopt again, and God is asking us to wait. While I do not understand, I will obey. Please pray for grace while we wait and for us to hear God loud and clear when He tells us it is time.

    Praying for all of you throughout the day!

  71. My prayer requests are too long to write, but here is the short version please pray for me and my family…I have been praying for 20 plus years for our family to glorify the Lord because of a promise that the Lord gave me over 20 yrs ago…He said that He would heal relationships in our family and we would bring Glory to Him through our healing….I see nothing and when I pray it seems to get worse..Husband is a gifted teacher of the Word and won't use it because of hurts from churches….now he won't even hardly talk to me and his relationship with our three sons is very hard…he won't hardly talk to me and when he does it is harsh most of the time….I PRAY, and PRAY and cry before the Lord and nothing changes….I am getting weary due to health issues of my own and want to run away from this pain…..So, if the Lord leads anyone to pray for this request, I will be grateful….
    I can't fast, but I will pray for the other people's requests.

  72. Please be in prayer for my marriage. My husband and I have become little more than roommates. My husband is a Christian, but has never truly lived for the Lord, honestly, I'm not even sure he knows what it is to live for the Lord. He has harbored much bitterness and anger his entire life. He was abused physically, emotionally, and psychologically and neglected as a child. My heart hurts for him, and I know God can work a miracle in his life. That abuse has come to the surface over the past couple of years, and has had detrimental effects on our whole family. I am starting to see the effects in our children. They are showing these same tendencies to act out in anger and aggression. It pains me and I have no idea what else to do besides pray. Pray that God would soften his heart. Pray that my own patience would grow as I wait on the Lord to restore my husband. I love my husband, and I want to see him happy. I want to see him give things to the Lord. I want to see him be a man after God's own heart. I KNOW it will come about. Our God has promised good to us.

    1. Thank you Sarah for your prayer request just below mine here on Linny's post. My husband was physically and emotionally abused by his father also. He thought he had forgiven his dad, but within the last 4 months the abuse really sunk in and he is having a hard time dealing with it…I will most definitely pray for your husband and for you…Your post has touched my heart for my situation and I thank you for posting your request right by mine.

  73. Lifting up Abby and her family in prayer and fasting during this time..
    Please pray for us as we wait for approval from the committee at baby home in UG to adopt our sweet boy. That the Lord opens up the hearts of the staff and all the people behind any decision making there..and that they see the Glory of God in this..and in the end God will get ALL the glory..

    Thank you

  74. Words can't describe the way reading and praying through out the comments have touched me and I will keep your prayers in my heart. I'm asking if you'd pray for me to have a sense of inner peace and joy with who I am. I have a chronic autoimmune disease that almost took my life 4 years ago and left me almost housebound since. I'll just be 30 soon and I've been battling to even have hopes and dreams for my future life. I also please ask for prayers that no matter what state of health I may live, it may be in loving and peaceful way

    1. I'm not sure how this reply thing works, so I don't know if you will see this or not. But your prayer request touched me on Tuesday and I'm feeling led to respond.

      My life has been touched by two people with multiple sclerosis. One is my husband's father. I never had the opportunity to meet him, but he is the one who got my husband started on the path of following Jesus. There were many days when he didn't do much but sit and watch TV because of his pain, so he and his little boy would sit in the living room and watch TV together and talk, and he told my husband all about Jesus and planted in him the love that is growing and bearing fruit to this day.

      The other person is a woman at a church we used to attend (we moved to another state, so don't go there any more). Whenever I think of people who exemplify the various fruits of the Spirit, I associate her with Joy. Not what one would guess for somebody who lives with loss and pain, but…she just radiates the joy of the Lord. Only the Holy Spirit could pull off something like that!

      I think living with a chronic disease must be one of the hardest paths of discipleship that there is, and I would never wish it on anybody. But your willingness to offer even your physical brokenness to the Lord is a testimony to me, and I am praying that God will glorify himself through you, be your companion, and fill your life with the love and peace you are longing for.

    2. I'm not sure how this reply thing works, so I don't know if you will see this. But I was touched by your prayer request on Tuesday, and I feel led to respond.

      My life has been touched by two people with multiple sclerosis. One is my husband's father. I never had the privilege of meeting him, but he is the one who got my husband started on the path of following Jesus. His little boy (my husband) loved to spend time with him, even if it was just sitting on the couch watching TV together on days when the pain was bad. So they spent a lot of time hanging out together, and they talked. And this daddy shared with his little boy the stories of Jesus and what Jesus meant to him, and planted a love for Jesus that is growing and bearing fruit to this day.

