Love having so many treasures….big, little and those in between….and love spending time with them….
Recently Autumn and Savannah came for a visit {Karl joined them by air a couple days after they arrived – what a blast – 12 kids, 3 dogs and a mom and a dad}….
And it was soon an official “Girl’s Day Out” –
which included an afternoon of sheer delight
at As You Wish pottery…
What is it about me? I love taking pictures of my kiddos walking together….talking…enjoying each other’s company…..I think I can relate to the scripture the Lord says, “How good it is for my children to dwell together in unity…”
Anyway, any one out there ever been to a pottery place to paint?
I had never been so I thought, “Okay, whatever. It’s Emma’s idea, so we’ll have some fun, since Emma will soon be leaving and painting pottery has been on her “bucket list” before she leaves.”
Was I ever in for a surprise. What a blast! We ALL love, love, loved it.
Cup of coffee + girl talk + lots of giggles and laughs – a few tears
+ creating something beautiful = The Best Therapy a Girl Could Order
We were able to score a family discount and a coupon – so that was an extra sweet deal.
one of the sweetest christmas gifts I ever received was a painted mug from one of my students. She painted the outside with keys on the piano and the inside bottom says "all gone". It is one of my favorite treasures.
They are just so special being hand made, aren't they?
Looks like a wonderful time was had by all!
I love having all my children and grandchildren together,I think maybe its a Mom thing!
It MUST be a mom thing!
Oh Linny, you MUST go back with Ruby and do a plate with her footprints. She loves touching people with her feet. I think it would be the sweetest thing ever.
It's very expensive, I realize, but one year we took all the kids (we only had 4 at the time) and each one painted a Christmas scene on a plate. We went back and did the same after we adopted our 2 little ones. Those are our Christmas dinner dishes now. 🙂 LOVE them.
You and Love for Lily Yin had the same idea….I am going to!! She has the most precious little feet – still! They are like a size 4…which is a teeny size for a 2+ year old…great idea!
We love doing pottery!!! One of my most favorite memories is the time I took our oldest daughter away (well to a hotel in our hometown) for the weekend. We did Passport to Purity and our fun time out, was to a pottery place. We each made a small thing and then worked on a teapot together. We painted tiny little designs all over it. It took about 2 hours to complete. It is now displayed on our china hutch and each time I look at it it reminds me of our precious weekend together. By the way, LOVE the cups!!! The more color the better I say.
I'm serious, I could not express how wonderful of a time we had. So creative and joyful to do together. And I never guessed I had any creativity, but it just seemed to flow – or actually maybe 'drip' but it was just wonderful!
Could you share where you did the pottery at? I am going to be in Phoenix and think this would be a great thing to do with my mom!
Amy in Minnesota!
I highlighted it in the post…the name is As You Wish. We went to the one at Desert Ridge, which is about 20 minutes from our home. There are several in the area – and do it! It was a blast!
Could you share where you did the pottery? I am going to be in Phoenix in Feb. and think it may be a fun thing to do with my mother.
Amy in Minnesota
Every year at summer camp – our camp had a "craft house" (the main craft was ceramics). Loved it so much that for my first summer of *working* at camp, I signed up to be the Craft House Assistant. It's been a lot of years though – your photos make me want to run out and paint something! Thanks for sharing the fun. 😀
We should go together some day!! I would love to hang out with you doing it…so fun!
We did a small teapot for Anna's Forever Family Day! We loved it and seeing the look on her face when we picked it up after firing was priceless!:) She used her little bitty thumb print to make flowers on the teapot. It turned out so cute!
What a great idea to use a thumb for a flower…I'm going to have to do that with my little girls when we take them some day…I know Elizabeth would have loved it, she's always saying, "Can we do a craft mommy?"
Those are awesome!!! I think you guys need to make some for 😉 I bet those would be hot ticket items!!!
They just might be! Have to think on that!
We love to do it! Go by and get little Ruby's feet painted on a plate if you haven't yet. Each of our kids have a plate. Its expensive though, I wish it were cheaper.
What a beautiful idea. I was just remarking to Dw that I was so mad at myself for not getting prints of her feet when she came home a year ago…they still are very tiny, but they were even tinier…newborn size…but I MUST do it now! Thank you for the great idea!!
This comment does not go with this post at all but I just needed to tell you about. Tis. Just watching a news / current events program here in Australia. There is a story about an American family that have adopted 9 children, most with special needs and making a famiy or 12 children. Several of the kids are missing limbs. The point of the story is that this could not be done in Australia. Our laws are so strict and full of red tape. $50,000 plus 8 to 10 year wait normal even if you want to adopt children that you are fostering it will take at least 5years. Australia has the lowest rate of adoptions in the world.
It would be good to have prayer that the government will respond to the need to have the rules changed so that children around the world may be given homes
We are definitely blessed here with the 'freedom' to adopt in the US, but I'm afraid people don't understand what's at stake…I don't think it will be long Jen, before America will not allow it anymore either. Maybe 10 years, but maybe sooner…depending on who wins on Tuesday…there is sooo much at stake!
I LOVE "As You Wish" Pottery. ShaoXi & I have several treasures from there…and I LOVE that mall, anyways! 🙂 Next time we are in AZ, maybe we can go there together…it is a blast!
Hugs…Nancy & ShaoXi
It would be a blast and yes, that mall is beautiful. It felt like we were on vacation when we were there.
What a beautiful young woman Liberty is turning into! On your previous post, I noticed how much the "littles" are growing too, especially Elijah! What joy to watch them grow via the blog. I pray Emma's heart is mending. Been praying for her….