Praying {and Fasting} Together….

Yesterday I felt compelled to gather bloggy friends around the world to pray {and fast, if possible} in light of the most recent tragedies.  As we pray for those affected by the tragic situation in Newtown, Connecticut and Henan Province, China….many also find the needs they face overwhelming at this Christmas season…so many precious ones facing circumstances that would weary the most courageous of souls…

Terminal illness

Financial turmoil

Relationship Problems

Recent unexpected loss of little treasures

Health issues

Uncertain futures

Loved ones leaving this world suddenly

And the list goes on…

And yet, no matter the circumstance we face, God’s word is clear:   We are to offer thanksgiving and  praise to Him in the midst of it all….

Please share something you praise Him for or an encouraging scripture verse on the above post… then please share your requests on this post.

We will be honoring God by bearing one another’s burdens….

37 thoughts on “Praying {and Fasting} Together….

  1. I want to pray for safe journey as my family and I travel this Christmas season, and for protection over everyone and everything we leave behind. I pray that God, in his mercy, continues to bless and provide for us. I ask God for healing for a friend suffering from cancer. I pray also that my brother, awaiting outcomes from university applications, will be granted the desires of his heart. I pray for success in upcoming exams, and for God to continue to give me opportunities to show his love to others.

  2. I'm really struggling with one of my children – praying for God to be in my parenting. For peace and patience to be in my heart and for grace to be on my lips and in my actions.
    For the salvation of my two oldest who have turned away from God.

  3. I want to pray that my two sons will have a life-changing encounter with the Father, and will begin to follow Him with all of their hearts, souls, minds, and strength.

  4. Dear Heavenly Father – we earnestly pray for your guidance and provision in our new business venture. We pray it brings glory to you at all times and that it provides a way to bring home more treasures! Praying your peace, love, joy, and wisdom as we strive to bring home more treasures.

    In Christ,
    janet and gang

  5. Please pray for my Mom. She has terminal cancer. It has taken all of us by surprise. She is 83 but was in excellent health and we expected to have her with us for 10 more years. My mom's illness has necessitated us moving my 92 yr old Dad who has moderate Alzheimer's into a resident facility. It just feels like our family is breaking apart. And though my siblings and I are all middle-age, we are heart broken. Please pray for healing for my mom and peace and comfort for my dad. And please pray that whatever the outcome of all of this, each member of my family will be drawn closer to God through this and that each of us will prove Him to be our dearest friend, our mainstay, our anchor. Thank you

  6. Please pray for favor and wisdom as I meet with people from the bank today to see if I can redo this loan to afford to live. I want to do His will above all else. Also that He will continue to protect us from ex . I also pray for us to have peace in our home and that He will continue to show me and my littles the deeper things, and we would grow in Him. I need His help to balance being a mom, which I cherish and work and homeschooling. I pray peace and walls broken down in my extended family. Help us Lord be a testimony and that our lives will glorify you. And prayer for healing that this sickness we have been fighting will flee. Pray for my daughter who has been struggling a little , help her to trust you Lord. Lori So thankful for you Linny and this place where we can come together. Lori

  7. I have a son who is going through tremendous spiritual battle. He is a young adult with temptations all around him. We can see in his face the anguish and condemnation he is experiencing. We quote scripture to him; he knows God's word. Yet satan is attacking so swiftly to destroy this great young man. Please pray for his total surrender and peace; pray he can get the knowledge of God from his head to his heart. I ache so much for my son. I now realize the importance of pray for our children. Sad to say I failed as young mom to do this for my children. I didn't take it seriously. I just assumed because I was a Christian, my children would follow along and have an easy transition into adulthood.

    I will be praying for you all!

  8. Almost 20 months ago we started the journey to adopt a baby girl from Ethiopia. I have been praying 2012 will be the year of Jubilee where we finally get to see her sweet face. Praying for God's perfect will and timing and that He will do immeasurably more that we could ever imagine.

    1. Ugh, with the wait times extending, this is agonizing. We are waiting for a little boy. I clicked over to your blog & see that you're with AWAA too. Praying with you for those referrals to keep coming. ~Michelle DTE 3/2/12

  9. There are always a thousand prayer requests right at the front of my mind. When your life's calling is working with children who do not have a home or parents the hurt is always near the surface. Today I would request that you all pray for Yahaya. He is a boy living on the streets of Kampala who is in an extremely difficult place, but due to the sensitive nature of the situation I cannot post any details. Most of all pray that God would be so near to him. Also pray for me that I would have wisdom with every situation as I serve God here in Uganda. Thank you all so much! You are a blessing!