      The other person is a woman in a church we used to go to (we later moved to another state). Whenever I think of people who most exemplify the fruits of the Spirit, I think of her for joy. I think only the Holy Spirit could pull that one off–take someone who lives daily with pain and loss of ability and fill them up with joy! But she just radiates with it, and she has been a blessing in my life as well as, I'm sure, the lives of many others.

      Living with a chronic disease has got to be one of the hardest paths of discipleship that there is, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. But as your offer your brokenness to God, I pray that God will indeed glorify himself in you, be your constant companion, and fill you with the love and peace that you long for.

  75. Please pray for…
    -healing for my mother and wisdom for the doctors
    -guidance and boldness for our church
    -wisdom, peace, and healing for my own health situation
    God bless each of you!

  76. Please pray for the lawsuit that is against us that the Lord protects us. That my husband will have a job after the company that he works for sells. That my test results come back excellent. Thank you and I am praying for everyone's requests and that God moves mightily!

  77. We have buried one son and can not imagine the pain of sending a third to the arms of Jesus! Fasting and praying with you all today!!

    Could you please remember our adoption in your prayers. We have been trying to get our 12 year old son home from the Philippines since February. We have been delayed because of birth certificate issues twice along this journey. We have been back in line to have our dossier review for our referral for almost a month now. We learned this morning that our dossier should be presented this Friday (Thursday night our time)!!! Please pray that we will be presented and approved for our referral, and that the normally 3 month wait from referral to travel will be expedited! We waited through Christmas last year for a set of domestic twins that birthmother decided to parent. The thought of waiting for our sweet boy through Christmas again is difficult. We would love to be able to celebrate the birth of God's son with our new son this year!!

  78. This could not have come at a better time. I am a full time student so I will be spending my time between classes reading and praying.

    I come to you with my own prayer request today; over the past few months my husband has been up for supervisor positions, several of which we both thought he was a shoe in for but didn't get. Last week on a fluke he applied for a position but it was in another state, Houston Texas to be exact, and without even a face to face interview he was offered the job. I truly feel this job was all part of gods plan for us because it was so easy. My husband has since gone to Texas but is struggling with being away from home but is loving the job and even making friends which is something he doesn't do often. I ask that you would pray that our next step in this journey be made clear to us. We both want to follow gods plan for us but there are so many decisions that need to made we don't really know where to start and are a little overwhelmed. Also if you could pray for his mental health as well, he doesn't do well being away from home and gets very depressed and discouraged.

    Thank you,

    1. We live in Houston, TX so if you need somebody to show you around or help find a place to live (we know an excellent realtor who helped us when we moved here 4 years ago) or whatever, let me know. My e-mail address is lmnop615 at yahoo .com
      My husband travels a lot as well, so i know what it is like to be far away from the one you love for long periods of time. 🙂 Praying for this to be a smooth transition for you.

  79. Hi Everyone! SO glad we're praying for each other today!!:) My requests are these: That we would clear embassy QUICKLY so I can go get my sweet baby, Naomi, in Ethiopia. And with that, for peace as I travel ALONE to bring her home…I HATE HATE HATE flying, and flying alone with an infant might undo me, if not for the Lord's divine hand!:) We thought it best that my husband stay home with our kids, because of school etc. Pray that ALL fear will flee and that our trip goes smoothly. Also…..I am LONGING for change…for the Lord to move us to a church family that is PASSIONATE about spreading the gospel, about orphans, and about discipleship…SO SO tired of "playing church" every week….just longing for more. Pray the Lord will give us HIS vision for our family…always thought it might be in missions, so praying for clarity.

  80. I need prayer as well. On July 23rd, I moved to Kenya to serve as a first grade teacher at an international Christian school. I landed on July 24th to the news that my 20 year old little sister died unexpectedly. I flew home several days later. I was told my position could be held for the first 4-6 weeks of school. One week after the burial of my sister, I found out I lost my teaching position in Kenya.

    I am struggling because I stepped out in obedience and moved to the other side of the world, only to have so much taken from me. There are so many unanswered questions. I can't find a position in NC. I don't even want to be on this side of the world! I feel like I've been betrayed.

