The *Block*

This week has managed to fly by, even faster than the rest it seems.

I miss you all!


Even you lurkers – I miss you, even though I don’t even know you’re there. {ha!}

There are so many things I want to tell all of you.

Things like:

What the specialist said when Ruby went yesterday – her visit was so stinkin’ a.m.a.z.i.n.g.!  We almost didn’t even need to drive home – I was that flying high!

Then there’s the post I have half written about four young adults I know – the fingerprints of God all over their lives.

I also thought about telling you all about a young boy whose story has captivated our home.

And then there was the post about some kids who are praying for you {perhaps}.

Or the post about our retirement that is also half written.

Or the one about our “lifers”….

And the list goes on….

But I can’t decide which to write first…there is so much to say – I have heard of a thing that others have called *writer’s block* – and so maybe that’s what this is…

Now if you knew me in a normal crowd setting {in which I am *not* in charge} you would say I was pretty quiet {because I am, for real}…  However, when my hands touch a keyboard, all those stored up words, well that’s a different story – and truly *writer’s block* has never been a problem.  But yesterday and today it is…..

So I guess I’ll go for a short walk with Ruby in this perfect Phoenix weather and see if the fog or whatever it is will clear.

Or maybe some chocolate would help.

Or maybe the walk while eating the chocolate….

36 thoughts on “The *Block*

  1. Marie,

    So I just had some chocolate…but I like your suggestion, so I think I will grab another piece {since you insist} =) and go for the walk with some chocolate.

    1. Haha! That sounds like the best plan! My hubby just brought me a little treat…an AERO bar. Not sure if you can find those in the states, but, oh my goodness! It is SO good! They've come out with a new version of it and the bubbles simply melt in your mouth!

    1. Awwww, you're sweet. Your kindness makes me smile. I'll be back. Think I'm still kind of recouping from this past months of selling, searching, finding, packing, moving, Dw's hospitalization, Emma moving, Dw being gone 3+ weeks, and all the 'every day stuff' too. But if you saw my draft box, you would see there are plenty 1/2 written…xo

  2. Love the photos! Here in dreary PA where it is cold and grey, but not cold enough for ice skating, and all the snow storms keep missing us so we can't play in the snow….I am ready for spring! Will look forward to those future posts. 🙂

    1. I will tell you, there is a blog friend of mine who lives in SC I think. She would talk about the flowers coming up and there I as in cold, snowy Colorado, often under mountains of snow…and I wasn't truly jealous, but always thought, "How blessed you are, one day we're going to move to Phoenix"…and FINALLY{!} it's my turn! Yippee Jesus! Bless you my friend – I'm a sucker for pictures of flowers…so maybe some of these will give you 'hope'!! xo

  3. Yes, a walk can be so refreshing as is chocolate. All of these things I would love to read and I know your inspiration will return. Sometimes we just need to be quiet even in our writing. May He fill you and renew you and refresh you. I am just so thankful you share your wisdom and words with us when you have so much on your plate. You truly inspire me and I love reading anything you write.

    1. Liberty was so sick, Dw gone with the bigger kids, that I was unable to leave Liberty. So I had to forego the walk. But not to worry, the chocolate was indulged in {a speck}. Okay, maybe more than a speck, but not much!! Am prayerfully going to write in a bit…Ruby's in the sink. =)

  4. I can't wait to read all of those posts!!
    So go ahead – eat a lot of chocolate and take many walks as you praise our heavenly father!!

    Love you dear friend and miss you!

  5. There you go teasing us again! I have big plans for our yard but I am, for sure, planting a dogwood this year even if that's all I can do! They have a special place in my heart!
    Can't wait to hear about Ruby's appt! Sheri

    1. Teasing? Awww, come on now, I gave hints. And yes, a dogwood is so beautiful. Are you familiar with the "red bud" tree? We had them on our properties when we pastored in Virginia and they are stunning. In fact as I typed that, I got a lump in my throat. I miss some of those sweet memories.

    2. Oh Yes, Love our redbuds! Well, the redbuds at our old house!

      Go ahead and keep teasing us! We wouldn't know what to do if you just threw a story out there without a bit of drama!! It wouldn't be the same!! HEE!

  6. I'm with Karen! We must be neighbors! I also live in DREARY PA. We never have winter here, just blah! Everywhere else in PA gets wonderful winter snow, but we don't. Had I known this 8 years ago…. Anyway, Linny, I love reading your posts no matter what. This is my favorite blog to read. You are such an inspiration to many. Thank you for being used by God for your intended purpose. Enjoy your warm weather; I'd hate it out there! 🙂

    1. Hey ladies, I grew up in Buffalo. I *know* DREARY. The sky in Buffalo? Gray. Different shades of gray, but gray. UGH. I remember when we moved to Virginia Beach and I would go to the window each mornign and say, "Whitey, it's blue! AGAIN!" Soo thankful I live in Phoenix…perhaps one day you will be my neighbor. In fact the house acros the street is for sale. For real. xo

  7. I just had some chocolate for breakfast with my coffee. I'm looking forward to your posts, hoping I'm one of those your kiddos are praying for (even though I don't comment often). You've been very encouraging to me even if you are not aware of it.

  8. I hope you went for a walk with Ruby, while eating chocolate. I must say that sounds like it would have been wonderful. From a lurker who is trying to not be one. 🙂

    1. So proud that you are de-lurking. Love that you peeked out. It's not so scary once you do it a few times. And no creeper will show up on your doorstep. Promise. xo

    1. Another lurker de-lurking. Yay!!

      Yes, we live in Phoenix. And we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. LOVE IT. We had always dreamed of living in Phoenix…people would say, "You won't like the summers!" Are you kidding me? I LOVE the summers. Every single degree of it. And truly, if it was summer year 'round, I'd be sooo tickled.

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