  10. Knee team I am asking for prayers for two of my friends today. Both of them have sick mothers, that need prayers. Specifically one needs clarification in how to proceed medically with the care of her mother, two different doctors saying opposite things. Please pray for clarity.
    The other has some big gastric issues. She is in pain and is very sick. The doctor hasn't found anything wrong, but obviously something is wrong. Her daughter is very worried about her. Please pray that they also will have clarity in how to help her, and a treatment.
    Also, I have a friend struggling with her adopted son and attachment. God lift those difficulties.
    Another friend is waiting to be matched with her child, I pray that they can find each other soon.
    Of course, as with everyone else I am praying for our nation in light of the tragedy.
    Thank you all for praying for my friends. I will be praying today for all the needs.

  11. At 11am today Colorado time (which is 2 and a half hours from now), Chuck and I will be meeting with an Immigrant offical in Denver to discuss about me living here with Chuck. We have just recently married (I am from Australia). Please pray that the Lord's will will be done regarding this, and that we have peace trusting Him and praising Him no matter the outcome. Thank you 🙂 I will also pray for all the prayer requests in here.

    1. I have a praise report!!!!!!!!!! the USCIS immigrant offical said that I could stay on in USA with Chuck while our forms are currently being processed so I don't have to go back home to Australia!!! We were surprised because we thought it might not be possible…

      Matthew 19:26b but with God all things are possible.

      Thank you so much for praying for us, what an unexpected answer! what a blessing! 😀 😀 thank you, Lord!

  12. We are praying for a friend's 13 yo son who is absolutely disrespectful, belligerent, disobedient to his parents, boastful and just plain unpleasant to be around. He has been giving his parents a difficult time in homeschooling and they are at their wit's end with him. No discipline is working – spanking, removal of priveledges, removal of gadgets, privacy & anything else they can take away. He is sorry in the moment of discipline but then turns around and begins his antics again. She has been praying over him in his moments of disruption during the school day and he continues a few minutes later. He claims he is a Christian, but there is NO fruit. My prayer is that the LORD reveals the root of this behavior – be it hidden sin, chemical imbalance, or what-have-you.

  13. We would also like prayer for our adoption. We are close to receiving a referral and are anticipating that in the very near future. We are on pins & needles waiting (=

    Also that as we are fundraising, we can be fully funded to accept that referral when it comes. Thank you friends!

  14. – For my home. Please pray for God's will concerning whether we are able to keep our home or not. We are ok w/ letting it go but just want God's will in the situation.

    – For my son Max who was taken from us via contested adoption. Please pray for his physical and spiritual safety.

    – For our future. My husband and I both long to adopt more children. But after losing our son it is scary to take the steps again. We now would like to adopt orphans internationally or children through the US Foster Care System. Our whole family thinks we are crazy after what happened w/ our last adoption. But we would like nothing more than to fill our home w/ children if that is what the Lord asks of us. Please pray that what we should do becomes clear to us. Please pray that the fear is removed from our hearts in regards to adoption.

    I will continue to keep all of your intentions in my prayers.

    Peace be with you!

  15. I have a friend who is only in her 30's, a mother of 3. She has cancer and is currently going through radiation and chemotherapy. I would love for her to be able to be mom to her children. Please pray for healing of her body and strength for her husband and children. I can't imagine what those children must be experiencing.

  16. First and foremost, I want to draw attention to & ask prayer for R*ssi@ and the orphans there. The government officials in R are soon to vote on a BAN on US adoptions from R. Essentially, they're mad about a law we passed & are seeming to use these children to get their way/revenge. More details here & at other news sources: Y'all, we need to STORM heaven on this one! Those kids need OUT. This would also theoretically impact families currently in process.

    Prayer requests for me… I am struggling. I have been back from Uganda for 2 months and 2 days now. I don't have a job, the time is ticking on my ability to continue living where I'm living, and the 2 roommates I was planning to move in with? One officially had to back out, and just this morning the 2nd one told me she might have to as well. Before I left Uganda, Abba spoke to my heart and told me that this time in the States was going to be a time of refining… and so it seems to be. And I am obviously being worked on and changed, but it is so not pretty, nor is my attitude most of the time. SO… yes… in summary: a job, a place to live, friends, a better attitude, and Abba's strength.