    1. Tears are flowing here for you. I'm Abby. Linny shared my email in her post. gk, I will be in prayer for you especially today, but also in the days and weeks and months ahead. I wish I could hug you, because words don't help. If you want it, I will ask Linny to share my email address with you if you message her. The Lord gave me Psalm 31 to help me stand under the weight of my grief the week after my Noah was killed, and maybe it will comfort you today…"Be of good courage and he will strengthen your heart, all you that hope in the Lord."

  81. A private prayer request for security reasons:

    I just started an international students ministry at a state university in Ohio. I work with students that come from restricted nations where many have never heard the gospel at all. We see it as a reverse mission field, where instead of going out to the nations God has brought the nations to us.

    Please pray for local churches and Christians to catch the vision of reaching the nations that God has brought right to our doorstep. If we reach them here, through hospitality and genuine love of Christ they in return will take the gospel back to their nations. Most of this students are sponsored by their government to study here and when they return they will work in influential positions in their government.

    How different will the world look like if these students one day led their nations with biblical convictions? We've gotta save them. We've gotta share Jesus with them. Especially with all the tension lately. If we as Christians don't share the cross with them, they will one day share the sword with us.

    Please also pray for my support raising.

    Abby's news touched me deeply. I serve 5 minutes from where her brother Noah was killed.

    I am praying for the needs listed.

    Thank you all…

  82. From Erin:

    My family is in need of prayer for my husband, he has been out of work since January and we have recently had to move in with my dad. We have 4 kids and are so thankful that we are not a burden to him. But, my husband desperately needs to find a job. He has applied for hundreds of jobs with no response. Not one call back, or interview.

    We know that God has the perfect job out there, we are just waiting for Him to show us. We are also struggling to know why God has allowed this to go on for this long, but we still praise Him.

    I am a photographer, but my business has been slow (about to pick up for the fall season) we are praying for more business to come my way.

  83. Praying for Abby and others here today. I have a partial praise and also request. I have asked for prayer here many times in the past for a health situation that I've had (chronic fatigue and lyme disease). God has been so faithful and brought much healing to my body- I am very largely improved (all miraculously, as I stopped all treatments and doctors). And He is giving me the desire of my heart- I am 32 weeks pregnant with a healthy girl! But, I still have residual symptoms that come and go and I'd like prayer for COMPLETE restoration and that every last symptom will go, so that I can be strong to take care of this baby and my 2 older daughters. thank you

  84. Honored to be counted among you today.

    Please pray for: discomfort and it's cause in my breast to be removed

    God to speak loud and clear regarding our adoption plans, the child he has picked, and the timing.

    A home for Vasily.

    Break the chains of dependency on excess food.

    God to become very real to me, to overcome the lack of faith, and me to hear his voice.

  85. Ahh – so many needs and burdens. Praying for so many wounded and burdened hearts.

    As a late entry . . . We brough Josie LiNi home in December with an uncorrected heart condition.
    When we got her home we found out it was MUCH more complex than the medicals had indicated.

    Our local children's hospital has declared her inoperable. The basic plan was to keep her on drugs for her condition and wait for her heart to fail and put her in for a heart lung transplant. Not the best plan from our POV.

    We are now getting second opinions for her, and there is a glimmer of hope. But, guess what? we are under heavy heavy spiritual attack and outright oppression.

    Pray for our family and relief from the opression, pray for wisdom for the doctors (and a little speed in responding perhaps) and pray for Josie's healing.
    Thank you!

  86. Please pray for my family especially my stepdad as we try to work through the grief of losing my mom.
    We are also in the process of adopting our 4th son and I would appreciate prayers for a smooth, quick process and for God to prepare his heart for us.
    I also have prayer requests that I've shared with the Lord that I could use prayers for.
    Thank you, all, for your prayers. I'll be praying over this list today.

  87. we're only getting on now, but privileged to join with you all!

    oh Abby, I just want to hug you! I am so sorry for your losses and we will certainly pray for you. What a sweet heart you have! <3

    Our prayer request for ourselves we won't get specific on as I need to put in a request for a dear friend, but for us – the Lord is rebuilding us and stretching us and we just pray for hearing clearly His direction and to have the grace and strength to keep on this tough path we're on in restoration!

    My friend is a dear sister to me whom I know a long time but we lost touch in the middle.

