Some Sunday Fun

Our family likes sports and we actually really enjoy a good football game –
 especially college games.

Yes, we do.

We play it in the yard {now that we have one} and if we don’t have a yard, we often find some grass to play a little football.  

We cheer for certain teams – none of which are actually in the Superbowl this year.  Waaaaa.

We endured the famous “Bills years” when they were in the Superbowl three years in a row and lost   Yes, we did.  We were living in Buffalo at the time and yes, it was dreadful, painful and almost humiliating.  And yes, we heard all the jokes.

But we moved on, geographically and team loyalty-wise as well.

In the pre-game show they had footage of the troops in Afghanistan getting ready to watch – that was probably my favorite part of it all.  Love our troops stationed around the world and their families who sacrifice so much!!  

You guys are our true heroes!!  xo

Yet here it is:

Superbowl Sunday

And so I have a fun question for bloggy friends:

Who are you cheering for?

I’ll tell you who our entire family is cheering for, later in the comments.  And some years, our family is divided, but this year, we are one!

We’re having some very simple yet fun snacks, Graham’s two friend are coming and the kids and Dw and I are front row and center cheering for the ____?____.

GO ______________

30 thoughts on “Some Sunday Fun

  1. While I'm going to be surrounded by 49ers fans, I have a special place in my heart for the Michael Oher story so Go Ravens! Of course, I could cheer for Patrick Willis of the 49ers too. Amazing adoption stories behind the scenes today and both families will be in New Orleans to cheer their guys on.

  2. Go PBS! While I adore college football, I just don't at all get into professional ball. Tonight I am watching Great Expectations and Downton Abbey instead of the Superbowl. I am however munching on chips and guac because dips are my favorite kind of nibble.


  3. I debated whether to respond or not since I too, like Preppy Pink Crocolile will be not watching. I will be cheering Joel on with his Bible study on Romans! We are not sports fans even though we try and the whole rest of our family gets into sports minus one. So, we wish everyone lots of fun with the game :)…..I am taping Downton Abbey and heading with Joel to church….(I know, I asked him why he would have a study tonight of all nights and wondered if anyone would come?)

  4. Have no idea who is/was playing. We just knew the best shooting spots would be open and Oliver is supposed to be a couch potato so we went shooting. We keep the kids in their car seats and put on The Sound of Music while we shoot. 🙂 Love our spot because we can see the car, but they are super safe!

  5. While we are typically Eagles fans (not that we're really big football fans…but geographically, that's the closest), I'm going for the Baltimore Ravens because I've been a Michael Oher fan since I read & watched "The Blind Side" and read his book "I Beat the Odds".

  6. Leo and I watch Superbowl every year – we stay up for it. Cos we don't get to follow the league we just randomly pick(unless its a team he loves) who to follow – so tonight we chose the ravens!
    The staying up and watching is more fun though… so we dont mind who wins!

    1. My sweet friend who lives in Ireland – I am dumbfounded that you and Leo watch the Superbowl – in fact when you left the comment Go Ravens on Facebook, I thought, "Lisa knows who's playing? WHAT?" I am very, very, very impressed. And you chose the right team this year! haha. Love you both. xoxo

  7. I'm not a huge football girl, but I watch a bit with my hubby. While we are watching and enjoying the game, his reply would still be… This year's superbowl game is whoever vs whocares. Go Steelers! 🙂

  8. I hate it when I fumble finger the keyboard! Where was I…my two fav teams are the Bengals and whoever is playing the 9'ers – so we too were rooting for the Ravens! We were at a kid oriented superbowl party – and my bride and I got a little panicy during the power failure – but that's probably more my job than anything else – we were thinking a 9/11 kind of attack – a game like the superbowl would not only provide a "target rich" environment – but also get world wide broadcast attenttion in real time! Stuff like that always scares me!

    hugs – aus and co.

    1. You and your wife were thinking the same thing Dw and I were thinking!! It just had the makings for a catastrophic event…and Aus, you and I are probably about the same age…think about it…how does a STADIUM have the lights go off when the 3rd largest event in the world is in the midst of being played? Dw remarked to me, that a stampede alone with have a significant loss of life! So thankful to the Lord that it was 'nothing' cause it sure could have been 'something'.

  9. Our house was real fun last night! My husband loves th 49ers and the rest of his (MY) family loves the Ravens! So there was cheering going on the entire game! I'm just as happy that the Ravens won! I'm also an Oher fan! My son now plays highschool football left tackle and it makes my heart smile! It's a great analogy of intercession.

  10. Since we live in the Bay Area our family routed for Red and Gold. But my ten year old son was torn because while he loves the niners, he also just recently watched The Blind Side and really wanted Michael Oher to get a Superbowl win too.

  11. Linny (and anyone else who happens to read this),

    I am writing this because I could really use some prayer today. I am in the process of adopting a little one with special needs from Vietnam and it looks like I might be about to come up against some mountains. In speaking with my homestudy social worker last week, she said that she (and her boss) have concerns. She didn't go into details but based on our first meeting, I think these concerns have to do with her not understanding my motivation (adoption is my first choice, I'm not "settling"), feeling like I'm "giving up" too quickly on finding a husband (I'm only 28) and that this will ruin my chances of doing so, etc. All of this essentially comes down to my faith but given that that is something we do not share, it is hard for me to explain it any other way that makes sense to her. My next homestudy meeting is tonight. God has given me great peace about it and I know that He is the one who has the final say in all of this, no one else. Still, I can use all the prayers I can get…


    1. I will be praying Andrea. I was reminded of all the times in history where 'man' has been disapproving and YET GOD works so powerfully in the midst! He IS mighty to Save!!

    2. Thank you! BTW, I had the priviledge of meeting Dwight on the flight back from Entebbe… Neither one of us were really in all that chatty of a mood but it was still great to meet him!

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