    Love each of you and will be praying.

  17. Please please pray for my Mom. She has MS and a multitude of other issues, including four separate battles with cancer. It is getting worse and she often cannot bear the pain anymore. She just keeps saying she wants to die and there's no point in living anymore… We are afraid for her. We don't have family, it's just my Mom and us seven kids. Three of us have disabilities too. It's just really hard right now. I'm begging God for a Christmas miracle…I don't know what else to do. It feels like my family is falling apart. Thank you for this post and for the reminder that we always have hope.

  18. Please pray for my family as our 13 yo daughter just recently started displaying debilitating anxiety/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The secular world sees it as simply a neurological disorder, but I believe this is spiritual warfare because fear and doubt come from the evil one. The timing of it's appearance also points to spiritual warfare–the episodes started right around the time our two new 8yo boys from China asked Jesus to be their savior. I am praying that this new family crisis would disappear as quickly as it came so that we would not be distracted from our goal of discipling our children. My OCD afflicted child asked Jesus into her heart three years ago, copying her younger sister, but I've never been confident that it was a true conversion. Now, when in the midst of an anxiety episode she gets very irritated if I try to pray or sing worship music further making me think we're in a spiritual battle. Please pray that she would be released from the torment of anxiety that doesn't let go and that our family would begin to recover from this assault. Only He can turn what was meant for evil into good. I pray that this crisis would be the turning point in my daughter's life that would draw her to a true, lasting relationship with Jesus and that He would deliver her from OCD. Oh, Lord, please see us through this storm and bring all glory to You, drawing us all closer to You. You got us through the last storm, bringing one child closer to You, and now I pray for another child's rescue from the clutches of the evil one who would like to steal her joy and peace. Please, Lord, draw Emily near to you with a love and peace he can't resist. Enable her to choose You and to resist the anxiety. In Jesus' name, Amen. James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

  19. Please pray for me and my fiance as we prepare for our wedding. We are striving to have an evangelical ceremony that reaches out to unsaved family and friends. We, but myself inparticular, have been feeling spiritual attacks as we move closer to our marriage. Right now I'm having problems with blurred vision that I think may be because my blood pressure is slightly high and we also have so much to get accoumplished in the next 18 days. Thank you so much. It is an amazing feeling today to pray and fast with sisters from around the world and I know it brings a smile to our Father's face.

  20. In addition to my above prayer request, I'd like to pray that in the midst of our personal trials and storms that God would enable us all to have the supernatural ability to choose peace and joy no matter our circumstances. I have been so consumed by my family's strife that I know that I have not been a good witness of one who trust in the Lord at all times. Lord, let your light shine through us and let us draw others to your strength and peace even in our weakness. Let us truly say, "It is well with my soul."

    1. I agree and I haven't had the best attitude through the storms either.

      Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

  21. I have been struggling with knee pain for several months and just found out that I have to have arthroscopic surgery to fix a tear. I also found out that I have arthritis and will need a knee replacement within 10 years. I would like prayer for the surgery and that my Knee would hold on longer. I'm too young for a knee replacement

  22. Even though we really didn't have the money to travel, we chose to go see my family for Thanksgiving. We hadn't seen them in over a year, since we live so far away. I had been looking forward to the visit for months. But not even 24 hours after getting there, the verbal abuse I've been dealing with for at least three decades began all over again. After I became ill and realized our travel insurance would not be able to cover the ongoing treatment I would need, and I also realized that I could not handle the way my mom was treating me on my own (my husband was going home to work about 10 days before me), we made the hard choice for all of us to come home early.

    My parents are Christians, and we've talked about these issues before, but my mom doesn't see what she does as abuse at all. She also doesn't remember (or admit to) the times she was physically abusive to me as an adult. I am at a breaking point, and am seeking to know what to do. I don't want to allow this to keep happening, and it's at the point where I don't feel safe leaving my child with her alone. She is used to our family just sweeping this under the rug after unsuccessful attempts to talk it out. I'm not willing to do that anymore, but I don't know what to do. I haven't spoken with her since we left last month, and we are used to talking almost every day. I don't want to speak until I know what to say.

    I wish I could see my old counselor, but we don't have the finances to do that right now. I asked an older lady at church for wisdom, but she wasn't able to give any advice. I'm just really at a loss to know what to do without either ignoring the problem and allowing it to perpetuate, or ruining the relationship with my whole family. I don't want to do either of those, so I need wisdom and guidance to know how to do what is right and healthy for myself and my family.