    The Lord has been opening her heart to Him and she is turning. She is very sick with a lot of unexplained conditions however in just the last week the Lord has healed her 75% and baffled her doctors BUT everything in her life is raging against what we believe is her turning to God… she needs to get miraculously out of her house and fast… she is in a dangerous situation which our Gardai force are not doing anything about – her neighbors are threatening her life!
    I am praying for God to move this mountain and open the door they are so desperately in need of – for a house move quickly and for protection in the meantime. She has small children

    Thank you xxxxxxx I believe God is certainly still on the Throne and I know His hand is on us ALL <3

  88. Praying here… What a sincere privilege.
    Please keep my family in prayer. I know God has spoken specifically that this year our household will grow. There are many obstacles that need to be taken care of…nothing is too hard for God! I also need to hear from God how and when to begin.

    Also, my brother in law has been out of work due to a work related back inuury and then surgery. The company is Christian owned but refuses to pay worker's comp. He was released to go back to work today, after things should have been settled in court on Monday. Instead, he received a continuance and doesn't know where things stand. They need BREAKTHROUGH and for the money to come through to pay bills and hospital expenses. Thank you so much!

  89. "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." Matthew 18:19

    I am here to ask for prayers for me and my family. Will you please pray for God's will to be clear to us as we discern what He wants for our family and ministry.

    Also, praising God today for the birth of our newest blessing (a healthy baby girl) almost 4 weeks ago! She is our 3rd (technically 6th but her older sister passed away 6 years ago and I've had 2 miscarriages)

    Thank you!

  90. I just wanted to let you all know that I have been covering each and every one of you in prayer today. Thank you Linny for facilitating this time for us. There are so many needs; great and small. I believe that God hears each one. They all matter to Him. I know this is pleasing to Him, as we all pour our requests at His feet. Thanking Him & praising Him in advance for ALL He's going to do on our behalf…

  91. I will join in prayer and look forward to joining with fellow believers in crying out to our God on behalf of these requests.

    I also would appreciate prayer for the following:
    ~My 80 year old father was hit by a car a week ago. He is going to be okay, but has long road of recovery ahead of him. They did surgery to place a pin just below his hip for a broken bone. Please pray for healing and continued success in therapy. He is missing home terribly. Please pray for his spirits to be lifted and to stay encouraged.
    ~My oldest daughter's best friend, Sam, was diagnosed with a brain tumor a couple of months ago. It is very rare and so treatment has been tricky. He had surgery several weeks ago to remove some of the tumor and now he just had his first round of radiation today. Sam will have radiation once a week for 6 weeks and then access the situation. Chemo may be also be needed. This is Sam's senior year of high school. Please pray for complete healing and for strength!
    ~My youngest daughter, Maylee, will be having a spinal cord detether surgery on Friday. Her neurosurgeon has already prepared us that she is not an easy case. Please ray for the medical team and for Maylee to recover well.

    Thank you so much!

  92. I think I am too late, but if anyone wouldn't mind including me in their prayers I would be so thankful. My request is that my daughter's smashed foot heals and that her depression is overcome, so that she turns to God and she can see the beautiful, clever, kind heart I see and that has so much to give to the world. Thankyou Sue

  93. I will be praying for Abby and for so many (as many as I possibly can!) of the people who posted here. How powerful that we all have come together!

    Will you please also pray for:
    1) Elijah's paperwork to be completed and for us to be matched with him!! We've been waiting and praying for a long time for this little guy!
    2) for Elijah's heart to be protected as he waits in orphan care. may he be able to love his new family — may it be us or someone else — and receive love.
    3) for my husband and I to finally come to agreement about the number of kids in our family. of course, I would love for him to change his heart and want what I want, but if it is not to be, please let my heart be content.

    thanks so much!

  94. I've been praying for the Lord to give me clarity as to what I should about some heartache that I've been dealing with. The guy that baptized me in Nashville in April (if you want to read a ridiculously cool totally-God story, go here and scroll down to the picture of the black screen that says 'sanctuary') basically broke my heart late this summer. I knew that cutting him out of my life was the best thing for me so that I could get my focus totally back on Jesus, and I thought that I would just be able to forget him. But I haven't. And I can't figure out if I should contact him and try and get closure or if God is going to do this healing in me without it. I've never been good at letting go of lost friendships without getting closure so this is a new thing for me. I just want my heart not to hurt anymore.

