From a Daddy’s Heart

Today is the day that we have long dreamed {albeit at times with a knot in our stomach} of:  the day when Emma officially was left in Uganda as a full-time permanent missionary to the orphans.

Dw is heading toward home as I type, but prior to leaving Uganda he wrote a heartfelt post.

In it he shares his feelings and thoughts….honestly, from a daddy’s perspective.

I invite you to hear his thoughts.  

He titled it:  Emma and Daddy:  I Remember

8 thoughts on “From a Daddy’s Heart

  1. Goodness. This post should have come with a "tears and snot" warning. It's the craziest feeling to feel so much joy at seeing a calling and a dream being fulfilled whilst also feeling the agony of knowing that a necessary physical distance separates that called daughter from her mama and daddy. Oh my heart. Praying for you guys…..

  2. Linny, what a beautiful piece of writing. Thank you for sharing it with us. it is really the feeling we get when our children leave for their journey…written down so nicely for all of us to read. In a past post, you wrote about grieving and the ability to grieve despite people feeling uneasy with this. It shows we do need to grieve these losses and it is ok and healthy to do so. Put that post and DW's post together and I feel like it is really ok that I grieve my children growing up and leaving the nest. So glad they are happy…so wish the years would have moved a little slower and I would have not been always in such a hurry. Thank you for your thoughts and gift of sharing.

  3. ((( HUGS from Arkansas ))) While reading Dw's precious post it reminded me of another blog I read recently that I think you will enjoy and will be an encouragement to you.

    You and Dw are the bravest parents I know and you have raised brave children to follow the Lord and who are going to leave a legacy.
    Emma may have not chosen the safe path, but she has chosen one of courage. She is called blessed

  4. I know these children are not actually ours, never have been. It sure is a delight to walk with, raise up, and enjoy each one while they're with us. May we see each one as His precious temporary gift at every moment; on our knees on their behalf and celebrating their love for and obedience to Christ as they grow and go forth unto all nations for His glory alone. Heart wrenching and pricelessly beautiful.
    Well written and lived, Dw and Linny. We love you both!

  5. I have been following your blog and Emma's for some time! My sister is a missionary with her family in Arua, Uganda (a few hours from Kampala).
    I commented to Emma that it is so hard being away from family, and yet it is so exciting being in the Lord's will and seeing the Lord use my sis and her family for His glory.
    I know a bit of your pain these past few days! It is hard, you are in my prayers.

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