  23. Please, please continue to pray for a new job for my dad. Night shifts are taking a toll on our whole family. And not only that, but he is now allergic to one of the materials he has to work with. He comes home with his hands all raw and blistered. And it is now spreading up his arms. He never complains and is always telling us how happy he is to be able to support his family. But he is in pain and we really need something to open up for us soon. This job is killing him.

  24. Please pray with me for complete healing of my body. Pray that God will kill the
    bacteria. He said to me 'trust in God', so pray also that I will only trust in Him.
    Pray also that He will enable me to go to Africa next summer. I so so realy want that,
    but at this time it seams impossible. Thanks for praying, I will also pray for you.

  25. We are trying to decide if we should adopt 2 (instead of just one) this time from China. Please pray that God would speak clearly to my husband, and that I would be content if it ends up being best for us to just do one right now.

  26. I got married in February and became pregnant in April. I am now 34 weeks. However, I am living apart from my husband and 3 (step) children with no idea on when I can return to them. We live in a poor country in Central America and I adjusted well to most things but one thing… finances. I wasn't clearly looking at the money coming in to the money going out because of needing to convert it 3 times… So we are now in debt and I need to stay here in Canada to be able to pay for some of our bills. Until I find something that I can do online, I can't return to my husband. My heart hurts but I know and trust that God will lead and guide us.

  27. I praise him for giving me a wonderful supportive family! My mom had been battling pancreatic cancer since May and we have received test results that show that her treatment is working…we are so grateful. In addition, my dad had a successful procedure to close a hole in his heart…it has been a stressful time, but I am trying to remember that God is in control. We know we will soak up all the blessings of our time together this Christmas, very grateful for every minute we get together!

  28. Please pray for me and my husband and 2 kids. I have not been truly healthy for years, and am struggling to recover from giving birth in late October. We probably need to hire someone to come on a regular basis to help with the housework and childcare but I feel too exhausted to keep trying to find reliable help that we can afford, and I guess I feel embarrassed at needing to find help and wonder if I am doing something wrong that I can't handle everything better. My husband has been commuting over 3hrs a day and is pretty exhausted too. We don't have family or close friends nearby, we just moved here a few months ago.

    I feel like this is such a mundane situation to ask for prayer about when so many people are struggling with such heartbreak. But this situation has been eating at me a lot more than I realized, until I started typing it out and unexpectedly bawling. I praise God that my husband is so wonderful, and that my kids are reasonably healthy and are such an intense delight to us.

    Please pray also for our part in the Great Commission and in visiting widows and orphans, and hopefully adopting at some point.

    Thanks so much Linn for reaching out to people on the internet. I know you will understand. I think often of your stories about being on bedrest during pregnancy, with Graham I think? and of the years that you endured MS symptoms while mothering so many treasures. I have been wondering about the various autoimmune diagnoses you posted about months ago, and how your health is doing? Have been assuming no news is good news… would love to hear an update on all that when you feel it's appropriate.

    1. I don't know if I can help or not regarding your struggle to recover from giving birth, but I actually help women who have been through a difficult birth (especially if it was traumatic). I work with a group in BC, Canada and we provide everything from practical resources for physical and emotional healing to just a listening ear, because we have all been there ourselves. So if you'd like to email me, feel free to click on my profile and follow the link to email me directly. While a lot of the women we help are in our area, I've worked with many who lives across the world. So don't be bashful about corresponding. Distance isn't an issue at all. In the meantime, I'll be praying for you.

  29. I am facing a combination of so many "minor" health issues, that it is causing a MAJOR problem for me. It has become increasingly difficult to get around, as I have most recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis EVERYWHERE, but it is really affecting my knees the most. On top of that, between Super Storm Sandy, a snowstorm in Oct., my 2 uncles passing away within 2 weeks of each other, the little boy I transport to school each day being sick several times, and his school being shut down for 3 of the 6 weeks during the holidays…financial ruin sits on my doorstep. But I have seen my Heavenly Father provide over and over for ShaoXi & I…please pray for HIS peace to flood my soul, and for me to learn new levels of trust in HIM. Thank you, everyone!! ALSO…much sadness in this neck of the woods for the precious little ones who died last Friday, as well as the adults, and the survivors who are trying to find a way to carry on. I lived and worked (taught school!!) in that area for several years. Hurts my heart!

    Nancy in CT

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