    The weird thing is that while I've been praying for clarity, a guy that I have a long history with but hadn't spoken to since January showed back up in my life a few days ago. He's sweet, and charming, and is the first guy that I really believe doesn't care about the way that I look. The only problem is that he's my sister's ex-boyfriend. They broke up almost 4 years ago but my family still hates him and it's just a huge complicated mess. We both feel very strongly about each other and have for a while, but he would go through these bouts of just being absolutely terrified and disappearing on me, but I love him (not like the romantic love, necessarily, just I truly love him as in he is important to me). We know the chances of us ever being together are very slim because of my sister/family, so now I'm confused as to whether or not it's even worth getting involved at all with him and exposing my heart again. We've never done anything physical together, but he wants to come down and see me, and I feel like if I saw him again (I haven't seen him since June 2009) I'd lose it and kiss him. I just don't know what to do. My head is saying that I know I want him in my life, that life just feels weird when I can't talk to him (as even when he disappeared in January, I still thought about him and missed him often), and my heart feels so passionately about him, but I don't want my family to hate me, either. That sounds odd to me because my family's and my relationships have never been good, so I probably shouldn't care about what they think, but they're still my family and I would never intentionally hurt them, especially my sister.

    So yeah…I don't know what God is doing. I need Him to give me clarity on both of these issues.

    Thanks! Praying for all!

  95. Please pray for my health and my family. I was diagnosed this summer at age 32 with stage 2b breast cancer. I had a bilateral mastectomy in July. I completed my second (of six) round of chemo today. Lots of nausea; I am bedridden for several days. Please keep my family in your prayers – that I will be healed, that I am able to remain positive and upbeat. And also that my kids and husband remain strong and supportive.

  96. Please pray for my family to get healthy. Also, that I may move forward with my life with my boyfriend if that is Gods will. Pray for the two of us to have discernment when making this decision. Pray for his heart to be softened towards orphans so that if we end up together that adoption is in our future.

  97. I got engaged on Thursday (a praise!) and started the wedding planning process. Please pray that it will be a good experience for my parents and I to bond over. Also, while frivolous, I am praying that the Lord would provide a beautiful (but very inexpensive) venue for my fiancé and I to get married next summer.

  98. Thank you everyone for lifting me and my family in prayer as we grieve the loss of my amazing brother, Noah. It's been an honor and a privilege to pray over all the requests posted as I fasted today. It's such a comforting thing to be a part of a larger family of believers, and I praise the Lord for blessing us through you. I plan to continue to return to this post to pray more over the next couple of weeks, but I have to check out for the evening. I pray that each of you see HIS mighty hand at work in your lives and receive answers to your heartfelt prayers. No request is too big or too small for him. God Bless you.

  99. Lifting Abby and her family in prayer. I cannot begin to imagine the pain they are experiencing.

    Also ask for prayer for me, for my job and financial situation. My position was made part-time almost a year ago and I am still looking for full-time work. It is hard to stay current with my bills. I am trying to stay hopeful but it is just hard.

  100. I am asking for prayer for my sister and her son. They are living with an abusive husband/father. Back in January, I asked for a radical solution to this problem. He slapped her and was sent to jail and received an 18 month restraining order. I was so grateful that God would give her direction to leave. However, she had been praying that God would do something to restore their marriage?! After 6-7 weeks of being a single mom with lots of support from her family and friends, she decided that he was remorseful and God would heal their marriage. Well, that was six months ago and he is back to his usual antics – now he has no job and is caring for the child (I think) and continuing to abuse her and possibly his son – although as far as I'm concerned he is abusing his son by abusing the child's mother! While I wish that she could have the happiest marriage and family ever, but that doesn't seem to be happening So my prayer (feel free to pray what is on your heart) is that she will be given another chance to get out of this abuse and yes, she'd be a single mom, but both she and her child would be in a healthy environment with freedom to love and be loved. She says that she has explored leaving him but because she wouldn't get full custody of the child, she doesn't feel like she can do that. I don't understand it all because I've never been placed in that situation, but I pray that she get out of this horrible situation which is extremely heartbreaking not just for her, but more importantly my nephew who I have not seen now for six months. Thank you.

  101. Linny, Thank you for the opportunity to ask for prayers and to pray for others. I am praying for all the people who have posted. Praying that their grief will be made more bearable by our Father in Heaven. Praying for all who are struggling financially (including my household and my daughter's.) Praying for those in bad health and their families. Praying for relationships to be healed and new ones to be right in the eyes of God. I would like to ask for prayer for my daughter who suffers from Fibromyalgia. She is the mother of 2 small children and works full time while dealing with chronic pain. I see the strain in her eyes. It hurts a momma's heart to see their child in pain. Also, she is a teacher but has been unable to find a job in her field. She would make a wonderful teacher as she is loving, meek and kind. I know God has just the right job in mind for her someday. Thank you again, Linny, and praying for your family, too!

  102. praying and fasting.
    my fiancé Chuck's friend is very sick and vomiting so Chuck is taking him to the hospital, please pray that his friend will be alright/healed/wisdom for doctors and that the Lord protect Chuck so that he does not get this virus or whatever it is. Thank you.

  103. I posted earlier today but it didn't show up for some reason …hopefully some of you still see this. I look forward to praying for all of you, as well as fasting (I will fast this Thurs). I'd like to ask for prayers for my husband's health. He has a lump on his arm that the Dr says could simply be a muscle trauma or it could be something horrible like a sarcoma. Please pray for guidance and healing in his situation. Thanks so much!

  104. Please pray for me and my family. A month ago we lost our beautiful 22 month old daughter that we had just brought home from China. We had only been home for a month but she brought us so much joy. We have 5 other children. (4 bio and 1 from China that we brought home with her)We don't know why she passed away yet as we are still waiting on the autopsy results. Please pray for us to have the strength to get through this and that Joanna's life/death will be used for His glory.

  105. Hi, I know I am late, but this is the first time I've done this! 🙂 Abby and her family have been on my heart since I read about their lose. May of the requests above have touched my heart as well! This is a good thing!
    I am a missionary, we raised our kids and have lived overseas for close to 25 years now. We have two daughters who outwardly followed the Lord for many years… but now, as adult women in their thirties, with children, they have turned their backs on God. One, A, does not seek God, and tries to live a good life without him. The other one, J, has joined a 'women's spiritual group,' is into crystals, meditation, and vegetarianism (because animals are not different from humans). She and her husband reject the atoning death of Christ as a barbaric concept, and do not pray in Jesus name. We are concerned for the children, of course. Please pray that these two women would have an encounter with the living God, and give themselves to HIm, to live for His glory! Please pray that the Lord will send people to them with words they will hear. Please pray that they will not find rest until they find it in Christ. Thank you!

  106. Praying for so many of you tonight. I have my own prayer request…My son is 9 months and has some pretty intense health problems. He has autoimmune benign chronic neutropenia, missing his left kidney, and we found out today that he is missing chromosome 2. I am feeling very lonely in this situation and my husband is in the military and on top of that we are leaving 12+hours from our family. I am praising God that we have wonderful friends and a wonderful church.


    1. Please know despite you feeling you are never alone, we are here for you. I pray God will help your little boy to be able to grow and prosper in his life. That you and your husband are together soon and that your feelings of being very lonely are able to be lifted. God bless you!

  107. I need wisdom to know whether to pursue another pregnancy after a traumatic delivery damaged my body quite severely, or if it is time to let go of that dream and pursue the dream of adoption. Both are dreams of mine (ours), but I want to hear from God if I need to lay the first one down. My husband and I are also trying to build an outdoor education business/ministry. He loves it as do the people he serves. I hear of the way God speaks to his clients and how their lives are impacted on these trips, and just long for my husband to get to do what he loves full time. We dream of a base with land where people can come and stay before they go on the adventures he leads. But it isn't sustainable yet, and he does construction to make ends meet (which many months they don't quite meet). We are praying for provision, wisdom to know what to do, for just the right partners, and for solid help/guidance.

  108. We need to figure out if we will be able to host an orphan from Ukraine again this winter. We will have to raise the money. We are hoping/needing to move in the next few months but unsure of how it will work out and the timing with hosting. There is one little girl we can't stop thinking about. We tried to host her this summer but she was unable to come due to an error in her paperwork that wasn't discovered until the last minute. We just need prayer for clarity over hosting, adoption, and moving.

  109. I just wanted to share that God has already started answering the prayers that were prayed yesterday! I asked for prayers regarding our adoption and financial situation. This morning my husband received a call from Lifesong for Orphans! They are giving us a $2000 matching grant!

    Thank you so so so much for the opportunity to share our prayer request yesterday! Thank you to all who prayed! Thank you, Jesus, for hearing our prayers and answering!

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